Friday, 21 June 2024


amanfromMars [2406210841] ..... airs on

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One could say again, ..... for it has already been said elsewhere with particular and peculiar specific regard to all that so evidently worries NATO type leaderships, and which is being echoed here on National DEFENSE by European Command leader and Supreme Allied Commander Europe Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, .... the following take on emerging and burgeoning matters very aptly covered and described as “This isn’t just pistols anymore, this is very complicated stuff.” ..... for it most certainly is and only able to be effectively marshalled by a very select unchosen few.

"Wannabe heroes on a phishing expedition for future leading competition able to deliver almighty opposition and crushing defeats from and for positions in suicidal self-destructive defence of the indefensible and inequitable embedded deep behind ACTive enemy front lines in the plush C-Suite offices on Easy Money Street ……. is not Failsafe Incorporated Superintelligence, and thus is anything and everything less naturally catastrophically vulnerable to stealthy 0day exploit, remote makeover and virtual takeover by that which is ……… and would be Future Creative Command and CyberIntelAIgent Control for Computers and Communications or vice versa, CyberIntelAIgent Command and Creative Control with Computers and Communications which is something else altogether similarly quite different and just as equally shocking.

But only the likes of an ignorant fool or arrogant tool expects the past to present the future without progress being evident rather than accept evident future progress presents the past in its original empty virgin form for pioneering colonisation and repopulation…. an alien assimilation allowing for both production and projection of mass media simulations partnering with studies and studios virtually realising Titanic AIMoving Pictures …. Live Operational Virtual Environments for engagement and employment, exercise and deployment but not as you were expecting them, nor how you may have been expecting them to be so easily, readily delivered.

How else are you gonna deliver to the uneducated barbarian and the undereducated human a SMARTR Future Progress and its Derivative IT Markets and AIdDevelopment Ventures they can see specifically for them to know of the future and to try and have a rewarding successful starring part in as they grow and age/learn to live and eventually die in and at peace with the worlds one has inhabited/cohabited with‽ Do you have another New More Orderly World Order plan/application/program/project ‽"

[The above is a comment in reply to an article on The Register entitled "OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever's new startup aims to create 'safe superintelligence'" but it is equally appropriate here in reply to threats shared in "Russia to Threaten NATO 'For Years,' Supreme Allied Commander Says”]


amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Jun 16:00 [2406211600] ...... airs on

SSI: super statistical inference @Neil Barnes

If it is only competing and/or opposing and not leading, is such Safe Superintelligence Inc. product just super statistical interference, Neil. ...... just another porky snout in an increasingly overcrowded feeding trough.


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