Saturday, 6 March 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Mar 06:10 [2103060610] ........... airing a fresh perspective on

It's Never Too Late when Ahead of the Curves in the Future.

You can't control language. Deal with the accepted definition, or forever be shouting at pigeons in the park........ fnusnu

A String of Words [aka language] creates, commands and controls and destroys worlds. Ignoring and misusing them is perilous, with consequences able to be both generally catastrophic and personally deadly.

It is why GPT-3 Research, and that's a reasonably innocuous plain wrap for the vehicles testing the high ways and byways and underground channel tunnels of the human mind, is proving ..... well, let us just say challenging rather than controversial and lucrative and distressing. The field is a Bot SkunkworX and into XSSXXXX Guaranteeing of Future Success to Excess ..... Almighty Reward.

That's what makes it so addictively attractive to the humble human being and gluttonous slave master alike.

Language controls you, ..... sublimely and stealthily, and clearly supremely with powerful revelations advising and instructing one always best planted for seeding and sowing in plain sight.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Mar 08:34 [2103060834] ...... says on

Oh, surely not? Although Global Operating Devices do Work in Mysterious Ways and Means and Memes

-- most people read us a few times a week, not multiple times a day. .... diodesign

I wonder how many sharing commentary here then would be classified as amongst the Few? And would any of them be worthy of the moniker and deny it? :-)


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Mar 18:07 [2103061807] ........ just saying out really loudly on :-)

Re: Changing the Crap that Is Out There .... A Dummy's Guide 4How2

What whenever it can be, and therefore is, and there be so much more than just the One of Us

How would you respond/react and reply? Would you hope everything else goes away and/or your way? Would you consider it better dealt with more as a joint operation, with the very real possibility then, circumstances willing, that one may be able to exercise stellar lead. ..... assume and release future source provision?

That practically changes everything, virtually immediately everywhere one might know currently exists presently.



The difference, according to the Journal, is that this Chinese hack was "more of a shotgun blast, infecting tens of thousands of victims or more."

Shotgun blast or cluster bomb/fragmentation grenade?


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