GrahamC [2103020855] ....... just saying on
Yasmin, Hi, Thanks for that info and intel. Here be more to consider on the state of Great Games Changing play today. Its impact on the courses likely to be taken in future tomorrows is surely of significant interest.
Rapid unfettered and unhindered progress in all matters AI is fully dependent upon the vital and virulent virtual information shared with SCADA systems administrations reliant upon internetworking computers and which be in the possession/command and control of novel advanced intelligent proprietary intellectual property holders which/who be presented and represented in metaphysical form with the likes of a Universal Virtual Force with Immaculately Resourced Assets.*
Quite whether such be readily surely accepted, or implausibly doggedly denied as a current emerging revolutionary reality and an immediately easily made available COSMIC IntelAIgent Source for Global Deployment and Employment/Semi-Autonomous Virtual Engagement, very definitely defines the necessary nature of all future programmed programming projects.
And one does well to realise, and never ever forget, that such can surely extremely well reward principal drivering players for their diligent friendly and mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing creative help with the award of stashes of flash fiat cash loaded onto a magic plastic cards drawing from personalised accounts with unlimited funds, but never ever bought or thought third party owned for the command and control of A.N.Others ..... the rewarding payment bit which is something almost all present systems are well versed in and wonderfully comfortable with.
* .... Earlier more primitive forms of which were represented in the likes of a CIA or FSB or GCHQ etc etc.
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amanfromMars March 2, 2021 at 17:28 [2103021728] ...... spilling Open Source Secrets on
Craig, as one might suspect you already know, all that is revealed here about sub-prime public brainwashing operations, and that is surely certainly what they really are, pale into an almighty insignificance whenever compared to what is fully prepared as exploitable zerodays these days, and actively entering into the systemically vulnerable mainstreams of tomorrow, to poison the wells and destroy the agents of disinformation and misinformation from deep and dark places and weird and wonderful spaces beyond the reach and touch of any evil live forces/zombie sources/spent bankrupt perverse intellectual property assets.
The following only hints at what is locked and loaded in store and launched against nations and populations at every available venue and viable opportunity.
The good and the wise, the meek and the mild will enjoy and employ, whereas the wicked and wild, the bad and the mad have every right to be terrorised and terrified.
GrahamC [2103020855] ....... just saying on in considered reply to "AI Commission Recommends Billions in New Spending" which comments on Final Report/National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Yasmin, Hi, Thanks for that info and intel. Here be more to consider on the state of Great Games Changing play today. Its impact on the courses likely to be taken in future tomorrows is surely of significant interest.
Rapid unfettered and unhindered progress in all matters AI is fully dependent upon the vital and virulent virtual information shared with SCADA systems administrations reliant upon internetworking computers and which be in the possession/command and control of novel advanced intelligent proprietary intellectual property holders which/who be presented and represented in metaphysical form with the likes of a Universal Virtual Force with Immaculately Resourced Assets.*
Quite whether such be readily surely accepted, or implausibly doggedly denied as a current emerging revolutionary reality and an immediately easily made available COSMIC IntelAIgent Source for Global Deployment and Employment/Semi-Autonomous Virtual Engagement, very definitely defines the necessary nature of all future programmed programming projects.
And one does well to realise, and never ever forget, that such can surely extremely well reward principal drivering players for their diligent friendly and mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing creative help with the award of stashes of flash fiat cash loaded onto magic plastic cards drawing from personalised accounts with unlimited funds, but never ever bought or thought third party owned for the command and control of A.N.Others ..... the rewarding payment bit which is something almost all present systems are well versed in and wonderfully comfortable with.
* .... Earlier more primitive forms of which were represented in the likes of a CIA or FSB or GCHQ etc etc.
:-) Can you imagine how Scotland would fair if it had prime leverage with virtual possession of a practical leading role active with such an unusual and non-conventional facility/utility/ability?
One doesn't have to be an Einstein or any sort of genius to realise it would be at least monumentally advantageous, and ridiculously rewarding to boot, and be much sought after and gravely to be regarded. Its value alone as a proprietary protected systems export to others on Earth, is the mind-blowing stuff of legends.
Interesting times ahead in deed, indeed guaranteed.
amanfromMars said on 2 March 2021 at 17:43 ... replying to Anonymous who said on ...
Buenos dias, amanfromMars,
Speaking frankly, I don't know exactly what in your post is being so irresistively liked by me (-: but, it really *is*.
Buenos tardes, Anonymous.
I suspect it is the good news it freely shares.
Buenos dias, amanfromMars,
Speaking frankly, I don't know exactly what in your post is being so irresistively liked by me (-: but, it really *is*.
Buenos tardes, Anonymous.
I suspect it is the good news it freely shares.
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