Monday, 16 August 2021


August 16, 2021 at 07:44
[Your comment is awaiting moderation.] ........ talks of a much bigger murkier picture on

Stevie Boy, Hi,

Politicians are well down the command and control chain and are but as useful as chaff in the battle for the capture and captivation of hearts and minds. There is a lot more to be learned of such matters from a browse of pages offered from the post copied below here ....

amanfromMars [2108150915] ..... offers another much clearer view on a right dodgy matter on

The increasingly destructive and crippling problem Uncle Sam has is of its own making*, and is neatly and succinctly summed up in the following few words .......

...the enemy that has had Russia in its crosshairs for over two centuries now, is the same system, or structure of power that has taken the American people and their government captive, squandering America’s wealth and destroying her prosperity in their drive to build a global empire. This enemy is the global financial oligarchy that has been able to impose control over most nations of the world through their system of money and credit and their central banking franchise. ..... The Killing of William Browder  …

The vile enemy that is effectively destroying America is the cancerous growth that prints dollars from within in order to continue to survive and spread its malignant and malevolent infection and incestuous addiction to unwarranted power worldwide?

And if the honest truth be told, y'all know that to be perfectly true too, but haven't a clue about what to do to halt the disease and remedy the situation without creating a great panic and manic reaction.

* ..... or do you identify another agent responsible for leading with that observation? 


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Aug 17:04 [2108161704] ..... posits on

So what's new? It's a relatively ancient novel art although AI and IT have certainly transformed it

China National Radio commentator Zhang Keyue lamented that mostly teenage players could easily be influenced, eventually misinterpreting the game's historical fiction as true.

Oh? So? The Wacky Wastrel West has been using television and radio/audiovisual telecommunications since it was ever invented for that sort of remote virtual influencing* ...... spinning yarns for folk to believe for real ..... and it is quite effective ...... but far from perfect whenever the scripts don't match the views on the ground and the audience is smarter than the publicised performers/mass multimedia pwnd stars.

Has it done any great harm? :-)

* quite practical brainwashing


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