If one considers that the Al Qaeda/Taliban Meme is passionate opposition to enslavement to the Western fiat currency, fractional reserve banking system and its fat cat bankers and Wall Street brokers/wheeler dealers/pen pushers/mouse clickers, in which there is no honour or trust in trade and business, but only the invention of ever greater profit to a few, which is an arbitrary added extra cost for nothing, charged to customers of the system, which exponentially increases the cost of everything unrealistically to levels of expense which are extortionately high and cause great debt to the many and the system, is the meme one which cannot be beaten as it gather greater support and sympathy from those enslaved and ruined by recession and depression in the Western system which is outed as an unsustainable Ponzi, inventing wealth out of thin air, and salting it away to safe havens controlled by those who are the architects of the misfortune ....... and then increasing taxation on and removing money supply from the very people who provide wealth its labour.
The ignorant man and woman in the caves and mud huts of the wild untamed mountains see that very clearly and know it is not freedom or help. And so to is the West preparing to settle and take its just desserts and sweet perfect storm revenge against probably more than just a few, for the military brass are also realising the scam and their use as ignorant expendable tools for arrogant fools in love with the power of printed paper money, which nowadays is no more than electronic cash in numbered accounts. And the military can easily run that, for it is a lot easier and can be made much more constructive than running constant wars and creating chaos, shock and awful destruction.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/11/10 | 3:47 am |
Demand Media sounds too much like a venture capitalist Ponzi to be anything other than a venture capitalist Ponzi. And anything relying on content being third party provided is a slave to content providers, and the only content provision that makes any real money is that which is timely original and unique, and requires more than just a little smarter intelligence than is usually available anywhere, and more than just a little phishing and marketing flannel/spin/cooking of the books.
But hey, Wall Street is awash with a catalogue of such crazy investments and all bundled in together with other get rich quick and disappear with the cash dreamers, and known collectively as Sub Prime, which is their forte, and now proving to be their downfall as its shenanigans are recognised and carrots ignored.
11 September 2010 at 12:12 pm
“NI Agriculture Minister: “It is unfortunate that the EU decided to take a hard line…””
It is unfortunate that NI rolled over to be shafted, but then again it is as a virgin in a brothel, all at sea and easily abused for the pleasure of others.
The pigs with their snouts in the EU parliament trough cannot survive without the people’s money being perceived as fair and necessary for its running, and endless new rule-makings, because for everyone to know that it is just to hide the easy printing of money for wealth which can be easily supplied to friends in the know, would cause a bloody revolution and see them running the gauntlet of the mob, baying for their blood and guts.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:01:29 AM
Ignoring the messenger's breathless presentation, DB, allows one to address the hurried core message.
"Sentences. AMFM. Sentences. You are having another bad day. Forget the meds?" .... Reply from the Daily Bell
:-) Thank You for entering into the irreverent nature of things, which is always so very refreshing whenever subject matters can be adjudged and considered so deadly seriously.
Regarding the above, I am happy to share with one and all that every day is never a bad day, it is just that some are much better than just good, and some much more interesting and exciting than others, with the occasional lull in proceedings and feedback resulting in a Quietness for REST ..... Virtual Regenerative Periods/Pauses for Thought.
And surely if in need of meds, one never forgets unless ill and forgetful? Although I must defer to wiser and more experienced counsel on that particular matter, as the rudest of ruddy good health is an ever mindful blessing enjoyed Chez amfM.
"while the quantitative easing programme, which injected money directly into the economy, stays on "....................................................................................................................................................................
Can anyone identify who benefited from that program and what they did for the greater good with its gift ?
Thank You.
Many think and believe it is just part of a global scam to artificially indebt and enslave nations to a corrupt and perverse banking system which thinks it can do as it pleases with impunity and immunity. ...... with the likes of the kind of stunts you can read about today in the Telegraph ....."The Karzai empire, villas in Dubai and fears over Afghan aid" .... although that is small potatoes compared to the other Ponzis which are unravelling with their exposure on Independent media.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 7:56:09 AM
"I am invested in China, I spend about 1/3 of the year in China (go for 2 weeks every 6 weeks into Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Guang Zhou, and Shang Hai), I am and importer from China,
I am I HATE buying from China and importing to USA, but to earn a living, I have no choice. Free trade? We have NO free trade. Free is not free if it is only one-way. To bring my product into USA, I pay only 4% duty (tax). To Export from the USA my same product would incur a 60% tax into China." ...... Posted by Romney on 9/10/2010 1:50:35 PM
Crikey, Romney, that was a post and and half full of disturbed and angry contradictions which are so typical of slavery to the capitalist system with its perverse profit motive as corrupting driver. Most definitely you are as you say you are ... a true-blooded WASP American but to say that you have no choice whenever you have clearly made a choice is only one contradiction you have not recognised in your own situation.
Would you like your product, imported into the US, to incur a 60% duty if it is competing with a home produced item, to protect home production and ensure the energy of home supply and export potential to industry and commerce ..... which all seems like perfect capitalist sense, does it not, considering the damage such repetition/cloning/counterfeiting of production can do from abroad.
Whenever one considers how far China has come in such a very short time, and the trials and tribulations it both suffered and experienced in its journey, one can only conclude that they are phenomenally quick learners and that their intelligence must be extremely advanced and second to none, considering the fact that their present communications infrastructure is yet so very limiting and limited.
Which would sort of suggest that their model of governance, or work ethic, or whatever has driven them so far so quickly has a lot to offer the West which is struggling vainly to rid itself of recession and depression which is enslaving a once thought affluent society with poverty and declining services and standards within services.
And I would appear to flying Weeble's flag, for we appear to be more than somewhat in agreement considering his post on 9/10/2010 11:09:22 PM.
And isn't it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 11:20:28 AM
""And isn't it time to bury that tired old red herring, communist meme, which is so yesterday, man, and politically dead."
No, the old communist men in China are still in the saddle, harvesting organs from prisoners, etc." .... Reply from the Daily Bell
I am not in a position to say whether that is true or not, DB, and it could be one of those WMDs-in-Iraq FUD things used to create ..... well, whatever negative sentiment you would wish to pimp really, although that would then make it artificial and therefore take human perception into the field of virtual reality, which you might like to consider is the present default state of existence.
Of course, in the West, such similar acts as may be gratuitous barbarism and torture are not tolerated and condoned? ...... Just this one Human Rights Watch article/web site would beg to differ ...... http://www.hrw.org/reports/1999/redonion/index.htm#TopOfPage
What can one say, other than when idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged are in charge with near unaccountable, absolute powers, is control abdicated and lost, and is abuse and cruelty rampant ....... in every society, to be fair and reasonable, and accurate.
Ergo would the corollary be, that where there are such abuses, are idiots and sociopaths and the intellectually challenged in charge of its Executive Administration.
Fortunately though, we can look on the bright side, and realise that old men don't live for any great length of time.
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