Monday, 16 November 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Nov 09:13 [2011160913] ........ getting it right out there on

Jumping Off the Fence into the Thick of IT .......

Whenever one can equate and accept cyberspace policies as new electromagnetic spectrum strategies, and non state actors as a private commercial sector with master pilot and/or pirate type enterprises on active operations, one does need to be genuinely creative and radically inclusive* rather than exclusive and wannabe elitist in order to gain or remain relevant in any novel field of almighty endeavour ...... but it will never be because it was agreed to by any committee.

And you can bet your shirt on the fact that the Pentagon realises that. for it not as if they are not so advised in publications, is it. However, what they might actually effectively do with that dump/pump/sort of information/intelligence is most probably best imagined, whenever effective, a closely guarded, admirable secret ....... :-) as is the way of the likes of a military defence business operation based anywhere.

GrahamC [2011021430] ....... commenting on

Re: Pentagon Unveils New Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy

"Some U.S. officials have expressed concerns about opening up portions of the electromagnetic spectrum used by the Defense Department to commercial companies on the grounds that it could potentially interfere with military systems and operations."

It is certainly guaranteed to do at least that, but the DoD has no choice other than to engage with the private commercial sector, and pirate enterprises too, if they wish to remain anywhere near the leading edge of future developments with any sort of meaningful impact being made available to them, for such is the dynamic virile nature of the beast they need to husband and harness nowadays.

Indeed, there was a recent time whenever such appeared to be in vogue in No 10 and the Cabinet Office and with Tory toffs but quite what eventually subsequently happened there to that initiative inviting "Weirdos and misfits with odd skills ... Unusual software developers ..... Great project managers ..... deep experts on TV and digital and if you’ve done something weird, this may be the place for you, super-talented weirdos" is somewhat unclear :-) ...... and if currently scuppered, rather than being armed and deployed, must surely be classed as yet another resounding epic fail.

And one would then be duty bound to ask ...... Is there something in the water at Downing Street that renders such madness and mayhem in conflict with CHAOS ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Nov 13:09 [2011161309] .... adding some cream to the dessert on

Re: Jumping Off the Fence into the Thick of IT .......

And re above screed, one would like think it something freely shared eventually almost immediately with/for Five Eyes allies at least for them also to further consider and ponder upon ‽ .

It is not as if there are no Ready UKGBNI Facilities and Utilities to Engage and Explore with/Embrace and Expand in/Import and Export with, for there are at least two activated and available ...... National Offensive Cyber Programme (NOCP) and UK National Cyber Force (NCF)


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Nov 16:34 [2011161634] ........ airs a cautionary tale on

Clear Favourite Here ....

Well I have noticed my most recent posts have been rejected recently ... .... Cliff Thorburn

An obvious question to ask then, CT, is that because they are revered or reviled? Only the one answer will be pleasing and pleasant in pretty much equal measure.

If you can answer that truthfully yourself, it pretty well steers your current course of action to where it belongs and is much appreciated, revealing as it would so much about what can be planned for.


amanfromMars [201116129] ..... musing on

"That for me is a game-changer," Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said.

Sounds also like a Great Game Changer too, Stephane.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Nov 15:45 [2011161545] ..... saying out loud and clear on

When not a bug, is it an AI Feature for the Appliance of ........ well, Spooky Science quite adequately and accurately describes ITs Flavour to Savour and Favour?

I don't think this is a bug – but that's not the same thing as saying it's intentional. Instead, I suspect this is the emergent outcome of a confluence of decisions made to square the needs of both commerce and user experience.

That's as nice an elegant statement of the fact as ever I heard, Mark Pescoe. Was brainwashing ever before so effective and stealthy and beautifully prescribed?

And as for ......

So what do I do about my television? It's just a window onto a vast cloud of servers and content and recommendation algorithms. It can't fix this problem. Neither, it seems, can I.

.... surely the question to better ask and receive a positive reply to is .... What do we do about television for it's not just a window onto a vast cloud of servers and content and recommendation algorithms for it can fix almost all practical problems, remotely and virtually?

Isn't that what it and IT and AI are extremely useful and almightily convenient for .... in order to more than simply engage and entertain and enlighten powerful subjects upon for and in complex operations hosting Live Operating Virtual Environments?

Isn't that what the Murdoch clan, [to name but one obvious candidate], are heavily invested in?



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