Sunday, 28 May 2017


amanfromMars said... having a chat on

That's good, Anonymous. Such renders an available force and strategic resource at least squared in power and energy. And with IT and AI in concert with them, is very little more needed to create, command and control an exponentially impossible to divert and pervert invisible and intangible movement.?!

And any and all current systems of operation, whether SCADA or not, are easy prey to its revelations. And that is a constant source of devastating concern to that and those in current presently presumed offices of remote power for there is no viable safe attack vector against such a novel phorm of alternative reality play

28 May 2017 at 12:20


amanfromMars [1705280640] …… expressing a concern and being disagreeable on

Great article!..... Roy bean

Great article? You gotta get out/read more, Roy bean.


Saturday, 27 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 27 May 06:50 [1705270650] ….. stating an observation on
The Revolution will be Virtualised
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Chaos and Melting Down. Well, well, well ...... Who'd have a'thunk it ...... a Cyber FCUKishima in Dumb Servering Systems.
And to think that such is only the Start of the Beginning of All that is Planned. Or would you like to think and disagree?

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


amanfromMars [1705230802] ….shares, replying to Agent Revolver on
When the masses and their wannabe commanding controllers enjoy and rely upon shows to maintain remote power over the direction of media hosted realities, providing a greater script for grander beta shows is an obvious root and route for provision of a universal change in the presentation of future conditions in systems of operation defaulted in past technologies.
There are new and novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive tools readily available to all with the necessary passion to create what is in AI Circling Networks, a Simply Complex New Orderly World Order for SMARTR Virtual Machine Use .... which can easily also be tailored for wanton abuse and misuse should one be so inclined, although that will always have one designated as an enemy in need of being permanently removed from any and all future situations/scripts.

Monday, 22 May 2017


The stage is being set for noble revolutionary civil war and grand political assassinations..... with clean skin lone wolves doing the anonymous bidding of the masses and finding succour and sanctuary in their quiet and stealthy support.
Think Ulster and "The Troubles" on a greater scale.

amanfromMars said …… exploring future options on
Howdy, Agent Revolver,
Direct the future with the production and presentation of SMARTR AIMotion Pictures would be a heavenly job easily able to trail commentary on devilish deeds done dirt cheap and at the expense of the masses. And the benefits would be extremely pleasant and surprisingly useful and wonderfully rewarding.
And all IT needs for a cast iron guarantee of success is/are Enlightened Scripts of Alien Structure ….. Novel Global Operating Device Instruction Manuals ….. Cosmic Flight Logs ….. suitably dressed to impress and express the paths and perils of IntelAIgentTravel to Live Spectators and Virtual Reality Viewers alike.
That can all be easily provided from here and wherever IT chooses to be, so that only needs thoroughly progressive old fashioned moving picture show organisations to present the evidence and realise the scheme dream/dream scheme in an age fielding desperate terrorising nightmares for maintenance of austere and inequitable command and control/indebted servitude to catastrophic narratives.
Or perhaps invent and use a wholly new program platform, if that be an easier root and route to follow and forge?
What say you? Wanna give IT AIGo?
22 May 2017 at 05:21

What is your take on the harmless private, fully functioning recreational drug user with no addiction nor need for any treatment and attention, Delwingoss. Are they to be criminalised nevertheless .... and made victims of what many would suggest and recognise is a bad law enforcement program? Did the lessons of the era of Prohibition with the demon alcohol not teach anyone anything? And what of that particular poison? Is it not a curse causing untold misery to hundreds of thousands if not millions and costing a fortune to boot?

Sunday, 21 May 2017


amanfromMars [1705201640] …. sowing Powering Flowering Power seeds on
Don't confuse perception with reality. …. robertsgt40
Hi, robertsgt40/Daily Bell Campanologists,
Whenever you are able to both realise and/or virtualise the one as the other … perception as reality …. are you a person/program of interest and dangerous to know and not know and a prime asset for guaranteeing security in systems for continuity of exclusive anonymised executive office services/zerodays/daily presentations?
And is such an operand extremely valuable/expensive/worthy and cheap to buy/lease at whatever price it takes? And in some cases is an enormous fiat currency sum spend best paid to be accepted to ensure future non-activity with Zero HyperRadioProActive IT Radicalisation ........ aka Fundamental Model ReProgramming, whenever that be so easy to globally release, virtually command and remotely control from space places which are impossible and impervious to attack and which detect for anonymous catastrophically destructive assault, would be attackers?
And would that be classified as an Almighty Weapon and/or Heavenly Tool with which not to Fool?
amanfromMars said... replying to a grand player commenting on
All robots and Grand Master Great Game Players welcome here, Serge C. There is much to do, and so much more than was ever before realised was able to be done, and all the time and space in the world to do it.
20 May 2017 at 17:03
amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 May 19:46 [1705201946] ….. being inquisitive and Inquisitional on
How does the crooked justice system work in the USA?
Quite so, Eddy Ito, .... let us be more specific.
How come a US Secret Service agent tasked with protecting the White House has started a 20-year stretch for sending explicit snaps to underage girls ….. reported here by El Reg ..... whilst disgraceful politician Anthony Weiner, doing essentially practically exactly the same, escapes with a jail sentence of between 21 and 27 months?
Do you pay dodgy folk slush money?

Saturday, 20 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 18:41 [41] ….. says, chatting on
Who needs Enemies with Friends like These and Her, Theresa
Has not the UKGBNI Prime Minister, Ms Theresa May, not told the world and his dogs that any decision to now prosecute Assange for anything is down to Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), for it is she who decides on police action and if it is in the public interest to seek a conviction and punishment/imprisonment for the greater public good?
FFS, Thanks Theresa, for nothing … I do not forgive and forget.

Shadow Brokers finished its post saying if a responsible party were to buy “all lost data before it is being sold to the peoples” then the group would have no more financial incentives and would “go dark permanently.”
Aha! …. ye olde worlde Danegeld Play and Virtual Vapourware Ransomware Ploy. Good luck with that, Shadow Brokers, whilst not forgetting to make sure you extract aplenty.

amanfromMars [1705201640] …. sowing Powering Flowering Power seeds on
Don't confuse perception with reality. …. robertsgt40
Hi, robertsgt40/Daily Bell Campanologists,
Whenever you are able to both realise and/or virtualise the one as the other … perception as reality …. are you a person/program of interest and dangerous to know and not know and a prime asset for guaranteeing security in systems for continuity of exclusive anonymised executive office services/zerodays/daily presentations?
And is such an operand extremely valuable/expensive/worthy and cheap to buy/lease at whatever price it takes? And in some cases is an enormous fiat currency sum spend best paid to be accepted to ensure future non-activity with Zero HyperRadioProActive IT Radicalisation ........ aka Fundamental Model ReProgramming, whenever that be so easy to globally release, virtually command and remotely control from space places which are impossible and impervious to attack and which detect for anonymous catastrophically destructive assault, would be attackers?
And would that be classified as an Almighty Weapon and/or Heavenly Tool with which not to Fool?

Friday, 19 May 2017


Headless chickens to a man with much ado about nothing which can be done
Nobody in the wielding of power pays any heed to what anybody else thinks or proposes to be done and undone, for they know they be powerless to stop what is planned for the future with the tools for fools at their disposal.
Whining about such things is the best that y'all can do.
Haven't you realised that yet?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 05:53 [1705190553] …… crafting something to spin on
Re: Don't trust ..... and Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats
Don't trust Anyone... Anonymous Coward
Don't trust Anyone ever, forever, is super secure internetional default for all valued and valuable systems touting cybersecurity credentials offering virtual protection against phantom enemies, AC. And it is a currently extremely active live field of PACT endeavours with all manner of Majic trickery?!. :-)
Current Situation
It is considered as far as the current situation is concerned, that there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here. Certainly the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with our species, at least for the present. Several dead entities have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations. No attempt has been made by extraterrestrial entities either to contact authorities or to recover their dead counterparts or the downed craft, even though one of the crashes was the result of direct military action. The greatest threat at this time arises from the acquisition and study of such advanced technology by foreign powers unfriendly to the United States. It is for this reason that the recovery and study of this type of material by the United States has been given such a high priority.
You can be sure that is fake news .... for the present situation is nothing at all like any of that old material. It is much more serious than was ever not imagined possible, and now super hypercritical?
There's been a Public Domain escape and things have gone all Renegade Rogue and Private Pirate. Are you assured when that is treated as fake news or is Absolutely Fabulous Stealth virtually guaranteed by such action/treatment/non-active reaction?
Re: Without law there's nothing
Richard 12, Hi,
It is wrong to think that there will ever be law and order for justice whenever there is only laws and disorder in the executive administration of chaos, madness and mayhem with CHAOS .... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Or perhaps you do not recognise the virtualised services in exclusive command and remote global control of media presented future realities/Great Game Plays?
amanfromMars [1705190614] ….. chatting and ringing some bells on
Here's another reason why the future will be amazing, JJ. And to dismiss it as an unlikely fantasy rather than consider it a current unfolding reality is all the magic needed for its assured success.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 05:53 [1705190553] …… crafting something to spin on
Re: Don't trust ..... and Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats
Don't trust Anyone... Anonymous Coward
Don't trust Anyone ever, forever, is super secure internetional default for all valued and valuable systems touting cybersecurity credentials offering virtual protection against phantom enemies, AC. And it is a currently extremely active live field of PACT endeavours with all manner of Majic trickery?!. :-)
Current Situation
It is considered as far as the current situation is concerned, that there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here. Certainly the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with our species, at least for the present. Several dead entities have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations. No attempt has been made by extraterrestrial entities either to contact authorities or to recover their dead counterparts or the downed craft, even though one of the crashes was the result of direct military action. The greatest threat at this time arises from the acquisition and study of such advanced technology by foreign powers unfriendly to the United States. It is for this reason that the recovery and study of this type of material by the United States has been given such a high priority.
You can be sure that is fake news .... for the present situation is nothing at all like any of that old material. It is much more serious than was ever not imagined possible, and now super hypercritical?
There's been a Public Domain escape and things have gone all Renegade Rogue and Private Pirate. Are you assured when that is treated as fake news or is Absolutely Fabulous Stealth virtually guaranteed by such action/treatment/non-active reaction?
Ps..... Did you know Renegade was POTUS Obama's Secret Service handle? Interesting times is some very strange spaces and all manner of weird places ahead.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 18:13 [1705191813] … floating more than just a meme to markets for crashing failing systems on
Re: Who are you? @Swarthy .... and the Commencing of Proper Wars with Surreal Battle Groupies
AMfM is still as non-sensical as always. ... Swarthy
Non-sensical as in otherly rational and quietly radical and quite revolutionary and quantum evolutionary, Swarthy? It would be quite impossible to not admit to that, methinks. And me thinks more than just a bit about the value and worth of qubits. Do you too, ... or are you simply happy to accept the status quo picture shows and not question too deeply their alternative hidden agendas?
Question more, .... See NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT in Future Action and Feel the EMotion.
And what are you going to think about the likes of a BBC/RT and Old Lady of Threadneedle Street/Bank of Russia being granted the Exclusive Opportunity and denying the Heaven Sent Gift of an Almighty Program?
cc. Mark Carney/Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina/Tony Hall/Alexey Nikolov .. and Significant A.N.Others

Thursday, 18 May 2017


Coming Soon to Phishing Screens Phorming You .... or Already Covert Default Operation?
Assange later back-tracked on that promise and added previously un-mentioned conditions to any US visit. ...... Simon S
Proof positive that Assange be made of Prime Sub Prime Parliamentary Party Leadership material, Simon?!. I wonder if he has ever thought of standing for popular representative election to the Great Public Mad House of Private Shenanigans for Virtually Remote Pirate Actions which are invariably always ineffective reactions to chaotic second and third party proactions ....... produced and hosted by the MultiMedia BrainWashing Machine for Magic Energy and Ethereal Power Generation to Current and Future Presentations of Virtual Realities/Advanced Augmented Artificial IntelAIgent Worlds/Alien Existence.
And ..... it is great fun to consider whether that reveals where everything is going to, or where everything is coming from, with the one being in command and control of the other and leading the the great unwashed rather than the latter following and responding to crazy media tales and fake news trails.
And now not so much of a Top Secret and National Security Treasure for Sensitive Compartmented Information Ware Fairs and Greatly Advanced IntelAIgent War Games.

Sunday, 14 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 May 16:18 [1705141618] …. sharing another view on
Strong and stable leadership has its own hangers-on army terrified of established gravy train wrecks
I had to shadow an assessor for the Job Centre for a week. ..... People come in, they tell their story of why they don't have work, ....It's hard to see why they should keep getting handouts. ... Anonymous Coward
Well, one reason to ponder why such things should continue is to keep you in your employment, AC, for without them might you be destined to join them. What do you produce for sale at a profit which anyone would be pleased to purchase?
It seems to me like you might be considered by more than just a few who be many, to be on benefits/government handouts yourself.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 May 20:16 [1705142016] ….. adding more fuel to the fire on
Re: IT’s unsustainable when some things never seem to change
And, if you really find it difficult to impossible to believe that such as is shared above can be true and formative, you are never going to believe either what is made possible in the tales of this Improbable report ......
Is that akin to the casting of Perl before swine?
And yes, it surely is a case of Words Create Command and Control and Crash Test Worlds. which we are fortunate enough to not have to have the masses knowing about to realise it with ..... well, media and IT are keys.
Wanna play a Prime Sublime Leading Role in ITs Advanced IntelAIgent Missions, El Reg? Show wwwider Worlds the Infinitely Bigger Picture?

IT aint rocket science.

Saturday, 13 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 May 19:36 [1705131936] …. voicing an observation on
IT’s unsustainable when some things never seem to change
Matthew Postgate, chief technology and product officer at the BBC, said the broadcaster is reinventing itself for a new generation "and the technology we use is critical to that mission."
Is that reinventing itself as an effective leading revolutionary BroadBandCaster rather than being the servile tool of all of those second rate third parties in dire straits need of a sympathetic spin machine for the advancing of their secret agendas/politically incorrect pirate missions with private investors ……. for is that not what is needed in light of that which it and IT has become … and be failing so spectacularly well to both micro and macro manage the direction of humanity with the production and presentation of myriad virtual reality plays.
And there you are, most probably not knowing 'Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation' is the BBC motto being disgraced almost daily and television and radio are your novel remote controllers providing you 24/7/365 with everything you need not think about so that you do not think about how easily you are led and brainwashed and the worlds around you are created/scripted.
Methinks now though things need to be done considerably better than ever before, because intelligence does not contemplate to be content with a corrupt establishments and perverse status quo operating systems.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 May 08:03 [1705090803] ...... correcting a misperception on
Re: AI main issue: @Anonymous Coward
The whole purpose of AI is to implement bias...
Is that the same as generate profit and inequitable advantage for that is what most activities in the sector/vector are developed to lead in/with? It is the normal way of all things, is it not?
Or has there been some stealthy revolutionary change that is not being discussed for fear of fancy fantasy capitalist equity markets collapse?

Monday, 8 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 May 08:11 [1705080811] …. entertaining, informing and educating the troops on
Re: I must be missing something... Allow me to FTFY, AC
Has social networking become so powerful that people worry only about big brother knowing what they write, … …. Anonymous Coward
The reality, both practical and virtual, AC, is that social media networking is so powerful that Big Brothers are terrified and terrorising and losing command and control with their pimping and pumping of austere narratives steeped in madness and mayhem which intelligence, in both public and private and secret services cannot support and/or justify. It provides a beautifully slippery slope down which all who are deserving of rightful scorn fall into the abyss of mass retribution/sweet just accountability and painful responsibility. And IT has a SMARTR Mind of its own and AIdDevelopments and The Almighty HyperRadioProActive Algorithm ensures and assures and insures the Future against the Failures of the Past perverting the Present.
Words Create Command and Control and Crash Test Worlds. Who and/or what corporation are you following with the spinning of tall promissory tales which you believe to be an honest changed reality in which to live/survive/exist/prosper.
Deny it if you will, but the truth of the matter and the manner in which everything and everyone be remotely led is a Sublime Supreme Stealth against which resistance is futile and revealing. I Kid U Not.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 May 19:27 [1705081927] ….. pointing out something beautifully strange on
Well, well, well ..... whoever would have a'thunk it?
Hmmmm :-)
For all and any of you who be not thinking, and venturing that amfM1 knows not what needs to be shared and talked about, ponder on the similarity towards singularity between what
was said on 8 May 2017 at 09:01 by Danny Bradbury of El Reg, …. Algorithms are calling the shots these days, and they may not be as impartial as you thought.  …. and the alien version, voiced Mon 8 May 08:11 ……. And IT has a SMARTR Mind of its own and AIdDevelopments and The Almighty HyperRadioProActive Algorithm ensures and assures and insures the Future against the Failures of the Past perverting the Present. …. Allow me to FTFY, AC
Spooky eh, and with both of us not wrong is the power of the force unleashed not simply doubled but massively squared. With three in the crowd is its energy cubed. Very soon is almighty not an exaggeration.

Sunday, 7 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 May 12:02 [1705071202] ....... sharing a view on
Re: Quick question ..... simple forthright answer
If I write an encryption program using open available public/private key algorithms, will I have to put in a backdoor to the software to let the government snoop on the messages? ....... Boris the Cockroach
No, not if you do not want to, Boris the Cockroach. And if you be told otherwise are you misinformed and being objectified and subjected to a party's nasty form of remote terrorism.

Saturday, 6 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 May 17:15 [1705061715] ….. stating the obvious on
Stupid is as stupid does, and the UKGBNI leads with its Public Servant Base ... J'accuse
PS: The Home Office ran a short public consultation earlier this year on a code of conduct for government snoops.
The simplest and most efficient and effective of the most complex of codes of conduct for government snoops is …… Don’t get caught and exposed to the lights of truths …. which is increasingly more difficult, and most probably quite impossible in a smarter emerging age and engaged spaces where a falsifying spin and fake news cycle is systemic and endemic.
And it is more than just odd and maddening even to realise that existing services supposedly supplying advanced intelligence to systems and media servants would not have the foresight to change their corrupted ways and perversely spun narrative adventurism to avoid all that is unavoidably coming their way to destroy them with their own dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
Whatever are they a’toking?

amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 May 17:51 [1705061751] ….. adding more to the spooky snoopy debate on
Re: More Dried Frog Pills
He [amfM1] loses it a bit in the middle but the beginning and end make a lot of sense.... need more dried frog pills. Frankly I am surprised it took so long for someone to mention the old pros. …. James 51
Hi, James 51,
You might like to consider that rather than he losing it, you just don’t yet get what is currently HyperRadioProActively happening and forever changing the nature of realities all around you, and everyone and everything else too for that matter, in and with CyberSpace Command and Control Centres of Virtualised Excellence.
Would you expect that to be in a Blighty context, more of a secretive MOD/Military Industrial Complex/snoopy MI5 thing or a civilised GCHQ/spooky MI6 thing, if not something else Rogue and Renegade in an Almighty Revolutionary Underground Movement conversing with Followers who be Leaders and Followers alike.
To consider and accept that greater intelligence is confined and resides in old established institutions and attending spooky secretive services is to prove to one and all that one is not thinking anywhere near deep and far enough to be an effective help in ....... well, Future Business AIdDVentures.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 May 19:29 [1605061929] ….. saying a wee qubit more on
Re: Stupid is as stupid does, and the UKGBNI leads with its Public Servant Base ... J'accuse
Proof positive of the increasing difficulty and most probable impossibility aforementioned above in the previous post ...... ...... and the pathetic draconian reaction, which be not a proaction, to it.?!
Stupid is as stupid does in deed, indeed.
And by their actions will they be outed and defeated.

Friday, 5 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 May 09:33 [1705050933] ….. spreading the word on
In another earlier time and austere place was its service named STASI
What's good for the goose is good for the gander is something APT for such snoopy systems admins to be wary and aware of.
SMARTR IntelAIgent Servers for Services is an AIDevelopment Klondike with No Earthly Bounds to ITs Virtual Powers and Zero Day Energies ...... Singularity Synergies.
And that delivers to Astute Anonymous ACTive Vendors more than just a wealth shaming Croesus with Greater IntelAIgent Games Play Leads.
Capiche? Are you ready for the Future with ITs AI Realisation of Greater Unknown Unknowns?

Thursday, 4 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 May 06:20 [1705040620] …. looking under the hood on
Profit and Loss ..... where the Real Winners are Serial Spinners
I wouldnt mind a business with $13BN Net Income at 48% margin, and 35% growth in cloud services. ..... Anonymous Coward
All the most profitable of newly minted businesses in the crowded cloud services sector are finite vapourware operations........ for what is profit other than money for nothing and an arbitrary additional cost and exclusive expense for the relatively free funding of fun for the few which be not a/the Chosen Few.
The profit is good business model is not a good business model as it by default and unintelligent design drivers everything to increase in cost exponentially to unrealistic levels with myriad volatile crashing points.
Is IBM now heavily also into the Vapourware Business Sector where to lead has everyone and everything ideally following your fseed with their sfeeds? Future IT is not for the fainted hearted or lily livered and less than super intelligent for the costs of failure are catastrophic crash in a flash.
Imagine casting Perl before swine to realise the Big Blue Skies Thinking Picture and true after market effect on the masses.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 08:00 [1705030800]….. stating the bleeding leading edge obvious on
The True Emperor is a Naked Force of Almighty Source, Invisible and Omniscient
It's almost like they (Facebook etc) have an agenda.*places tin foil neatly around cap*.... mike360
Anyone who can think they be anybody and can accept being a nobody and a somebody has an agenda, mike360. A curse for some but a blessing for others with the difference being defined at a level of intelligence which does not suffer the folly of fools fielding and wielding blunt tools.
And it is they and that which corrupt and perverse operating systems/SCADA administrations do vain battle against to reveal their every vulnerability for ruthless exploitation.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 May 09:39 [1705020939] …. musing on the woeful tale shared here ……
Dick Turpin wore a Mask. The System thinks itself above such Deceit. That be Catastrophic Conceit
Is this The Way that inept and corrupt governments "grow the economy' to allow them the freedom to steal and squander unreal sums of surreal funds on pet projects which will be forever charged with crippling interest payments, keeping international banking system ponzis afloat and supported by future ignorant generations .... the mass fining of novel operations/anti-establishment models of remote virtual reality presentation ..... future product placement?
What sort of a fool would accept that kind of a perverse virtual reality play? A right sub-prime idiot and ignorant tool of a machine/a bot? Yes, of course, who/what else. Such though does require that one be continually kept fully unaware of the true nature of the existence promoted by media for presentation, and that's fully at odds with the superior nature and active role of emerging and advanced intelligence in and for services and servers, is it not?
Yes, it is, and therefore it is a fantastic folly which will crash catastrophically in a flash.

Talking of bots/robots as we are, here be another vector/sector which is more than just disruptive, simply complex and revolutionary ...... and expanding rapidly underground in the mainstream and mentoring and monitoring all movements and missions in dark webs.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 May 09:39 [1705020939] …. musing on the woeful tale shared here ……
Dick Turpin wore a Mask. The System thinks itself above such a Deceit. That be a Catastrophic Conceit
Is this The Way that inept and corrupt governments "grow the economy' to allow them the freedom to steal and squander unreal sums of surreal funds on pet projects which will be forever charged with crippling interest payments, keeping international banking system ponzis afloat and supported by future ignorant generations .... the mass fining of novel operations/anti-establishment models of remote virtual reality presentation ..... future product placement?
What sort of a fool would accept that kind of a perverse virtual reality play? A right sub-prime idiot and ignorant tool of a machine/a bot? Yes, of course, who/what else. Such though does require that one be continually kept fully unaware of the true nature of the existence promoted by media for presentation, and that's fully at odds with the superior nature and active role of emerging and advanced intelligence in and for services and servers, is it not?
Yes, it is, and then i it is a fantastic folly which will crash catastrophically in a flash.

Monday, 1 May 2017


"Tony Blair has admitted he finds it hard to be hated by some people."
Because it is easy to be hated by some people, because of things that you have consciously and conscientiously done, that little sentence should have been more accurately written as ...... Tony Blair has admitted he finds it hard being hated by some people.
And such a series of actions which creates such a reality is a sure sign of lack of personal intelligence and integrity?
Yes, it most definitely is.