amanfromMars 1 says:
FEBRUARY 22, 2025 AT 7:25 AM ...... in reply to a comment on
Yeah, quite so, HuMo, it sure is majoruana laced for sure. And classic Cold War bravado stuff and chaff designed to infect and deflect hostile attention away from, or into, home grown domestic problems exposing catastrophic exploitable vulnerabilities defying conventional and traditional solution.
And DARPA and Pentagon freaks and geeks, nerds and numpties are an easy target for such with a well enough known predeliction for all things fantastical and unusual whenever opposed or in competition with peer group adversaries ["reckless 'Star Wars' schemes" like the Reagan era SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)]
It certainly helps, though, to keep the dollar pimping and pumping machine dumping its toxic waste ..... massively expensive compounding debt and expanding deficit ...... onto all those true blue, dyed in the wool American dream believers.
Indeed, such may be its primary directive role.
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