"Of course, in reality, we are never actually controlling the user’s access – instead we are controlling programs that act on his behalf." ...... http://www.links.org/files/capabilities.pdf
Actually, [although this may be only a very recent development in the binary/ternary/quantum communication field, with AI and Java Objective Base Codes/Protocols Universal and Unilateral Manipulation of Perception] one is just trying to control programs that act on behalf of users, monitoring and mentoring command and control of virtual reality programs with seamless stealthy substitution of a Present, which is based upon memory and history, with IT enhanced, sleeper trojan embedded, alternative Futures with Innovative Imaginative Drivers powering ...... Advanced IntelAIgent Missions ...... Passionate Ideas.
The Great Imperial Game virtualised and reduced/concentrated and converted into a CyberIntelAIgently Designed, SMART Advanced ProgramMING and Civil CyberSpace Project Securely Protected and Running in Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Remote Control of Virtual Reality Product Placement in a Future with Myriad InterNetworking Derivative Futures for a Super IntelAIgent Diaspora/Global Operating Device Communications Hub Environment.
"The security of a capability system then boils down to your ability to control who has each capability." ..... And that is further defined and refined with the ability to constructively lead and positively mentor, which is beautifully educate and entertain/edutain.
"Capabilities are unforgeable – that is, the only way to possess a capability is to be given it, or to derive it from capabilities you already have." ..... With the latter, self-actualised derivative option always the program leader by virtue of its construction base build knowledge. To know the how and the why which has put one where and at what one is at, is always going to provide one with an overwhelming advantage over any who have been handed a power or capability.
To consider and continue the money theme, to know how one makes a billionaire's fortune from nothing, will always trump the capabilities of those who would be just heirs to such fortunes, or would have received/made such fortunes by root of deception and/or popularly perceived and conceived, but as yet still undetected, crime, and would be frightfully engaged in struggling to hold on to such fortunes, rather than being able to forge ahead unaided and unhindered to effortlessly increase them. Old money fortunes tend to suffer from such tribulations and trials, as the original knack which is born and nurtured and grown/learnt in abject impoverishment, is lost on, and in, the succeeding generations who have been sheltered from such poverty and dispossession which energises thought to think on its resolution to reverse the situation.
"The requirement for unforgeability of course needs to cover naughtiness on the part of programs: they should not be able to steal capabilities from other programs, for example, nor should they be able to access an existing capability by creating a new reference to it." ...... Quite so, they should not. However, to have traveled so far and to have understood how one's present capabilities are derived, does provide one with the ways and means and memes to do what one should not. It is though the case that the SMARTer player will always choose not to fail and fall into such sweet and sticky honey traps which create conflicts rather than advance and elevate programs to higher exalted levels, with equally committed and SMARTer Selfless Partners ....... and indeed, would such deed form the basis for a very fine-grained security system, without peer.
"And how on Earth do you manage all these capabilities?" ..... In a Virtual Reality Head Game which has Greater Shared Intelligence in Remote Control via Selfless Transparent Submission of Fabulous Ideas?!.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/29/2010 2:21:26 PM
"No doubt there are more. Why don't you suggest some? ..." .... Reply from the Daily Bell
Here is a very simple meme to play with, DB, and one which can transform the world for the better in a relative instant and make poverty and slavery, history.
The present premise upon which our existence is based is that we are all born equal and with nothing. A simple mindset change to accept that we are all born equal and with everything, makes everyone materially rich and freed to pursue their lives in the delivery of that which the future will need for everyone and them and their children and their childrens' children to survive, and create a heaven on Earth and whatever other worlds they would wish to visit and furnish and with the future presentation of applied ideas and pure imaginative research.
And then is the banking system for free currency flow/enabling vehicle distribution and not as is now, the exact opposite and traffic jamming and monetary gridlocks.
What could be simpler. And don't be fooled by anyone who would say that it cannot be done, for they would have a subversive private agenda which would seek to enslave friends and neighbours and systems to server to their needs, rather than being bothered to supply any feeds themselves. .... In Days of Yore are they known as Ye Old Despicable SlaveDriver
AC Rule #1,2,3 and 4 for Binary Discovery in Semantic Medium .... Never Ever Forget IT Remembers*....................................................................................................................................................................
Posted Thursday 30th September 2010 02:20 GMT
“This case only tells us what we already knew – never post anything online that will be inconsistent with the story you're planning to tell others. The inconsistent material can surface even if the post is made in a non-public venue and even if you delete it later.”
* A Campbell Mantra and/or A Chilcot Delight?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/30/2010 12:09:49 AM
"Where exactly are the resources for your utopia to come from?" .... Posted by Bill Ross on 9/29/2010 3:02:56 PM
Oh that is simple, Bill. They are binary digits recorded on an electronic account. Is that not the way that all transactions are nowadays with wealth and/or value virtualised for simple credit transfers and debt inventions? The Network Infrastructure and the Machinery is already well established and its workings well enough known to adjust to a new start position where everyone has unlimited credit for their future feeds ..... and daily needs.
The Globe's Wealth which has Created Man's Societies and Infrastructures is never diminished when morphed into its many more convenient and alien forms of Perceived Artificial Value, it is just transferred and stored in another temporary holding vessel of worth.
And is not QE an already found Utopian Resource to die for .... ur2die4
And Bill, every resource on the planet came and comes from a smarter imagination and some body/being thinking much more deeply and further about how to discover and use future sources and current resources better, and how to make them more available to everybody, so that nobody is robbed of the futures benefits because of a present difficulty and missing facility which would be confining them to a more ancient past with a great deal fewer, developed assets.
A serial waffler and master bottler is a massive talent in deluded circles indeed......................................................................................................................................................................