Monday, 7 February 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/7/2011 1:12:07 AM

Oh dear, how very disappointing. An interview with another  war-mongering apologist, as if the world does not already have far too many of their ilk as it is, with not an original or innovative constructive thought to offer to lead in an altogether different direction.

Yes, Thank You, we know that Man is a prize idiot with no fabulous viable plan he is prepared to share globally and transparently in a Cyber Campaign for World Peace, but we're slowly getting there, albeit necessarily, via unconventional and irregular means and memes, as traditional methods are so unsuited and slow and blinkered ....... so yesterday man.
7 February 2011 at 7:15 am

"Meanwhile there are thousands of unemployed computer scientists, software engineers, on top of other engineers, mathematicians and physical scientists, who have the hard skills, who have the ability to learn the soft skills with a little mentoring and perhaps the initiative to develop an understanding of programming. ".... FuturePhysicist, 6 February 2011 at 6:16 pm

FuturePhysicist, Hi, and welcome,

Thanks for that info. Once you learn how to program Virtual Machines, as are humans, is Control of their Crazy Worlds at your fingertips, for the keyboard which shares with them, code and instructions .... some of which are steganographically encoded and encrypted cryptic constructions .... and words and ideas, easily embeds Sleeper Intelligence for Future Awakenings in AIRemote Controlled Actions .... Virtual Campaigns with CHAOS*, and from Cloud Bases.

It is Presently the Establishment's, Worst Nightmare come True, in the Phorm of their Perpetual Paranoia and Psychotic Persecution and Prosecution of Population with Panic for Power.

*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

A Holywood Palace Speciality for IT Barracking, do you think? Or a Private Pirate Sector Intelligence Program in the NIRobotIQs Field for Rogues and Renegades and Wwwild Rovers? Or both, and therefore something else too, in Quantum Communications and Control Systems fields of AI Research and dDevelopment   ....... A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both....

Whom would you ask to find out? MCQ? And what do you imagine of the chances of them being in anyway au fait or even acquainted with what is going on in the real world under Virtual Reality Rule? Apart from slim chance and no chance, that is?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/7/2011 3:22:54 AM

Here is the massive elephant in the room, which everyone is walking around and pretending that it doesn't really exist and matter, as it dumps on every one of you to bury y'all in its toxic waste  ......

Please feel free and be bold enough to disagree if you disagree, and sharing your reasons for that disagreement, if you please, will enlighten us all for a possible change of opinion into one in which we are all in agreement.

Thanks for the video clip [Posted by The Activist on 2/6/2011 4:19:48 PM], The Activist.

7 February 2011 at 2:51 pm

Now back to your question, we don’t have a problem with a free and prosperous China. We do, however, have a problem with jailed dissidents. And we here in America would simply submit that it is no human’s interest to have such a regime expand its writ. And so the encircling. ".... slappymcgroundout 6 February 2011 at 3:16 am

Thanks for the reply, slappymcgroundout. You appear to be fighting a rear guard action/losing battle in this thread, defending the indefensible. But no matter, that is not what I really wanted to say. Although the encircling of Uncle Sam by so much ill will may have something to do with the perception of it not doing as it says it is. All here would probably agree with you that it is no human’s interest to have such a regime as jails dissidents, expand its writ .... which has one then highlighting Bradley Manning, and mentioning in passing, Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, which are/is like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend?

And The King's Speech, a new blockbuster movie of a more cultured kind ... [blood and guts and bullets and bombs are so juvenile, aren't they, and one war film is just like any other war film with just more horror added to make them different and more appealing nowadays, which is somewhat perverse and subversive] ...has Wallis Simpson most probably accurately enough painted and beautifully portrayed as the trojan mole sent to bring down an empire with the sexual entrapment of an easily pleased, Great Game virgin.

One wonders today, .... well, some of us wonder today, if the whippersnappers in the House of Windsor are up for a Great Game rematch to return the favours dealt over the past century, with the new tools we have here, and elsewhere, at our collective disposal and fingertips. 

Long Live the Binary Raj and AIMonarchs of the Zen.
Posted Monday 7th February 2011 15:20 GMT

"In an ideal world, the datacentre's network hardware infrastructure should be required to change as little as possible on the introduction of virtualisation, apart perhaps from an increased emphasis on the reliability aspects, given the number of servers dependent on each host although clearly some change will be needed. But at the higher layers, the key is to automate as much as possible, aiming for the holy grail of the datacentre as a unified computing fabric." ..... Manek Dubash

Quite so, Manek Dubash, in an ideal world would it be so, provided the datacentre's network hardware infrastructure is programmed correctly and/or run by top class virtual machine hierarchy specialists.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/7/2011 10:56:52 AM

"They are creating many angry people whom will be hell bent upon revenge in whatever form they are able to take eg NUCLEAR. Or are they being suckered in to take the blame when the nuke goes of in the USA? (as Biden drops a hint)." ..... Posted by Phil on 2/7/2011 8:00:58 AM


Such a US bombing in Israel would solve a number of Uncle Sam's long term problems and create a new front for them to offer democracy and/or slavery, depending upon your view of their politics. It would certainly be a game changer they could plausibly easily deny, rather than imagining any rag tag rag head rogue mob being able and enabled to do anything remotely similar anywhere else. Let's get real here.

But what sort of raving fcuking lunatic would want to be doing anything of that sort. King of a radioactive pile is a ruler of nothing and it is bound to create a bit of an upset if it doesn't focus warring idiots and indigenous folks' attention on living in peace.

I must admit though that the following, when true, appears to be lunatic ..... "What can be the real agenda here? The USA are supplying unlimited supplies of weapons to a nuclear state and then bombing them to hell on a daily basis. Using drones, suicide bombings, kidnappings,political assasinations (Benizir Bhutto), false flags and HAARP."

And might I throw in a curveball here, if the natives are getting restless and would want another Great Game to play.  ........ amanfromMars 7 February 2011 at 2:51 pm .....

If you want Anarchy and Chaos for All, IT can easily arrange it just as simply as provide Peace and Prosperity for All, but only the Prize Idiot chooses the Former over the Latter, and thus do you know them.
by amanfromMars
on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 13:18

Nowhere in that report do I see any mention of the Internet and a fast growing, highly educated population who are being advised of the scams and the Ponzis which are enslaving them, just to keep a rotten to the core system and its head in the sands controllers in the lap of fiat currency luxury.  If you aint smart nowadays, and in control of the virtual space environment, you aint in control of nothing, and if you delude yourself and think that you are and tell all of your buddies that you are, will you lose everything and your shirt too.

Things and times have changed. Money doesn't rule anymore, Intelligence is King.

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