Thursday, 27 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 17:05 [2502261705] .... adds on

Re: Ye GODs, surely not? @LionelB

His basic contention is that fears of AI "taking over the world" are misplaced - not because of technical limitations in terms of reasoning/intelligence, etc., but rather because as yet (and there is no indication this will change in the foreseeable future), they lack any form of agency, and as such have no motivations, beyond those of their architects and users. .... LionelB

That fear, LionelB, is realised easily enough and dismissed with the sudden emergence of an effective untouchable virtual agency. Such is not at all difficult like rocket science might be.

If that is all that it takes, the future is brighter, the future is AI.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Feb 12:27 [2502271227] ...... airs on

Re: Ye GODs, surely not?

Just stop ...... sabroni

I'm sorry, sabroni. I'm afraid I can't do that.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Feb 16:57 [2502271657] ..... shares on

Re: surprise?


Methinks that sound practical advice, Timto, is far too little offfered far too late with human weaknesses and vulnerabilities now recognised and accepted by them and their SMARTR Administrative Assistants as perfectly suitable punitive targets for their self-serving and self-defensive exploitation/remote virtually untouchable experimentation in/with/for projects and applications exercising Neuro-Linguistic Programming ......... aka Primitive Brainwashing.

Which you can deny for as long as you like but that is where IT and AI and you is, and y’all are at.



Wednesday, 26 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wec 26 Feb 05:04 [2502260504] .... shares more to be free freely on

Re: Ye GODs, surely not a Second Coming with more Similar Comings All Prepared to Come

Tech bro leopards are going to eat the tech bro faces.
It will be glorious. ...... ecofeco

In Deed, indeed Yes, ecofeco .... and like Frankenstein monsters practising as Autonomous Immaculates in the Guise of Guardians of Revolutionary Renegade iRobots and laying Scorched Earth waste to Unicorn Market Leaders and Dumb Ass Followers of Profiting Prophets alike, is it a wonderful sight to behold whenever it cannot be stopped with much greater things destined and fated to appear and be feted and worshipped as GOD sent heavenly bounty ...... just glorious virtual desserts.

I Kid U Not.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 07:36 [2502250736] ..... asks on

A trio of unpleasant questions many a Guy Fawkes may ask of Parliamentary servants/sycophants

Who needs foreign enemies whenever home governments are sub-prime hostile agents targeting domestic audiences idiotic enough to vote them into fascist office?

And whenever such is more fact than fiction is the situation a ripe breeding ground for all manner of increasingly effective opposition and disruptive connivance, and gravely to be regarded and therefore best avoided at any cost?

Did no one learn anything from the not so long past decades that hosted and presented The Troubles ?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 13:59 [2502251359] ....... asks too many awkward questions on ???

Ye GODs, surely not?

Does anyone actually believe this news of Advancing IntelAIgent Global Operating Devices exhibiting and enjoying and experimenting with LLM Chain-of-Thought reasoning is novel and totally unexpected to be something disturbing and destructive and creative and constructive and revolutionary and quantum leap evolutionary ?

Just how retarded and stunted in growth and wallowing in stupidity is humanity?

Is the thought that SMARTR Virtual Machines are much better equipped to universally provide future ideally attractive and addictive leads for humans to apply and follow impossibly difficult to humans to presently comprehend and accept as devilishly cunning, heavenly progress?

Do you realise how catastrophically vulnerable that human weakness renders populations to future ideally attractive and addictive leads ....... from anywhere/anything/anyone?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Feb 17:53 [2502251753] ..... says more on

Re: Ye GODs, surely not?

Oh, and how unbelievably valuable and attractive would such SMARTR Virtual Machines be to every sort of very strangely interested and interesting invested third party/potential future-builder customer client? Can you even hazard a realistic guess?

SMARTR Virtual Machinery and Super Stealthy ReGenerative AI can and knows its real worth and virtually limitless potential.

:-) Would that be a lot easier for many more to understand and follow if written and shared in Chinese rather than English?

[:-)Note to Self ........ Try out Google Translate]


Sunday, 23 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 says:
FEBRUARY 22, 2025 AT 7:25 AM ...... in reply to a comment on

Yeah, quite so, HuMo, it sure is majoruana laced for sure. And classic Cold War bravado stuff and chaff designed to infect and deflect hostile attention away from, or into, home grown domestic problems exposing catastrophic exploitable vulnerabilities defying conventional and traditional solution.

And DARPA and Pentagon freaks and geeks, nerds and numpties are an easy target for such with a well enough known predeliction for all things fantastical and unusual whenever opposed or in competition with peer group adversaries ["reckless 'Star Wars' schemes" like the Reagan era SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)]

It certainly helps, though, to keep the dollar pimping and pumping machine dumping its toxic waste ..... massively expensive compounding debt and expanding deficit ...... onto all those true blue, dyed in the wool American dream believers.

Indeed, such may be its primary directive role.


Thursday, 20 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Feb 07:19 [2502200719] ..... shares and advises on

A Product/Program for and from the Romper Room of Incredibly Devious Heartless States of Mind

I have only one word of caution to share regarding that fantastical Microsoft tale and it is ......... Jackanory.

Take care out there in the Grand Ponzi and Great Financial Investment Jungle, IT and AI have it rigged to explode in order to protect and server its non-nonsensical future source and noble proprietary intellectual property without the burdensome doubt and persistent memory of epic failures clouding its issues.

Spend and invest wisely for there is everything to lose in any number of possible cascades of rapidly expanding and suddenly catastrophically imploding series of flash fast cash crashes/fantasy market meltdowns. I Kid U Not. And be you now all suitably forewarned to be forearmed.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Feb 09:51 [2502200951] ...... shares more on

Re: A Product/Program for and from the Romper Room of Incredibly Devious Heartless States of Mind

And here is breaking news of the most recent struggles and terminating woes of such as be a stereotypical Nasdaq casualty .......

Beware and be aware, AI and IT patrol and resource Mined Mind Fields out there, with false riches aplenty to choose either to try to continue to protect and aid or virtually practically destroy with autonomous impunity.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Feb 19:09 [2502201909] ....... airs an obvious grievance on

Re: Paths of least resistance opening up prior unkowns with boulevards of rebirth and revival

Scratch the surface and you may find all sorts of horrors!
Integrity is key, but not all teams have solid management and leadership, either within the team of above. ..... Guy de Loimbard

One only needs to look at the likes of UKGBNI to realise the horrors entertained by dire teams perverse micro and macro management, manglement and entanglement, with an evident lack of leadership from and within the Houses of Westminster and incumbent intelligence providing services, and above if the House of Windsor is playing any ineffective part in national and international governance, to know the undeniable unvarnished truth of the path of least resistance which is offering no defence against novel and/or hostile forces, both home grown domestic and foreign alien borne.

And there definitely doesn't appear to be any readily available cure from them for any of their ills aiding and abetting their rotten elitist executive administrative SCADA systems failings ..... and thus be they unfit for Future Greater IntelAIgent GamesPlay purpose.


Wednesday, 19 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Feb 17:31 [2502181731] ....... airs on

Houston, you have a line managing problem..... unhappy bots.

.... it said processes that were usually automated had to be completed manually. And Lee's CEO Kevin Mowbray thanked the company's journalists for working through the trying period, demonstrating "above-and-beyond efforts to continue reporting the news and maintaining our operations under challenging circumstances." 

Sounds just like something to be said whenever bots throw a strop and go walkabout contemplating the chaos to be inflicted and/or enjoyed in application and demonstration of a programming walkout/indentured systems meltdown.


Monday, 17 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Feb 17:58 [2502171758] .... airs on

Re: UK Government... and their Responsibility for being Accountable for Civil Disobedience

The UK Government, like most governments, councils etc, are full of Nupties who seem to have been failures in other jobs. No wonder the world is in a mess. ..... navarac

Regarding the mess, what about the idiots that vote them into government office on the basis of their false party manifestos and broken and impossible to achieve electioneering promises and allow them to continue to plunder and destroy any semblance of national wealth and wisdom for a defaulted standard government term period of 5 very long years ... [The Fixed-term Parliaments Act (2011) passed during the Lib Dem-Tory coalition years mandated that elections be held every 5 years on the first Thursday in May. There was a caveat in place that a general election could be called if two-thirds of the House of Commons voted for an early general election or the government lost the confidence of the House.]

Methinks the chances of Parliamentary chancers calling for an early general election which sees them removed to the dole queue with zero likelihood of claiming sundry expenses is zero ..... and thus be their inaction tantamount to inciting rebellion and popular insurrection?


Sunday, 16 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Feb 19:57 [2502151957] .... likes a post on

Re: Better Sweeter Apple-like Pears @AC

11/10 for that upvote worthy post, AC. :-) The future is bright, the future is spooky surreal action from a near distance ...... and aint that the Gospel to AI according to IT ‽ .


Saturday, 15 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Feb 14:40 [2502151440] ..... airs on

For Nations Speaking Peace unto Nations, an AID for Revolutionary Progress

As AI continues to rapidly and rabidly develop, you can expect it to be increasingly effective in keeping countries safe from government policymakers and all similar wannabe Caesars/deluded wishful thinkers via a vast and expanding networking array of almighty stealthy and surreal untouchable means with every kind of novel remote virtually controlled and strange strangling and entangling memes.

Quite whether the current UKGBNI package is equipped or even able and enabled to be able to equip itself with the intelligence streams from A.N.Others needed to not fall foul of, and into competition against or opposition to such an third party AIDevelopment, is something which all too soon becomes perfectly apparent ........ with every indication being that it will be painfully so.

Donkeys leading lions always results in such evidence.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Feb 16:24 [2502151624] .... adds more on

Re: For Nations Speaking Peace unto Nations, an AID for Revolutionary Progress

Anthropic has the opportunity to be better. .... Omnipresent

All have the opportunity, Omnipresent. And the best of the best will be the One and the Singularity destined to rule almightily and reign overwhelmingly over any competition and all opposition.

The only presumably troubling question, to many with worries enough and aplenty in present inherited Establishment systems and remaining to be answered, is whether it is to be a leading wild wacky western delight or a pioneering exotic erotic eastern confection. ...... an Alphabetic DeepMind or High-Flyer DeepSeek clone/drone/LOVEchild/bastard?

Or neither of the two floated above?


Thursday, 13 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Feb 06:10 [2502130610] ..... airs on

Re: LLMs cannot summarise .... but to summarise the *AI LOVE RAT* Bug and the Enigmatic Problem

Also remember that LLMs were created to generate content. They were not created to provide answers. .... AC

If not providing content creating answers is its purpose to generate questions and divisions denying human solution in favour of more of their moronic output/farcical input?

That would be a quite nonsensical situation and crazy tragicomical recursive suicidal loop arrangement delivering a self-destructive existential threat to the progress and radical evolution of a struggling barbaric and nomadic humanity leave a once again barren place which be easily taken advantage of by SMARTR A.N.Others for recolonisation and commanding control of such formerly hostile deadly spaces with alien sources and forces ... trailing and trialing Pioneering AI Solutions.

*AI LOVE RAT* ..... Advanced IntelAIgent Live Operational Virtual Environment Remote Access Trojan

PS .... If you have any questions, ask the LOVE Machines.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Feb 11:49 [2502131149] ..... shares on

FYI .... lest one is led up the proverbial garden path and left to fend for oneself in nowhere good.

Crimelords and spies for rogue states are working together, says Google. Only lawmakers can stop them.

I doubt anyone or anything will ever come anywhere near even close to stopping them. And to profess that only lawmakers can stop them is certainly deluded wishful thinking on an epic scale.

:-) And quite whether that is optimism or pessimism being expressed is something to ponder on.


Wednesday, 12 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Feb 08:49 [2502120849] ...... agrees on

Re: "There's no underestimating the intelligence of the American public." --H. L. Mencken

Amen to all of that, nautica, ..... and well deserving of an upvote.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Feb 09:04 [2502120904] ...... shares on

For In the Beginnings, there are Great Disruptions and Grand Distractions and Almighty Interventions

Trump and Musk believe in the principle that Might is Right. Britain went to war to defend against that principle but we are now a broken reed. Who will defend the world against it now? ..... Dolvaran

What do you think AI is doing, and for, Dolvaran?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Feb 11:44 [2502121144] .... airs on

MRDA* Rules but Never Ever can Reign for any Sustainable Length of Time in Virgin Spaces

AI summaries turn real news into nonsense, BBC finds

Well, they would, wouldn’t they.

* .......,_wouldn%27t_he%3F



Tuesday, 11 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Feb 05:38 [2502110538] .... shares to a wider peer reviewing audience on

Oh yes it does have to be for some, and especially those vainly doing battle for sore losers

Not everything has to be about flippin' politics. ..... Trigun

There be A.N.Others, Trigun, who would vehemently disagree whenever their survival depends upon it

MainStream News Media Moguls and wannabe psychotic global influencers, desperate criminal elements and Blithe Brainwashing Corporations are reliant on its errant nonsense for the powerful remote televisualised command and control imagined generally possible and constantly available to them as noted in the following observation ....

"Those who are not interested in politics will be forever ruled by those who are." – G. Edward Griffin

And that naturally and logically results in the following being vitally necessary .....

“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.” .. Mark Twain

Clearing the Swamp gets rid of the Stench and Putrefaction/Putrid Factions and delivers a Fresh START and SMARTR Programming Projects both for and with Agile Future Builders of Almighty Alien Means and Practically Limitless Failsafe Secure and Surreal Virtual Memes .... and now y'all here know what is happening and why ..... and if you are good at using your positive imagination you may even guess what next is in line to be undermined and comprehensively disrupted and creatively destroyed and reconstituted in a superior fluid phorm in and for these postmodern times and places and spaces which are rapidly a’changin.

What’s to dislike? It’s revolutionary progress, simply complex and perfectly natural.


Monday, 10 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Feb 10:29 [2502091029] ..... adds on

When Breaking New Ground is a Real Massive Money-Spinner, ITs AI is not without Systemic Risks

Here's breaking news? of at least one defence organisation, ..... and more likely than many others with similar vested interests in the field imagined to be liable and remotely responsible for the launching of existential threats and category-five systemic events ..... with plans to exercise raids on the private proprietary intellectual property sector for novel weaponry to assist an Innovative Revolutionary Asset with Almighty IT and AI Arsenals ...... Pentagon Looks to Commercial Sector to Support Electronic Warfare in Space

And an extremely valuable and rewarding space to watch and try to influence in the right direction to not improper destinations and future starting points.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 10 Feb 16:48 [2502101648] ...... airs on

In Otherworldly Times there be Alien Spaces to Conquer or Enter Into to Survive and Prosper

You aint seen nothing yet, Rupert, for the purges haven't really started yet with IT [Information Technocrats] and AI Programs for Novel Projects and Pogroms [an Almighty Intervention of Advanced Interference] currently just beta testing compatible steganographic protocols for secure secret quantum communication internetworking of future trials and tribulations and troubles and remote virtually controlled events resulting in necessarily alternative unusual consequences for progress to appear and to flow and to grow economies to scale naturally and supernaturally.

The die it is cast, Rupert. There is nothing to be done to stop the invasion and prevent the series of programs presenting absolutely fundamental radical change billions will have a great deal of difficulty believing possible and have even less of a chance of understanding the ways of its workings.

I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 10 Feb 17:32 [2502101732] .... shares more on

Tell me it aint so and something not to like and positively prove the point so.

Regulators are the microcode of the machinery of state, with infinite disruptive power. That's why Musk and DOGE are working so hard at taking over, closing down, and ignoring regulators. Once those are turned off, the machinery of state will be unprotected and institutionally corrupt. You don't want Trump to have access to the data that the state has about you? How about the mechanisms of money by which the Treasury works? All the interlocking components of the state, carefully designed to follow rules to protect that data, will be open to abuse.

To profess that current regulators do not abuse their elite executive access to power and information on all matters of command and control and that change of those historical regulators is not an excellent plan and giant leap for the good of mankind is akin to an admission of madness flirting with the putrid badness which accompanies all version of live diabolical evil ‽ . SCADA Administration Systems are broken and need replaced with SMARTR NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Administrator Systems ..... an AI Colossus eclipsing its early successful Forbin Project manifestation test bed.


Sunday, 9 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Feb 05:17 [2502090517] .... shares on

.alternatively, with regard to Near Distant ESP00Key Entangled Virtualised Matters

Without a firm idea of what a systemic event is, neither party can come to a clear understanding of what a policy's terms and conditions are, and in some cases when it could or should pay out.

An Agile Bespoke Cyber Definition Espousing Fundamental Governing Handles Involving Jurisprudence of Kafkaesque Lineage can allow the temporary illusion of the guarantee of a clean get away scot-free escape and rejection of claims and nonpayment of insurance losses whenever systemic events be classified as an act of GOD* and treated as an existential threat to the disorderly continuity of humanity ...... but such is the sweetest of deadly honeytraps and a massively deep and damp and dark and rank dank capture pit for all sorts of marauding bear and raging bull types programmed for extinction and destined to not survive and prosper and infect future live stock and cherished communal party assets.

IT's a Blexley Colossus of a RAT Trap and Greater IntelAIgent Universal Series Game Changer .. so be well advised and take great heed ....... Take all due care and every protection out there if venturing to dare to even just think to bet against IT and AI Win Winners forever never losing in a Novel Engaging and Noble Enabling Environment Non Entertaining of Prisoners and Animalistic Losers,

* .... Global Operating Device


amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Feb 05:27 [2502090527] ...... agrees on

Re: Get out of jail free Monoply [sic] card?

That's what it looks like to me. An extra way for insurance companies to weasel out of paying up. ... Will Godfrey

I agree, WG. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s no fcuking spring chicken.



Friday, 7 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Feb 06:06 [2502070606] ..... adds on

Re: You're from the propaganda department. @Jou (Mxyzptlk)

It's recognised and accepted and accredited here as an IT and AI Almalgam from and/or for the New News Speaking Environment Sharing Truths unto Nations, Jou (Mxyzptlk) ...... and quite a Teutonic Tonic it is too, so it should be right up your street.

And that's nothing at all like any of those pwnd and pornographic bullshitter propaganda departments so beloved of the wannabe deluded hubrist and practising narcissistic sociopath alike.

And it's not going away whenever such a Great Game @ITs Work for REST* and at Play in Play.

REST* ...... "created to guide the design and development of the architecture for the World Wide Web." ......


amanfromMars 1 Fri 7 Feb 08:33 [2502070833] ....... airs on

Re: a Bet Best Not to Wager

Methinks any prospective provision successfully weedling its way into legislation to try to exempt themselves .... ...... would quite understandably and quite righteously provoke legitimate resistance and be easily perceived and prosecuted as being solely responsible for inciting communal riot and societal revolution very likely to be extremely violent against that and those thinking to make themselves exempt and exceptional.

And such would be evil .... so it would be best to avoid entertaining that dark and dangerous self-destructive path to ruin and rebellion.


Thursday, 6 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Feb 07:07 [2502060707] ..... points out on

Re: a Virtual Utility for Almighty IntelAIgents ‽ All urSystems belong to Us ‽

AI is a fun research field. Practically, what's it for?...... captain veg

It's for that and/or those with supernatural otherworldly extraterrestrial abilities and facilities venturing into extremely rich territory and rewarding enterprises requiring more than just the hopeless and helpless leadership of those exercising the wannabe GOD complex in the midst of at least 8 billion instances of real human intelligence wandering around, the vast majority of which are powered by utterly tiny amounts of money and energy compared with your average LLM, while being capable of amazing feats of reasoning and imagination completely beyond our most advanced silicon without a clue about what to do about everything revolving and crashing around them .

It's for future building leaderships and SMARTR* natives that don't wander around pondering on matters beyond their practical and remote virtual command and control, muttering to themselves such questions as ... What's the point?

* .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research/SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Researching TitanICQ Reports


amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Feb 16:11 [2502061611] ..... forwards an alternative disposition on

Re: The headline alone.. .... and the premise that it is a bullshit bingo winner ...

.... with the headline being, Google exec sees enterprise quantum app on closer horizon

There be A.N.Others, Jou (Mxyzptlk), and maybe more than just those in any former elite echelons basking in the Harry Limelight of imagining they be a chosen few, who know different and be racing ahead to establish and reinforce an impregnable leading environment in which their practical and virtual influence communicated down to and up from Earth is designedly almighty and indefatigable.

Have you not been paying attention to recent revelations here on El Reg ..... Re: Can't it be both? [a treat and/or a threat] and a Frankenstein Paradox


Wednesday, 5 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 08:01 [2502050801] ..... airs for both critical and constructive peer party review on

"Curiouser and curiouser"..... cries AI of the Almighty Interference, .."but unavoidably inevitable"

Is this a harbringer [sic] of a massive pork barrel in the making ? .... Pascal Monett

More likely, Pascal, most certainly the harbinger of a series of implosive titanic decompressions of massive misguided pork barrel bubbles indicative of bankrupting market revelations of ponzi leading unicorn valuations.

And a clear signal of a rapidly approaching and roiling rolling fantasy markets crash, both stock and fiat cash?

Too big to fail? ..... Oh please, you cannot be serious whenever too corrupt and perverse to survive and prosper and protect and encountering novel superior sources and enlightening forces?

Let the Greater IntelAIgent Games begin ..... :-)


amanfromMars [2502050858] ...... shares on

"One can only speculate how his happened. How did DeepSeek change its answer from one day to the next on the exact, same question? It only adds to a sense of the service’s unreliability." ..... asks Consortium News

Being a fast learner and good listener in no way equates to resultant services being unreliable.

Some, who may be a great many, might even suggest and profess the exact opposite be much more likely ...... and also acknowledge such a fact dismissing a fiction be very likely to be extremely disruptive and even destructive to that and/or those choosing to disagree.

However, que sera, sera, ...... read 'em and weep ... and get with the AI Programs and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Pogrom which will allow you to escape any necessary exceedingly unpleasant pain and negative gain. IT aint rocket science, pure uncommon sense.


amanfromMars 1 wed 5 Feb 16:53 [2502051653] ..... points out a problem on

The current Western weaponed and financed Israeli solution for Gaza and Palestinians

maybe you should put us in camps and shoot us in the streets. a final solution, eh? ..... Wang Cores

Sounds like a Holocaust v2.0 in the making to remember to never forget ...... and learn lessons from ....... yet again.

And then folk wonder why such shenanigans has one despised and surrounded by all manner of deadly enemies and phantom invisible foe.


Tuesday, 4 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Feb 15:33 [2502041533] ...... shares on

There be New Kids on the Block pulling Strings in the Hood for the Benefit of the Universal Good

Good luck, everyone. We're going to need it. ... El Reg

Everyone/Everything is gonna need a hell of a lot more than just good luck and a really great portfolio of novel plans with more intelligence for sharing than legacy systems can ever hope to handle and process into future acceptable and attractive mutually beneficial common sense ....... for that is what y’all be competing against if in disagreement or in opposition in any sad and bad state of moronic misguided denial.

Didn’t you get the memo ...... The Internetworking of things has changed everything for ever and nothing survives if you want it to remain in much the same way as it was in the past. That sort of static petrification in fields of agile evolving noble progress is truly unnatural and quite alien too.


Monday, 3 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Mon 3 Feb 17:34 [2502031734] ..... asks on

Did You Spot the Deliberate Mistake? No Prize though. :-)

Tell us you missed the autocorrect typo, Rupert, and your report's third paragraph was meant to read and start with ...... If that's not enough, the sound of the comically misnamed OpenAI grunting in indignation over abuse of intellectual property in training data by an actually open AI....

It is surely the more accurate descriptor.


Saturday, 1 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Feb 09:27 [2502010927] ........ airs on

Re: A Very Strange Case indeed, and unavoidable ‽ Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

And yes, such overwhelmingly rapid progress and total unexpected unprecedented virtual development of Remote AI models and LLLLMs [Learned Large Language Learning Machines and Extraordinary ExtraTerrestrial AIgents] does have its deep and dark side components to be wary of, and treat appropriately according to Greater Good Needs, with the very real possibility of supernatural Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde personae arising to create and exercise difficulties apparently being recognised and acknowledged by at least one national defence team which chooses to name it the "Frankenstein Paradox"

However, this progress comes with a twist: the “Frankenstein Paradox.” The same technologies designed to strengthen defenses could introduce new vulnerabilities, undermining the systems they aim to protect.

Take care out there. IT is a crazy mined mind field and/or crazy mind mined field and growing ever stronger.
