Saturday, 15 June 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Jun 19:49 [2406141949] ...... reveals a tad more on

To build a Future Ark, are Postmodern Blueprints required ‽ .

With particular and peculiar regard to a temporary stage-post destination with the plans delivered that supply further future travel/operations/stealthy proprietary economy-growing opportunities, here be a prime example to dare deny and declare nonsensical rather than realise and accept is both practically and virtually real, and invisible and intangible too, and thus more than just novel and quite impossible to ignore whenever responsible for titanic event leverage beyond hysterical conventional and traditional historic command and control.

And such is the universal nature of future things in store and supply pipelines yet to come. I Kid U Not.

amanfromMars [2406140749] ..... shares on

Josh, Hi,

That report, "JUST IN: Air Force Shifting to ‘Systems First, Platforms Second’ Approach", sharing the view of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin, might more than just suggest, and such would only be able to be confirmed, or denied, by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin himself, the future nature of over air conflict resolution is in the waging and winning of virtual battles waged increasingly effectively online with a combination of communicating machinery delivering payloads impacting hearts and minds ....... which you might like to discover is a forte of/for Per Ardua ad AstraMetaData Sources and Radical AIr Forces already deeply embedded in SCADA operating systems and in stealthy current covert ACTive deployment in all manner of fields ripe ready for fundamental change of future specific focus and general direction ..... or not, should you wish to deny it a rapidly unfolding reality to be enthusiastically embraced in favour of it being popularly branded as an existential threat to be universally feared. 


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Jun 06:04 [2406150604] ....... advises on

Re: New Zealand changing words? Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

And penclis apparently rule and are perfectly acceptable here..... until they don’t and aren’t, .... as is similar to a present situation for publication and those versions of reality constantly reinvented and abused by clones of the past that have been here before and return unchanged to prove very little, verging on the practically nothing, has been learnt by humankind/Earth bound foundlings......

Take great care and be aware ..... Words can, both at any time and at all times, choose or be chosen to create, command and control and/or destroy worlds in next to no time at all .... so beware both woefully ignorant and arrogant precocious misuse which be akin to prime evil abuse which attracts the worthy attention of forces and sources doling out generous retribution.


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