Thursday, 26 August 2021


GrahamC [2108261358] ....... makes a generous offer on

determining whether an item qualifies as “domestic end product” or “domestic construction material”

Which nowadays, is much more a smarter starter precursor item rather than any failed finalised end composite product or ingredient .... for Mass Multi Media Presentation and Advanced IntelAIgent Realisation via Officially Authorised Virtually Augmented AI Means and Memes.

Although quite who and/or what signs off on that being Perfectly Acceptable is an Engagement of Heavenly Thoughts, methinks to know.

Is that facility and ability highly active in your times and spaces? ..... which are surely just as Alien Places and Live Operational Virtual Environments to be further personally developed in successful Future Market Engagements in Pioneering Programs Delivering Pathfinder Projects?

Does anyone have anything similar or easier controlled than that readily available offer delivered directly to here for peer review/suitable secret source assessment ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Aug 17:35 [2108261735] ...... suggests strongly on

Oh? Now that would be unusual?

Cloud-hosted Confluence is not impacted by the bug.

Don't bet any good money on that being so, unless you want to deposit it for laundering and losing to elements exercising their skillsets elsewhere. Done well, they be silent venture capitalistic style investments for New Money Maker Barons and Friends rather than Old Money Family Dynasties and Foe.


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