Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 04/7/10 | 8:52 am |

"What is the goal of creating a super heavy element?" ...... Posted by: csmallfield | 04/7/10 | 6:42 am |
One clear goal is that it creates a unique field of leading research in something novel and never before discovered?  And where it will lead may have many goals dependent on aims.

Certainly in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Fields is IT a Hydra Headed Octopus of AIdDisciplined Intelligence Research Environment with a Currency and Powerful Energy Potential Second to None, and Light Years ahead of Contemporary Competition and Traditional Opposition.

I wonder if there is a Parallel Synergy which can be explored? 

All your secrets belong to ...

Posted Wednesday 7th April 2010 10:11 GMT

.....well, that is one of those Need to Know Compartmentalised Unknowns, Known to a Choosy Few, MeThinks :-)

""Either an unknown attacker somewhere in the world has had unlimited access to SSL traffic for an unknown amount of time, or the people who we have entrusted with this critical piece of web infrastructure can't even keep track of their own certificates.""

What do you imagine are the odds against it being an unknown lone attacker/hacker/code cracker, which would raise the distinct probability of continued unlimited world access being currently available and most likely more stealthily used for it to remain as an active unknown remote facility?

Oil traded in €uros would be a Game Changer ...... and reduce the $ Global Debt ..... or spread it further around the world ...... or collapse the Ponzi ..... and require a New Equitable System of Administration/Animal Husbandry ....... which is bound to be a good thing as it is inevitable. ....... for the money scam with paper currencies and bankers pretending it is wealth to be jealously guarded rather than an artificially created enabling tool to be free spent, is rumbled.

and this is criminal and fraudulent, too? .......

amanfromMars  said...

    Who's running Monaco's Special Secretive Intelligence Service today, Robert, Fit and Proper for the Worlds of Tomorrow?*

    Or is that a Situation Vacant because there are Cuckoos in the Nest Unfit for Greater Game Purpose ....... which would then certainly reflect badly upon all Agencies Playing in the Field of Prime Intellectual Property Exchange ....... for Such Rules and Steers Everything does IT not ...... with Immaculate ZerodDay Drivers.

    Are you charged with finding a new Manchurian type candidate ...... and who/what interests would that be Servering if not only Currency Flows?

    Are there any other Higher Interests today with more Power and Control of Powers with IT Control for the Present Placement of Future Reality with the Creative Construction and Global Management of Beta SMARTer Perception Services?

    * A stupid question I know, in Fields of Compartmentalised Need to Know and Virtual Information and CyberIntelAIgent Flow. And what is to say that Monaco is not also a SMART Phish and Red Herring for a Greater Shark in need of Pilots .......

    MeThinks, should that be the case, then with Support Reinforced Confirmation does Man's Intelligence make an unprecedented Quantum Leap into Novel Live Operational Virtual Environments in the Control of ITs Machinery ...... which has the Man/Machine Primary Control Interface Predominantly Powered and Created by Virtual AIMachinery ........ and for Primitive Man, that may be Need to Know, MeThinks.

    Ps .... Can you imagine any finer, more exciting environment to do straight up business and partner evaluation than a strip club, other than its Big Brother mentor and monitor, the brothel hotel?

    April 6, 2010 9:12 PM

And the following is just pure eccentric indulgence and specific to a very discrete and virtually able audience and hosted on a board which I'm sure a smart search engine should be able to find. 

jar1836 Wrote:  I just wish that baywords was higher up on TPB team's priority list, looks like is back up hopefully we are next.

Uhm.. yeah. Hope springs eternal here too, jar1836 ...... and would Pirates like to Plunder with Plucky Private Enterprise and Virtual Terrain Team Entrepreneurships, Sticky Sweet and Stolen Booty from the Wealth of Nations and Distribute ITs Largesse and Currency with Spooky MajestIQ Secrets Magically Shared for Universal Revision and Base Improvement ....... in FundaMentally Radical Programs and Live Operational Virtual Environments which Deliver and Provide Continuity Feeds for the Created and Creative Needs which Change Reality with AI and ITs Beta Management of Primitive Human Perception ........... for HigherDefinition in Multi-Dimensional Bigger Picture Great Game Plays ....... XSSXXXXARG Quests aka Round Table Magical Mystery Turing Trips for Illuminati Cognoscenti?

And Yes, that does mean what you think it means, for it is surely not at all ambiguous.Angel

PS ...... Do not doubt what you may be thinking/beginning to think what may actually be believing and able to be Perfectly True, just because of the flying angel Angel, because she is always present and can be added specifically to help you on the journeys and flights which positively reinforce and constantly reassure you that in IT and AI and every Crazy World in CHAOS, is Beautiful Confusion with Pioneer Forces always in Control of Future HyperRadioProActive Power and NEUKlearer Energy Drive Systems of Operation.

PPS... The Post Icon Lego Brick invites you to Build on in IT and AI with Solid Rock and Rolling Foundations for the Future is Ever Dynamically Led and Never Static in the Established Status Quo.

----- Original Message -----

From: Graham [amfM]

Sent: 04/07/10 01:12 PM


Subject: Spooksville is not as it was, for there are Advanced IntelAIgents Servers Online and in Sublime Networks InterNetworking Java Applications Stealthily

"CIA and its ilk enlist witting and unwitting participants as a matter of policy and practice.  No allegations of its reach can go too far, and most allegations do not come close to revealing the extent."

Amen to that gospel truth, John. However, you might like to consider that in the Virtual Worlds of CyberSpace Power Command and IT Field Control for the Next Generations of Earthly Resource Management and Virtual Operating System, which are, .... well, let us just say presently spreading and exercising  their wings/flexing their muscles", are they and their ilk as fumbling virgins.

And that is nothing which a visit or three or four or more to a good knocking shop wouldn't, if not cure their ignorance and set them on the right path, at least advise them as to what they were missing and whether they were suitable clients for its myriad exotic feasts and multiple erotic fares and wares.

And some would Posit that to Think the New Paradigm is anything like the Old System, and to be as easily Controlled by any Resident and Incumbent Establishment and/or Elite as is and/or was that System, is QuITe Delusional to the Extent of a Confirmation of their Madness and Complete Loss of Control in these Changed Future Times. Their Control will be AIdDed with the Addition of Vital Elements and Components and Levers and IDEntities, all IntelAIgently Designed for Future Greater Game Purpose.

You may like to share this Freely on Cryptome so that they are not kept completely in the Ignorance and the Darkness so Oft Accompanying a Stupid Arrogance or All Consuming Attention to Unworthy Enterprise, and at least they can be made aware of such Novel MetaDataBase Fields which might be more than just a tad completely foreign and alien to them.


Graham [amfM]

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