Sunday, 22 November 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Nov 09:37 [2011220937] ..... stating the obvious on

Re: A government spokesman said:

The new force will be responsible for distorting the facts, protecting the public from the truth and preventing anyone from posting anti governement memes on Facebook, because weve tried so hard to cover up everything over the last 8 months and failed dismally, never mind about Brexit. ...... N2

And will those fascists be brown shirted too, N2, and be run from/for No10 ?

Do they realise that is revolutionary ...... and will end in their being drowned in floods of their own tears ..... for such a proposal as the above is akin to official state actor terrorism, with a well defined enemy to be dealt with/taken care of, either publicly or privately, militarily or paramilitary?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Nov 14:38 [2011221438] ..... looking for answers, if there be any worth knowing, on

Re: "but they don't have common sense"

> So how are they different from humans?
Even more limited? ..... ThatOne

Oh? Do they know they are limited?

By what and/or whom ...... is surely something left hanging to be asked ..... and answered if there be a suitable candidate/scapegoat?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Nov 14:52 [2011221452] .... saying more and digging down deeper on

Re: What are we actually discussing about?

There is the "personal reality", which is quite simple but eminently different from person to person, often even contradictory. And there is the "physical world reality" which is huge and terribly complicated, very intelligent scientists are spending their whole lives in an attempt to grasp even tiny aspects of it.

We easily could model the first kind, although one would wonder why bother. The second kind is waaay beyond our capacity to understand, and thus to emulate. We have good notions how specific and limited aspects of it might work, but that's about all. ..... ThatOne

If that be true for you, ThatOne, and something you wholeheartedly and fervently believe, is it just a personal opinion expressed and revealing to every man and his dog that the second kind is waaay beyond your capacity to understand.


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