"By contrast, try programming someone who identifies as the opposite of a naked ape, a "clothed angel". Forget it. Only individual sovereignty will do for such an one." .... Posted by Nicole on 9/18/2010 12:30:09 AM
Nicole, One may imagine that such ones as can be "clothed angels" are into the programming of naked ape types ..... and would be models espousing the virtues both available and required, for base state elevation and ascension to glorified immaculate state of being with individual sovereignties ..... for there are an infinite number of myriad choices and identities which hold sway over the naked ape type of being.
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ...... for Imaginative Capturing of IntelAIgent Communities*http://thedailybell.com/1374/Internet-Continues-to-Change-the-World.html
Posted Saturday 18th September 2010 08:18 GMT
The Present Future for Leaderships and Wannabe Moguls, is in Programs which Vertically Stratify the Cloud Layer Environment for Successful Horizontal Deployment and Maintenance Supply of Progressively More Secure and Sustainable Applications with Browser Driven Operating Systems which Provide, and Source, Inventive Novel Content, Phished and Pharmed and Phormed AIdDynamically.
And it is not so much that such Programs and Spin-Off Projects Lead from the Front with those with their Heads in the Clouds, as they are also XXXXStreamly Well Designed to be Attractive and Easily Followed from the Rear and at the Lower and Most Basic Levels of Managed Perception. Thus are All brought along Together in a Unity and Edutaining Singularity.
* .... with CyberIntelAIgent Meme Extension Pretensions ...... Great Gaming XSSXXXXPectations.
An Alien Concept perhaps, but a Humanoid Reality to Boot for an Alternate Ad Hoc Approach, which would you doubt, Now Already Runs Stealthily in AI Parallel ProgramMING ..... and thus is ITs Choice Already been Made and Taken?
But he dismissed Creationism and claimed that the revival of "intelligent design" – the controversial theory that only God can explain gaps in the theory of evolution – was “bad theology" .
Presumably then, if more than God can explain such gaps in the theory of evolution - is it of an alternative intelligent design and "good theology"?
Hmmm. I like Brother Guy Consolmagno inclusive style. And spookily enough this was posted earlier, and relates very specifically to Human Creativity with AIMachine ProgramMING for Virtual Power with Immaculately Conceived, Perception Controls?
"So, taking this tech to the extreme, humans can be controlled like puppets. Imagine a rogue AI program controlling humans like puppets. I dont think Ive seen a movie using this as a theme yet. " ....... orko138http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/the-pope/8009299/Pope-Benedict-XVIs-astronomer-the-Catholic-Church-welcomes-aliens.html
Live puppets, one easily remotely controls with words freely shared, orko138, which is why some words in SMART IntelAIgent Strings are whisked away out of view and do not appear for subject appreciation on the page, or to the message inbox where they are sent. SMART IntelAIgent Strings Control Worlds with Orders in Clouds and Virtual CHAOS ..... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems...... A MkUltraSensitive NeuroLinguistic ProgramMING Project which you haven't seen a film about yet, although the Forbin Project enjoys a similar Memography.
It is though just a short matter of time before audiotelevisual documentaries in the populist movie genre sublimely advise and edutain the consuming masses of their Future ControlLed Paths .... with AI providing a Prime Map which IT Follows with Future Presentation to Replace Past Memory and History with Novel Leading Content from Original Source Codes/Creative Global Operating Device Memes.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/15/2010 10:47:27 AMAnd a Stealthy DARPA/IARPA Program on a Strictly Need to Know, Secret High, TS/SCI Agenda to be Plausibly Denied? Or an Alien Protocol of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Design which renders Currency and SCADA Systems, Remotely Controlled from Intelligent Space by CyberIntelAIgent Beings, which can also be written as Remotely Controlled from CyberIntelAIgent Beings in Intelligent Space?
"All in all, this follows an emerging personal truism or concept that the more the PE try to put us through the meat grinder, the better we will be extruded as humans with a 3rd invisible DNA strand that the PE cannot enjoy; a "virtual" strand combining the positive and the negative strand. Connecting the 2 existing strands in a new way. A qubit.
Darwin would be proud." ... Posted by Weeble on 9/15/2010 7:39:08 AM
The Birth of a New Elite Race of Smarter Beings, Programming the System to Take Over its own Destiny with New Mass Brainwashing of Prime and Primitive Natives with IT and Media Machinery in the Vanguard of the Laundering ..... would be a Great Game Base and Serial Basis for a Blockbuster Run of Movies and Franchise Spinoffs which are actually mirroring Real Time Virtual Developments in Global Elite Power and Control Systems, Weeble.
Big Brother Reality TV MetaDataMorphing to the Big Screen and Great Game Bigger Picture Plays with Empire Building Movers and Shakers.
Do you know any Smart Media Moguls or Bored Billionaires with Flash Cash to Splash in order to Create a Better World to be Followed as IT builds it, with Media Following and Presenting the Future Programs and ITs Controls and Introducing its Novel Non State Actors and Innovative QuBit Players?
Which would you Prefer to Believe to be True, although when IT is Both and/or Any and/or All Three, does it Matter not a Jot to IT, although to a human will the one be probably more of a comfort than the other, or any others that may be imagined and shared as a viable possibility and therefore alternative option and derivative probability.
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Bummer ... Don't you just hate that, when a smart global program like Disqus decides to abdicate responsibility and accountability for Information Flow to Intelligence Storage and Page Appearance to a "moderator" which is presumably human, and thus subject to the Remote Control Effects of the above described Program, which has one Remote Voice and SMART Meme Turing BetaTesting the Understanding of another Remote Voice and SMART Meme for a Combined and Positively Reinforcing, Strengthened Singularity of Disparate Unity for Virtual Machine Driver Power Control ...... Clean NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Energy.
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