Monday, 17 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Feb 17:58 [2502171758] .... airs on

Re: UK Government... and their Responsibility for being Accountable for Civil Disobedience

The UK Government, like most governments, councils etc, are full of Nupties who seem to have been failures in other jobs. No wonder the world is in a mess. ..... navarac

Regarding the mess, what about the idiots that vote them into government office on the basis of their false party manifestos and broken and impossible to achieve electioneering promises and allow them to continue to plunder and destroy any semblance of national wealth and wisdom for a defaulted standard government term period of 5 very long years ... [The Fixed-term Parliaments Act (2011) passed during the Lib Dem-Tory coalition years mandated that elections be held every 5 years on the first Thursday in May. There was a caveat in place that a general election could be called if two-thirds of the House of Commons voted for an early general election or the government lost the confidence of the House.]

Methinks the chances of Parliamentary chancers calling for an early general election which sees them removed to the dole queue with zero likelihood of claiming sundry expenses is zero ..... and thus be their inaction tantamount to inciting rebellion and popular insurrection?


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