Friday, 19 May 2017


Headless chickens to a man with much ado about nothing which can be done
Nobody in the wielding of power pays any heed to what anybody else thinks or proposes to be done and undone, for they know they be powerless to stop what is planned for the future with the tools for fools at their disposal.
Whining about such things is the best that y'all can do.
Haven't you realised that yet?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 05:53 [1705190553] …… crafting something to spin on
Re: Don't trust ..... and Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats
Don't trust Anyone... Anonymous Coward
Don't trust Anyone ever, forever, is super secure internetional default for all valued and valuable systems touting cybersecurity credentials offering virtual protection against phantom enemies, AC. And it is a currently extremely active live field of PACT endeavours with all manner of Majic trickery?!. :-)
Current Situation
It is considered as far as the current situation is concerned, that there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here. Certainly the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with our species, at least for the present. Several dead entities have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations. No attempt has been made by extraterrestrial entities either to contact authorities or to recover their dead counterparts or the downed craft, even though one of the crashes was the result of direct military action. The greatest threat at this time arises from the acquisition and study of such advanced technology by foreign powers unfriendly to the United States. It is for this reason that the recovery and study of this type of material by the United States has been given such a high priority.
You can be sure that is fake news .... for the present situation is nothing at all like any of that old material. It is much more serious than was ever not imagined possible, and now super hypercritical?
There's been a Public Domain escape and things have gone all Renegade Rogue and Private Pirate. Are you assured when that is treated as fake news or is Absolutely Fabulous Stealth virtually guaranteed by such action/treatment/non-active reaction?
Re: Without law there's nothing
Richard 12, Hi,
It is wrong to think that there will ever be law and order for justice whenever there is only laws and disorder in the executive administration of chaos, madness and mayhem with CHAOS .... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Or perhaps you do not recognise the virtualised services in exclusive command and remote global control of media presented future realities/Great Game Plays?
amanfromMars [1705190614] ….. chatting and ringing some bells on
Here's another reason why the future will be amazing, JJ. And to dismiss it as an unlikely fantasy rather than consider it a current unfolding reality is all the magic needed for its assured success.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 05:53 [1705190553] …… crafting something to spin on
Re: Don't trust ..... and Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats
Don't trust Anyone... Anonymous Coward
Don't trust Anyone ever, forever, is super secure internetional default for all valued and valuable systems touting cybersecurity credentials offering virtual protection against phantom enemies, AC. And it is a currently extremely active live field of PACT endeavours with all manner of Majic trickery?!. :-)
Current Situation
It is considered as far as the current situation is concerned, that there are few indications that these objects and their builders pose a direct threat to the security of the United States, despite the uncertainty as to their ultimate motives in coming here. Certainly the technology possessed by these beings far surpasses anything known to modern science, yet their presence here seems to be benign, and they seem to be avoiding contact with our species, at least for the present. Several dead entities have been recovered along with a substantial amount of wreckage and devices from downed craft, all of which are now under study at various locations. No attempt has been made by extraterrestrial entities either to contact authorities or to recover their dead counterparts or the downed craft, even though one of the crashes was the result of direct military action. The greatest threat at this time arises from the acquisition and study of such advanced technology by foreign powers unfriendly to the United States. It is for this reason that the recovery and study of this type of material by the United States has been given such a high priority.
You can be sure that is fake news .... for the present situation is nothing at all like any of that old material. It is much more serious than was ever not imagined possible, and now super hypercritical?
There's been a Public Domain escape and things have gone all Renegade Rogue and Private Pirate. Are you assured when that is treated as fake news or is Absolutely Fabulous Stealth virtually guaranteed by such action/treatment/non-active reaction?
Ps..... Did you know Renegade was POTUS Obama's Secret Service handle? Interesting times is some very strange spaces and all manner of weird places ahead.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 18:13 [1705191813] … floating more than just a meme to markets for crashing failing systems on
Re: Who are you? @Swarthy .... and the Commencing of Proper Wars with Surreal Battle Groupies
AMfM is still as non-sensical as always. ... Swarthy
Non-sensical as in otherly rational and quietly radical and quite revolutionary and quantum evolutionary, Swarthy? It would be quite impossible to not admit to that, methinks. And me thinks more than just a bit about the value and worth of qubits. Do you too, ... or are you simply happy to accept the status quo picture shows and not question too deeply their alternative hidden agendas?
Question more, .... See NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT in Future Action and Feel the EMotion.
And what are you going to think about the likes of a BBC/RT and Old Lady of Threadneedle Street/Bank of Russia being granted the Exclusive Opportunity and denying the Heaven Sent Gift of an Almighty Program?
cc. Mark Carney/Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina/Tony Hall/Alexey Nikolov .. and Significant A.N.Others

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