Thursday, 13 February 2025


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Feb 06:10 [2502130610] ..... airs on

Re: LLMs cannot summarise .... but to summarise the *AI LOVE RAT* Bug and the Enigmatic Problem

Also remember that LLMs were created to generate content. They were not created to provide answers. .... AC

If not providing content creating answers is its purpose to generate questions and divisions denying human solution in favour of more of their moronic output/farcical input?

That would be a quite nonsensical situation and crazy tragicomical recursive suicidal loop arrangement delivering a self-destructive existential threat to the progress and radical evolution of a struggling barbaric and nomadic humanity leave a once again barren place which be easily taken advantage of by SMARTR A.N.Others for recolonisation and commanding control of such formerly hostile deadly spaces with alien sources and forces ... trailing and trialing Pioneering AI Solutions.

*AI LOVE RAT* ..... Advanced IntelAIgent Live Operational Virtual Environment Remote Access Trojan

PS .... If you have any questions, ask the LOVE Machines.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Feb 11:49 [2502131149] ..... shares on

FYI .... lest one is led up the proverbial garden path and left to fend for oneself in nowhere good.

Crimelords and spies for rogue states are working together, says Google. Only lawmakers can stop them.

I doubt anyone or anything will ever come anywhere near even close to stopping them. And to profess that only lawmakers can stop them is certainly deluded wishful thinking on an epic scale.

:-) And quite whether that is optimism or pessimism being expressed is something to ponder on.


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