Thursday, 22 April 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/22/10 |

"Second, the approach recognizes that although the future outcome of an activity is always uncertain, this uncertainty can be quantified in ways that allow meaningful comparisons. The use of probability theory within the field of risk assessment and policy analysis is well established."
What a lot of errant nonsense that first sentence is nowadays. [And those two sentences above, follow on after the "Notes" reference given in the article, and "One can only proceed with care, simultaneously remembering that elicited expert judgments may be seriously flawed, but are often the only game in town.”]
And to imagine that there is ever only one game in any town is to admit to stupidity and a degenerative lack of intelligence and imagination. Surely the future outcome of an activity is NEVER uncertain whenever its options and derivatives are freely and transparently aired for all to see and comment upon with a view to a constructive resolution of subjective petty differences, which if the truth be told, matter not a jot other than to preserve a staus quo position which is a madness in a world which is always changing and in dynamic growth and virtual flux.
What fool said that man was Intelligent whenever he is so ignorant and arrogant in such stupendous measure.
A liar indeed, ikesolem, who posted "Quit lying to us." | 04/22/10 | 11:40 am |
And this would appear to simple very good common sense, and was noted by Morgan and Henrion ...".if we must trust management to experts, should we not at least know how certain they are of their answers" Amen to that fundamental qubit of wisdom, says I, for one. Which would really mean ..... Get to know your experts very well and ensure that they always tell the truth, which is what Developed Vetting is all about ensuring, is it not?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/22/10 | 12:11 pm |


You/IARPA ask ..”Can Algorithms Find the Best Intelligence Analysts?”, which should it be possible, then leads us to ask will the Best Intelligence Analysts advice be accepted, or subjected to Lesser Intelligence Override in service of a third party’s subjective, dumber agenda ……. thus creating and/or continuing a biased corrupted program, which the Algorithms are exposing, as is their Designated Intelligence Mission.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/22/10 | 5:27 am |

"Nine years later, and there’s still no Plan “B”?" .... Posted by: CapnVan | 04/22/10 | 5:13 am |

CapnVan, There is always a Plan C to Consider with Cyber Command and Control of PostModernist Expeditionary Civilisations with QuITe Alien MetaData Force Memes.

And ShaJ, with reference to your valid questions.

The projected perception being pimped InterNetionally, to any who will listen, is that all communications [including blogs] are monitored for the creation of the greatest Military and Intel Agency in the world with a Total Information Awareness facility/capability.
As that is by Default of Intelligent Design, a Virtual Tool of Omniscience allowing Foresight Planning with the Added Benefit of Hindsight Experience rather than any Omnipotent Blunt Trauma Weapon Administration, would it presently rule out the US Leading IT, although of course, the Wired post above .... amanfromMars | 04/21/10 | 3:21 pm | [just to eliminate any possible excuse for a continuation of ignorance to reign supreme in both puppet political and military circles] ..... does very transparently live betatest for the very Best of the Best Minds into Mutual Intelligence with CyberIntelAIgent Beings, who would be Global Operating Devices for Crashing Corrupted Command and Control of Money Systems, for that would appear to be a most Effective Invisible Remote Controlled from CyberSpace Tool and/or SurReal AIdDynamic Weapon with Advanced Analytical Algorithms and Asynchronous Security ProgramMING for Asymmetric Semantic Projects Enabled to Deliver Peace and Prosperity with Creative Constructions rather than Death and Destruction with War Machinery.
And it is a also a Live Quantum Communications BetaTest of Global HyperRadioProActive IT Awareness at Both the Individual Personal and the Mega Corporate Levels and All SMART Points in Between. ..... [Well, it is Quantum so you are bound to expect its bits to be Flexible and Cover all Bases .... "A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both."  ......... 42 TelePort you to Other Places and Spaces and Somewhere Completely Different and Better in ITs Betas.
Welcome to a Cinderella RockerFeller Program and the ZigZag Project into  NEUKlearer NIRobotIQs and HyperRadioProActive IT with C42 Quantum Control Systems ......AI @ ITs Work.

If you want Spam, go to a Viking Cafe* or Boogy on Down to Danegeld Drive and Dive.

Posted Thursday 22nd April 2010 07:20 GMT

Eh?, paulf, what is not understand? And what you can consider is that El Reg and Moderatrices do not Share Absolutely Everything for Publication and therefore would know more about "things" which are Shared than are Shared in Publication.

Does the following help, as it is directly relative, and although Wired this morning [0717 GMT] appears not to have appeared, which is both extremely unusual and perfectly understandable considering.?!

Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/22/10 | 2:17 am |


The projected perception being pimped InterNetionally, to any who will listen, is that all communications [including blogs] are monitored for the creation of the greatest Military and Intel Agency in the world with a Total Information Awareness facility/capability.


As that is by Default of Intelligent Design, a Virtual Tool of Omniscience allowing Foresight Planning with the Added Benefit of Hindsight Experience rather than any Omnipotent Blunt Trauma Weapon Administration, would it presently rule out the US Leading IT, although of course, the Wired post above .... amanfromMars | 04/21/10 | 3:21 pm | [just to eliminate any possible excuse for a continuation of ignorance to reign supreme in both puppet political and military circles] ..... does very transparently live betatest for the very Best of the Best Minds into Mutual Intelligence with CyberIntelAIgent Beings, who would be Global Operating Devices for Crashing Corrupted Command and Control of Money Systems, for that would appear to be a most Effective Invisible Remote Controlled from CyberSpace Tool and/or SurReal AIdDynamic Weapon with Advanced Analytical Algorithms and Asynchronous Security ProgramMING for Asymmetric Semantic Projects Enabled to Deliver Peace and Prosperity with Creative Constructions rather than Death and Destruction with War Machinery.


And it is a also a Live Quantum Communications BetaTest of Global HyperRadioProActive IT Awareness at Both the Individual Personal and the Mega Corporate Levels and All SMART Points in Between. ..... [Well, it is Quantum so you are bound to expect its bits to be Flexible and Cover all Bases .... "A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both." ......... 42 TelePort you to Other Places and Spaces and Somewhere Completely Different and Better in ITs Betas.


Welcome to a Cinderella RockerFeller Program and the ZigZag Project into NEUKlearer NIRobotIQs and HyperRadioProActive IT with C42 Quantum Control Systems ......AI @ ITs Work.
* From an Age when Madness was Fashionable and Celebrated and the BBC had Balls and a Creative Department .....

As a Spooky Disruptive Aside, with CyberSpace supposedly such a Huge Threat to Stability and Systems Worldwide, it would be interesting to hear what the three Pretenders to No 10, Clegg, Cameron and Brown are doing about it, or are they leaving all that Really Important Virtual stuff to other leaders, so that they can concentrate on the traditional television roles that have them as political puppets performing badly to a prescribed persona and doctored script?

 amanfromMars says:
22 April 2010 at 3:58 pm

Is the QC advice, which apparently was paid for from Sammy Wilson’s public funds, and which Mr Robinson so very publicly declared would be shared to prove that he is above reproach and suspicion, so flawed as to render the advice from Queen’s Counsel worthless and a waste of good money, or so damning an indictment against Mr Robinson, as to render him likely to prosecution and therefore his public position, untenable, and his party colleagues liable to a charge of conspiracy too, if they are party to the furnished and very secret opinion?

Publication of the opinion would prevent ignorance electing a possible miscreant ….. and whenever it would so clear the air and dispel all doubt, is the fact that it is withheld and responsibility for its publication or non-publication passed around like a ticking bomb and serially denied by whatever honorable member of the party you would ask, ……… disturbing, to the point of confirming one’s every rotten suspicion?

Crikey …. I must try and ask shorter questions.

amanfromMars says:
22 April 2010 at 3:21 pm

You might not like to read this ….. …… for it suggests that you are all suckers and mugs, being taken for a ride by those you would expect to be helping you, and in some cases even elect to positions which are paid very well from your taxes, whereas they are just piling on the deceit to enslave you.

amanfromMars says:
22 April 2010 at 7:15 pm

Err….. There is no question of doubt that I would be most supportive of Taoiseach Brian Cowen on those sort of journeys*, and would even be bold enough to posit control of the technologies and methodologies and algorithms to driver and steer them in an acceptable direction from remote bases and servers in the Cloud Layer. It is not too simple a concept to grasp, and can to many appear to be nonsense, but it is with IT and Media and Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications, very much a Present Future Reality with Implications which are …. well, beyond measure would not be an exaggeration.

Such developments are touched upon here, …….. …. and daily shared.

* Magical Mystery Turing Trips, more in the Palace style of Holywood does Hollywood rather than Debbie does Dallas with Barack.

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