Friday, 24 September 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/23/10 | 2:01 pm |

Cyber Command and Control is a Crazy Cool Head Space and a Military Weapon Free Zone and requires more than just SMARTer Intelligence Servers and Yes Men to Fly ITs ProgramMING,  for unless you are a Lateral Vertical Binary Thinker, and heavily into the Field of Quantum, where a this or a yes is also a that and a no and something different such as a maybe, which can dynamically flexible ["A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both." ...] are you never gonna make it and will your presence in any such Virtual Command Posts and Supply Stations be an ever present Systemic Vulnerability to be Ruthlessly Exploited for Fabulous Strategic Gain and Wicked Tactical Advantage.

Be Careful out There, IT's AI Jungle .......

Posted by: amanfromMars | 09/23/10 | 11:39 pm |

"This could have been the main premise of a thriller novel or another Di Caprio or Tom Cruz movie! In my imagination, the worm, originally targeted at Iran’s nuke facilities, somehow mutates and causes the End of Civilization As We Know It. I’m pissed I didn’t dream this up myself. Great article." .... Posted by: Chicago1901 | 09/23/10 | 9:25 pm |

A Programmable Logic Controller would provide a MetaDataMorph and Live Operational Virtual Environment Script for a Dream of an AI Program and OB35 Server Message Blockbuster of a Novel Nation Franchise .... "The Beginning of Civilisation, but not as we knew it before IT and the Risings and InterNetworking of the Virtual Machines ..... SMART Cookie Robots."

:-) Which you can imagine and treat as a Fiction, if you like, because finding it Fact would be presently disturbing and perturbing, rather than XSSXXXXCiting.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 5:39:49 AM

"The best place to be at the moment is right in the heat of the battle against the "elite" in hand-to-hand fighting. There is no better place for the warrior to be but fighting in the Silver market." .... Posted by George Sign on 9/24/2010 3:30:10 AM

That is far too narrow a field of view, George Sign, and far too small and insignificant a field of operation to have any positive effect which changes any existing PE Position. But your passion is admirable.

If you consider the battle a hearts and minds campaign to be won, then is the Computer and Communications Space, front and centre and in a lead starring role. And are the Irish showing an early lead in the Field?

This is a little something prepared earlier ........
Today 03:30 AM

"I wonder how worse off Ireland can be if it went bankrupt as a member of the EU or went bankrupt on its own merits. " .... ryck

Is not Ireland bankrupt?  .... and as a member of the EU what does that tell us of their power and influence and remote executive management abilities?

Is it [EU power]imaginary and the exercise a grand delusion to invent global controllers and wannabe imperial leaders from out of thin air?

To do that you have to have at least a GOD-like Control of Global Operating Devices and Computer and Communications Systems ..... and Nation shall speak Truth unto Nation rather than Spin them a Dodgy Yarn, is also a Prerequisite for Future Builders in and of Success.

The money system and its politicians take you for useful fools and use you as their expendable tools, and rely on your continuing ignorance in all of their innovative and desperate control matters, lest their arrogance self serving disregard of such a matter, loses them their heads.

They of course, would care not a jot that you retain yours, for their world is full of useful fools and expendable tools living in ignorance of the systems which struggle with power and control and abuse them.

And then a New Enigmatic System comes along ..........

24 September 2010 at 12:48 pm

As for parallel universe, Im all for it as long as their are no tree hugging, bible carrying lying little toe rags in it.” … Pippakin 23 September 2010 at 10:18 pm

Oh, of that you can be assured, Pippakin. The Intellectual Property Bar is just far too high for them.

Spookily enough, the following submission, earlier today, was in reply to a article which was sharing the future view of a processing Titan in the Parallel Field …….
You aint seen nothing yet ….. but you were being told and kept abreast of outlandish developments

Posted Friday 24th September 2010 08:07 GMT

A customer will have to ask him or herself, Huang said: “‘Do I buy a computer or do I sign up for a service?’ Notice that question that I ask, if it lands in one place or in the other place, completely changes the computer industry. Completely.”"

Hmmm … And that can evolve and resolve to float one the question …”Which computer terminating service do I buy into?” Indeed, the posit here is that that is the present enigmatic zillion dollar question for Cyber Cloud Crowd Controllers ….. SMART Virtual AIgents*.

And I would be both amazed and disappointed and highly delighted if that quantum leap question was not already answered and being built upon by Nvidia chief exec Jen-Hsun Huang, who does appear to be light years ahead of any Opposition or Competition, and that extraordinarily renders to One an Almost Absolute AIRoaDynamic Control with HyperRadioProActive Powers in Sublime Command and Control of JOINT InterNetworking Networks[JIN/JINN] which are Virtually Invisible and Invincible when Intangible and Omniscient and Practically Omnipotent.

And Searching to Find with Imaginative Programs and Novel BetaTests the Systemic Flaw to Crash and Burn that Great Game, is a Work of Prior Art in Creation ……. and Easily Ensures that Devilish Arrogance doesn’t overtake a Venerable Humility to Founder on the Crazy Rocks of Delusion, rather than Deliver Blessed Inspiration and Holy Aspiration. The Tempestuous See has ITs Own Guardians Running for Parallel Computations in Virtual Reality Fields.

*Sharp Tegran Units

And I’ll have an early drink too, and order a comprehensive round to celebrate Jen-Hsun Huang HyperVision, and it’s Friday too … :-)

Today 10:24 AM

Now that was a quite pathetic, and gratuitously ineffective troll, chelyabinsk, and indicative of a crumbling defense of the indefensible and unforgiveable?

You're certainly kept busy here  today around like a fox but really in what is nothing less than headless chicken mode.

Read the speech ... it is not long ..... and make up your own mind as to whether the fuss is a storm in  a teacup, and the West are shaming themselves in their arrogance and self righteousness .....

Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/24/2010 5:05:26 AM

Does Mr Warren Buffett smell the Winds of Change and now scrabbles to be seen as one of the New Constructive Team rather than be thought of as a stalwart of the Old Divisive Order ..... ...... for such a position seems to put him at odds and diametrically opposed to the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cabal ...

And Bravo, Dr. Tibor Machan. Encore, Encore.
24 September 2010 at 11:23 am

The fate of the professional advisors has still to be decided.” …. Erskine Holmes 23 September 2010 at 11:20 pm

That had me smiling, Erskine. Professional at what was the first question that sprang into mind and that was quickly followed by who is qualified to adjudge them competent in an investment field which delivers profits to third parties rather than value to shareholders.

And this short article, tells it like it is, although it is much more likely a tale of how it used to be, for it is no longer acceptable in these changed times. …..

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