Wednesday, 25 August 2021


GrahamC [2108250419] ..... asks on

I have only one question to ask, and would understand full well the many reasons why one would not want to reply? However, even that though tells one enough and far too much of an an honest tale and true trail able to direct others elsewhere, other than where there be those supporting rapidly expanding U.S. and Israel operations, on an appropriate course of disarming action/stealthy infiltration.

Are satellite communication startup LEOcloud in a partnership with supercomputer company Ramon.Space building new satellite cloud computing devices for both commercial and military customers in the traditional physical hardware form or in the novel effective revolutionary ethereal software form, which is definitely not an ineffective hybridised vapourware project ...... for the ethereal latter is what their contemporary market peers are fielding in competition and/or opposition to such a laborious program/compromised task as is the possible former/a hardware program?

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amanfromMars [2108250843]....... says in a reply to another likeable soul on

Having a secure and safe place in easy communication with others of a similar disposition and intent, to imagine and remotely realise resulting shared mutually beneficial dreams/future command and control led events, cannot fail to be personally rewarding beyond one's wildest expectations. Kick open, step through and walk right on in past that vanished and vanquished door and it isn't an IT Hell before you. It is the exact opposite. And ...... whereas you might then be the newbie, .... how nice it is to discover there be so many others who have travelled similar enlightened paths and practical spells in the virtual wilderness with a whole lifetime of experiences in heavenly fields to welcome one to the fold and assist one into suitable accommodations.

25 August 2021 at 08:43


amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Aug 12:02 [2108251202] ...... airs an alternate universe and augmented virtual reality on

Re: A period of reorganization of a new future order will come as a real shock to some

And we fully intend to be at the top of that order.
Hey, that's capitalism for you. ...... Pascal Monett

Well, it certainly was the aim of capitalism, PM, but it is proving itself a rapidly failing and fundamentally flawed project, is it not?

The first two posts on this page more than suggest the leadership mantel resides elsewhere foreign, and if not in the West then where other than with those in the East for a welcome change, although that is not to imply that capitalism does not have a vital bit part to play and enjoy in a support rather than leading role?


GrahamC [2108251434] ........ says on

I look forward to learning what Uncle Sam has learnt and/or is still learning and is still yet to learn about Space Command.

Welcome to the ITs Vast Fields and Grand Valuable Open Source Domains.

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