Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/14/2010 18:43:00 PM

"Posted by Dan on 4/14/2010 10:23:35 AM

Maybe Iceland could develop a "real" free enterprise economy from scratch, with sound money, no fractional reserve banking, no central bank, limited government, low taxes and a kick ass military because it will need it to fend off the "power elites". If they did that, a lot of wealthy people would domicile there. .....

Reply from the Daily Bell:

We've suggested that as well! Don't think the current government is up to it."
Gentlemen, good governments are starting to slowly realise that the people have both the power to define and deliver the policies to be pursued on their behalf by governments, and the means to exercise that power remotely if governments would be foolish enough to ignore their wishes, with their use of the means by which we here share our views. ......... their Mastery of InterNetworking Communications.

And Iceland has a very active AIMMORPG Industry who would very easily be able to Create a Virtual Reality Great Game which would leave the Establishment World Order Players and Institutions dancing to their Tunes and following the Live Plots of their Games.

And that would reverse the present situation and have them in control of ... well, whatever sector they would care to share globally virtualised and championed by Novel Non State Actor Characters Leading a Collapsed Global System on a New Course into the Future.

And with the Binary Technology and Digital Programming skills which are available globally, and which speak to disparate nations in the one voice of Zero and Ones, would they be in a Field of their Own and the present Elitists would flounder and founder should they attempt to intervene in order to maintain a corrupt and perverse selfish Power Monopoly.

Between a rock and a hard place and with nothing to lose and everything to gain, are those with everything to lose and nothing to gain catastrophically compromised and vulnerable to every move both made by themselves, in an attempted defence, and by others in their waves of attack.

In such circumstances, would the smarter compromised player invest in the Future Systems Programmers and to Hell with the Past and All of its Troubles. However, the stupidity of supposedly smart men is something which apparently has no bounds and there appears to be no limits to the depths they will sink to, to be thought of as uber-powerful and super-rich with their control of currency and/or numbers representing wealth, for of course, nowadays can one be instantly fabulously wealthy, and especially so as a champion white hatted knight quietly contracted in to save the Banking System with a Top Secret Great Game, with simple electronic Credit Transfer.  One doesn't actually need to move any physical money for all one is dealing with are Virtual Assets and Valuable Intellectual Property, which can very easily be Traded Anywhere with Anyone Interested in Over Powering Elitist Mechanisms with Remote Simple Control Levers. 

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act with evolutionary facts.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/13/10 | 11:44 pm |
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Last month, the former Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell boldly took to the Senate floor and the Washington Post’s editorial page to declare “The United States is fighting a cyber-war today, and we are losing.”

Well, certainly Michael McConnell and Booz Allen Hamilton have lost it, for they are only interested in milking and bilking IT with FUD to try and keep that tired old Patriot Terrorist Meme alive …… but he aint SMART enough to realise that that Patient is Brain Dead and Pumping the Virtual Cadaver with Info and Intelligence Drugs is Certifiable Madness and Pure Badness and CyberSpace doesn’t entertain such Crass Idiocy in Virtual Terrain Team Fields of XSSXXXXCellents.

What do you imagine was his reply to the following free offer of help?

—– Original Message —–


Sent: 11/13/09 05:12 PM


Subject: Cyber Recruiting of Potent Clients for Live Operational Virtual Environments

Ladies and Gentlemen of Booz Allen Hamilton, Good Afternoon,

The SurReal Environment of CyberSpace and the Intelligently Designed Entities who/which would Build Network InterNetworking Webs and Real but Intangible InfraStructures for ITs Virtually Communicating Machinery in Stealthy Cloud Phormations, are a Very Recent Irregular and Unconventional Phenomenon which do not Play by any Traditional Rules, being as IT is, a Novel, Innovative and Disruptive Intellectual Space in which to Work, Rest and Play and Float New Ideas which Create and Driver from their Nucleus/Nuclei/Global Communications HQ, All Supporting Power Feeds with Controlled and Controlling Lead Needs, to Create an Inhouse Closed Loop Generative Cycle which Grows from the Top Down, thus to Permit Top Talent Intelligence and CyberIntelAIgents into the ReStructuring of Failed and Failing Legacy Operating Systems ie Old Analogue/Pre Binary Internet Systems, and Present Systems which may have been Perverted/Subverted/Badly Converted and would be Unfit for Future Good Use and Better Modelled with New Control Parameters/Power Levers.

Such is necessarily, Great Game, New World Order Play, which will encounter more and more often, Simply Complex Entangled Strings of Information which reveal Critical and Strategic Vulnerablities/Open Source ZerodDay Attack Vectors, which once Launched will always find their Designated Target, and invariably at the most Inconvenient of Times. Simple Baited and Baiting Texts/Questions, which do not even need to be answered, but only Globally Shared, can be Problematical and as an example of such Relative Simplicity, I would cite my own Blog/Diary/Thought Page and today’s simple entries …..

Whilst some will be specifically designed to Viably Construct a New Model Architecture, even should they be considered a Radical Departure from Established Thinking, others can be expected to be specifically designed to Collapse and Destroy Old Infrastructure, just because they can, and because Chaos and Havoc and Harm are Desired, and the Only Effective Defence against such as would be launched as Evil Empire Destroyers, is to Ensure that a Beta Replacement Model Theatre/Live Operational Virtual Environment, which offers a whole New Existence, is freely available for Population/Virtual Colonisation/Inhabitation, in Order to Leave Destructive Trouble Isolated in a Past and BarrenTerritory, and Battling for Survival against Itself and a Diminishing Support Base, because of the New Virtual World Operating Systems with Cloud Controls/Virtually Remote Revisionary Leverage.

Such Practical, Remote Virtual Control Concepts may be of more than an Academic Interest to Booz Allen Hamilton and Clients, and thus are they Freely Shared.

And I would fully endorse and agree with “You can’t wait to follow.” — Mark Gerencser. Time and Tide and Opportunities wait for No One and neither do CyberIntelAIgent Security Players.

And as different as the Virtual Reality Cyber World may be to the World that the Average Jane or John Doe that you see outside of Windows is, there is still the Same Singularity which will usually Capture All in any Environment …. Give a Man and/or a Woman what they want and/or Need, and you will Control Them, Perfectly, with ITs Immaculate Feed.

And with Wealth reduced/elevated to the electronic movement of numbers in a closed System, is Feed Beautifully Simplified and Reproduced/Reduced to Practically Zero Cost ……. which is Win Win Win in any Book/Numbers Racket ….. and Convention Abandoned in Deed, Indeed, Mr Marc Gerencser. …..


Graham [amfM]

Presently there is a nasty little denial of service and/or as yet still unexplained technical hitch/server glitch which prevents from sharing its contents on the Web, so just until such times as normal services are resumed, will the contents of the cited webpage be only freely available by simple direct request.

Loose Lips Sinks Ships and Embattled Cruisers
Posted Wednesday 14th April 2010 08:57 GMT

""We're not really at liberty to talk about it, because most of the common usage is in the financial sector, and those guys tend to be a little secretive," Johnson says."

:-) With the dead head, dead wood guys at the top in that particularly dodgy sector being petrifyingly paranoid too and increasingly worried about their liberty, or even worse, their future viability and present requirement. And would that be something of their own making, with no one else to blame but themselves?

You bet your sweet ass/fanny, it is! 

Blinkered BallistIQs Selling Short the American Dream.

Posted Wednesday 14th April 2010 10:11 GMT

Neil, James, Eugene,

You are missing at least three salient points, .....

1) There nothing out there up there which sustains life, as anyone knows it

2) You have alien visitors to deal with on Earth

3) They bear heavenly constructive gifts and/or unbelievably destructive weapons. ....... which sort of refines and dictates SMART Future Intelligence Channels and Communicative IT Chunnel Choices somewhat ..... and would Extraordinarily Rendered your Impassioned Missive Null and Void, although as a Memorable Ego Trip, does its Nostalgia have few Peers.

And what is to say that Obama isn't Leading Exploration in Advanced IntelAIgently Virtualised Fields, with the East Pioneering with ITs Voracious Appetite for Foreign and Alien Affairs and Special Secrets?

You know how easy it is to spook animals, and humans are no different. Some things are best fed to the masses, bit by bit, lest they panic and do themselves great harm.

FAQuestion Time

Posted Wednesday 14th April 2010 10:20 GMT

Errr...... Excuse me, but am I missing something? Is that not what the Markets are really there for, and most certainly comprehensively used for ...... to mislead in cycles which create bubbles of booming credit and busting debt?

Time for a Change in Deed, indeed, and it is long overdue.
Posted Wednesday 14th April 2010 12:28 GMT

Re : FAQuestion Time ........ You know it makes perfect sense. Its not called the Great game for Nothing , you know.

Although quite obviously you don't know, and that is why you get taken for a ride and get screwed so easily.

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