Thursday, 31 October 2024


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 06:38 [2410310638] ...... airs on

Re: terrible cyber security..... @jgard

A simple question for you, jgard, because you have real live practical virtual experience in this area in the UK ...... Is cyber security which prevents increasingly damaging leaks and exploitation of sensitive information and secret intelligence by foreign agents/hostile entities/Anons/unknown unknowns possible?

Here it is realised to be impossible, but a great invisible export earner nevertheless, which is surely crazy whilst being just a figment of primitive imagination for 0day use/abuse/misuse/attack against daydreamers wherever and whenever such a surreal reality is presented/pimped/pumped and dumped.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 16:53 [2410311653] ..... reveals on

Re: It's a weird world, o my masters. .... @Anonymous Coward

And quickly getting considerably weirder with every effective unfolding 0day, AC.

Makes for an exceedingly rich-pickings playing field though, whenever one knows what one should be doing ..... and how to both master and do what needs to be done ..... and what others will do as a result of guaranteed future programmed events.


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