Sunday, 23 June 2024


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Jun 20:17 [2406222017] ... adds on

Furthermore .....

Because you and/or TPTB [The Powers That Be] choose to not avail yourselves of the opportunity to engage with parties worthy of being granted the Danegeld option, are you guaranteed to suffer significantly greater losses and more discomforts than be usually attributable to crass ignorance and wanton arrogance and delusional denial of the rapidly approaching inevitable and totally unavoidable and devastatingly disruptive and Great Game changing.

Such is a well enough known to those in the know, and a quite pathetic, systemic human weakness providing all manner of disgraceful vulnerabilities for exploit and export to interested third parties in a vast selection of foreigns lands and alien environments .... ’tis a curse of a gift which just keeps on giving.


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