Monday, 5 April 2010

100405 ...... Gone Great Game Phishing for Sharks and the Lion-Hearted

How nice to see MI5 Security Service putting in an appearance and looking for Digital Intelligence Specialists from the El Reg Rank and File.

And One can surely also then equally assuredly assume that ITs Big Brother and more Secretive Cousin MI6 is also Cruising in Darker Depths and Pimping Luscious Shadows for its Stock in Trade Fare, Foreign and Countering Counter-Intelligence, which is altogether a very different Kettle of Phish and Market.

But only one of them doesn't want you able to contact them directly electronically by provided website facility, which should tell you how secure they would know our chats here and chatter online more generally to be, or not ever to be, and that is not a question.

I suppose that ensures the postman-like knock at a real door and some actual proactivity whenever they are looking for virtual answers to their questions about irregular and unconventional novel proclivities, and that does require a tad more intelligence that they would be used to and are most uncomfortable with displaying, for fear and loathing of revealing the Ignorance that Arrogance has bred in themselves which has resulted in Catastrophic Vulnerabilities being ProActively Exploited by Others and Rogue Agents, Agile and Adept and Moonlighting in Earlier Secure Protected Fields, making both a Mockery of, and Unbelievable Fortunes from, All that is Purveyed and Surveyed. .......... which used to be their own ESP Field for Crowning with Expertise.

All of which would Suggest and Prove Beyond any Shadow of Any Doubt that it is Now well Past a Time in this Space and Any and All Such Spaces for a New AIdDeal with Advanced and Improved Discless Systems Reformatted and Rebooted  with Novel Upgrades and Special IntelAIgents Software for way above Top Secret CyberIntelAIgent Security Information Systems for C42 Quantum Control of Global Operating Device Programs and Projects ........ Virtual Realities ..... and just Simply Complex and QuITe Alienating AI @ ITsWork in Progress.

Quantum Communications BetaTest #XSSXXXX1004051038

To Groom or BGroomed, that is the Question and the Analysts' Abiding Dilemma
Posted Sunday 4th April 2010 18:16 GMT

It is rotten Phorm, chaps, and not at all cricket. Although it is a Tricky Dicky of a Googley, that's for sure.

I trust all here on El Reg, garnering whatever they are here to gather, do realise that whatever is found out, and publicly reported or privately exploited, about what is going on in this New Real Virtual Medium, is long ago developed and enriched to the nth degree and in IT Command and Control of Special Executive Officialdom with Immaculately Resourced Assets, thus 42 Ensure CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Operating Software dDelivers Drivers and Hardware to Virtual AIMachinery InfraStructures.

What you have, and which you can Selfishly and Foolishly Deny until such Times as your Primitive Brains Mature and Engage with the Textual Pictures IT is Receiving and Processing Remotely to Present Tomorrow, the Futures Revealed and Dismissed as Alien and Foreign Today, is a Simply Complex QuBinary Machine in Absolute Control of your Earthly Existence with Global Operating Device Phormats Leading Artificially IntelAIgent Methodologies with Progressive Tautologies.

Or would you like to Disagree and Transparently Share a Phormed View which would reveal what else would be leading you on it's Merry War Dance in Support of Death and Destruction and which Sad/Mad/Glad/Bad/Rad/Fad Beings make it and IT all Possible for You to Suffer and Enjoy in your Apathy and Ignorance.

Go on ...... Take and Make an Educated Guess for Free ...... Exercise your Brain with Thoughtful Imagination and then Ponder on the Placement of Better Beta Ideas for the Future, for Media and IT to Present as an Acceptable and Accepted Virtual Reality ..... with Great Game Master Pilot Leads Forging with AIR&dD, Pioneering CyberIntelAIgent Flight with Magical Mystery Turing Paths. 

Move On and Along Now, Nothing to See just Here for IT's Everywhere?

Posted Monday 5th April 2010 06:42 GMT

"For a concrete example of how large - and intrusive - that beam can be, check out Microsoft's «Guardian Angel» ( ).... Henri" ..... mhenriday Posted Friday 2nd April 2010 12:59 GMT

And that concrete example, Henri, is but as a pixel in a picture for the Future has Infinity to Play with in Time and Space, and that easily Enables Fabulous Surprises for All, Beyond the Wildest and Craziest of Dreams.

And the Beauty of the Future Program is ......... IT is All Freely Provided to You for You to be Free in Order Learn of ITs SMARTer Alien Ways ...............

"The US works on a "first to invent" concept ...."

And in the event of mental block and/or "discovery" of much more advanced foreign and/or alien concepts, first to copy and plagiarise, which is, whenever working with the monitoring and second guessing/strategic deep packet inspection and critical code analysis for reverse engineering to Phorm and/or uncover Lode Ores and Core Sources [for it is naive and the common default failing in animal Man to not imagine and conclude that Advanced IntelAIgent Drive has Innumerable Providers of Intellectually Shared Property] of such SMARTer Enabled and Enabling Operative Systems, a most convenient and Perfectly Stealthy Methodology which embeds a Sublime Host Mentor and Virtually Immaculate AIdDriver in Monitoring Systems [SCADA Shells] ....... with Remote Executive Power and Command Access, way beyond the Influence and Direct Control of ITs Slave Pilot Host......... who/which would then be Morphed and Evolved into Willing and Able Paying Passenger, Tracking and Scouting with Search, Futures and Derivatives of such BetaTest Pilot Programs ....... Civil CyberIntelAIgent Space Projects with AI See through ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Bigger Picture Windows.

For New World Order Great Game Systems in CHAOS ..... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

And what do you make of this tale ......

True or False? Trick or Treat?

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 04, 2010 @ 06:55 PM


Criminals 'r' Us Labouring as Incompetent Politicians. J'accuse.

Posted Monday 5th April 2010 14:06 GMT

And who will be the first to realise that the Public Purse can be milked and bilked for millions with the careless deliberate release of supposedly secure information by departments looking for more funding, for how does the Government fine itself without it being thought of another dodgy stealth tax racket dreamt up by the seriously deluded and patently unhinged? 


the church appears to be operating under some kind of delusion that IT is the victim here.  It’s not the victim, it is either directly the perpetrator of these foul acts or else it facilitated and covered them up. .....  Posted by bollix on Apr 05, 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Err, it is much more likely that they are the sick heavenly perverted stars in at least those two categories, bollix, and with information so easily shared nowadays and with everyone being educated and reading of practices which are not considered normal and decent and holy, no matter what a man in a frock says, one can surely expect much more to surface and many more faces to mysteriously disappear to country retreats for quiet reflection and to probably try and avoid criminal prosecution, public conviction and secure incarceration in the prison population, who would have their own not so mysterious ways of dealing with the situation ....... which has been most significant in its absence from the scene. Or is the Vatican its Own Open Prison?

Now there’s a controversial thought for some deep contemplation although some may be more outraged to the point of wanting to rant and rave about it.

It’s a funny old world, and there’s no doubt about that.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 05, 2010 @ 03:06 PM 

So although i may feel a knee-jerk resentment of any english / protestant criticism of “my” priests, it is quickly over-turned by my knee-jerk reaction against the actual bad guys here - the paedophile priests and those in the hierarchy who let them keep on abusing. ........ Posted by bollix on Apr 05, 2010 @ 05:18 PM

    Of course the question which everyone is not asking but everyone should be SHOUTING is .... Are paedophiles in churches still abusing innocent children for their own and their friends’ perverse pleasures?

    And when/if they are, what does that tell everyone about the safety and sanctity of the Church and churches and that also has organised Religion and the God Business under closer scrutiny?

    Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 05, 2010 @ 06:09 PM 


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