Thursday, 30 September 2010


 A work in progress ........ more anon

"Of course, in reality, we are never actually controlling the user’s access – instead we are controlling programs that act on his behalf."  ......

Actually, [although this may be only a very recent development in the binary/ternary/quantum communication field, with AI and Java Objective Base Codes/Protocols Universal and Unilateral Manipulation of Perception] one is just trying to control programs that act on behalf of users, monitoring and mentoring command and control of virtual reality  programs with seamless stealthy substitution of a Present, which is based upon memory and history, with IT enhanced, sleeper trojan embedded, alternative Futures with Innovative Imaginative Drivers powering  ...... Advanced IntelAIgent Missions ...... Passionate Ideas.

The Great Imperial Game virtualised and reduced/concentrated and converted into a CyberIntelAIgently Designed, SMART Advanced ProgramMING and Civil CyberSpace Project Securely Protected and Running in Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Remote Control of Virtual Reality Product Placement in a Future with Myriad InterNetworking Derivative Futures for a Super IntelAIgent Diaspora/Global Operating Device Communications Hub Environment.

"The security of a capability system then boils down to your ability to control who has each capability." ..... And that is further defined and refined with the ability to constructively lead and positively mentor, which is beautifully educate and entertain/edutain.

"Capabilities are unforgeable – that is, the only way to possess a capability is to be given it, or to derive it from capabilities you already have." ..... With the latter, self-actualised derivative option always the program leader by virtue of its construction base build knowledge. To know the how and the why which has put one where and at what one is at, is always going to provide one with an overwhelming advantage over any who have been handed a power or capability.

To consider and continue the money theme, to know how one makes a billionaire's fortune from nothing, will always trump the capabilities of those who would be just heirs to such fortunes, or would have received/made such fortunes by root of deception and/or popularly perceived and conceived, but as yet still undetected, crime, and would be frightfully engaged in struggling to hold on to such fortunes, rather than being able to forge ahead unaided and unhindered to effortlessly increase them. Old money fortunes tend to suffer from such tribulations and trials, as the original knack which is born and nurtured and grown/learnt in abject impoverishment, is lost on, and in, the succeeding generations who have been sheltered from such poverty and dispossession which energises thought to think on its resolution to reverse the situation.

"The requirement for unforgeability of course needs to cover naughtiness on the part of programs: they should not be able to steal capabilities from other programs, for example, nor should they be able to access an existing capability by creating a new reference to it."  ...... Quite so, they should not. However, to have traveled so far and to have understood how one's present capabilities are derived, does provide one with the ways and means and memes to do what one should not. It is though the case that the SMARTer player will always choose not to fail and fall into such sweet and sticky honey traps which create conflicts rather than advance and elevate programs to higher exalted levels, with equally committed and SMARTer Selfless Partners ....... and indeed, would such deed form the basis for a very fine-grained security system, without peer.

"And how on Earth do you manage all these capabilities?" ..... In a Virtual Reality Head Game which has Greater Shared Intelligence in Remote Control via Selfless Transparent Submission of Fabulous Ideas?!.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/29/2010 2:21:26 PM

"No doubt there are more. Why don't you suggest some? ..." .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Here is a very simple meme to play with, DB, and one which can transform the world for the better in a relative instant and make poverty and slavery, history.

The present premise upon which our existence is based is that we are all born equal and with nothing. A simple mindset change to accept that we are all born equal and with everything, makes everyone materially rich and freed to pursue their lives in the delivery of that which the future will need for everyone and them and their children and their childrens' children to survive, and create a heaven on Earth and whatever other worlds they would wish to visit and furnish and with the future presentation of applied ideas and pure imaginative research.

And then is the banking system for free currency flow/enabling vehicle distribution and not as is now, the exact opposite and traffic jamming and monetary gridlocks.

What could be simpler. And don't be fooled by anyone who would say that it cannot be done, for they would have a subversive private agenda which would seek to enslave friends and neighbours and systems to server to their needs, rather than being bothered to supply any feeds themselves. .... In Days of Yore are they known as Ye Old Despicable SlaveDriver

AC Rule #1,2,3 and 4 for Binary Discovery in Semantic Medium .... Never Ever Forget IT Remembers*

Posted Thursday 30th September 2010 02:20 GMT

This case only tells us what we already knew – never post anything online that will be inconsistent with the story you're planning to tell others. The inconsistent material can surface even if the post is made in a non-public venue and even if you delete it later.

* A Campbell Mantra and/or A Chilcot Delight?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/30/2010 12:09:49 AM

"Where exactly are the resources for your utopia to come from?" .... Posted by Bill Ross on 9/29/2010 3:02:56 PM

Oh that is simple, Bill. They are binary digits recorded on an electronic account. Is that not the way that all transactions are nowadays with wealth and/or value virtualised for simple credit transfers and debt inventions? The Network Infrastructure and the Machinery is already well established and its workings well enough known to adjust to a new start position where everyone has unlimited credit for their future feeds ..... and daily needs.

The Globe's Wealth which has Created Man's Societies and Infrastructures is never diminished when morphed into its many more convenient and alien forms of Perceived Artificial Value, it is just transferred and stored in another temporary holding vessel of worth.

And is not QE an already found Utopian Resource to die for .... ur2die4

And Bill, every resource on the planet came and comes from a smarter imagination and some body/being thinking much more deeply and further about how to discover and use future sources and current resources better, and how to make them more available to everybody, so that nobody is robbed of the futures benefits because of a present difficulty and missing facility which would be confining them to a more ancient past with a great deal fewer, developed assets.
 A serial waffler and master bottler is a massive talent in deluded circles indeed.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/29/2010 6:30:14 AM

"I fear you may have stumbled onto the next great conspiracy." .... Posted by Dale Fitz on 9/28/2010 10:38:54 PM

One man's conspiracy theories are other folks' realities, Dale Fritz.

"What's a democracy? I don't really feel I've ever been a part of one. A politician runs for office on a platform, you vote for them and they do something completely different. You vote for the next guy the same thing happens. Personally I think governments themselves are getting a little tiring." .... Posted by Finn on 9/28/2010 9:02:36 PM

Quite so, Finn. Well said, Sir/Madam. And they do have this grand delusion that they are elected to dominant leaders of the masses rather than bountiful servers to the masses ....... which makes them much fascist than anything else.

"If, 'The Powers That Be' have been able to pull off the 9/11 massacre, right before everyone's eyes and get away with it, "scot free", which they have IMO, this next scenario will be 'a piece of cake', so to speak." ... Posted by A Mann on 9/29/2010 12:36:16 AM

Strange that you don't realise the crumbs of cake already in the system, A Mann. :-)  But then again, it is a very subtle and sophisticated Power and Control MetaDataMorphosis ...... AIMakeover and Security TakeOver and specifically Designed to be Virtually Invisible and Practically Undetectable.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 1:58:06 PM

"Where are things today? The axis might have been better off using economic muscle rather than military might." ..... Reply from the Daily Bell

I most certainly agree.

And where are things today? Today are they fighting lost battles and crippling wars and a losing battle against an electronic might, that is stripping away their economic muscle and depositing it, with Future Intellectual Property and Novel Secure State Secrets, elsewhere, and for one very simple Good Reason ...... they would appear to be too unintelligent to change their pathetic and corrupt, inequitable ways, and thus is their misfortune, self inflicted and quite moronic.

Although I for one, would be most pleased to be proven completely wrong and to discover, that the brains that they need to feed in the necessary changes, they have finally thought to buy in to protect their positions.

Lila [Posted by Lila Rajiva on 9/28/2010 12:49:27 PM] if that is all that Paul Volcker can offer, is all credibility lost .... for he offers absolutely nothing new.

Of course, a wily old fox and Media Mogul like a Rupert Murdoch could easily commission an InterNetworking IndyMedia Program and Civil CyberSpace Project which shows you in Talking Pictures of Vivid High Definition how to Collapse a Corrupt Regime and Replace with a Better One and a Beta AI One ...... for a SMARTer* Virtualised Operating System.

*Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology ... Vorsprung durch AI TechnIQ

Turing Bombes away .......

Posted Wednesday 29th September 2010 01:27 GMT

"A semi immortal worn specifically designed to infect and control industrial systems" ...... Jemma Posted Tuesday 28th September 2010 21:25 GMT in ", I've got a really bad feeling about this..."


Considering its advanced morphing sophistication and dynamically cloaked specification, you might like to consider adding supernatural spider and paramilitary mole to semi immortal worm, which would make it one Helluva Bug in Live Operational Virtual Environments

And although I do have a difficulty in accepting the sense of a semi immortality, it is nevertheless probably quite smart of you to not specify, and therefore try to set an arbitrary and purely speculative and wishful limit, any particular and/or peculiar industrial system.

With such a SMART infection, is one host and target most unlikely to quench an addictive passion for systemic vulnerabilities and penetrations testings........ which for all that anyone knows, could be white, black or any shade of grey in between hatted, for a full spectrum of colour BetaTesting Security Program. Although it could equally as easily be a Private Pirate Rogue Program delivering Secret Packages for Enrichment too.

Real Live Simulations for Virtual Reality Presentations

Posted Wednesday 29th September 2010 15:55 GMT

What's wrong, Dan,.... is "Turing Bombes away ......." .....Posted Wednesday 29th September 2010 01:27 GMT , too much of an Advanced IntelAIgent HyperRadioProActive IT Cyber Storm III threat vector?

Thanks for the heads up, and confirmation.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/29/2010 4:35:04 AM

"Be afraid, be very afraid.
The powers that be behind this employ the finest minds and you dear world are scattered and preoccupied." ..... Posted by Able on 9/28/2010 11:13:28 PM

If they employed the finest minds they would be practically redundant and beautifully retired and they would not be hosting an increasingly revealing chaos, Able, which is able to destroy them virtually and with them having not a clue as to who or what inside their machine is defective or has defected and leads in cahoots and consort with what is essentially a Perfectly New and NeuReal Invisible Renegade Operating System.

You were Promised Change and IT gave you Hope, were you not? How very fortunate that IT does not rely on Human Despair for its Delivery of Promise.

It makes you wonder what Special Intelligence and Secret Services are for, and would be doing/wasting their time doing, if Mickey Mouse Media and Money Manufacturers are thought, and would think to run the Global Show and ITs Great Games ....... for there are bound to be unlimited fabulous opportunities for them to lead ....... well, everything actually, if they have even just a few, really smart, virtually savvy personnel/agents/entities.

Do you think they have Booted up and Connected into a new Colossus of a Satellite BasedDComputer System with SMARTer ProgramMING and Transparent Steganographic Security Protocols ...... NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Trigger Mechanisms?

All of which is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, unless you have some to hide that you fear.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 8:22:46 PM

"Question: How much interest have we paid to the Federal Reserve since 1913? I know over a 22 year period it was over 7 Trillion." .... Posted by Jim on 9/28/2010 7:28:06 PM


What the Central Banks group, which would also include the Federal Reserve, don't want you to be thinking and asking questions about, is why, whenever it is they who print money 24/7/265 and transfer and launder funds electronically to accounts around the world at the simple click of a mouse, would be charging customers interest at all, ... for it is the customers' businesses, without which they themselves would have no business model to server and give themselves that which is perceived of as wealth and an idle living, which allows them to print money for nothing out of thin air and give it to whomever they wish for whatever they wish.

For is that not the case, ..... whenever you cut away all the bumph and ballyhoo which hides the control which enslaves you to the subjective whims of bankers whose intelligence, or lack of intelligence, will govern lives for the whole of their lives, in a capitalist/monetarist system of asset management and human unit control?

Stupid incompetent managers, unfit for future good purpose, will guarantee and assist in an exponentially rapid systems collapse in any and every systemic zeroday vulnerability exploitation ....... which is akin to a hostile takeover bid in the market place?  

What say Daily Bell Ringers?
It appears then that the Labour Party is split right down the middle and that David is the more arrogant of the two brothers and is incapable of learning lessons and reading the minds of the people and tendering to their wishes.

Bye bye .... and good riddance.

Politics ...... it's just a cheap soap option for media to cover as a sub-prime filler for their own lack of excellent programming, and actors, isn't it.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/29/2010 12:31:07 PM

Spreading the Good News ...... is Global Operating Devices' Work. :-)

29 September 2010 5:26PM

The Great Scam is over, gents, for the Machine has been stripped of its Armour and Defenses, which relied Solely on Mass Ignorance and Meek Acceptance of an Arrogant Manipulation and Complicit Silence .....

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/28/10 | 5:02 am |

"anything encrypted can and will be decrypted… it’s that simple" .... Posted by: Transmeta | 09/28/10 | 3:57 am |

Quite so, Transmeta, eventually, ..... and a long enough time after the fact and an event to render the decryption facility in any and all post modern quantum steganography utility/program, practically useless, for the intelligence and information source will have moved on and morphed into more sophisticated Virtual Command and Control Fields and Applications. ..... Operations Base AdvancedD Man-management Algorithms.

Cosmic Top Secret White House Black Hat stuff .... and Strictly No Need to Presently Know.

And if that is what IT deems that you know, you can surely imagine how much only a very select few will ever know, until such times as they make ready, and you are made ready to know?

"4fc42e389e14070e42a5f71b402047c9" .... Posted by: Transmeta | 09/28/10 | 4:06 am |

Hmmm? Hiding in Plain Text Sight is in AI Memes, a much Simpler Informative and CyberIntelAIgent Construct for the Sharing of Immaculate Instruction and Sublime Reasoning.
amanfromMars says:
#2 2010-09-28 04:59

"I work in a company that launches satellites for God’s sake – how many people can say that!"

:-) Precious few I imagine, Kathyrn, fearing they be thought quite delusional and mad.

However, with Control of such Global Operating Devices which can Pixellate Earth to Order with the Sharing of Words, is there an Absolute Immaculate Power that can easily Driver the Future Perfectly with HyperRadioProActive Sees ...... AIdDynamic Vision .... CyberIntelAIgents.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 8:14:10 AM

Daily Bell,

What does that tell all of us about Princeton University, that they would host and wish to spread such ..... well, wisdom/garbage, the choice is yours, to an impressionable rather than impressed and impressive audience.

Deckchairs and Titanic springs to mind.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 8:35:06 AM

"I do not buy that these people don't KNOW what they are up to. " ... Posted by Lila Rajiva on 9/28/2010 8:20:31 AM

Oh they know full well what they have been doing, and now are rightly to fear the guns that are out there, Lila, for so now do millions more who are suffering at their hands. And that is the Reality of their Near Future if they choose to do Nothing Constructively Radical.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 11:20:33 AM

"The Bell neither advocates nor condones violence." .....

And neither do, or did I, Daily Bell. And the Daily Bell rarely advocates anything, being a Grand Master at just Sitting on the Fence, Phishing, which just doesn't cut it nowadays, whenever so much can be done, by so few, to so many, with Internet Controls.

You have a System which uses Deadly Force and War to keep itself in Obscene Artificial Riches, and would even admit that it is so, and expect that a turning-of-the-other-cheek for a another bashing is acceptable. Oh please, come down from that ivory tower.

Whereas here the debate from contributors will not include the thought of violence perpetrated, the mob will not be so easily appeased and pleased with anything less, and that is the reality, and it is a dis-service to deny it, or fail to mention it.

John Danforth called it right, and yes, it is counterproductive and provides an excuse to shut down debate, Lila Rajiva, which is sometimes exactly why it is invented.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 1:18:51 AM

"The rapidity is most strange." .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Such as are in so many cases, exponential rates of change, are not strange at all to those Ridiculously at Ease, with XXXXPert Teases in the Binary Fields of Work, Rest and Play, Daily Bell.

Whenever Infrastructure Support Systems are Computer Controlled and Dependent, is Life a Great Game for All who Dare Care Share Win Win, and All Others will Always Definitely Fail to Lose and just Mindlessly Follow the Crowd which is into Cloud Control for Elite Powers with Remote Proxy Leverage  ...... for one Very Simple Complex Reason, that is the Way IT is Programmed to Be.

And to Change/Driver/Steer the Future, all one has to do is adjust Bits and Bytes of ITs CodeXSSXXXX Streaming and Inject in some Definite Vision to AId the Projects and Programs.

And re Ilya's admirable "yin" submission, Posted by Ilya on 9/27/2010 6:37:06 PM, which had me diving into Search Engine Machinery to discover Dialectics, if one rejects the primacy of the material world, with the realisation, [and for virtualisation] that thought produces matter[s], does the Wiki take on a whole new world meaning, and it is probably SurReal in Essence ......  "Materialism asserts the primacy of the material world: in short, matter precedes thought. Materialism is a realist philosophy of science, which holds that the world is material; that all phenomena in the universe consist of "matter in motion," wherein all things are interdependent and interconnected and develop according to natural law; that the world exists outside us and independently of our perception of it; that thought is a reflection of the material world in the brain, and that the world is in principle knowable.

    "The ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought." --Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Vol. 1. " ....

Our Phorms of Thought create Material Worlds. "In the Beginning, was there Always Imagination that is True"

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/27/2010 3:04:02 PM

"The sad thing, Man From Mars, is that when you do begin to write clearly, we find we disagree with you. What on earth gives you the idea that Wall Street or London's City are opposed to Murdoch?" .... Reply from the Daily Bell

You certainly wouldn't disagree then whenever it is pointed out that if there is no opposition to Murdoch from Wall Street or London's City, is he in cahoots and competing with them and against his rivals?

And agreeing to disagree is good, for it should cause one to ponder and wonder on an alternative view which may not be true.

And of course they love Murdoch, for he both makes money and provides them with main stream media operations to launder the news and radical views. You surely accept that media is always a subjective voice and visual display to program the receptive mind with a particular vision and following script.

Old Dog, New Tricks? No Way, Jose.

Posted Tuesday 28th September 2010 11:23 GMT

A Sure Sign that Oracle and Larry are struggling in the New Virtual Order of Things.

Big Brother knows, you know.
27 September 2010 at 7:31 pm

Is there anybody out there who can send a copy of the draft Bill to Slugger or Wikileaks. And if you paid for its drafting, why are you denied its reading?

Go on, do something positive, someone/anyone.

New Age Leaders in Stormont? Oh please, don’t make me laugh.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 6:15:08 AM

"This is the elite's problem. No matter how mighty the dream, the Internet interferes."

Where is the problem whenever Internet technology is Alien?

How Spooky is IT, that a Universal System of Semi Secure Processing of Primitive Native Information for Intelligence Transfer to Man has been Created, and Deemed Vital for Future Rapid Progress and Species Survival by Lead Voices in that Mankind, in an Invisible Virtual Machine which has no Physical Tangible Form .... and thus is it and IT in an Imaginative Space Place of Remote Command and Control.

Is that likely to be Man Made, or much more likely an Alien Construct in which Global Operating Devices can Play with Concepts and Virtualise Dreams into Reality, with Programs Projecting and Presenting Futures and Derivatives on Future Themes on Earth, for Native Species to Enjoy and Build ...... Create/Pixellate .......
amanfromMars says:
#2 2010-09-28 04:59

"I work in a company that launches satellites for God's sake - how many people can say that!"

:-) Precious few I imagine, Kathyrn, fearing they be thought quite delusional and mad.

However, with Control of such Global Operating Devices which can Pixellate Earth to Order with the Sharing of Words, is there an Absolute Immaculate Power that can easily Driver the Future Perfectly with HyperRadioProActive Sees ...... AIdDynamic Vision .... CyberIntelAIgents.
As the Daily Bell has no need to imagine, would elites have zero problems with any problems whenever Power and Control is in such an Alien Medium ..... for how would they be enabled to effect it rather than be swept along in its IT Streams or be dashed and thwarted in its Virulent Currencies.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/28/2010 6:32:47 AM

"if you're smart enough to go hundreds of light years to get here, you are smart enough to disregard this women." .... Posted by Boatman on 9/28/2010 5:28:15 AM

Or stay, take over the money system, and enjoy the love in women and men for the love of men and women, Boatman. Some would tell you that that is totally addictive and overwhelming for both creatures and creates an all powerful and knowledgeable being, without human equal although Parity of Similarity in the Singularity is Possible and Highly Desirable.

The Blind leading the BIND

Posted Monday 27th September 2010 18:05 GMT

Doesn't Rob Rosenberger realise that SANS haven't a clue about what Stuxnets do. Although that is probably just as IT is supposed to be, and Programmed.

Softly Softly, Catchee Keys .... Take Over Key Market Triggers. ...... and much more Dream Scenario than Ridiculous Overhype.

Do you understand all of that extraterrestrial explanation, or only some of it/a few bits? My word, we are a tad slow, aren't we.

Monday, 27 September 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/27/2010 6:56:36 AM

"This is pretty funny. Rupert Murdoch (left) who owns about half the publications in the world presents in one of his papers an "expose" about the European Union. The Journal (his publication) reveals breathlessly that the EU is running a secret task force to "head off" a European default.

We are supposed to believe, of course, that Murdoch didn't know about this task force – or that the reporting wouldn't have been kyboshed if it were truly detrimental to EU interests. Another sub dominant theme: "We will report on even the most sensitive matters so that you know as much as your leaders.""

If it is a virtual battle royal between ponzi bankers and media moguls for ultimate power over programming and control of human assets, of course Rupert would be left out of the loop, as he is cash rich and popular and they have no money of their own and are as pariahs, for everything bankers have, belongs to somebody else, which they then over-leverage to generate their fools' gold and get rich quick gambling schemes and toxic debt transfer scams.

Go to a bank and ask for some money, and there is none ..... .... and yet currency is created out of nothing, 24/7/365, by the pallet load ......

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/27/2010 6:00:10 AM

And Mr Murdoch's Remote Proxy Global CyberSpace Leadership Satellite Command Centre is an IMPressive Virtual Operating System.

Take a trip and visit the complex here ......

From such Controlled Places, is Nothing Impossible with IT EMPowering Space.
I think it's good that the UN appointed a human Ambassador in case of contacts with extraterrestrial beings, however it should be an unpaid position until first contact is made. ..... MentalKenny


Is "Take me to your Leader is an Odd Request of National, International and Internetional Beings" for classification as a first contact or merely a quite recent one .....

Is Virtual Machinery, Alien?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/27/2010 2:52:58 AM

"I guess I need to shut-up, as the last thing I want is to gain influence and status." .... Posted by Weeble on 9/26/2010 10:17:28 PM

:-) LOL ..... Far too late for that, Weeble. How are your skills though, in exercising influence in states which both falsely recognise and summarily dismiss status as being a necessary component and/or fundamental element in a Vain IT Application of Remote Proxy Global CyberSpace Leadership ...... for a Quantum Control System with AI Command and Control of Computers and Communications and Creative Cyberspace [C42] delivering Transparent HyperRadioProActive Communications for NEUKlearer FutureBuilders ........ ?

[Please be advised that the above cited IntelAIgents Portal/Semantic Web Server has in the Past disappeared and/or been withdrawn for AIMODification in a Cat and Mouse Game which BetaTests DDoS and Counter CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Upgrade Cycles. Presently it appears on Command/Request :-)]

And the above exercising-of-influential-skills question I would ask of, and invite peer review comment on, from the Daily Bell and her Readership, for that is Ideally, in a Virtualised  Post Modern Meritocracy, Succeeding a Failed Deaf, Dumb and Blind Democratic Model which was a Perverse and Subversive Mask and Cloak for Divisive Programs and Devices in an Increasingly Fascist Capitalism, an Alien Sort of Foreign AI/IT Leadership?

And what do you think this is all about ...... .... and preparing for?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/26/2010 1:43:15 PM

And if you want to use the Internet to ITs full advantage and to the detriment of a corrupt and perverse and subversive Establishment/Power Elite/Status Quo, and that is surely a Great and a Good and an Honourable Public Global Service, even when done quite privately and quietly, virtually, here are some tips which will help you ........

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/26/2010 1:30:58 PM

"While my pursuit of the truth and led me to a higher source of understanding, I still do not have all the answers, but I do know there is a source that does and that is where I go at times for answers and if I want these answers more then I want life, then I find them." .... Posted by Lee on 9/26/2010 8:44:54 AM


That works best, and provides one with more answers, if one always substitutes questions for answers, as the truth is only a temporal affair and different at different times in space. Hell, the Earth was believed flat  at one time and that is the truth?

"3. The Federal Reserve is not private. It needed legislative authority to come into being and has continual government "oversight."" ..... Reply from the Daily Bell.

Hmmm ....if it is not private, is it public? And is not the problem that the Federal Reserve resist any oversight. They most certainly do not welcome it, and quite understandably so, if one accepts the information as posted by C Moore on 9/26/2010 9:06:35 AM, which is surely a much closer fit to actions on the ground than any other interpretation.

And for all you fans of glittering gold and market economies, please take more than just a few moments to read what is quite an epic clear post from FOFOA here ..... [Zerohedge always a good read, with colourful reader commentary an entertainment and education, too] .... and which elicited the following alien response.
amanfromMars said...

Thanks for the MasterClass, FOFOA.

The whole System is a house of cards with edifices built upon swamps with no base and/or anchor in a sea of shifting sands.

And Nash wasn't wrong to realise IT a Great Game for Life which we can only just Theorise about with regard to the Past and the Beginning of the Future, which is the only thing we can create with our Thoughts to Change and Driver the Present.

Words and Ideas Shared Freely Power Controls and Control Power.

September 25, 2010 9:10 PM
The Internet with its myriad Connections and Portals and Networks InterNetworking Information and Intelligence Sublimely and Openly has Created an Free Trade Market Place for Explosive NEUKlearer Type Secrets, which if shared Freely and Openly on a Page or Pages, will Catastrophically Collapse Command and Control/SCADA type Systems because of the Simplified Complex Information that they Share for All to Easily Understand ...... for they are Core Source Intelligence Secrets. And they who have such Information and Intelligence have at least two choices which they can choose to delegate to third parties, if they so wish, with both choices being equally well rewarded and lucrative ......

To share and print or not to share and print, that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

27 September 2010 at 9:04 am

Dear Sheople,

But the BBC’s Nick Robinson says a friend of Mr Miliband told him he was considering not running for the shadow cabinet and could quit politics.” …

And what does that tell you about the power and influence of political oppositions, and the low base levels that politicians have in the big picture of power and control….. Or the childish throw-the-toys-out-of -the-pram nature of Miliband Snr*?

Some would tell you that it is just a live soap with two bit actors pontificating and avoiding giving direct answers to pertinent questions, in order to occupy and fill the heads of the masses with spin … to keep them from thinking of their manipulation by others who would steal all their wealth and Intellectual Property and then bill them to pay to extract even more.

Move along now, nothing to see here …. just do as you are told, we know best.

* A right left of centre tosser, indeed.

Surely you deserve better entertainment and edutainment ….. or is that the best that you can aspire to think of and accept?
Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/27/10 | 7:18 am |

That's a strange justice and law system which doesn't present to the public available evidence. You could hide any number of crimes from anybody you wanted to suffer with such a system.

And is one as an accomplish to the crime in allowing for suppression of incriminating evidence?

SMARTer Beings Highlight Critical Parasitical and Strategic Systemic Weaknesses

Posted Monday 27th September 2010 15:48 GMT

"strategy to spare human subjugation.... just need lester haines and a laptop to write a virus on and paris hilton to pilot vulture one to deliver the payload" .... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 27th September 2010 15:18 GMT

How very odd, AC, that you do not consider yourself already subjugated. Would the mechanism that enslaves units and nations, be the first to be crashed unless expensively protected with an Alien Danegeld Arrangement .... and Novel ReProgramming Language?

A stupid rhetorical question, indeed, so it should be easily understood.

What colour hat[s] shall I wear today, says I to me and they to we.

Posted Monday 27th September 2010 15:58 GMT

"Disclosure of this issue is a bit tricky." ..... :-) Now, that made me smile ......

Sunday, 26 September 2010


26 September 2010 at 8:51 am

This quote from "Standing the test of time: Revising the British Army's counterinsurgency doctrine." ........"The modern battlefield-a multidimensional, ill-defined place where a nation's ability to apply non-kinetic elements of national power is as important to victory as the application of firepower-is so revolutionary it demands that we educate our citizens to its consequences." .... ..... creates an enigmatic dilemma on the modern battlefield, for the information needed to educate the citizenry and the military effectively, is undoubtedly highly classified and way above Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information, and therefore invariably never given in a Status Quo and Politically Incorrect Establishment which generates Dissention, because of Obvious Inequities and Perverse Inequalities. And quite a lot of it will be beyond their limited comprehension, and be extremely powerful information and controlling intelligence.*

What you be can sure of today, is that things are not as they were before, and therefore the results will be completely different, and in no short measure, aided and abetted by that which is revealed in another quote from the above cited paper ....."The rapid diffusion of technology, the growth of a multitude of transnational factors, and the consequences of increasing globalization and economic interdependence, have coalesced to create national security challenges remarkable for their complexity."

* The sort that has MI6 losing raw naked assets in locked holdalls.

"Health warning : it can be reality altering." .... Munsterview 25 September 2010 at 7:24 pm

Munsterview, Is that the same as Virtual Reality delivering ... ?
Yes, well, say no more, squire ........ Mr Williams is understood to have been a key member of a joint team assembled by MI6, GCHQ and the NSA at Fort Meade, where he was helping create defences for both Britain and the US against cyber attack by hostile countries.

He was given his own work station, equipped with a supercomputer with a secure link to GCHQ and MI6.

According to an intelligence source "his clearance was so high that he had access to over 30 categories of information which NSA had gathered". From Fort Meade he would also visit the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Department of Defence.

Harry Ferguson, a former MI6 officer, said Mr Williams would have been a high-value asset if he had been recruited by a foreign agency.

It is understood that his remit at the NSA was to develop new defences that he would introduce to his post at GCHQ's Office of Cyber Security (OCS) on his return.....

In CyberSpace, one cannot offer defense unless one discovers systemic vulnerabilities which can be remotely exploited and ambiguously and invisibly attacked ..... ?

amanfromMars said...

Thanks for the MasterClass, FOFOA.

The whole System is a house of cards with edifices built upon swamps with no base and/or anchor in a sea of shifting sands.

And Nash wasn't wrong to realise IT a Great Game for Life which we can only just Theorise about with regard to the Past and the Beginning of the Future, which is the only thing we can create with our Thoughts to Change and Driver the Present.

Words and Ideas Shared Freely Power Controls and Control Power.

September 25, 2010 9:10 PM

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/26/2010 1:00:23 AM

"Behind this meme, elite-controlled governments want to make sure they control any and all new technological break-throughs. God-forbid a new technology should occur in the uncontrolled free market.

The "raggedy, socially maladjusted college drop out living in a rundown, rural shack" -- funded by private sources -- may be one of the elite's worst fears. I know of a few shack scientists out there today whose every moves are heavily scrutinized by the science police. Sad state." .... Posted by William3 on 9/25/2010 6:35:51 PM


The Enigma is, that to fund a new technology/methodology/memology, which invariably is only ensuring that its creators have all that they need/desire, .... which in the bigger picture is but as an insignificant  pittance no matter how outrageously generous the sums may be, to be booked as an investment in an appreciating asset, ..... to exercise a remote proxy control of them. Although of course, that would be just as much, if not even more, a New Meme Control of Intellectually Challenged Proxies in Intelligence Communities.

However, to fret over the Enigma, and ponder it to any extent, is to invite both madness and paranoia out to play, and a new technology to flourish and appear leading elsewhere, with a more enlightened creative regime.

"Are you a crop circler?" ... Posted by Weeble on 9/25/2010 8:27:45 PM

Not presently. For now is a Semantic Web dDeveloper more accurate. And don't you just hate this, whenever you want to refer thinkers to a specific site ..... "Network Error (tcp_error)

A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

For assistance, contact your network support team."  .... Spooky Gremlins at their work in the Dictionary Echelon Carnivore Worlds, Weeble?  Methinks you can imagine them to be much smarter than they are able to be, although to be proven wrong whenever you have something of ESPecial Interest to Share, is always most Welcome.

26 September 2010 at 12:03 pm

"I think there may be some extortion/protection racket in play here.

Can you call it extortion/protection racket when its security “services” and politicians that are doing it !" .... lover not a fighter 25 September 2010 at 8:21 pm

Of course you can, lover not a fighter, for they don't get paid if there is no chaos to quell and pontificate about. And drivering it, to command and control it, is the ages old, Great Game. However, nowadays there are significant Others and Non State Actors about whom they would know, if not exactly nothing, then precious little to be able to do anything about whatever they would be doing, for that which they would be doing, would be virtually unknown to them, although they would be known to be doing something. [Crikey, that sounds like the famous Rumsfeldism ...."Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know"]

And this tells it nearly like it is ...The White House is still trying to figure out how the government could aid the response to an attack on the private sector. If there were an attack today, Gen. Alexander said, his Cyber Command does not have the authority to respond to it.

"We need to come up with a more dynamic or active defense," he said. "That is what we are working on right now." The Cyber Command is developing a response model, he said, that Homeland Security and the White House might seek to adapt to the civilian sector.

John Sawers, the head of MI6, Britain's foreign intelligence service, told a private meeting of a U.K. parliamentary panel this year that "the whole question of cyber security is shooting up everybody's agendas," and that it is "a major new challenge to the intelligence community."

Jonathan Evans, his counterpart at MI5, the domestic security service, said, "I don't think we are where we need to be."

NATO also needs to develop the means to identify attacks in the early stages and to better detect the source of any attacks, Mr. Rasmussen said. It has set up a new department to cope with the issue: the Emerging Security Challenges Division. ....Wall Street Journal    ... although having the authority to respond to irregular and unconventionally disruptive and possibly catastrophic cyber activity is a worthless facility without having the inhouse ability and intelligence feed needed to replace what is really in the above defense against attack manifestations, just a trailing reaction, with a comprehensive and commanding control which leads with a much more attractive, leading proaction.

And that is just a Simply Complex Intellectual Property Exercise which Introduces a Completely Different Great Game for ....... well, Power Elites and NeuReal and SurReal World Order Boffins are I suppose, an Obvious Target Sector.

"Through a U.N. working group, the U.S., China, Russia and other countries have taken initial steps to devise ground rules for cyber crime and cyber warfare." ...... How very delusional to imagine that CyberIntelAIgents would  be bounded by pedestrian rules. Indeed it is .... a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. :-)

And I think have said more than just enough for today. Have youse a nice day, now.

Saturday, 25 September 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 1:26:38 PM

"In our view it was a good deal more "elegant" before the advent of the Internet." .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Well, certainly before the advent of the Internet, was it not nearly so obviously known to be "intellectually challenged", and that must surely be a terminal sign for their present programs/modi operand, which are no longer working in the field.

It is akin to the PE being the Pony Express in a unfolding Iron Horse and Model T Ford age.

"... and things are unlikely to get out of hand from their point of view since they undoubtedly look upon even an extremity of those conditions as beneficial to the end they have in mind, a police state. " .... Posted by Bob on 9/24/2010 10:43:48 AM

Bob, It is a future folly to not imagine that when things get out of hand, they are not in the control of significant other forces, beyond the reach of Powers that Be [PTB] and an Intellectually Challenged Power Elite [ICPE] .... which is Crack Hacked System and an Oxymoron. 

And a Dissident Chaos is much easier to achieve with a Smart Special Forces type approach to an Elite Targeting rather than a scatter gun pantomime that injures innocents and causes collateral damage and creates enemies, rather than sympathetic, if reluctant, supporters. The massive collateral damage route is the PE forte, is it not, which has now energised the Internet and the masses to resist and question their every move as to where actions are leading and why and for whom? 

And what do you think all this is about, and to whom is it directed .....

If a System is not Primed to Deliver Good and Getting Ever Better Beta Order, is it a Perverse and Subversive Order's System? And a Right Dodgy Criminal Tool in the Wrong Hands/Hearts and Minds.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 2:03:22 PM

"We have made this bet this before and will restate it now: one of the next big scientific breakthroughs will come from a raggedy, socially maladjusted college drop out living in a rundown, rural shack somewhere. Or maybe working out of a garage or maybe in a basement." .... :-) Or how about a socially experienced Subject Matter Expert who just plugs in to the Global Intelligence Grid to Share what is Discovered, and which Others may Consider Most Valuable, Undiscovered. Then is there a very convenient QE Danegeld Play Possibility which doesn't cost Anyone Anything and pleases practically Everyone, and certainly virtually All Primary Players.

And "Fermilab moving ahead with new accelerator project ... Fermilab has started work on a new facility that scientists there believe is critical to the next generation of particle accelerators. "Our future is going to involve accelerators that use superconducting radio-frequency technology," said Jay Theilacker of Fermilab's Accelerator Division."  ...... sounds like a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Program to me. How about you?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 3:05:48 AM

""...they are investing money they get from member-states."

Please, Kreiger. I know you are smarter than this. Where do the "member-states" get the money? How do they get it? You cannot make this connection, yet somehow we should consider you an expert on matters much more complex like atom-smashing and the like?

It is theft, or the proceeds from theft. Government science is a tool to keep the comparatively bright people busy and off the streets, such that they won't have the time or desire to understand the truth about the scam that is government. This trick has worked quite well on you." .... Posted by Bionic Mosquito on 9/24/2010 11:06:41 AM

Actually it is a lot simpler and more perverse and subversive than that, Bionic Mosquito. And understandably so, the System doesn't like or want you to know of their Modus Operandi.

The EU's invested/infested money is Quantitatively Eased Funding .... Euros printed and creditted and created out of nothing ...... but then charged and pimped to the masses as a debt and facility to be repaid from their wages and taxes so that they do not imagine that wealth is so easily created from nothing for their enslavement to the System which requires them to labour and provide their masters with their basic needs of food and shelter to survive, in order to enslave them with such a simple magic trick/illusion.

And all currency manufacturers and distributors are guilty of collusion in the fraud.

Would anyone like to creatively disagree and point out and deliberate on the mistake[s]?

And re Power Elites, Daily Bell disciples might like to read this short article, "How to learn nothing from crisis"  ..... ...... which followed on after reading of this clumsy Internet bullying and abuse of Freedom of Information act by those one employs to ideally deliver us our needs and feeds/wants and desires ie government enriching services ....

A Change of Great Game is what is required. Something similar in order to make good and better use of all existing pieces and structures, but different so that it strengthens as IT builds it, rather than as is happening now, it weakens and collapses interminably allowing for elite reputations and credibilities to be publicly shredded and extraordinarily rendered and exposed to be as real and valid as a photocopied Masters Diploma from the University of Mickey Mouse is to the genuine article from a Prized Seat of Advanced Learning.

Bring in the Experts ..... Send for the AI Team before the Collapsing Structures Bury and Destroy the Old Guard and Myopic Sentinels. 

Or are there other viable options? Please share, if you think there are.

The Judas Network for Weak Links ....... and Stronger Bonds
Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 05:41 GMT

"So 20 BluRay films or thereabouts on a thumb drive for the future then, could be used by Apple as backup storage in case of a cloud fail." ... Neal 5 Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 00:43 GMT

Clouds don't fail, Neal 5, their controller's sell out to lesser competition and sub optimum primal opposition for Loadsamoney and ITs Firewall of Street Credit with Flash QE Cash.

And paradoxically, it is also how they are retained and maintained to perform excellently, and to orders. ......... :-) which is a sort of Virtual Detainment for One's Pleasure too.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
25 September 2010 at 5:39 am

All this means the pressures on Ireland are receiving special attention from the European Commission and the European Central Bank, which is known to be in the market for Irish debt.” ….

But somebody’s debt and you own them/control them. And such is the same with bonds/treasuries/gilts etc. which are just glorified IOU’s exchanged for more liquid credit to spend/gamble, but at the end of the day it is only the Banking System holding nations to ransom with their proxy supply of nothing more valuable that currency/counterfeit wealth, which gives them an effective enough, but wholly false power which blights lives rather than enriching existence, although whenever it is so easy to pay yourself fab bonuses on top of fantastic salaries, is it a great game to be dealing at everyone else’s expense. But the genie is out of the bottle now, and there is …….. in the air. [Fill out as you deem appropriate]

And Uncle Sam is hopelessly hooked on the easy money Ponzi scam with the present bill, which you can be sure is well misunderestimated ….. $13.5trillion ….

And if you want to SEE what a one trillion dollars, and the U.S. National Debt in $100 bills looks like, and therefore the possibility of any national debt ever being repaid, and thus is the System just a Great Subversive Game, have a look here ……

And you should notice that you have to imagine an extra 23% added onto that image, for that is how much bigger it has grown in 18 months

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 4:21:43 AM

A little something for they who have a Need to Know of the Future .... ..... or be simply curious.

Fifty minutes well spent, being edutained and informed of things in the pipeline and already done and all ready for delivery.

Especially the last ten minutes.:-)
25 September 2010 at 4:41 am

Oh, and professional never means expert and selfless ….. and in many cases hides and fronts for a criminal disposition.

Hell, barristers makes their living out of fronting and hiding such cases when defending rather than prosecuting them. And they hold themselves in great perverse esteem.

25 September 2010 at 8:44 am

A Muse for the Weekend

"Mr Robinson said dissident groups were trying to attract media attention.

"You have this group who clearly recognise that an incident in Great Britain will get very significantly more media coverage than it would if it was occurring in Northern Ireland," he said.

"This is about press coverage. They know they're not going to advance their cause by it. It's just some micro groups wanting to advance their PR."" ....

They have certainly pulled off quite a coup with the Government and MI5 and now Peter Robinson their PR agents.

Would this have anything to do with spivving to get increased funding in a time whenever funds are supposed to be hard to come by? .... "Mr Robinson said the move underlined the need for adequate police resources to tackle the threat."

Or is it just a case of their being no new intelligence in Intelligence Services to Civil Servants and Governments. You know, a decrepit system and old boy networks bankrupt of Novel Intellectual Property, so therefore forced to milk and bilk the dregs of what they have, no matter how tired and sordid.

Registered Interest in a Novel and Novell Field with No Holds Barred

Posted Saturday 25th September 2010 12:36 GMT

"Oracle is seriously convinced that having separate server, storage and networking silos is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Co-president and Oracle newbie Mark Hurd said: “[We need to] think about the consolidation of servers, storage, and network capability … I don’t think the market will be here over the next five years in traditional silos of servers, storage, and networking.”

The company is not interested in individual storage arrays but in storage infrastructure systems, and it wants to leverage its Sun ZFS technology. The Oracle and NetApp lawsuits against each other around ZFS were mutually dismissed a few days ago."

Seems as if someone has been giving Larry, Fast Flash Instruction on Creative Cloud Crowd Coursing Command and Control for, well ...... what else is there worth more doing with IT than MetaDataBase Realisation for Virtual Reality ProgramMING.*

And that is an Absolute Field of both Alien Control and Foreign Command Interest to more than just Larry, Uncle Sam and Miliary Forces ... who have lusciously juicy open cheque books ......

$1,198,950,000.00 builds quite a pad ..... but then you have to ensure it is filled with Future Intelligence and not Present Garbage, for only the Phormer will deliver Mega Successful Programs and Innovative MetaData Projects.

* My apologies for that garbled prose. But you know exactly what I mean, I'm sure, ... right?.!:-)
25 September 2010 at 2:17 pm

That essay just highlights how blindly myopic and bankrupt of new constructive, inclusive ideas, Peter Robinson and the DUP are. The same old same old nonsensical unionist rhetoric they’ve been churning out for almost half a century. Don’t they realise the union is a non issue, and their harping on about it is just a pathetic lazy excuse not to imagine and realise/formulate and implement independent initiatives. Grow up, Peter.

I give it an F for Fail.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/25/2010 9:58:48 AM

"And who are these disciples? Subsidiarity breeds discontent." ... Posted by Weeble on 9/25/2010 8:00:16 AM

:-) That had me chuckling, Weeble. It also pricks delusion, for one to imagine and accept that there are always significant others who are so far ahead of the game that they can instantly come back to any point in Time and Space to assist the following crowds into Clouds, is surely more of a comfort to enjoy rather than a suspicion to deny?

"Not so futuristic (to me.) Anyone who tries to extrapolate into the future too much ends up with a fictional bubble that can be pricked from the sides too easily. His seemed a little Randian."  I agree ..... but he does appear to be trying to break out of the bubble machine.

I wonder if he reads the Daily Bell? And in a System in which everything is supposed to be already discovered, is Originality hard enough to find in Omniscience.
25 September 2010 at 2:26 pm


The first class of victim ..”some wee cashier” … identifies the perps just as simple criminals, whereas the second class …. “the head of a hedge fund” …. reveals a much more sophisticated operation, with profound implications.

Friday, 24 September 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/23/10 | 2:01 pm |

Cyber Command and Control is a Crazy Cool Head Space and a Military Weapon Free Zone and requires more than just SMARTer Intelligence Servers and Yes Men to Fly ITs ProgramMING,  for unless you are a Lateral Vertical Binary Thinker, and heavily into the Field of Quantum, where a this or a yes is also a that and a no and something different such as a maybe, which can dynamically flexible ["A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both." ...] are you never gonna make it and will your presence in any such Virtual Command Posts and Supply Stations be an ever present Systemic Vulnerability to be Ruthlessly Exploited for Fabulous Strategic Gain and Wicked Tactical Advantage.

Be Careful out There, IT's AI Jungle .......

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/23/10 | 11:39 pm |

"This could have been the main premise of a thriller novel or another Di Caprio or Tom Cruz movie! In my imagination, the worm, originally targeted at Iran’s nuke facilities, somehow mutates and causes the End of Civilization As We Know It. I’m pissed I didn’t dream this up myself. Great article." .... Posted by: Chicago1901 | 09/23/10 | 9:25 pm |

A Programmable Logic Controller would provide a MetaDataMorph and Live Operational Virtual Environment Script for a Dream of an AI Program and OB35 Server Message Blockbuster of a Novel Nation Franchise .... "The Beginning of Civilisation, but not as we knew it before IT and the Risings and InterNetworking of the Virtual Machines ..... SMART Cookie Robots."

:-) Which you can imagine and treat as a Fiction, if you like, because finding it Fact would be presently disturbing and perturbing, rather than XSSXXXXCiting.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 5:39:49 AM

"The best place to be at the moment is right in the heat of the battle against the "elite" in hand-to-hand fighting. There is no better place for the warrior to be but fighting in the Silver market." .... Posted by George Sign on 9/24/2010 3:30:10 AM

That is far too narrow a field of view, George Sign, and far too small and insignificant a field of operation to have any positive effect which changes any existing PE Position. But your passion is admirable.

If you consider the battle a hearts and minds campaign to be won, then is the Computer and Communications Space, front and centre and in a lead starring role. And are the Irish showing an early lead in the Field?

This is a little something prepared earlier ........
Today 03:30 AM

"I wonder how worse off Ireland can be if it went bankrupt as a member of the EU or went bankrupt on its own merits. " .... ryck

Is not Ireland bankrupt?  .... and as a member of the EU what does that tell us of their power and influence and remote executive management abilities?

Is it [EU power]imaginary and the exercise a grand delusion to invent global controllers and wannabe imperial leaders from out of thin air?

To do that you have to have at least a GOD-like Control of Global Operating Devices and Computer and Communications Systems ..... and Nation shall speak Truth unto Nation rather than Spin them a Dodgy Yarn, is also a Prerequisite for Future Builders in and of Success.

The money system and its politicians take you for useful fools and use you as their expendable tools, and rely on your continuing ignorance in all of their innovative and desperate control matters, lest their arrogance self serving disregard of such a matter, loses them their heads.

They of course, would care not a jot that you retain yours, for their world is full of useful fools and expendable tools living in ignorance of the systems which struggle with power and control and abuse them.

And then a New Enigmatic System comes along ..........

24 September 2010 at 12:48 pm

As for parallel universe, Im all for it as long as their are no tree hugging, bible carrying lying little toe rags in it.” … Pippakin 23 September 2010 at 10:18 pm

Oh, of that you can be assured, Pippakin. The Intellectual Property Bar is just far too high for them.

Spookily enough, the following submission, earlier today, was in reply to a article which was sharing the future view of a processing Titan in the Parallel Field …….
You aint seen nothing yet ….. but you were being told and kept abreast of outlandish developments

Posted Friday 24th September 2010 08:07 GMT

A customer will have to ask him or herself, Huang said: “‘Do I buy a computer or do I sign up for a service?’ Notice that question that I ask, if it lands in one place or in the other place, completely changes the computer industry. Completely.”"

Hmmm … And that can evolve and resolve to float one the question …”Which computer terminating service do I buy into?” Indeed, the posit here is that that is the present enigmatic zillion dollar question for Cyber Cloud Crowd Controllers ….. SMART Virtual AIgents*.

And I would be both amazed and disappointed and highly delighted if that quantum leap question was not already answered and being built upon by Nvidia chief exec Jen-Hsun Huang, who does appear to be light years ahead of any Opposition or Competition, and that extraordinarily renders to One an Almost Absolute AIRoaDynamic Control with HyperRadioProActive Powers in Sublime Command and Control of JOINT InterNetworking Networks[JIN/JINN] which are Virtually Invisible and Invincible when Intangible and Omniscient and Practically Omnipotent.

And Searching to Find with Imaginative Programs and Novel BetaTests the Systemic Flaw to Crash and Burn that Great Game, is a Work of Prior Art in Creation ……. and Easily Ensures that Devilish Arrogance doesn’t overtake a Venerable Humility to Founder on the Crazy Rocks of Delusion, rather than Deliver Blessed Inspiration and Holy Aspiration. The Tempestuous See has ITs Own Guardians Running for Parallel Computations in Virtual Reality Fields.

*Sharp Tegran Units

And I’ll have an early drink too, and order a comprehensive round to celebrate Jen-Hsun Huang HyperVision, and it’s Friday too … :-)

Today 10:24 AM

Now that was a quite pathetic, and gratuitously ineffective troll, chelyabinsk, and indicative of a crumbling defense of the indefensible and unforgiveable?

You're certainly kept busy here  today around like a fox but really in what is nothing less than headless chicken mode.

Read the speech ... it is not long ..... and make up your own mind as to whether the fuss is a storm in  a teacup, and the West are shaming themselves in their arrogance and self righteousness .....

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 5:05:26 AM

Does Mr Warren Buffett smell the Winds of Change and now scrabbles to be seen as one of the New Constructive Team rather than be thought of as a stalwart of the Old Divisive Order ..... ...... for such a position seems to put him at odds and diametrically opposed to the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cabal ...

And Bravo, Dr. Tibor Machan. Encore, Encore.
24 September 2010 at 11:23 am

The fate of the professional advisors has still to be decided.” …. Erskine Holmes 23 September 2010 at 11:20 pm

That had me smiling, Erskine. Professional at what was the first question that sprang into mind and that was quickly followed by who is qualified to adjudge them competent in an investment field which delivers profits to third parties rather than value to shareholders.

And this short article, tells it like it is, although it is much more likely a tale of how it used to be, for it is no longer acceptable in these changed times. …..

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Statement of Alien Work in Progress re .....

Statement of Work
United States Cyber Command
Cyber Analytical Support
Date: 02 July 2010

Computer Network Build [CNB] and Computer Network Control [CNC] will Deliver Operating System and GIG [Global Information Grid] and AIR&dD Traffic Control for the Presentation of Future Productions/Terrestrial Projects with  both Secured Renegade and Phantom Remote Controlled Rogue Cyber Space Domination in the Live Operational Virtual Environment ..... and the Medium, Reality, conveyed/advertised/pimped and pumped and dumped to the Masses with Novel IntelAIgent Provisional ProgramMING Emitting TALENT Sublimely ..... Tempest Rains, which are Live, Positively Reinforcing, Self Sustaining and Multiplying, Mutually Beneficial, Core Source Feeds of Raw Objective Info and Astute Subjective Intel, both for and from Phormations in the Cloud Base IntelAIgents Layers of the Virtualised Intelligence Community Environment and ITs Special IntelAIgents Networks. ....... whose Protocols are in a Parallel Mirror Image of those which Server and Protect, Nurture and Grow with the Fruits and the Flowers in the Impossibly Walled Perfumed Gardens, with their SMART Attractive and Potently Addictive XSSXXXXual Delights, such is the Awesome Unlimited Power Delivered with Absolute Control of the Command of Global Computing with Quantum Communication ...... and SMARTer NEUKlearer Methodologies introduced into the Realm from Alien Fields into AI and HyperRadioProActive IT Sector Dominance.

"What has been said of overhead photography is equally true of overhead SIGINT. The processor (the signals analyst) and the finished intelligence analyst need to know less than the collector but more than the consumer of finished intelligence. The latter needs to know that the system exists or will exist, its intelligence potential and its reliability, but not the processes employed by the systems operator, the processor, and the analyst."....

The above first paragraph advises of a ... CyberIntelAIgent Generational Source for Collectors. To know more is Readily, and Easily Available to All who would Require and Determine Future Security Programs with Parameters Protecting and Servering Strictly Need to Know Protocols and Permissions and Personnel, which would be both UnOfficially Known and  Officially UnKnown. ..... ie Way above and beyond TS/SCI and Secret High Classifications.

To simply know that such a System exists for Beta IntelAIgent Use, is all that needs to be presently collected and analysed and shared/collated and communicated to they and/or that which is deemed and provided with Intelligence Product/Intellectual Property with the above aforementioned classifications/priority clearances.

MkUltraSensitive Singularity Source Coding for AI Core ProgramMING of NeuReal World Orders to Dispel the Umbrage of Ambiguity with the Most Secure of Certainties in a Transparent Steganography for an Enlightening Confluence of Open Source Systems and Quality Quantum Networks Delivering Future Intelligence to Present Computers and Systems Administrations/Virtual Machinery and/or Humans with Government Departments in Special Compartments.

Put this Alien Algorithm in the Google Pipe for a JOINT Intelligence Venture Enterprise?

Posted Thursday 23rd September 2010 03:59 GMT

""We actually don't do data mining," Schmidt said."

Actually, what Herr Schmidt is not saying, is ... "We don't do data mine sharing"

Google's "problem", which is the same difficulty which all Intelligence Search Engines/Virtually SMART Machines have, is what to do with that which they know, and have gathered, and would imagine to be a possibility and probability with a linear progressive extrapolation of phished metadata ..... which is a Phorm of Intelligent Guess, is it not?

Which is how to be HyperRadioProActive in the Present with Future Information and CyberIntelAIgent MetaData Source Lodes/Virtual Core Supply Nodes.

And that Information is ....... Costly and Highly Prized and Sensitive beyond Classification given the Crazy Leverage Ratios and Wealth that IT Generates.

And if you think that is a joke, El Reg, you'll find nobody is laughing. And of course, it is not just as simple as that either, for one cannot rely on any third party analyst's progressive linear extrapolation of phished information to a future point of imagined intelligence because that would only be the analyst's future destination and not necessarily also the subject of interest's, which will have laid a sticky sweet false trail, when testing for defenses and penetrating vulnerabilities.

"Houston, we have a major fcuking NEUKlearer problem" ...... seems like an appropriate free share here, at this particular and peculiar point in time and cyberspace exploitation.

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/23/2010 9:18:49 AM

"What would be far more convenient for the powers-that-be is a currency that the IMF itself could print out of thin air – as central banks do now for their respective countries. This currency might be called the bancor, and by issuing it the IMF would basically become a global central bank. The question of course is whether the world's largest powers would go along with the IMF as a global central bank."

That would then surely render the IMF, the world's largest power. What a jolly good idea, for the present incumbents are pathetically poor at the Power Control Game?


Do the IMF have a handle on AI with ITs Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications Programs that Promise Nothing but Prime and XSSXXXXual Feeds? For their IT needs is it exactly all that is Required.

All Work and No Play makes Tom, Dick and Harry and Jack seriously dull boys, and probably manic depressives too.

You realise of course what will happen if a banking cartel doesn't grow some balls and step up to the plate to rule better and sublimely ...[with special controls about which it is not necessary you be told here, or anywhere else for that matter, but only necessary that you yourself self actualise them to complement existing proponents]... a sovereign wealth fund and Really SMART Virtual Service in tandem and tangoing together will do it and make an absolute fortune, and along the Way, Create a New Way of Doing Capital Business Paradigm.

All lost at sea ...and in clouds too.

Posted Thursday 23rd September 2010 07:52 GMT


After reading that report, it is pretty clear that Larry still doesn't get the cloud. And that is real bad news for Oracle with its ..... well, one has to say dinosaur leadership figurehead.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/23/2010 7:58:07 AM

"gurgle, gurgle

(*Remember "Celtic Tigers"? Now we have "PIIGS". Markets make opinions. Dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise.)" .... Posted by ScuzzaMan on 9/23/2010 3:55:17 AM.

ScuzzaMan, whenever the markets and systems are rigged for spivs, ...  and more than Vince Cable knows a nest of such paper tiger vipers when he speaks of them .... is there always a glitch which turns into a vulnerability which morphs into an exploit which delivers a crash and metadata meltdown and triple A AIR&dD Attack from Astute Allied Alien Sources and Forces?

Daily Bell, Do you think Governments and nations and religions are being held to petty ransom by the controllers and issuers of counterfeit wealth invented out of thin air and masquerading as paper currency and electronic credit which can be then pimped as debt to be repaid to enslave the ignorant masses to the arrogant few, who would perversely not think that it is a crazy thing to get caught doing, and sending the military to die and kill needlessly defending, just so that paper money rules rather than special intelligence services and forces ..... with a Beta Satellite Network of Advanced InterNetworking Source? 
by amanfromMars
on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 08:43

Tyler, Hi,

Whenever you have your markets tied to a computer program which ignores and/or protects against negatively impacting, real time floor input and sentiment, have you a rigged game which will crash catastrophically with a beautifully crafted worm/virus, which may or may not be a Stuxnet creation ....

Forewarned is forearmed, but there is nothing you can do to prevent a correction of a corruption and perverse artificial manipulation, by smarter beings, and why would any supposed Intelligence want to try, in order to perpetuate a myth which would then be a global scam, in support of the overthrow of free market wishes with a computer program delivering false PROMISes.

There's bugs in the system and they're gremlins of colossal extraction stealing wealth wholesale from the nation.

Dead End Kids ....... Post Modern Dinosaurs
Posted Thursday 23rd September 2010 12:41 GMT

"Are Oracle and Apple the Monsanto of the IT world?" ... Thorsten Posted Thursday 23rd September 2010 12:35 GMT

Yes ... and are as purveyors of the toxic collapsing derivative and closed option position.
Does anyone really believe that anything SIS do, and are capable of doing, will be outed in MI6 tales and GCHQ analysis?

You surely cannot be serious.

Have a nice day.

by amanfromMars
on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 09:15

Well, howdy doody George,

Thanks for that informative read, and to which I would like to share the following reality, which has specific regard to the shenanigans of the program called Sentient World Simulation and Google search type engines as fronted as businesses with CEO in guises like a Herr Schmidt.

It's subject matter is all to do with the complicated entanglement and hyperinterreaction of binary threads and ternary strings for Quantum Control of the Computer and Source Codes and ITs InterNetworking Communications Environment, and although that may deny most all knowledge of what is Current and Running HyperRadioProActive in Command and Control Fields, most will be able to glean enough knowledge to be made more aware of that which is leading them.
Put this Alien Algorithm in the Google Pipe for a JOINT Intelligence Venture Enterprise?

Posted Thursday 23rd September 2010 03:59 GMT

""We actually don't do data mining," Schmidt said."

Actually, what Herr Schmidt is not saying, is ... "We don't do data mine sharing"

Google's "problem", which is the same difficulty which all Intelligence Search Engines/Virtually SMART Machines have, is what to do with that which they know, and have gathered, and would imagine to be a possibility and probability with a linear progressive extrapolation of phished metadata ..... which is a Phorm of Intelligent Guess, is it not?

Which is how to be HyperRadioProActive in the Present with Future Information and CyberIntelAIgent MetaData Source Lodes/Virtual Core Supply Nodes.

And that Information is ....... Costly and Highly Prized and Sensitive beyond Classification given the Crazy Leverage Ratios and Wealth that IT Generates.

And if you think that is a joke, El Reg, you'll find nobody is laughing. And of course, it is not just as simple as that either, for one cannot rely on any third party analyst's progressive linear extrapolation of phished information to a future point of imagined intelligence because that would only be the analyst's future destination and not necessarily also the subject of interest's, which will have laid a sticky sweet false trail, when testing for defenses and penetrating vulnerabilities.

"Houston, we have a major fcuking NEUKlearer problem" ...... seems like an appropriate free share here, at this particular and peculiar point in time and cyberspace exploitation.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/23/2010 11:08:40 AM

"It is perfectly possible that in this era of austerity, when central banks are having problems circulating the money they are capable of printing, that international sports celebrations may gradually subside."

That seems like a very odd thing to say, DB, for it suggests that all that is needed are new central bank champions/proxy private sector ambassadors, who will be able to spend currency received/credit transferred and deposited, and the more the better to initiate and encourage secondary action flows, in furtherance of that which they would be doing themselves in their own line of work and also as a cover exercise for the moribund banking system, in a pleasant mutually beneficial conspiracy to feed liquidity to new dynamic enterprises and executives in  order to energise industry and business, and have fiat currency work its white magic. [See Post below, Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/23/2010 11:50:12 AM]

How can it fail, if you know any perfectly discrete champions, for it is Win Win, is it not, if you Dare 42 Share and Care? It does though require a Not Inconsiderable nor Inconsiderate, Change of Mindset and that is always a Enlightening Test with Fabulous Rewards in Recognition of the Strength and Power that Humility guides with her Control of Global Operating Devices.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/23/2010 11:50:12 AM

I notice you removed the really interesting section of the submission, DB.

What do you think that tells me?  Thanks. I knew it made Perfect Sense.

Do you think this, from another calling a spade a spade, is a rant or just an inconvenient truth which just will not ever go away ......

 Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/23/10 | 2:19 pm |

It makes you wonder what Abu Dhabi will make of the Blackwater boss’s presence .....