Posted Wednesday 22nd September 2010 09:01 GMT
"“Stuxnet is essentially a precision, military-grade cyber missile deployed early last year to seek out and destroy one real-world target of high importance – a target still unknown,” The Christian Science Monitor said. "
Quite why the Christian Science Monitor would forward the opinion of it seeking out only one real-world target of high importance, in a rich picture with multiple targets, is possibly misleading, although probably comforting to many.
Does anyone consider it to be a derivative clone and/or sophisticated variant of the Enigma that is known as Conficker?
And although there is the usual rabid speculation of an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities and aspirations, ...... .... its unknown controls could equally as easily be touted and pimped and used to degrade and compromise Israel's nuclear threat capabilities and programs, to name just but one other player in the region.
"The Christian Science Monitor ... Is this a credible, unbiased source of information and analysis or an untrustworthy font of sky fairy propaganda?
Just asking." .... Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 22nd September 2010 04:59 GMT
Read it, and read about it, AC, to discover for yourself whether it falls into the fold which spins near truths for selfish perverse profit or seeks them out for the bounty of neither that benefits all.
The Height of Futility in Deep Dark Matters
Posted Wednesday 22nd September 2010 09:14 GMT
"Microsoft hasn't said when it plans to issue a permanent fix." .... Is there such a thing whenever a a Covert Utility and Crack Facility?
22 September 2010 at 1:32 pm
“Close to an hour of graphic gang rape in a film of limited production values is inevitably going to attract negative reaction.” …. Mark McGregor 22 September 2010 at 10:02 am
Maybe it is more the notion that the rapists get their just desserts, and society would condone and seek to deliver such actions that causes such manly disquiet. Rape is such a cowardly crime, is it not, ranking right up there in the heavens alongside the abuse of innocence and children.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/22/2010 11:54:43 AM
Give them sport, sex, drugs and rock and roll, and TV, and they will not realise they are being played for mindless fools ...... and care even less.
And ain't that the gospel truth, brother/Big Brother.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/22/2010 12:36:09 PM
"I understand the point that austerity is a punitive affair, more or less being a set-up where the country is suckered into borrowing and spending way too much, only to have the flow of money suddenly stopped, and punitive interest payments going to bondholders." ... Posted by John Danforth on 9/21/2010 7:34:08 AM
That set-up you have described is parasitic fractional reserve capitalism as pimped by fiat currency banking, John? And you surely knew that.
Austerity is caused whenever the money taps are turned off but that only causes the mob to realise who the real enemies of the state and United States are .... in their feather nests and ivory towers, and that makes them increasingly vulnerable to popular irregular and unconventional repercussions/personnel adjustments.
And how refreshing of the Daily Bell to declare the EU a self-serving scam to personally enrich its Imperial Executive and Republican Guard Storm Troopers.
And re Posted by Edward Ulysses Cate on 9/21/2010 3:20:17 PM, the times have changed and surely now the ditty should start ...."Times readers used to run the country, ..."
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/22/2010 2:19:08 PM
"If we understand you correctly, (always a consideration) we've written this before, you know." ... Reply from the Daily Bell
Why are they still there then, milking and bilking systems and slave units? It suggests you are an impotent voice, wasting everyone's time here, DB. You can surely do better than that, if you wanted to. Need a hand or three or more?
22 September 2010 at 3:29 pm
Quite so, Alias, ….. and thus does the law render itself an ass and a subjective tool of an objectionable tool?
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