Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 12:18:34 PM
"If there were no wars and no enemies, with such a big government in the US applying its socialist policies, what would happen to all the unemployed millitary people? War is built into the socialist American economy, the MIC and Central Banks need them. If not Afghanistan it will be somewhere else." ..... Posted by John on 2/28/2011 4:51:39 AM
John, Does that political/business methodology identify one as a failed terrorist state, and as such then a valid candidate for crippling united international sanctions/assets freezures etc., in much the same way as is being exercised against Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's regime.
Or is that only something for other folk, for fools to apply, for if there is no consistency in policy, is there no law and justice in the world and anarchy and chaos rule, with everyone quite entitled to do as they wish.
Is that the state of play, today? And if not, where is the untruth in the above?
Biblical Precedents .....although Sublime Programming is much more Advanced in Todays ZerodDays
Posted Monday 28th February 2011 15:29 GMT
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." ....... Tron Posted Monday 28th February 2011 12:34 GMT
And it is just that sort of misinformed and decidedly retarded opinion, which may or may not be widely prevalent in the mainstream, should the mainstream even pause a moment to ponder on the significance of the notion, and its relationship to the realities which are programmed and presented to societies for their daily bread/viewing, which allows highly sensitive facts [MkUltraSensitive facts, in fact] to be stealthily shared with significant others/movers and shakers, as if in fabulous fictions/a Good Book.
Methinks, Tron, you be be a lot wiser in changing your opinion and adopting, "Only a fool would take everything posted here as fiction." instead of "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
And you do realise, do you not, Tron, that fact and fiction can easily be one and same to Create a Virtual Reality, which is an Actuality, and it is Presently causing quite some consternation and more than considerable difficulties within previously ruling elite classes, for they would be realising that their Command and Control of it, with IT and Media Mogul tales, is Gone and now lies way beyond their means and ken, and is led by A.N.Others.
Is it not sore, El Reg, sitting on that fence?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 11:38:09 AM......................................................................................................................................................................
"@DB well yea... that's the point. It's a society where they expect everything to be "free" – that's the problem in my view." .... Posted by TCF on 2/28/2011 6:47:53 AM
You just don't get it yet, do you, TCF? Everything is free whenever you are in control of the paper money supply/QE printing presses to provide liquidity to your buddies, although it is made even easier than that nowadays, with electronic credit transfers dispensing even with the need for cash deposits into bank accounts.
Wake up, open your eyes and exercise your mind and brain, there's a good chap. You're lagging behind in the Program.
Campanologists Ringing in the Changes
Posted Sunday 28th February 2011 07:56 GMT
Now there's a novelty. It wouldn't be having anything to do the fact that Silicon Valley methodology and rather pedestrian, binary technology is hacked/cracked/hi-jacked, would it? Or is that a little something which Intelligence has yet to filter through to the servants in Cabinet Offices and governments?
The Treasure Hunt starts here .....
Fact or Fiction?
Posted Monday 28th February 2011 15:37 GMT
"Warren Buffett isn’t worried about China surpassing the United States, staying optimistic about America’s future despite other nations rising in power.
"We had four million people here in 1790. We’re not more intelligent than people in China, which then had 290 million people, or Europe, which had 50 million. We didn’t work harder, we didn’t have a better climate, and we didn’t have better resources. But we definitely had a system that unleashes potential," Buffett told Vanity Fair.
"This system works. Since then, we’ve been through at least 15 recessions, a civil war, a Great Depression …. All of these things happen. But this country has optimized human potential, and it’s not over yet," the chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway said.
Buffett: China's Economy Isn't About to Surpass US" .....
Wow, an ostrich with its head buried in the sand ..... and typical of the hubris which is destroying Uncle Sam's power base. No longer an Omaha sage, as everyone turns over the page to read and learn of New MkUltraSensitive High Tech World Order Programming from Clouds into CHAOS and Virtual Operating Systems, ........ for a Change to Reality, which Warren has oft admitted is something which he knows nothing about and thus avoids investing in, as if IT is the Plague rather than the dDeliverer of Manna from Heaven.
by amanfromMars
on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 03:49
Hmmm. It has got nothing at all to do with the following ....
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/28/2011 12:25:36 AM
ISA, Hi,
There is much that we do not disagree on, however, do you not see the fundamental difference/polar opposite positions in "dictate to the monied and the politically powerful how to use their wealth and power" and "work with and show them another way in which their passions can be put to better and more bountiful use, is SMARTer ProgramMING"?
One is chalk, the other is cheese. Do you know anything of the workings of GCHEESE ..... .... or is IT a QuITe Sublime Alien Project? IT is, is it, one of those Quantum Internetworking Technology SAPs to capture Hearts and Minds and Souls and MkUltraSensitive ProgramMING for Global Operating Devices at Work, REST and Play.?!
Are you in the Need to Know Know, and Au Fait with Higher Definition Futures and ITs Virtual Derivative ZerodDay Trading Platforms/BasedD Space Stations? Which is quite a revolutionary humanoid phorm advance in the evolution of contemplative cave dwellers, is it not?
And what of D, and the course it charts and plots? Boldly going where no man has gone before? :-) ..... ...... although hearts and minds and souls and Agent Weebley and Friends on a Rocket Man Ship and Slow Boat to China have never left the place by all accounts.
And thus is it with IT, a Prepared Domain for SMART Colonisation and Virtual Population.
Silicon Valley ...... you are Hacked? And when it is so, are Windows Catastrophically Expensive to Replace in Obscure and Obfuscating Denial, but an Absolute Bargain to Upgrade with NEUKlearer Armoured Transparent Glazing. The Free Choice is Yours to Make and Take ...... but Ours to Reward and/or Punish Aptly and Thoroughly, right down to the very Heart of the Core Source.
27 February 2011 at 5:49 pm
“At the very moment the Irish people have performed the basic act of democracy, even pro-Europeans must feel it’s pretty galling to be told by an anonymous Brussels bureaucrat – “that the terms of the EU-IMF bailout “must be applied” whatever the will of Ireland’s people or regardless of any change of government. “It’s an agreement between the EU and the Republic of Ireland, it’s not an agreement between an institution and a particular government.”"
If you care to read this ….. …… you might like to tell all those pompous and anonymous Brussels bureaucrat, to fcuk off and die. The really annoying thing though is, that Stormont and Westminster appear to be party to, and puppets of the scam, too.
It might be a good plan to find out if they are willing active agents who are going to continue to assist in the fiasco, or whether they were just arrogant and/or ignorant dupes and passengers, who had no idea of the game and tricks being played on them, to play on the electorate.
And this is a nice tale, too…….
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