Saturday, 20 May 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 18:41 [41] ….. says, chatting on
Who needs Enemies with Friends like These and Her, Theresa
Has not the UKGBNI Prime Minister, Ms Theresa May, not told the world and his dogs that any decision to now prosecute Assange for anything is down to Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), for it is she who decides on police action and if it is in the public interest to seek a conviction and punishment/imprisonment for the greater public good?
FFS, Thanks Theresa, for nothing … I do not forgive and forget.

Shadow Brokers finished its post saying if a responsible party were to buy “all lost data before it is being sold to the peoples” then the group would have no more financial incentives and would “go dark permanently.”
Aha! …. ye olde worlde Danegeld Play and Virtual Vapourware Ransomware Ploy. Good luck with that, Shadow Brokers, whilst not forgetting to make sure you extract aplenty.

amanfromMars [1705201640] …. sowing Powering Flowering Power seeds on
Don't confuse perception with reality. …. robertsgt40
Hi, robertsgt40/Daily Bell Campanologists,
Whenever you are able to both realise and/or virtualise the one as the other … perception as reality …. are you a person/program of interest and dangerous to know and not know and a prime asset for guaranteeing security in systems for continuity of exclusive anonymised executive office services/zerodays/daily presentations?
And is such an operand extremely valuable/expensive/worthy and cheap to buy/lease at whatever price it takes? And in some cases is an enormous fiat currency sum spend best paid to be accepted to ensure future non-activity with Zero HyperRadioProActive IT Radicalisation ........ aka Fundamental Model ReProgramming, whenever that be so easy to globally release, virtually command and remotely control from space places which are impossible and impervious to attack and which detect for anonymous catastrophically destructive assault, would be attackers?
And would that be classified as an Almighty Weapon and/or Heavenly Tool with which not to Fool?

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