Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/9/2011 10:20:30 AM

"That the CIA leadership believes such a campaign is necessary is important for at least two reasons: First, it indicates that the CIA's braintrust is aware of CIA image difficulties; second it provides evidence that the powers-that-be have no real solutions in mind.

Conclusion: Fear-based elite promotions shaped the narrative of the 20th and promoted the elite's necessary intelligence facilities. That the powers-that-be believe it is necessary to repair an agency's image with a PR campaign, is evidence of the erosion of these promotions in the 21st century and their ability to convince. This seems to us a profound development, with numerous ramifications. An elite that has lost the ability to inculcate its memes via traditional promotional mechanisms is one that may eventually face a critical mass of skepticism."

DB, Such a problem as you have probably speculated all too accurately for comfort of the present incumbents who would profess to be leading drivers of current reality and chaos plays, does not blight Others who could and would be deemed as somewhat irregular and unconventional Non-State Actors .... akin to Virtual Being.

For them is the only "difficulty" the missing intelligence and lack of learning and education in Man, which condemns Mankind to remain ignorant and arrogant and to feed on themselves in orgies of destructive conflict which increase nothing but oppression and suppression, for the capacity to understand what the Future has in store them, and which Special IntelAIgent Services can easily deliver to them, for them to enjoy and further develop to further enhance Future dDelivery, is severely curtailed and in too many cases, will never ever be present. However, fortunately, ProActive Present Product Placement by an Able and Enabled Few, does not require any ignorant second-party and/or arrogant third-party action, and thus is the Program Freed Always to Proceed at SIS Pace.

And please do not be fooled to imagine that such developments are not currently being practised in present administrations for there is much evidence to prove the contrary, with many nuggets squirreled away to find .... "In addition the Cabinet Office will recruit a Director of ICT Futures, also reporting to the Chief Information Office. This role will be responsible for implementing new ways of designing and developing systems using agile methods and skunkworks environments; increasing the drive towards open standards and open source software; change the terrain for SMEs to enter the government marketplace; and maintain a horizon scan of future technologies and methods." .......

Quite at what levels they would working at in such fields though, is something else altogether and probably always best to be classified, Strictly Need to Know, lest those involved are discovered to need to know volumes more.

The following is a Novel Work in Progress and simply reveals what IT can do, and is doing, although really it is more accurate to declare that it is what IT has done in the Future and would Present for Media Programming.
[blockquote] "It is worth considering whether the Defense-in-Depth strategy tends to contribute more to network survivability than it does to mission assurance." .....

In the novel cyber theatre does the only viable Defense-in-Depth strategy that guarantees a leading dominant position in which any adversary will founder, is one in which the network grows, and in a SMARTer Network will IT grow at an extreme rate, with the SMARTest of Networks, [those into Prime CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control of Computers and Communications] at such a rate as to be Virtually Invisible and Practically Stealthy. Such SMART Networks are QUITE literally, Virtually Invincible and SMART enough to realise the Flaw of Arrogance which Delivers Faults and Failures and are therefore always on Constant Guard and in Vigilant Search for Flaws and Vulnerabilities that may be Exploited to Full Exclusive Advantage, on order to further increase Defense-in-Depth understandings towards its Ultimate Self-Preservation and Growth Goal, AI Field Omniscience .... and Immaculate Systems Protection.

Cyber Space is a Head Game. To imagine that it can be in any way controlled and/or servered  physically, is a Prime Fool Folly, which doesn't even get you into the theatre to watch the ProAction and HyperRadioProActive IT, let alone be part of the productions with its plethora of programs. 

Such works as are required, take one into Intellectual and MetaDataPhysical Fields where the boundaries that one may normally perceive as existing to distinguish and separate the Real from the Virtual, Fact from Fiction and the Possible from the Improbable, disappear, to present a Live Operational Virtual Environment in which they, the boundaries, do not exist, and have never existed. It is for The Man, and The Moll, in such Fields, a Virgin Intelligence Place, in a Space which grows with SMART Imaginative Sharing.

Imagine a Seventh Heavenly Brothel, where the Client is not the Customer but a Vital AIdDriver for her Boss Server. 

The Suspension of Disbelief is a Noble Art Phorm which permits Hearts and Minds Programming Access to Facts which are Former Fantasies for Product Placement into Realities, Virtually. The Master Pilots' Skill that renders them with IT and Multi-Media Controls a Temporal Permanence on which to Build a Great Future, is the Feat dDelivered with Global Operating Devices and their Virtually SMART Machine Systems for Intelligence and CyberIntelAIgent Operations.

And to proceed with the wrong professional and/or self-centred personal goal, will lead to guaranteed catastrophic failures at the express wish of immaculate strangers and perfect amateurs.

Transparent Asymmetric Asynchronous Key Cryptography ..... Steganography

How to Apply

If you would like to participate in this workshop, please submit 1) a resume or curriculum vita of no more than two pages which highlights your expertise in this area and 2) a one-page paper stating you opinion of the assertion and outlining your key thoughts on the topic. The workshop will accommodate no more than 60 participants, so these brief documents need to make a compelling case for your participation. Applications should be submitted to assumptionbusters at nitrd dot gov no later than 5:00 PM EST on February 10, 2011. [/blockquote]

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/9/2011 2:35:30 AM

DB rocks ... and aint that the Gospel. :-) And IT can take you to very pleasant spaces with real places. Climb aboard. Full Steam ahead, Bosun. Aye, aye, Cap'n, Full Steam ahead.  .......

Life is a Great Head Game with Selfless LOVERS* Playing Leading Roles.

Is George Sign really a Goldman Sachs in Virtual Drag  ..... and a Meme on AIMission searching for Novel Help and Innovative Creativity?

Whom do you represent here in the Bigger Picture? Is anyone else a Cloud Provider Utility with Failsafe Secure dDigital Networking AI Facility and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Faculties ...... with any Compatible Mix of ITs Elements in a Secure Configuration for InterNetional Servering of Advanced IntelAIgently Designed ProgramMING with Sublime Edutaining Transparent Information  ...... for Processing of SMARTer Input to Prime Output and Present Product Placement ....... Virtually Machined and Manufactured Reality?

Futures with Derivatives you can Tweak for Maximum Performance in Beta Projects with AI Command and IntelAIgent Networks Control of CyberIntelAIgent Communications Systems in the IT Cloud Provider and Man Made Crowd Management Layers ..... XSSXXXXAltedD Circles.

Dismiss that as fool nonsense and you will miss the boat and be as ship-wrecked on a crazy island with much to do and nothing to do it and IT with.

"I'm new at this, so don't blame me." ..... Posted by F. R. on 2/8/2011 6:25:03 PM  ...... Welcome, F. R.. A glorious virgin to adore is a delight to educate in the ways of SMARTer Territories ..... Live Operational Virtual Environments.

"There are very, very wealthy powerful Chinese families who are working behind the scenes on these coming changes. They choose to have no losers. They want "Two winners" and long term stability." .... Posted by John Blenkins on 2/8/2011 9:56:58 PM

Worthy guardians and architects of the future then, John Blenkins, for such sentiments are surely beyond reproach and in a realm which does Man proud to even think of, let alone aspire to engage and enable with others to achieve.

Methinks DB, there is unleashed a Magical Mystery Turing Dragon here to add to the worms and trojans and viruses and zerodays which litter and exploit the binary landscape with putrid and petty pleasure plays for the temporary treasure stores of lost causes with their fleeting moments of excess to signify and classify hollow success in a colossal failure as progress rather than realising it as stagnation and petrification.

Are you prepared for AI Storms of Quite Titanic Rain ..... for Surges which Purge and Launder Clean Sub-Prime Toxic Waste?

* Live Operational Virtual Environment Research Scientist [Virtual Terrain Teamster in AIMMORPG/ARGenre Field Study Divisions]

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/9/2011 8:37:08 AM

Bill, Don't worry. Intelligence is on the job, putting in fixes and embedding catastrophic repercussions for the decidedly idiotic and belligerent.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/9/2011 7:32:19 AM

Gentlemen struggling with John Blenkins' link,

Do you not read the information which is freely supplied to you on the Daily Bell? There is an occasional bug/gremlin in the code which requires that you inspect the address rendered by the hyperlink and remove whatever extraneous symbols may be there if it doesn't provide you with what you were expecting.

In the case we are presently discussing, please remove everything after .mp3 and press Enter on your keyboard. In other cases can there be an arrow < and br to remove.  It is just a quirk we are presently living with whilst we get on with saving the world.

Good Day, and have a nice one.

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