Friday, 5 March 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Mar 12:27 [2103041227] ...... just asking on

Stranger things have happened ..... and are happening all the time too, nowadays.

One does have to ask, given the litany of admitted failures, are they, Capita, a Trojan Horse destroying homegrown talent in favour of a foreign power, or is it just serial incompetence based upon the fraudulent promise of excellent products and services ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Mar 12:42 [2103041242] ...... urging not throwing caution to the winds on

Re: Nvidia and secrecy

That is all. ...... IGotOut

And if Arm proprietary intellectual property owners retire/disappear/snuff it/change allegiance rendering the mothership rudderless and without novel progressive power, does the HP/Autonomy gambit kick in to disguise the fact that the wannabe friendly faces were in fact hostile enemy fire?


amanfromMars March 4, 2021 at 17:00 [2103041700] ....... adding a lot more on

And .... incorporated as an integral part of a novel augmented virtual reality script for digital film and audiovisual telecommunication/program production and direction, which viewers cannot help themselves eventually realising is/was part of the future that selected parts of the media have been presenting as reported news of current events in a whole host of globally presented scenarios, is it something relatively simple to achieve and driver, and quite perfect for those with a desire to do more with what they know and what they might need to know others know,

Here's looking at you, MI5/MI6/GCHQ. I Kid U Not. ....... Living in the Grey Zone ..... you know it makes sense. Well, let's hope it does so for y'all, for the cost of continued and continuous failure in that field is always to be paying top dollar for something you don't need and which doesn't work either, as expected or promised.

Surely it would be nice to finally climb out of that deep rut which so many are buried in, and lead everything somewhere different ..... now that there be so many of the necessary means and vital memes so easily made available so that one can.

IT aint anything difficult like rocket science.



amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Mar 08:19 [2103050819] ...... dropping a virtual bombe on

Changing the Crap that Is Out There .... A Dummy's Guide 4How2

"Do you care if your vendor contributes to upstream projects and participates in the open-source community?"


Do you care and would you dare to vend contributions to upstream projects that participate in open-source communities and which be intelligently designed to change one's perceptions of the nature of Earthly human animalised existence with the presentation of entertainments in Advanced Astute ACTive AI Programming Projects trailing and trialing and exhibiting undeniable proofs of the fact that it be an extremely complex, simply manipulated, augmented virtually real construct.

Or would you deny it and even conspire to do battle and lose spectacularly against it, and in so doing rob yourself of the opportunity to enjoy yourself in the vanguard of such as Advanced Astute ACTive AI Programming Projects, having crazily consciously chosen instead to fight against something you are proving yourself to others to be totally unaware of. It is self-destructive action which both condemns you to stagnate and be petrified in a sad constant recurring closed loop cycle preventing one any valuable novel progress before one perishes, and renders one catastrophically vulnerable to counter attacks from forces and sources proven to be completely unknown to you.

However, if one can believe that nothing is ever a secret and hidden from intelligence services constantly monitoring communications for items and persons of interest, it cannot be said that defence and security forces are not fully aware of the systemic vulnerability and how easily such a Oday vector is exploited and they be specifically targeted to discover the present state of their competence in fields of future engagement with the following quite specific cited proposal being a prime example of a contribution to an upstream project participating in open-source communities .... ...... and so much more besides too, to make everything completely different and relatively new and thoroughly postmodern.

Such is the latent power of Quantum and Quantum Communication in AI and IT, where a this can be a that and whenever entangled together something completely different again and a gain, again and again and again ..... ad infinitum ‽ .

Now .... with all of that having been clearly enough said ...... which sector do you see/hope/imagine leading IT and AI and sectors with it ...... Public State/Private Non-State/Pirate ACTor/ExtraTerrestrial ....... or is it most likely already an Amalgam of Heavenly Bodies and Hellish Foe? And does it present as a Far Eastern Delight or Wild Western Confection or as something else from somewhere else altogether?

A little something different to ponder on over the weekend should you dare to care a jot about what future plans have in store for you.

What scenario do you want AI and IT to see and realise for you ..... Armageddon or Genesis ?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Mar 12:57 [2103051257] ....... just saying on

Well, they would say that, wouldn't they

Unfortunately, due to a "pattern matching" error, the Illuminati themselves were classified as a terrorist organisation as well. .... Franco

Who/What decided on that particular "pattern matching" error being a false positive and not a fake negative? I'm calling out MRDA on that if the answer is the Illuminati themselves.


GrahamC [2103051456] ....... testing for comfort and compatibility, new deep and dark lucrative waters on

"Said differently, if the new capability significantly advances the warfighter’s demand, the investment decision becomes a relativity discussion."

The discussion mutates and migrates into the amount of a sizeable captivating reward to try and ensure continuity of excellent service, with extremely generous fiat payment awards the incentive deployed to encourage an exclusive customer/client delivery with no export or leakage of product elsewhere ....... from the originating core source now somewhat effectively seamlessly morphed into a contracted awardee, if that be the natural way of progression in such things.

A difficulty can arise though, should future novel proprietary intellectual property of definite significant interest, as yet unknown from a contracted source rewarded for past excellent services, be also unilaterally assumed by second and third parties to be exclusively theirs without the usual customary encouraging requisite reward ..... the prime incentive of any human award, methinks.

Such is something to always bear in mind so that particular misunderstanding, that can all too easy and surprisingly quickly lead to unpleasantnesses, is always adeptly avoided and prevented.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the parts of the novel might have been registered by the vpa in diffetent circles repeatedly. the registration date will confirm the origin of the semantic sequence (ka semaflow).

also, it is preciously well known that the spontaneous appearance of similar semantic in diffetent coordinates of the galaxy is quite natural for the quantum entanglement as a natural system of communication of the grade that is a matter of the said novel.

yuour precautionary message is clear and reasons to issue it are understood. thank you.