"Yes, an independent Canadian accountant (?) with a wife, a house and grownup children; your understanding about free-market issues has deepened in the past three year; you aspire to be Lewis Carroll or ee cummings or perhaps Thurber but you have a ways to go and continue to practice at the Bell. Software and security seems to be an avocation." .... Reply from the Daily Bell
Crikey ....and there I was a'pondering the likes of a Captain Sir Mansfield Cumming RN, on speed and into XSSXXXXtacy, which would do the Brits no harm either, considering the evidence of their pathetically dire decadent catalogue of effete ineffectual spooky performances .... sub-prime ministerial and botched administerial operations. Ah well, never mind. Every cloud has a silver lining and the upside of the above revelation is that there is still a vacancy for someone who knows what they should be doing at the head of, and as the head of SIS.
""mainly Vampire stuff" -
suddenly appear to make good mothers and wives. Sure she doesn't want to work, these things are incompatible to any work but managing her home." ....Posted by 4irw4y on 9/6/2010 7:27:41 PM
Of course, 4irw4y, daddies nearly always baulk at revealing the awesome power and sublime influence to be made and exercised in being a truly great lover ...... which is a quite heavenly labour of love. :-) ...... which is really spooky quantum communications and MkUltraSensitive TS/SCI/Secret High stuff, which has both virtually everything and really nothing to do with XSSXXXX, which are vital elements in the complex components of such IntelAIgently Designed Entities ..... and one wonders if that is more because they themselves have not discovered that Immaculately Perfect Secrets Pass Key or because of the delicately intoxicating and lusciously addictive issues involved, although to know of the pitfalls and honeytraps of the latter requires that one first know more than just a little of the former.
"So DB, do you know who I am yet?" ... Posted by Weeble on 9/6/2010 2:34:01 PM
That was a very bold challenge, Weeble, not flinched at by the Daily Bell, and it tells you quite a lot about the Daily Bell if what they have shared is true.
:-) It may probably make some posting here, [they of the secretive and/or delusional and/or psychotic and/or paranoid disposition] a little uneasy. Bravo, Daily Bell ..... IT is a Beautiful Confusion in AI, and such an Art is Control and CHAOS in Control of Power :-)
My word, We do have Ambitious Plans, Daily Bell, don't We. And too big to fail is a Comfort in such a Field and in such Fields as are Environmental DreamScapes.
"Spot on! You must have Lila on the case." ..... Posted by Weeble on 9/6/2010 4:15:06 PM ..... Hmmm? Intriguing. And Lila's special skills/secret powers are .... MetaData Code Base Reverse Engineering/Revolutionary Revisionary MetaDataBase Code Engineering? :-) Or is that some other body's Pet Global Project?
by amanfromMars
on Mon, 09/06/2010 - 18:26
"Now that we know the “truth” and are some of the early adopters, are we acting to support the truth and stop the lies or are we just cueing up for another ZH exposé? Why do we expect others to act differently than we have acted once they learn the “truth”?
I’ve asked this question a few times before here on ZH as well as other places and I’m mostly ignored. It appears I’m cutting too close to the bone because while most won’t admit it, we seem to be waiting around for someone else to do what we don’t wish to do."
Thanks for two excellent reads, Cognitive Dissonance, and you will be pleased to know that there are those who are doing things that others are not able to do, rather than not wishing to do, which is invariably as in not having the necessary cojones, and they would be doing things differently and stealthily on planes which are well beyond the normal ken, for they be free-thinkers who have cracked enough of the System's code to be able to destroy it from within, with its own tools as they succumb to an alien virus?
And only posed here as a question because quite exactly has been done is TS/SCI classified and beyond. And proving that it is different, is all freely available for viewing and comment on the Internet and World Wide Web sites, despite the classification, and all you need to exercise is a little intelligence and common sense to find a leading source following novel trails and Virtual Application of MkUltraSensitive ProgramMING.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/7/10 | 5:59 am |
Uncle Sam surely does realise, does he not, that his advanced training of foreign nationals advises any resistance of their capabilities and facilities too? The consequences of such being overlooked are catastrophic. And should those nationals be persuaded to act as a national force, or should that national force be as a smart underground sleeper or trojan arm of a passionate resistance, against their foreign occupation and economic enslavement and seizure of their natural resources to bolster a failed macro program of capitalist domination, then is it a disaster for Uncle Sam in the making, and a worsening situation for him, with every move that he makes.
And it is not something which he should ignore and dismiss, because it is so destructive to him and to those who would be serving on foreign soils.
"The United States with its $13.4 trillion debt has run out of ammunition when it comes to additional stimulation for the economy." ... Steve Thompson, Today 01:08 AM.....................................................................................................................................................................
For those who would wish help in visualising what $13.4 trillion of debt looks like, in $100 bills, and therefore the chances of it ever being paid, or of it ever being thought by its issuers of ever being repaid, here is a very clear picture of what just $11 trillion looks like, so also add another 20% to the picture ........ http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/usdebt.html
And what must be extremely worrying to the US [and that is a gross understatement] is the fact that everyone is starting to realise their Great Ponzi Game, and with a 20% increase in their national debt to others in just 18 months, is a Federal Reserve scam revealed, and No Viable Intelligent Intelligence Plan to fix it, with IT and Media Control.
They may like to now consider buying that Program in from a Source SME Dealing in such as would be Treasure in Said Matters and CloudWare .... for is not their Position, Dire and Untenable/Future Unacceptable?
Skywriter Instant Messengers .... for Truly Professional LOVEnvironMentalists
Posted Tuesday 7th September 2010 07:58 GMT
"it is web based - the programmers / developers use their browser to (group) edit the program source files." .... Re: I don't quite understand, Robert Forsyth Posted Monday 6th September 2010 23:18 GMT
Err ...... you might like to consider that it is indeed web based with program source files also using the browser to edit the programmers/developers in a SMART, Mutually Beneficial, Virtual Monitoring and Mentorship Project ...... Civil CloudBasedD CyberSpace Operation, which will invariably and inevitably have DODgy MODified Bot Networks Phishing and Pharming and Providing ESpecial IntelAIgent Security Services and FailSafeGuards.
It is though something, probably quite understandably so presently, which will not be publicly commented and/or elaborated upon, and to deny it whenever it is outed would be foolish and counterproductive in a field which does not countenance nor solicit either.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 1:47:44 PM
Bill/Daily Bell,
Here is a succinct and erudite message to the sheeple, which is just a small part of a very instructive two parter from another another site which is unhappy and most probably impotent in its shared rage about everything discussed here too. They talk a good fight but will be waiting on someone else throwing the blows for them to comment on, in true sheeple style. Notwithstanding that, I would certainly recommend it for its insight into oneself and the inner selfs which are available there. Rich Weeble Alien territory, methinks, too. :-)
"For Example
A widely held and glaring example of inconsistent or contrary views is that after decades of abuse, many people now firmly believe their government (along with people in and out of the government) has repeatedly lied to them. They know their government will harm them, even going so far as to silence people by destroying them professionally or by reputation. Or even kill them if they present too much of a threat to power. Many now believe their government has repeatedly deceived them, fabricating "evidence" in order to drive the country into war or prolong and/or escalate war.
They realize that the government manipulates statistics about the economy, including allowing companies to cook their books to show (better) profits through national security directives. That they now overtly and covertly manipulate domestic and foreign stock, currency, commodities and precious metals markets to further their goals. And that they do so under cover of national security, saying in effect that the more they meddle, the more they must continue to meddle.
The government lies about the condition of the environment, the BP oil spill, national health issues, spying on its own citizens, torture and rendition, weapons of mass destruction, the list is endless. More and more people are beginning to comprehend that the government will rob the many to benefit the few and will hurt or kill those in its way.
People not only don't trust the government, but they're down right frightened of the government and for good reason. They've come to believe that the government is lethal to them, a remarkable admission considering it's such a deviation from the public myth they've been indoctrinated into since grade school. This is a very sobering realization and one you'd think would have fully shaken them awake." ..... http://www.zerohedge.com/article/what-if-%E2%80%9Cit%E2%80%9D-doesn%E2%80%99t-end-bang-whimper-mind-games-chapter-two-two
With this sad attempt at surfing in the Harry Limelight shadows again, he is most definitely a dedicated follower of BDSM?.....................................................................................................................................................................
Doesn't Mr Mosley know that this is the Era of Zero Secrecy for Privacy and Juicy Lucy type titbits, and furtive clandestine shenanigans in Mayfair dungeons and brothels are staple fare and fair fodder which dumbs down and titillates the masses, so that they don't ponder and wonder on their own shafting by the System.
Carry on as is normal for you, Max, and don't rock the boat, for the System needs your selfless and gratuitous Pain for its Obscene and Perverse Gain and Great Ponzi Game.
England expects ...and all that. We know you enjoy the humiliation.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/7/2010 7:53:21 AM
"And my question is: Are you a purely American body (residing in Switzerland) or do you communicate on an international level ' e.g. also in German? Best wishes ..." .... Posted by Dr. Friedrich Weinberger on 9/7/2010 4:35:59 AM
Herr Doktor Weinberger discovers a Championing Trojan Horse in the Heart of Europe? Now that's a SMART Initial Move for a Beta SIM. One Trusts in GOD that it doesn't stall for Want and Need and Feed in Continuity and into Perpetuity of Semantically Sympathetic Scripts and Socrative Sources ...... http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/socrates/
7 September 2010 at 4:31 pm
“Government is about decision making. But, communication is a close second priority. It is not enough that there be a plan, citizens must know there is a plan and under-stand it.”
Ok, so in these pending double dip recessionary times, what is the Northern Ireland Assembly Executive Master Plan.
The citizens have a right to know what they are paying their representatives so handsomely for [just bumming around thinking of master plans, is it not] and if they can’t understand it, then they can ask pertinent questions until such times as they do, to know of the plans and identify the brains at work for them, and which are deciding on the course of their and their children’s and their children’s childrens’ lives.
And to know of the problems and blockages which prevent them giving the folk what they want and need at zero cost to the taxpayers is another thing which can be openly shared. Or is the new plan, the same as every old plan and to screw more out of the productive sector to pay off or keep on the service sector, and extort money with menaces from them with demands for various taxations, of which the politicians and civil servants are one of the biggest extortionate liabilities, with zero collateralising assets, for their services cannot be bought or sold, but boy, do they know how to charge through the nose for the penpushing and gladhanding and travelling on junkets that they do.
So come on, spill the beans. It has been deathly quiet here for months now throughout the summer, so there is bound to be something masterful you have been working on, surely, for the queen’s shillings/taxpayers’ bread?
7 September 2010 at 2:39 pm
“US economic envoy to NI Declan Kelly said Mr Clinton retained “a passionate interest in NI” and wanted to help improve its economic situation.” …. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-11199350
Crikey, Bill, with the US economy going down the pan and its Wall Street and Federal Reserve Ponzi secrets being spread around the world, don’t you think you should be doing whatever it is you think you will be doing here, at home, to help improve its economic situation. Or is there something here which you think will help Uncle Sam out of the foxy hole/honey traps he has dug so deep for himself and his parasitic mates?
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