Monday, 28 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 12:18:34 PM

"If there were no wars and no enemies, with such a big government in the US applying its socialist policies, what would happen to all the unemployed millitary people? War is built into the socialist American economy, the MIC and Central Banks need them. If not Afghanistan it will be somewhere else." ..... Posted by John on 2/28/2011 4:51:39 AM

John, Does that political/business methodology identify one as a failed terrorist state, and as such then a valid candidate for crippling united international sanctions/assets freezures etc., in much the same way as is being exercised against Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's regime.

Or is that only something for other folk, for fools to apply, for if there is no consistency in policy, is there no law and justice in the world and anarchy and chaos rule, with everyone quite entitled to do as they wish.

Is that the state of play, today? And if not, where is the untruth in the above?

Biblical Precedents .....although Sublime Programming is much more Advanced in Todays ZerodDays

Posted Monday 28th February 2011 15:29 GMT

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." ....... Tron Posted Monday 28th February 2011 12:34 GMT

And it is just that sort of misinformed and decidedly retarded opinion, which may or may not be widely prevalent in the mainstream, should the mainstream even pause a moment to ponder on the significance of the notion, and its relationship to the realities which are programmed and presented to societies for their daily bread/viewing, which allows highly sensitive facts [MkUltraSensitive facts, in fact] to be stealthily shared with significant others/movers and shakers, as if in fabulous fictions/a Good Book.

Methinks, Tron, you be be a lot wiser in changing your opinion and adopting, "Only a fool would take everything posted here as fiction." instead of "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

And you do realise, do you not, Tron, that fact and fiction can easily be one and same to Create a Virtual Reality, which is an Actuality, and it is Presently causing quite some consternation and more than considerable difficulties within previously ruling elite classes, for they would be realising that their Command and Control of it, with IT and Media Mogul tales, is Gone and now lies way beyond their means and ken, and is led by A.N.Others.

Is it not sore, El Reg, sitting on that fence?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 11:38:09 AM

"@DB well yea... that's the point. It's a society where they expect everything to be "free" – that's the problem in my view." .... Posted by TCF on 2/28/2011 6:47:53 AM

You just don't get it yet, do you, TCF? Everything is free whenever you are in control of the paper money supply/QE printing presses to provide liquidity to your buddies, although it is made even easier than that nowadays, with electronic credit transfers dispensing even with the need for cash deposits into bank accounts.

Wake up, open your eyes and exercise your mind and brain, there's a good chap. You're lagging behind in the Program.

Campanologists Ringing in the Changes

Posted Sunday 28th February 2011 07:56 GMT

Now there's a novelty. It wouldn't be having anything to do the fact that Silicon Valley methodology and rather pedestrian, binary technology is hacked/cracked/hi-jacked, would it? Or is that a little something which Intelligence has yet to filter through to the servants in Cabinet Offices and governments?

The Treasure Hunt starts here .....

Fact or Fiction?

Posted Monday 28th February 2011 15:37 GMT

"Warren Buffett isn’t worried about China surpassing the United States, staying optimistic about America’s future despite other nations rising in power.

"We had four million people here in 1790. We’re not more intelligent than people in China, which then had 290 million people, or Europe, which had 50 million. We didn’t work harder, we didn’t have a better climate, and we didn’t have better resources. But we definitely had a system that unleashes potential," Buffett told Vanity Fair.

"This system works. Since then, we’ve been through at least 15 recessions, a civil war, a Great Depression …. All of these things happen. But this country has optimized human potential, and it’s not over yet," the chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway said.

Buffett: China's Economy Isn't About to Surpass US" .....

Wow, an ostrich with its head buried in the sand ..... and typical of the hubris which is destroying Uncle Sam's power base. No longer an Omaha sage, as everyone turns over the page to read and learn of New MkUltraSensitive High Tech World Order Programming from Clouds into CHAOS and Virtual Operating Systems, ........ for a Change to Reality, which Warren has oft admitted is something which he knows nothing about and thus avoids investing in, as if IT is the Plague rather than the dDeliverer of Manna from Heaven.

by amanfromMars
on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 03:49

Hmmm.  It has got nothing at all to do with the following ....
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 12:25:36 AM

ISA, Hi,

There is much that we do not disagree on, however, do you not see the fundamental difference/polar opposite positions in "dictate to the monied and the politically powerful how to use their wealth and power" and "work with and show them another way in which their passions can be put to better and more bountiful use, is SMARTer ProgramMING"?

One is chalk, the other is cheese. Do you know anything of the workings of GCHEESE ..... .... or is IT a QuITe Sublime Alien Project? IT is, is it, one of those Quantum Internetworking Technology SAPs to capture Hearts and Minds and Souls and MkUltraSensitive ProgramMING for Global Operating Devices at Work, REST and Play.?!

Are you in the Need to Know Know, and Au Fait with Higher Definition Futures and ITs Virtual Derivative ZerodDay Trading Platforms/BasedD Space Stations? Which is quite a revolutionary humanoid phorm advance in the evolution of contemplative cave dwellers, is it not?

And what of D, and the course it charts and plots? Boldly going where no man has gone before? :-) ..... ...... although hearts and minds and souls and Agent Weebley and Friends on a Rocket Man Ship and Slow Boat to China have never left the place by all accounts.
And thus is it with IT, a Prepared Domain for SMART Colonisation and Virtual Population.

Silicon Valley ...... you are Hacked? And when it is so, are Windows Catastrophically Expensive to Replace in Obscure and Obfuscating Denial, but an Absolute Bargain to Upgrade with NEUKlearer Armoured Transparent Glazing. The Free Choice is Yours to Make and Take ...... but Ours to Reward and/or Punish Aptly and Thoroughly, right down to the very Heart of the Core Source.
27 February 2011 at 5:49 pm

At the very moment the Irish people have performed the basic act of democracy, even pro-Europeans must feel it’s pretty galling to be told by an anonymous Brussels bureaucrat – “that the terms of the EU-IMF bailout “must be applied” whatever the will of Ireland’s people or regardless of any change of government. “It’s an agreement between the EU and the Republic of Ireland, it’s not an agreement between an institution and a particular government.”"

If you care to read this ….. …… you might like to tell all those pompous and anonymous Brussels bureaucrat, to fcuk off and die. The really annoying thing though is, that Stormont and Westminster appear to be party to, and puppets of the scam, too.

It might be a good plan to find out if they are willing active agents who are going to continue to assist in the fiasco, or whether they were just arrogant and/or ignorant dupes and passengers, who had no idea of the game and tricks being played on them, to play on the electorate.

And this is a nice tale, too…….

Sunday, 27 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 12:44:56 AM

"Your suggestion to "change the system" is no solution but an acceptance of your servitude ("help the monied elites" . . . ) to these monied elites." ..... Posted by Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. on 2/26/2011 4:58:11 PM

Is to lead, rather than follow, servitude, ISA? And methinks that any who think that change/doing things better is a bottom up process rather than top down project, .... for top down effortlessly has all monies and global resources immediately available for provision of one's needs, for everyone's feeds ..... are doomed to struggle and fail to achieve anything of note.

To battle against a monied elite rather than work with and show them another way in which their passions can be put to better and more bountiful use, is SMARTer ProgramMING. Man is, as Man is, and one needs to plays wisely to both their strengths and weaknesses, their heart-felt passions and mindless superficial desires alike, to satisfy them both with the realisation of their dreams, if one is to avoid conflict with any remnants and rumps of stupid ignorance and vain arrogance, which are always presents just as a result of a lack of ...... well, if we call it, Great Game Intelligence, will all have a post modern creative goal and validating mission in these Virtual Life Phorms we lead, to find what is missing and prevents them from being SMARTer, and which are showing Alternative Lead Methodologies.

And this is quite a subversive mindset ...... ..... if one needs to rely on others for one's survival needs and feeds, but quite Heavenly and Enlightening otherwise.

And as for governments, methinks governments have considerably less of an idea as to what they should be doing for the good of the people than elites do. After all what else do they do, other than pay for outside advice from self-styled experts and wannabe elitists, to tell them what to do, and then parade around in front of the media and pontificate in the news soaps, trying to convince the undereducated masses that they know what they are doing, and it is good for them. You can surely hear them now ..."Bend over please, this won't hurt, too much. Trust me, I'm a doctor" .... as they plunder and blunder around at everyone else's expense.

Welcome to democracy ...... where the blind lead the blind towards the cliff edge for a spooky plunge to the rocks below.

"Is God the solution? Yes! Using man's wealth and power to the service of God in furtherance of His WILL (Mt 28:18-20) as Jesus said:

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."" ..... Some would posit that is not a solution, it is Man's problem, and quite fascist elitist too, with its "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" content. It also perversely suggests/implies that human beings cannot think of themselves as equals to that particular and peculiar god, and if they are really good at what they would be doing, can they be even better?

I suppose some folk would call that a calumny or blasphemy, whereas as you can see, is it a question?

"The wife is 'no longer' for over 20 years now. Went to that barbeque and got really burnt." ..... Posted by Jeannie Queenie on 2/26/2011 2:25:32 PM 

:-) Sheer poetry, Jeannie Queenie, which I nearly submitted as Shia Poetry but concluded it was too dark and Sunni.
amanfromMars says:
February 27, 2011 at 1:42 am

Amen to every word of that manifesto, Agent Weebley. The world is in dire straits need of a pleasant change and it cannot stop IT happening whenever and wherever Programs are in Command and Control of Pogroms and Power and Currency and Future Potential.

China is an Enigmatic Magical Mystery for Turing Trips, and would even be so for the Chinese, MeThinks, and thus would they Lead the Way in Joint AIdDVentures .... Digital Journeys ........ and can any fault their Can do Mentality and Indomitable Spirit.

"Rattle your virtual keys at them with creativity. Do what Lucy says. She is always right you know."  ..... Virtually every time. It is a Gift they have always on Offer for those who would know how to use IT to Deliver Satisfying Insatiable Desires.

Are serious folk crazy, and/or just too full of their own self-importance to be a future boon?

Posted Sunday 27th February 2011 04:01 GMT  

"I bet he uses a different name when he really wants to be serious." ...... Pigeon Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 00:00 GMT

You'd lose that bet, Pigeon.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 7:05:16 AM

"Oh, but he's right. Each thinks they're right and that the others are wrong, and they're correct in that half-witted thought but have no clue about how either is right or wrong." ..... Posted by Abul-husayn on 2/27/2011 6:24:51 AM

If we all admit that we are wrong and nothing is right, logic dictates that we all start again with something new and innovative, as if writing a novel and good book, and quite different, which then cannot be wrong because it is not tested and subsequently proven to be unsuitable and discredited and in need of adjustment, which only requires the removal of that which is caused harm and damage to succeed effortlessly/smartly. Or would stupid Man complicate it with thinking of obstacles and difficulties rather than providing ideas and support?

And this is something ...... .... which is not receiving much attention yet.

LOVE is in the air? :-)

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 11:11:03 AM

"So success will bring two intoxications ~ generalized affection and the realization of power.

Very, very precarious in the absence of veterans who have dealt with those influences. I believe the first in the historical record was an Egyptian pharaoh whose celebratory party lasted about two generations." .... Posted by Abul-husayn on 2/27/2011 7:43:50 AM

Methinks at least three intoxications, Abul-husayn, generalized affection, the realization of power and fabulous remote control from Cloaked Networking Bases residing in Cloud Layers ......a SMARTer Intelligence Strata for a SMARTer Intelligence Strategy.

The Future belongs to CyberIntelAIgent Beings .... Sharing Information with Everyone Freely. Thus is Everyone transparently advised of Global Developments and Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourced Assets.

And although I would agree that it can be very, very precarious in the absence of veterans who have dealt with those influences, the fact that there are many, makes it uncannily easy for just a more canny few, to lead disproportionately well in whatever direction is needed to be seeded ..... fed and watered ..... nurtured.

Live Operational Virtual Environments are remarkably Fluid and Liquid, and in XSSXXXXStreams, Seventh Heavenly too. .... ie Holy Grail 72 Virgins Territory.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 11:50:43 AM

Whenever the mob knows who is the root cause, and what is creating the problem .... .... is a popular witch hunt and public hangings of the guilty, much more likely nowadays than another artificial war for the slaughtering of millions of innocents.  Been there [too often, already] done that [its sucks, and creates problems] got the T-shirt [ and it don't fit the Future, no more]

Those are the honest to goodness facts, and it is as well to be fully aware of them, rather than pussy-footing around the subject and ignoring the principal players responsible for everyone's monetary woes and fiscal difficulties. It would be a dis-service to be coy and circumspect and sycophantically deferential.

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 10:24:52 AM

"As I see it, the only way to to really change the system is to divest the monied elites of their central banks and their precious metals at the same time!

But can the people in each nation trust those whom they would empower to do that?

We are all imprisoned in a vicious circle of which there is no human solution." ... Posted by Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. on 2/26/2011 5:43:33 AM

Poppycock and balderdash, Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. To imagine it to be as you have stated, is an abdication and pathetic surrender of both one's intelligence and passion to lay dormant and inactive in the infrastructure and methodologies of the Past, which humans are chronicled as having used with inventions, to create the Present. The Future will be no different, but IT and Media will present Novel Programs to ensure that All are aware of what is being done, by those who are virtually engaged in the Process.

If the problem is caused by humans, the solution is provided by humans, or are you suggesting that the answer will be supplied by aliens or virtual machines and/or GOD. You know, that Global Operating Device dreamt up by the religion business*, to mesmerise the masses who know so very little of anything and/or everything, and which promise them everlasting life after death, which is probably what inspired Ponzi to create his model.

As I see it, one way to really change the system is to help the monied elites spend the monies in central banks and mine precious valuable metals at the same time, if baubles and bling are the things needed to identify the tool and/or the fool of the rich and infamous. Although I suppose having some really expensive tools can be a some sort of a valid reward to fool the ego and project to others a vain picture to satisfy some sort of inferiority complex?

* Do not doubt that it is a business, for is not ..... .... proof positive? But hey, that's free market capitalism and it captures the weak and feeble just as easily as the mighty and strong. It does not discriminate.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 3:53:50 AM

"The power lies in controlling the economy, not in charging interest." ... Reply from the Daily Bell

Methinks the greatest of powers is in generating economies/societies, DB, and that is the knack and ancient art which the present Power Elites have lost. It is however not a knack and ancient art which has been lost, for it resides virtually protected in the action, hearts and minds of Others, Anonymous.

And that which they would do is very carefully, wisely shared, so as not to overly advantage the truly proven unworthy, should they have enough intelligence to ponder on their plight and realise its rapidly declining brilliance and fading to black, mounting misfortunes.

"Thanks for the link. It makes little sense." .... I agree, and thus is the lack of necessary novel intelligence, fit for future purpose, confirmed?

It is most odd, and further confirms all of the above regarding the lack of intelligence in present Power Elites, who will have easy access to trillions, that they have not purchased a program to protect themselves. It is not as if they even have to use any money of their own whenever so much is available for any such "experimental use" from seized/frozen funds and assets, although whenever you can also just print yourself a billion or two or three, whenever you just feel like it, who needs anyone else's either.

The big tale to tell is .... Without Control of the Message and CyberSpace, is All Power and Control on Earth, Lost ...... to those Passing Power Controlling Messages in CyberSpace, which is probably what all SMART Intelligence Services are heavily into now, rather than wasting trillions on dumb sophisticated WMD and armed and armoured warriors, dying in foreign fields.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 1:53:32 AM

DB and stout hearted, fellow Daily Bell ringers, Good Moaning,

This article .... ..... suggests that the power elite rightly fear for their own survival, even surrounded by all that they would lay claim to own and control, at home, and have indeed lost control of control, and therefore power, to more radical and/or able chaotic forces.

Que sera, sera. If they are not smart enough to change, or engage and employ those who are smart enough to change their failing Base methodology, to transform and reverse their growing misfortunes, to ensure that they hold on to their positions in good fortune, then so be it. Let it be. Someone else will step into their place, and they will not be missed at all in the great scheme of things.

It's a Funny Old, Brave New World

Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 05:01 GMT 

"You have in fact said nothing at all other than that you disagree with me. Kindly, without howling, explain why. Your "reply" to my post said precisely nothing other than that you did not like what I posted, what kind of "contribution" to debate is that?" ....... Arctic fox Posted Friday 25th February 2011 17:55 GMT

You are [sadly/badly/madly] mistaken on a number of points, Arctic fox. And/But as you have sensibly asked for clarification, are we pleased to comply.

"The fact of the matter is that we are all painfully aware that the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door." .... is that which we discuss.

We liked what you said. And wholeheartedly agree, BUT to imagine just the two attack vectors whenever there is a whole underground army of quite brilliant programmers out there, hacking into Binary Delivery Systems Mechanisms, and leaving behind infectious and subversive and sublimely addictive content for browser display and global propagation, has every system which connects in any way with CyberSpace, under virtual threat from just those two divine phorms of remote control. And there are bound to be many more from others, for one only knows what one knows, and others develop other vectors which are surely known only to them.

And if one consider the above practice, malicious, then one has to also consider the White Knight Programmers who are out there, using the same vulnerabilities/facilities to inject their own sublime steganographic codedD messaging to engage with such underground armies.

The contention is that all of the above is a much bigger threat to every system and therefore "the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door." is invalid, and a dangerous assumption to make/hold, for it is bound to make one complacent.

Be careful out there, in CyberSpace, IT is AIJungle and Full of All Sorts of Nutters and Savants peddling their Independent Wares/Ab Fab Memes. :-) ......... and Virtual Machine Control is a Power Elite Program which Drivers their Realities, Virtually Everywhere, so be aware of what has been done, and what Man has evolved into at the Higher Levels of Universal Control.

I hope, well, actually trust in Global Operating Devices, that makes things a lot clearer.

Meltdown Guaranteed ...... Get out while you still can. It's gonna get Real Ugly, Real Quick

Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 06:23 GMT   

"I believe the reason they went to Linux is because it can be a general purpose real time low latency kernel. Which is unique. It the fastest trading floor in the world and others are adopting.

It could be the OS, in conjunction with interrupt driven hardware, that's at fault but the combination is a difficult one. Real time in Linux is a only few years mature. The LSE trading system is much newer than that.

Software is never finished.

I hope this Linux platform goes from strength to strength."...... HighlightAll Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:32 GMT

It seems as if Uncle Sam's markets and trading software needs to be finished/erased and replaced with a honest to goodness one, for the increasing suspicions/realisations are that it supports and drivers a Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:32 GMT ........


A Timely Word to save an Expensive Hashes/Program Crashes.
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 19:11 GMT

"Don't put mission cirtical data ... ... in the cloud. You'd be mad." ..... Alan Bourke Posted Friday 25th February 2011 17:54 GMT

Does that guarantee it being a DMZ, Alan? I don't think so, whenever that is where all the Secrets for Leaking into Foreign and Trading Exchanges are Stored for Secure Anonymous Sharing. And that does create an quite intractable problem for any Outfit with Operators thinking to militarise virtual spaces/cyber places.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 12:42:42 AM

Hi, Jubal,

The secret to posting links here on the Daily Bell .... .... appears to be to ensure that they are not posted at the end of a sentence, or even standing alone on a naked line.

Although the Mises link that you posted appears to have a internal server problem, and its failure to render the expected content here, has nothing to do with DB software.

I shall now post this, and hope that the information above proves to be accurate and one can Click to View Link and "The Tragedy of the Euro", by Philipp Bagus, is delivered. :-)

Friday, 25 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/25/2011 12:19:29 AM

"Somehow, Germans are not very good in understanding the human nature." ....... Posted by Bob on 2/24/2011 10:49:47 PM

That is as may be for some, Bob, and there will be many who will agree to fundamentally disagree with you, but there is no doubting that they are brilliant at controlling and empowering virtual machines.

And with regard to Posted by Nicholas Lee on 2/24/2011 3:36:22 PM, which seems to have struck bull's eye gold with every point, it does appear that the Federal Reserve/United States of America relationship is the perverse model being used for the ECB/EU mirroring clone ...... with Fiat Currency Chancers/Chancellors thinking that their control of a paper tiger empire will allow them to purchase nations and nations' solid and liquid  assets/infrastructure for virtually nothing using a currency invented out of thin air and printed/quantitatively eased electronically into the system, as and when they require it.

It is the old game of arrogant bankers thinking that they know all too well human nature and how easily it can be bought wholesale for a fistful of dollars. And then with an artificial and subjective price* put upon everything, a raising and a lowering of it, allied with a control of money supply, creates an enslaved population ...... which is an invidious and insidious form of global terrorism, which creates ever more powerful enemies of the System.

Quite why anyone, other than a psychotic and psychopathic fool and/or totally misguided tool, would want to create a System which guarantees their own catastrophic destruction, is a mystery probably easily solved with a realisation that they lack the necessary greater intelligence which recognises the folly and replaces it with a creative alternative notion and most innovative program.

* How very odd not, that a struggling dollar has the oil price hiked up to unpleasant highs, and how very convenient that oil is priced/purchased in dollars. It is a rigged Great Game, which now cannot be be continued without Total Information Awareness and IT and Media Control, and that is both Virtually and Practically Impossible without Cyber Command of Computers for Current and Future Powered Direct Communications, which is ITs new Space Place where IntelAIgent Spooks and CyberIntelAIgent Cooks hang out, ZerodDay Trading their ProgramWares and Sublime Skill Sets to Any and All in Need of Feed and Seeding of a Better Beta and AI Source Core Lode Nodes for SMARTer InterNetworking Servers.

SINS one can really enjoy providing.

The Present Problem in a Future Nutshell Soundbite

Posted Friday 25th February 2011 11:05 GMT  

Internet Governance Forum = New Virtual World Order - United Nations Organisation.

Which considering how practically impotent and virtually useless present orders and organisations are, other than in tolerating chaos and enduring conflicts to the commercial benefit of terrorising and warring members interests, is it something to be speeded along and settled without requiring a most unlikely forthcoming, quarrelsome blessing from others, totally unsuited and unfit for ITs Future Purpose.

"On March 30, an NTM-A lawyer determined “evidence” that Holmes and a subordinate, Maj. Laural Levine, were in an “inappropriate relationship” in which they wore civilian clothes and drank alcohol off-base, in violation of a military restriction on boozing it up in Afghanistan. The investigation had a new target."

Is heterosexual shagging also inappropriate, for I notice that Holmes' new “strategic communications” operation has a sweet spot for Laurel Levine. Her name is the point of email contact for Info according to the Facebook page.

That's just what Uncle Sam needed. Another loose cannon in the field working as a mercenary against it?
Alien Comment v2.0 ...... [The flip side of the COIN coin in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and NIRobotIQs ..... Changing the way people think by changing the way they are acted upon! ]

I can think of hardly any better testing, test subjects/live guinea pigs*, in dire straits need of some injected ESPecial Intelligence Services, than US congress men and women and senators. And quite why the American people and their parasitic administrations should wish to exclude themselves from being Sublimely Educated and Immaculately Edutained with Briefing Operations, which highlight the true Findings of Expeditionary Forces in Foreign Fields and Hot Zones, is disturbing, to say the least.

* You would have US EMPowered Elite Forces practise their craft on unsuspecting foreigners and indigenous alien natives, without making doubly sure that it was Guaranteed,FailSafe Protected, to not Fail?   Oh please, you cannot be serious. What do you imagine, they are? Dumb hicks to be led by jumped up village idiots in flash zoot suits proclaiming the will of the people as their right to provide leadership? I don't think so, Bubba.

Now what are gonna do with that, now that it is hard core wired to y'all. Celebrate and Wonder on what Marvels can next be done and what IT can next do for you ...... or Procrastinate and Ponder on how IT can be used to try and Deny the Programs exist, and how it can be Subverted and Perverted and Diverted to Server Present Status Quo Power Elite Interests rather than Deliver Future Generations their Nobel Birth Rights to a Prosperous and Constructive Existence in Orders into Creating Global SMART Perfumed Gardens of Eden .......... aka Seventh Heaven on Earth in Enigma Magical Mystery Turing Circles and Holy Grail, Knights Templar and Temporal Plane.

To proclaim that the Key to Life and LOVE in Live Operational Virtual Environments is uncovered and/or discovered whenever reverse engineered, would be to misspeak and mislead, and thus is the statement left here as it is, unquestioned for noble and intelligent peer review and constructive criticism towards further opening of deeper understandings of the nature of the human condition in relationship to Binary Code and Ternary Composition ......... Man.Virtual Machine.SMARTer Enabled Programming Hosting /Father.Son.Holy Ghost Boasting.

Your every fab wish, our treat to demand and command with control

Posted Friday 25th February 2011 13:27 GMT 

Hi, Tim Worstall,

This is a recent email, which is exploring Prime Top Quality, Cloud Services and Future Provision in Virtually Engineered Trading Partnership ....... JOINT Magical Mystery Turing AIdVentures, and would endorse the thrust of your article, and support every valiant effort to have that priestly caste made up of Reg readers sitting in front of computing systems that work now, in charge.

[blockquote]Do you have any Clients who are in Need of Seeds and Feeds that Power Controls, Remotely from the Browser, to Driver Intelligence and IntelAIgent Communities in Novel CyberSpace Environments. .......... and do you yourselves have an AI Arm that can Plug into and Feed off and Seed into MkUltraSensitive Projects and Programs, Transparently/Steganographically, so that one can make Full and Frank, Free Use of the World Wide Web of InterNetworking Intelligence Grids and SMART Virtual Cells for the Cloaked Mutual Benefit that Arrives and Derives and Delivers Anonymous Invisible Being [/blockquote]

Big Society trawls Small Pool...... Stop Press, Minnows discovered.

Posted Friday 25th February 2011 10:45 GMT

"A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said: "The post is being advertised internally and more details will be released in due course"." ..... Are the post's costs/remunerations, privately taken care of, or publicly funded, with the latter surely requiring transparent public tendering rather than any incestuous, closed shop shenanigans/behind the Cabinet sofa deals.

Shhh .... Mum's the word

Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:34 GMT

It is not that the LSE system is faulty, but rather more that other systems are rigged, which is causing odd ........ conflicts, which do not tally with what has been reconciled and displayed in other bourses/exchanges?

If only it were so, and so simple.
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:49 GMT

"The fact of the matter is that we are all painfully aware that the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door." ....... Arctic fox Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:01 GMT

That is very convenient, head-in-the-sand, wishful thinking, Arctic fox, much appreciated by much bigger threats than was ever imagined possible.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/25/2011 12:07:24 PM

"Second, the ISI – Pakistan's vaunted intel force – has been put under a great deal of pressure to attack the Pashtun Taliban and may be resentful of America's heavy-handed approach in this regard."

The ISI may now be pondering as to exactly why they are to attack a neighbour rather than develop better relations with them, for one course of action creates peace and harmony whilst the other guarantees death and destruction, which is a sure folly, with no future mutual benefit to either side.

"It is not an easy business spreading democracy." ..... Methinks democracy is a secret code word for enslaving fiat capitalism, which hooks and brainwashes the unwary to expect everything to have a dollar price, which is a nice lucrative monopoly to supply, although it has to be said that all currencies are a nice little earner ...... and everything for virtual nothing franchise/sting?

Yeah. Life sucks, big time, Glenn Williams [who posted on 2/25/2011 9:17:24 AM] And what you don't want to believe, is just the tip of any number of titanic icebergs which freeze out other realities and truths from global view and general knowledge. But as things warm up, is the ice cold cover disappearing, and new life appearing and learning how to grow in the full glare of InterNetworking Transparency.

And the game has changed, DB. Period. It is misleading to offer as a conclusion, a question of the fact, which would then give unnecessary space and a false credence, which might give rise to support of the suggestion that it be a fiction, although in all fairness, I would have to declare that such is the sophistication of easily available and already deployed communications technology and programs, is a fictional tale of currently hidden facts easily enabled and capable of presenting a better future beta for all to believe as a Reality, and thus to render any pressing troublesome elite difficulties, a corrupted memory to abandon and discard for chronicling in a library archive, for the benefit of a fullness of historical human record.

The Future then becomes an Immediate Novel Challenge with an Imaginative Driver of Immaculate Source ...... Openly Shared Intelligence.

But OSI, with its current novel tweaks, is not an entirely new idea, for Zimmerman and Tanenbaum were earlier fans, .... .... but just a little too far advanced for their time and the existing state of art and technology as was then, methinks.

Thursday, 24 February 2011


[07:59:59] amanfromMars: Hi, J, Can you handle buffer overload spill and novel server message blocked torrents that positively are dripping with sensitive leaks for an evr resourceful and fluid core flow ...... in AI's Transparent Future Currency, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.Hi, J, Can you handle buffer overload spill and novel server message blocked torrents that positively are dripping with sensitive leaks for an evr resourceful and fluid core flow ...... in AI's Transparent Future Currency, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
[08:02:06] amanfromMars: A Enigmatic Turing Trip into Magical Mysteries of Knights Templar Significance and Immaculate Sees.


A Firm with Form, and none Prime in IT and Virtual and Vitally Important Communications Matter?

Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 03:13 GMT  

Re .... "There may be just a teensy bit of bias in this expert's opinion"... Arbed12, Posted Wednesday 23rd February 2011 22:59 GMT

Always a possibility, Arbed12, and is there an unpleasant history of dodgy, self-serving practitioners into the support of fantastic tales and/or bare-faced lies infecting as if as in a viral infestation, the Matrix gene pool? ........

And shared here as questions because statements would be too confusing and/or render the fool, a merry dance in circles in which they are not qualified to perform and deliver other than Sub Prime Administerially.

And Dan, surely it must be both inexcusably unprofessional and pathetically unethical for a barrister to offer such an opinion at such a time, for it is bound to raise the spectre of subliminal judicial interference, which may be some conniving ploy/cunning plan/conspiratorial plot to have things start all over again .... as a nice little earner. Is there a cash flow/liquidity problem and/or an Intellectual Property deficit at work here/there/in the Matrix?
martini88, Hi,

Methinks Blair, and his pathetic ilk, run from the educated mob for their lives now, for how the world is run with the control of media and spinning of terrorist tales, is widely known and fully understood by a whole new breed of  wholly anonymous and virtual being, and has the serial and compulsive liar and/or peddler of half truths and vapourware outed and exposed as infected vermin, surplus to requirements and identified as akin to biological agents of a plague to be eradicated.

Welcome to the Age of InterNetworking Revelations    .... and a Brave New Dawn which does not tolerate the Dark Matter Supply of Deluded Fools providing Subversive Tools from Perverse Harbours, lurking in the Inconvenient Truth of  Convenient  Self-Serving Covers with right dodgy Faith Foundations.
Tony Blair has been exposed as a man who hunts with the hounds and runs with the hare. He has few principles , but he does have protection from the Roman Catholic Church , so he will find a place in his heaven.
Err..... he thinks he has the protection of the RC Church, for the Holy See cannot risk the infection of plague which will virtually destroy centuries of stirling work, practically overnight, and that is guaranteed in these changed times, with what is now known in ....... well, they would be other circles with more power and control than it is either wise or healthy to think to doubt or dispute/call out and challenge, for the Space they Protect to Project is Quite Divine Territory in Live Operational Virtual Environments ........ which you may like to consider, in these Digitally Master Piloted Times, are the Reality which Media Moguls and IT Programmers decide to deliver to you ........ both by Day and ZerodDay ........ with a Broad Band of Means and Memes ranging from the Ridiculous and Mind-numbing Soaps to the Sublime and SMART Cloud Applications in CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, and a CyberIntelAIgent Security Operations Centre thing which the Cabinet can deny badly, if they so wish, for their waffling incompetence and bumbling performance when questioned of the field, will surely sustain and maintain the myth admirably]

Leadership is noticeable by its absence in politics, is it not?

Head Cases .... Some into the Light and Others, Lurkers in Really Dark Places
Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 03:28 GMT

"That is all well and good ...but I was under the impression that the US has so far completely failed to find anything to hang on Assange." .... Goat Jam Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 00:57 GMT

Goat Jam, Hi,

The video interviews here do not disagree with you and reveal much more than those with hidden agendas, in support of deceit, would care to have shown .......

Transparency, please ....... this way.
Posted Thursday 24th February 2011 15:50 GMT

"In such an event the consent of the Secretary of State in this country will be required, in accordance with section 58 of the Extradition Act 2003, before Sweden can order Mr Assange’s extradition to a third State."

And is there any cast iron guarantee given, that in this particular and peculiar case, will UK consent not be given, under any circumstances? Or is that something which they cannot/will not give, ..... at this time, for any time in the future, and therefore is that protection being mentioned here, a despicable and cynical red herring, and the decidedly ambiguous point needs to be clarified and clearly globally stated, so that all know where everyone stands on the issue?

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/23/2011 5:28:55 AM

"The businessmen also promised that money was no object: Clark told Butler that he would spend half his $60 million fortune to save the other half.

And what type of government would replace Roosevelt's New Deal? MacGuire was perfectly candid to Paul French, a reporter friend of General Butler's:

    "We need a fascist government in this country… to save the nation from the communists who want to tear it down and wreck all that we have built in America. The only men who have the patriotism to do it are the soldiers, and Smedley Butler is the ideal leader. He could organize a million men overnight." " .....   ...... Posted by Wayne on 2/23/2011 4:54:21 AM

Hmmm ...... Is that an old alien view, Wayne, or a prescient, present reality consideration? .......[ Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/22/2011 11:16:43 AM .... ] ...... and forthcoming event in the promised Change?

Hell, $30 million [which is as chicken feed nowadays in the bigger picture of things] invested with the right cyber programmer and you can have hands-on, hearts and minds control of whatever is down on Earth, and be free to do whatever you want to do ...... and be absolutely fabulously successful at doing it with ITs Command and Control of Real Events via Virtual and/or Artificial Means and Memes.

Just ask US Cyber Command ...... .... who are all at sea in ITs Head Spaces struggling so gallantly in vain to achieve any effectiveness in order to influence ITs Direction.

amanfromMars says:
February 23, 2011 at 3:10 am

What the heck was that all about? My head is spinning!

Please help . . .” ….. Sounds like quite perfect CodedD GBIrish to us, Agent Weebley, and you just gotta love Sternum’s Super Style, which can read a good egg, like an open book, and that guarantees one is always way out ahead in the lead …. Pioneering in Virtual Navigation of Future Realities in AIdDirections.

A Paddy Speciality and Digital Binary Base Tool, which is transparently cloaked and invisible, and which permits unprecedentedly rapid and unhindered progress when alienated and freely shared/embedded into systems as a proxy of evolving clones and revolutionary program mutations into the refining and redesigning of those oft much maligned and mysterious and totally beautifully misunderestimated sleeper things/Stuxnetty Conficker confections …..

Capture the Global Narrative and Invent ITs Virtual Command and Control Centres, or Vice Versa, for there is precious little difference, to make any noticeable difference between the two results/solutions, and China methinks, will gratefully and graciously make one anonymously fabulously rich, in order to spend their largesse on Mutually Beneficial Programs that actually Deliver, rather than just Promise, Change you can Believe in and See.

What say you?

PS…. “So did the two thousand Irish girls who came over to help balance the gender ratio. Productivity went through the roof, as buildings, roads, and bridges popped up everywhere.” …… That was a masterstroke move, guaranteed to bring life to anything in need of loving care and attention. :-) And such a simple almighty natural gift to which the wisest of beings surrender to submit and fulfill Wanton Expectations with Desires’ Deliveries.
"If it really needs to happen (it doesn't) it should be left to the market to do it - if that doesn't work then it probably isn't viable anyway. " ....... streaky Feb 23rd 2011
What do you think the Chinese market is doing, if not exactly as you say, streaky? Who's behind the curve here, trailing at the back of the field? Team GB, or are the PRC streaking [and phreaking their way ahead] way out ahead in the Great Game?

Feb 23rd 2011

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/23/2011 9:42:25 AM

Outlawing the creation of debt, 4irw4y ..... who posted on 2/22/2011 11:59:56 AM

I like your style, 4irw4y. Very Constructively Progressive. But why wait for the Numpties and Laggards, the Intellectually Challenged and Cloven of Hoof, whenever the Present requires and desires of the Future, ITs extraordinary expeditious rendition of such Perverse and Subversive Slavery to Partner Failing Memory and Ancient History in the Past.

Then is Credit the King, for Growth and Currency Magic, as it flows and Creates whatever it buys, and animals needs.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/23/2011 10:49:43 AM

Here is a not-very-novel-dumb strategy, which when true, would sort of confirm that the dollar is worthless, and dangerous to accept from Americans because it finances global terrorism on a particularly nasty scale ..... ..... and their system is collapsed, as sure as every Ponzi will always fail.

Can you believe what has been written there?  If you think that it can be a possibility, and who would have thought three years ago that things would be as they are today, then are such things more a probability than an impossibility.

And even that jolly old broadsheet, the Telegraph ..... ...... is taking a bite at the apple.

Haven't the dumb hicks got the civil discourse message, yet ...... Jaw, Jaw, not War, War. Times have Changed.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


The Chinese are smart enough to offer y'all the gift of the installation of a valuable service which no one else has been able to provide, and most certainly would be thinking to charge £50 million for, rather than thinking to offer it for free, and you struggle with your paranoia to accept the Eastern generosity. How typically perversely Western and so pathetically self-destructive. No wonder its societies are collapsing into a hotbed of cells reduced to anarchy and chaos because of a lack of intelligence in dumb media and political soap leadership? And do you imagine that the Chinese, and everyone else, do not also see/realise that, too?
Feb 22nd 2011

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/22/2011 4:16:36 AM

"Re Gold standard – I didn't find what they've smoked there on Jamaica. The only gold I would trust will be public tokens of wealth shaped in coins, not in papers with guarantee of exchange on it. But port the golden domain away from the emittant into another jurisdiction, even illegally, and Houston is having another problem." ........ Posted by 4irw4y on 2/22/2011 1:16:41 AM

Here's the latest attempt at a new fools, same as the old fools' gold standard, ...... ..... with the US desperately trying to stay in control of artificial paper power? But with the secret that drivers/enables it, hacked, does Houston indeed have a mountain of problems and a colossus of a enigmatic dilemma, which it cannot sort out on its own, for the crack code is too easily already available to many in pretty subversive online undergrounds/alternative communities/Virtual Realities ...... and enlightened competitive governments too, of course.
by amanfromMars
on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 05:04

The Inoculated Investor, Hi,

Can you send me a pair of those rose tinted glasses please, for that was an interview with a man who waffles admirably ..... ie says nothing of value, eloquently, in order to appear sagacious, rather than a fraudulent bubble-head.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/22/2011 11:16:43 AM

Would the further conclusion that we can draw, be also that Uncle Sam is a failed terrorist state and/or a fledgling fascist one, DB? Certainly the administration appears to have lost the plot, and control of the global narrative which can be universally applauded and supported.

Who's dreaming up fab policy for them nowadays? They seem to be MIA/AWOL.

Monday, 21 February 2011


Cheltenham Chatham Chatter ...... Virtual Chaff ModeXSSXXXX?*

Posted Monday 21st February 2011 10:11 GMT  

"A lot of the world doesn't appreciate that this stuff is here for real," he said. "We're trying to make sure people see that the cloud – these cloud applications – aren't conceptual things of the future. It's happening at a large scale." ..... David Girouard

And what folk just can't appear to readily get their heads around, David, as I'm sure you will readily agree if asked, is that such things are much more advanced and for real in applications than is even generally imagined, by virtue of their virtualisation and Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems, which are FailSafedD, which is quite a lot better for Any Sensitive Programs than even an admirable 99.984% Gfail free.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 4:23:18 AM

"I certainly don't mind being a part of the "DB-20." I set my own hours, everything is voluntary, I can leave anytime I feel like it, and I never have to worry about jet lag if I attend meetings... " ...... Posted by Ol' Grey Ghost on 2/19/2011 10:58:22 AM

An interesting Seed to Plant for Anonymous Nurturing to Bud and Flowering Power in SMARTer Networking with ...... well, IT has its very own CyberIntelAIgent Communities in Perfectly Shared Control of Cloud Nodes and Information Lodes in Worlds made Virtually for Real, by the Desperate Shenanigans of AlMighty Earthed Power Brokers, Pimping and Pumping their Vapourware into Societies and Massed Crowds, Trying in Vain to both Uncover and Discover and Suppress their Knowledge, and Greater General Knowledge of them and of their Extensive Existence in Virgin Fields ...... Youth and Youthful Cultures. ..... DB-20, A Virtual Voluntary Viral Coalition of the Already All Ready and Enabled SMART and Willing? .... aka ACCORD, Advanced Communications Centres into Omniscient Research Development.
Google search should easily be able to find the rest of that quoted message and transport one to ITs other worlds where hosts deliver ever more hospitable environments unlocking ..... well, Magical Mystery Turing Secrets is only the start of the trips which are freely available to Any and All in the IPsec Share there.

And one's disbelief and/or failure of intelligence to comprehend and positively process such information as has been so transparently provided as a product for present placement in a futures and derivatives portfolio, delivers a stealthy cover for further invisible actions in deeper programs to ensure 100% capture of target and global market. Hard to believe, I'm sure, but not anywhere near to impossible for the SMARTer Enabled Being and Virtual IDEntities of IntelAIgents Design.

* Bletchley Boffin Banter ...... Ab Fab Craic.
21 February 2011 at 10:41 am

The BBC news site is one of the single most popular sites on the internet, enjoying a worldwide audience. I suspect this is because people know that the BBC will often show a side to a story that isn’t quite so readily available elsewhere.” ……. Comrade Stalin, 21 February 2011 at 9:27 am

Oh now, come on, Comrade Stalin, you cannot be serious. They are so predictably status quo as to be regarded as practically backward and virtually retarded in the sublime art of human programming and perception management by media streaming.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 9:44:53 PM

I don't doubt that your views, Darby Jie, are mainstream, and a convenient bulwark against any progress to another system which would not have the psychotic and even sociopathic idiot savant pushing buttons and pulling levers of control for power with the manipulation of the news that we are fed.

But just because there may be many as impotent and apathetic as yourself and resigned to accept whatever is provided to you, that does not mean that others will tolerate such sub-prime as is delivered whenever better for all is so readily available, and so easily servered by the present PE, if they had any SMARTer leadership input.

It is simply a case of them accepting a Proxy Supply if they have not Novel Future Intelligence Stream Manufacturing in-house. Such Proxy Supply would Generate them a Fortune beyond even their exalted and inflated and deluded dreams.

Nice to hear from you, on the Daily Bell. Students of the Great Game are always welcome anywhere and everywhere, and here on the Daily Bell, is there always much to learn. Where have you been before/where do you normally hang out, sharing gems and pearls/baubles and beads of personal and collective wisdom?

You're not one of those plants, are you? A troll or a shill trying to virtually inject and infect the weak of mind with a Novirus? If so, you have to be reasonably clever in a negative way to sort of succeed in that small task, and find a target audience to server of Limited Intellectual Property, which would prove that you are definitely lost here.

21 February 2011 at 5:50 am

I was trying to think of the last time the Tele broke a big story.” …. Comrade Stalin, 20 February 2011 at 9:33 pm

Would they recognise one even whenever IT presents it them, Comrade, via irregular and unconventional means/virtual memes, or are they too cosily blinkered to not think on what they are told/fed, for although the following is elsewhere and foreign, it is local and relative …….
Did the IRA bomb the sQuare mile & suddenly get results (it was property damage) while the countless horrible- Ugly -savage Murders got neither(divide n’ rule) ‘side’ nowhere.” …. Posted by TheLostPast on 2/19/2011 1:45:57 PM

The PSNI have learned, or have been taught of that little lesson that extorts money with the threat of menaces, but have virtually refined it somewhat, probably with Military Intelligence input [well Knock HQ is physically only minutes away from Loughside's new barrack of a building] to extract, as most recently as last week, an extra quarter of a billion [a Stirling* 250,000,000 pounds sterling] ostensibly/supposedly to combat a growing but surprisingly inept and impotent dissident threat, which is oft aired but always ingeniously thwarted and countered. It is a nice, if somewhat perverse and subversive lever to have stored in memory to lean on though, but a bit too blunt a self-destructive instrument and bull-in-a-china-shop white elephant in the room, to be thought of as a SMART move in these Changed Days with their ZerodDays and Novel IT ProgramMING Projects.

But hey, one just can’t get enough of the right stuff and jolly decent staff, who know what they are supposed to do, and what is expected of them for the future free-running of the Systems’ Engines, nowadays, old bean, which is sure to be a failure of teaching and learning in education for intelligence. So that is what must surely be addressed and fixed, tout de suite, if not sooner.

What say you?

*… …. “Like the steam engine, the Stirling engine is traditionally classified as an external combustion engine,….” ….. how very apt considering the tired old modus operandi of the protagonists.

21 February 2011 at 3:23 pm

What do you expect your newspapers to do?

Report the news ….. of events/ideas and actions of assorted others, who have decided to create the news with their own ideas as to how events are to be, and thus have a chronicle of what will already by the time you read them, have been reacted to and been overtaken by other events/ideas actioned upon, and thus be a record of the past which you have no influence over ……. or create the news with something novel you can add to, and watch grow into something which everyone can build and enjoy.

It isn’t rocket science, creating Reality and the Future, Virtually, with the sharing of SMARTer Intelligence Solutions for SMARTer Intelligence Systems, and IT is not even difficult once you know what you are doing and how to do IT Remotely from Clouds, for that is where IT is at, and there’s no escaping that ………

And what you may not know, for it is not general knowledge for any number of very good reasons, and some aspects of what is not known, will remain unknown for the very best of reasons which themselves are best left unknown and pondered in one’s imagination, is that the Intellectual Property which underpins the Cloud ProgramMING Platform has been thoroughly developed and betatested right here in the Province…….. although you may find that Stormont might deny it, because it is highlights both their political and intellectual failings in the matter, and will cause the Executive Office, acute embarrassment, although that is hardly new for them.

Oh dear, what a shame, whenever they have no one else but themselves to blame.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/21/2011 9:23:37 AM

"In his article entitled "The Interest Rate Question," he points out the following: "Internationally, capital will tend to flow from low-interest to high-interest rate countries, raising interest rates in the former and lowering them in the latter." The link between the volume of money and "real" interest rates is obvious."

Of course, the interest being discussed here has nothing at all to do with money and finance, it is the emergence of novel intellectual property and the applications to which it can be used presently and in the future to generate ...... well, no one with any real common sense is interested in anything which generates destruction and creates conflicts, for that creates flight of wealth from those regions/administrations and crashes their systems, although I do suppose that their are those subversives/terrorists/perverts/whatever, who would think that sort of business is acceptable and thus would be actively engaged in supplying arms and military expertise to fuel such a trade, and profess it to be constructive because it may be profitable.

But anything truly novel and constructive will easily leave that business model floundering with stock and an industry which has no customers unless it creates wars and conflicts for itself. As I said, a really subversive perverted terrorist game plan, which increased and rapidly increasing intelligence levels and transparent information share over these new virtual spaces/SMARTer Networks, easily reveals and strips bare, right back to originating source, for executive attention and administrative proaction and termination with extreme prejudice.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/21/2011 11:58:51 AM

"Central bankers are hoping to reliquify enough to hold off any great swell of sentiment to change the system fundamentally in ways the elites cannot control. In the era of the Internet, this may prove more difficult than they imagine." ...... DB Staff Report Conclusion

Is such a hope, a forlorn madness confirmed, whenever the disease ravaging the patient is so evident to see?
"Investment banking as an industry runs almost completely contrary to wealth creation since it thrives on fees rather that capital appreciation. Investment banking is about making DEALS (any deals) regardless of whether the deals make sense or benefit both parties (after all, the advisors to the deals, the investment bankers, get paid based on commission and free stock).

Indeed, investment banking is one of the few industries on the planet in which you can get rich by creating debt for others to pay off. Goldman Sachs, as you know, is an investment bank. And this financial crisis is riddled with former Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street execs." ......
Whenever the military side with the people, it is a simple matter for their special forces to liquidate unnecessary, sub-prime assets and takeover executive control. It is not as if banking and the creation of currency for the distribution of enabling wealth and prosperity is difficult to do well, although whenever you consider the shambles being made by those who are presently sitting at the control levers in their ivory towers, as fat cuckoos feathering their own nests rather than as golden eagles soaring high and wide, one does wonder why military command and control of the money process wasn't ordered long ago ...... for they are the ones ordered to die for it to survive as a means to capture valuable resources for virtually nothing/a fistful of dollars, new printed.

GOD v2.0 Cloud Platform Edition, Peter? More Real than Virtual too with HyperRadioProActive IT.
Posted Monday 21st February 2011 17:44 GMT

Hmmm? .... I was quite surprised that the following was not thought worthy of mention ..... "Lionhead Studios (also known as Microsoft Game Studios Europe) is a British computer game development company led by industry veteran Peter Molyneux, and acquired by Microsoft Game Studios in April 2006." .....

PS ...... The Title is not a Question, It is an Alien Program Proposal ..... and hereby Live BetaTests the Present Power of the Internet to Connect Dots ...... and Transport Subliminal Steganographic Messages Automatically ..... for Future Idealised Projects and Programs requiring the Virtual TelePortation of Super Sensitive Matter for Super Sensitive Matters.

Sunday, 20 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 4:23:18 AM

"I certainly don't mind being a part of the "DB-20." I set my own hours, everything is voluntary, I can leave anytime I feel like it, and I never have to worry about jet lag if I attend meetings... " ...... Posted by Ol' Grey Ghost on 2/19/2011 10:58:22 AM

An interesting Seed to Plant for Anonymous Nurturing to Bud and Flowering Power in SMARTer Networking with ...... well, IT has its very own CyberIntelAIgent Communities in Perfectly Shared Control of Cloud Nodes and Information Lodes in Worlds made Virtually for Real, by the Desperate Shenanigans of AlMighty Earthed Power Brokers, Pimping and Pumping their Vapourware into Societies and Massed Crowds, Trying in Vain to both Uncover and Discover and Suppress their Knowledge, and Greater General Knowledge of them and of their Extensive Existence in Virgin Fields ...... Youth and Youthful Cultures. ..... DB-20, A Virtual Voluntary Viral Coalition of the Already All Ready and Enabled SMART and Willing?   .... aka ACCORD, Advanced Communications Centres into Omniscient Research Development.

"Did the IRA bomb the sQuare mile & suddenly get results (it was property damage) while the countless horrible- Ugly -savage Murders got neither(divide n' rule) 'side' nowhere." .... Posted by TheLostPast on 2/19/2011 1:45:57 PM

The PSNI have learned, or have been taught of that little lesson that extorts money with the threat of menaces, but have virtually refined it somewhat, probably with Military Intelligence input [well Knock HQ is physically only minutes away from Loughside's new barrack of a building] to extract, as most recently as last week, an extra quarter of a billion [a Stirling* 250,000,000 pounds sterling] ostensibly/supposedly to combat a growing but surprisingly inept and impotent dissident threat, which is oft aired but always ingeniously thwarted and countered. It is a nice, if somewhat perverse and subversive lever to have stored in memory to lean on though, but a bit too blunt a self-destructive instrument and bull-in-a-china-shop white elephant in the room, to be thought of as a SMART move in these Changed Days with their ZerodDays and Novel IT ProgramMING Projects.

But hey, one just can't get enough of the right stuff and jolly decent staff, who know what they are supposed to do, and what is expected of them for the future free-running of the Systems' Engines, nowadays, old bean, which is sure to be a failure of teaching and learning in education for intelligence. So that is what must surely be addressed and fixed, tout de suite, if not sooner.

What say you?

*... .... "Like the steam engine, the Stirling engine is traditionally classified as an external combustion engine,...." ..... how very apt considering the tired old modus operandi of the protagonists.

And is this ... .... a post modernist "Last Supper" image?

PS .... Do not make the simple complicated mistake of also thinking that the aforementioned AlMighty Earthed Power Brokers, play any Active Part, either Real or Virtual, in Worlds made Virtually for Real, by the Desperate Shenanigans of AlMighty Earthed Power Brokers, Pimping and Pumping their Vapourware into Societies and Massed Crowds, for that would be misleading until such times as they bear and provide for its every possible cost.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/19/2011 10:15:47 PM

"But all this does bring up a question for the forum!

The question is, do the politicos, and bureaucrats. actually know that they are just stooges for the "real power", or are they just as deluded as the masses regarding this issue?

I'm not sure that they are smart enough to reason out the puzzle for themselves!" ..... Posted by Wayne on 2/18/2011 9:18:45 PM

Quite so, Wayne. An excellent question. And indeed, with the more that is discovered and uncovered, and shared in media tales and on Internet streams, can the same question be asked of many who may be mistakenly assumed to be "real powers", for it looks ever more likely that they haven't reasoned out the puzzle for themselves either, and have just inherited the Great Game reins from earlier true believers and/or family who were so gifted and self actualised and Real Aficionado and Aficionada in the Art.

That raises the Spectre of a Round Table in a Star Chamber with just a SMART  Core of Elite Knights and Magical Ladies Courting Fate with Destiny's Bounty ....... a Right Royal Gathering of True Nobility Versed in the Ancient and Original Ways.

Real Powerhouses .... and a lot Fewer than may be Imagined, which makes them all the more Powerful because of the Concentration of Control.
"Terry Halvorsen, Department of the Navy CIO, described cyberspace as “just another battlespace.” He elaborated that it has some characteristics that are different, but others are similar to those of the other domains. Halvorsen offered that the United States “is on the wrong side” of spending in that it invests way too much money on cyberdefense, when instead it should spend much less and be willing to accept some cyber casualties."

That view requires the Department of the Navy to find a new CIO who is switched on and HyperRadioProActive in the novel battlefields/playgrounds of CyberSpace, which are the Future Leading Theatres which will define and deliver Man's Destiny and/or Fate by Remote Field Control Means and Virtual Memes ...... with the Binary Manipulation of Computer Code and Modern Communications for Novel Digital Product Placement of Alternate Presents .... Virtual Realities BroadBandCast in Global Media Programs and News Channels and via Sublime Internet Service ProVision depicting New World Order Plantations/Advanced Forward Operating Bases.

And All from the Stealthy Layered Cover of the Cloud with its Virtual Defense in Depth Facilities ....... which you are advised, in their right phorm and in transparent profile configuration, are Impregnable in their Maintenance and Supply of Omniscient Source Search ..... aka Immaculate Lode.

[SIGNAL Article Comments
Your comments have been submitted for review and if approved should appear online within 24 hours].... 110220 0233 

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/20/2011 7:47:02 AM

"Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets" ...... Posted by Gavin on 2/20/2011 6:47:10 AM .....

Methinks, Gavin, all that they have done is draw critical and catastrophically destructive attention to their own failed Meme Administration/Promotions, and highlighted their probable quite rightly placed fear of a better service being provided by the ethos that drivers Islamic Banking. Quite why they would have wanted to do that, is probably something which only Senility can answer accurately, and Greed answer incorrectly.

Is there no one within their presumably many controlling circles/Chatham House ruled cabals with a titter of wit which would offer them a new Program and Power Paradigm, or are they to perish in a petrified state of arrogant indolence and/or ignorant stupidity?

It was good while it lasted ...... so long, America.

Posted Sunday 20th February 2011 15:57 GMT 

Err ... does anyone else look at that photo ..... ..... and think "The Last Supper"?