Saturday, 15 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Feb 14:40 [2502151440] ..... airs on

For Nations Speaking Peace unto Nations, an AID for Revolutionary Progress

As AI continues to rapidly and rabidly develop, you can expect it to be increasingly effective in keeping countries safe from government policymakers and all similar wannabe Caesars/deluded wishful thinkers via a vast and expanding networking array of almighty stealthy and surreal untouchable means with every kind of novel remote virtually controlled and strange strangling and entangling memes.

Quite whether the current UKGBNI package is equipped or even able and enabled to be able to equip itself with the intelligence streams from A.N.Others needed to not fall foul of, and into competition against or opposition to such an third party AIDevelopment, is something which all too soon becomes perfectly apparent ........ with every indication being that it will be painfully so.

Donkeys leading lions always results in such evidence.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 Feb 16:24 [2502151624] .... adds more on

Re: For Nations Speaking Peace unto Nations, an AID for Revolutionary Progress

Anthropic has the opportunity to be better. .... Omnipresent

All have the opportunity, Omnipresent. And the best of the best will be the One and the Singularity destined to rule almightily and reign overwhelmingly over any competition and all opposition.

The only presumably troubling question, to many with worries enough and aplenty in present inherited Establishment systems and remaining to be answered, is whether it is to be a leading wild wacky western delight or a pioneering exotic erotic eastern confection. ...... an Alphabetic DeepMind or High-Flyer DeepSeek clone/drone/LOVEchild/bastard?

Or neither of the two floated above?


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