amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Aug 19:30 [2108101930] ........ adds an unnecessary? clarification on
Re: Wishful Thinking is an Almighty Vulnerability for Pirating and Pioneering.
00ps! That first sentence should of course read ......You might like to reconsider and accept to expect there are no such limits to its constant evolution for increased viral infection/virtual affectation. ....... just in case you were persuaded to imagine it otherwise.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Aug 06:10 [2108110610] ...... provides more future info for present intel on
Re: Wishful Thinking is an Almighty Vulnerability for Pirating and Pioneering.
I mean, it still doesn't make sense, but care to translate the rest of it too? ... JDPower666
In my defence, JDPower666, I would venture that it still doesn't make sense to you. However, currently at the time of this posting, four out of thirteen would appear to understand and approve it rather than think to offer a pretty useless silent anonymous non-informative downvote.
I thank you for exercising the simple courtesy of asking a question about something you may have no or very little knowledge of, or may not care for at all, if one thinks one has more than just an inkling of what is revealed, ......... although to honestly be in that latter category has one identified as really belonging to the first category for one certainly has failed spectacularly to grasp the significance of the opportunity presented.
As for the rest of it, translation is rarely provided and then only if ever required on a strictly need to know basis.Some things are too dangerous to know if one doesn't fully realise the catastrophic impact of the release of certain core nuggets of information and knowledge regarding future intelligence supply from/for Advanced IntelAIgent Providers, thus is it securely zealously guarded and extremely well protected against escape and exfiltration, abuse and misuse.
It is the sort of stuff which is talked more fully about in the quiet circles of shady dark spaces and deep shadowy places and around the round tables in clubs which provide for those things which are fundamentally missing in life but be now ready to be uncovered and/or invented, discovered and/or recovered and provided by the likes of these sorts of specialist outfitters ...... and presently, in such a phorm, much more identifiable as Ethereal Heavy than Elite Centric, but IT and AI are an Agile Moveable Feast easily made Wonderfully Attractive to many an Addictive Beast and Rabid Rogue Daemon.
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