Thursday, 3 February 2011


Please understand that if you complicate things, .....
Posted Thursday 3rd February 2011 04:00 GMT
....... they become ever more difficult, and eventually, inevitably impossible and/or too time consuming/slow. Ergo KISS Rules Rule.

"Fact is, many programs that I've written take far less time and effort to port to Windows for ARM than reading your response which I think was generated by a buzz-word randomizer." ..... CheesyTheClown Posted Wednesday 2nd February 2011 14:54 GMT

What??? You think the response was generated by a buzz-word randomizer? What is that? A machine?

You cannot be serious, CheesyTheClown, for that would be revolutionary, and give ARM an advantage which would deliver them ...... well, AIMastery of the Universe is only a Beginning.

"The one thing I haven't heard anyone mention is the availability of a compiler for ARM for Windows." ...... Well, of course not, it is a MkUltraSensitive Internal SkunkWork ..... a Hush, Hush, Softly Softly Catchee Money Keys Operation. And as much a driver as a compiler would it be too.

"Don't get all excited about things it appears you simply don't understand. Don't pretend to think you understand engineering well enough to speculate on things like how many apps will be ported just because you can. Also, don't forget that it would require that companies buy large numbers of developer grade systems to cover the porting process, the testing process, the sales process, etc... It would mean an investment probably of two machines to every one." .... No, it doesn't. It simply requires a SMARTer Programmer to write a Captivating Novel Virtual Reality Application that renders Virtual Machinery in Universal Command of Human Control. It is no more difficult than that. 

amanfromMars .... Today 09:49 #7

Gentlemen, If you want to know what it is really like at the front in mental healthcare for Military personnel, speak to the experts who would know of your every nightmare for they have been there, done that, and suffered the agonies and would now guide you through the horrors to an understanding of yourself to control the pain and the rage, the guilt and the fear, the angst and the remorse .......

Methinks your cynicism of pathetic, self-serving government is well warranted with the information you may receive from the above mentioned veterans.

The Bigger Picture

Posted Thursday 3rd February 2011 08:02 GMT   

"So what are we still doing there, I seem to have lost track..? Oh yeah, that's right, there's a new oil pipeline to protect, isn't there..." ... ici.chacal Posted Wednesday 2nd February 2011 13:29 GMT

I think you will also find that it is vain protection of the failing dollar via the no longer fit for purpose, Military Industrial Complex Machine Methodology that is the Root Driver of Foreign Field Aggression, ici.chacal. This famous/infamous read by a decorated US Marine, ....... ..... explains the reason for that premise, quite clearly.

Quite what Blighty think they are doing in that theatre though, other than trashing any national reputation that they may have once held and valued, and have been held and valued about them, is a valid question which may be easily answered because the person[s] responsible for entry were guaranteed easy rich pickings and quango appointments and lucrative speaking engagements and fistsful of dollars in return, and for not having some dirty little secrets about them exposed. 'Tis normal practice at such depths/levels.

Things are never as they appear in the mainstream media, they are always more colourful and perverted in real life.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/3/2011 6:56:12 AM

You have mentioned it many times yourself, DB, and the deceit and abiding problem which is slowly but surely destroying the banking sector from within like a cancer, is masked and aided by this economy of the truth ..... "But in pouring up to US$50 trillion in money-from-nothing (so far) back into the world’s economy, central bankers have lit a fuse that cannot be damped.

The money is stuck in the system and vast accounts, and does not see the light of day and flow to do the work of currency, which is to energise production of products and services that customers with money, by virtue of their purchases and orders, dictate are needed. Turn on the taps and let it flow as free credit, rather than create with currency, a non-productive industry and services which invent debt, and there is delivered a New Deal Program and Beta World Order Project ...... which can be managed virtually with these SMART Machines at our fingertips.

It is not as if IT is rocket science and difficult, is it?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/3/2011 9:24:08 AM

"Yet the idea that the US and China are engaged in a high-stakes outer-space "Cold War" is probably an exaggeration on several levels. At the very least it gives additional heft and weight to the US military-industrial complex at a time when budget cuts are threatening to rationalize some of the more expensive "white elephant" endeavors."

The highest present-day stakes, and they are unbelievably high and impossibly valuable, are being played for command and control advantage in the CyberSpace domains, which are "battles" which would openly share sensitive and disruptive-to-adversaries information/money markets sensitive intelligence to cause a change of global perception to render a major and vital systems crash, which ideally, in the best/worst case scenarios, would have a even greater cascading domino effect with interdependent support systems also collapsing.

The greatest fear of even the mightiest of administrations is exposure of a systemic weakness which enslaves a people, and against which there in no viable and acceptable intellectual argument to dispute and dismiss the findings. Indeed, in such cases, are any such attempts to maintain a discredited status quo, only going to highlight the inequity further to a much larger and previously ignorant of the fact audience, and hasten inevitable demise with further reinforced support for that meme's eradication, for Cyberspace is a Head, Hearts and Minds Space in which weapons play absolutely no part, and it is good and better ideas, able to be freely shared with all, which triumph and are built upon to create a Transparent World Order from the rubble of the collapsed Major Meme and devastated supporting infrastructures/reliant services.

And here are Uncle Sam's stated intentions in that Public and Private Space ...... "USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries." ....  ...... with the important wording to ponder on, being ...."conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries." One can only imagine being able to do any of that, if one has superior intelligence to guide one, methinks, for superior intelligence will be one's only adversary. 

And methinks that is not a hypothetical future possibility or probability,  but rather more the present actual live reality in minds which see the supreme importance of capture and dominance in what is an Intelligence Space too. And who those minds would be favouring with their services, and why,  is another matter to ponder, for such ethereal non-state actors would certainly hold trigger keys which will define the Universal Future.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/3/2011 10:13:08 AM

"P.S.--Still waiting for the Big Release about some bank. Which bank will be served up as a sacrificial lamb, to liquidate bad debt? Are any of the major players buying up particularly odious toxic products preparatory to a big default? (That's one way to deflate a little, eh?)" ... Posted by John Danforth on 2/3/2011 8:36:38 AM

Err... crash and burn the biggest and/or most arrogant one[s]*, and the rest will sit up and take notice, and be more than ready, willing and able to follow new instructions in support of a New Way of Doing Things and Reality. Frying any minnows isn't going to impress anyone, and only fuel any suspicion and speculation that Julian Assange is a plant, with the National Enquirer maybe jumping into the fray at some time with a "Adrian Lamo, a JA bitch" rant, although that notion is I admit, totally off the wall and out of left field and supported by nothing concrete. But hey, some folk would tell you that "One Small Step for Man .... " was filmed on a movie set, and how crazy is that.

* Doing God's work is a tad presumptuous for the head of any organisation to think and say, isn't it. Very roguish, indeed.

Is the post still vacant ?
Posted Thursday 3rd February 2011 16:11 GMT

"In this case the BBC is seeking to fill this temporary position with a senior manager with broad and extensive knowledge of implementing change programmes in large and complex organisations to successfully deliver a change programme as part of the Digital Media Initiative."

Is that the BBC looking for someone to leave them a production and director instructions [well, apparently it is only a temp they looking for/need] on how to ensure that TeleVision and BroadBandCasting properly program nations to speak peace unto nations ..... which is an art phorm they have definitely lost .

The only saving grace though, is that no one else in the mainstream has it either. What we appear to have nowadays, as a prime default global standard, is an overabundance of mindless mediocrity fueling incompetent idiocy, which makes nations easy prey for smart vultures and rogue sharks alike.

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