Tuesday 11 June 2024


amanfromMars 1 Mon 10 Jun 17:27 [2407101727] ...... enjoys being agreeable on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2024/06/06/mike_lynch_cleared/

Re: Well done elReg. Praise where praise is due.

Seconded, I am Spartacus.

Three cheers and drinks on the house for Thomas Claburn and Chris Williams, who excelled in keeping us abreast and up to date on the HP shenanigans from day one of the situation.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Jun 09:06 [2406110906] ....... airs/speculates on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/11/apple_built_ai_cloud_servers_os/

What's not to like when a pirate AI and virtual phish-free zone ‽ .

Apple exploring the failsafe secure private closed shop root route. Nice one, Apple. All of the profits belong to us, eh? That’s the way to do IT. Bravo.


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