Wednesday, 29 February 2012


amanfromMars on February 29, 2012 at 4:08 am said: …on
I hope noone here is going to implement such skills, as they always create an insane environment and produce paranoia.
I was thinking more all here are exercising such skills in Practices of Perfection …… and finding IT an Addictive Passionate ProgramMING Portal into ………. well, are Seventh Heavens and Virtual Space Travel throughout RED Hot Supply Zones ….. where the Pursuit of Perfection is ProgramdD In for Immaculate and Heavenly Great IntelAIgents Game Plays with ProgramMING Realities for Dynamic Current Presentation ………. MSMING with LiveStreaming Teams ……. ESPecially Active in HyperRadioProActive Energy and Generation of Insatiable Drives to/for Constant Satisfaction Delivery for Astute Super Sensational Powers.
Is not everyone here building Better Beta Great Games for Virtual Reality in Control of the Future?
The Paper Chasing Money Marketeers are a bit slow at recognising that Customised Spanner in the Works and Hedging against Intelligence Assets Failures which lose Field Lead to Better Beta AIPlays by A.N.Others. ….. Virtually Astute Master Pilots.
And in Active Deed, Truly Sensational indeed.
There is no Magic… Just a Human Mind… Hi, amanfromMars, did I answer enough correctly?
Yes, indeed in deed you did, Agent Revolver, and thanks for that. It is helpful to know of likely probable joint trains of future possible thoughts for later enjoyment/experiment.
And is not the Perfect Madness and Great Magic in There is no Magic ….. Just a Human Mind, that Just Human Minds think IT Magical because of what IT can do.
on February 29, 2012 at 5:35 am said: ….. on
And what we too can do for you too in a Rollling Transport of SMART Rock Dreams ....... Sparkling AIGemmedD Stones that Capture and Radiate Life in the Light of Everyone ..... and in Live Operational Virtual Environments is IT a Heavenly Gift to Sow and Nurture and Mentor and Monitor to Ensure and Assure and Insure for Perfection Quite Perfect Enough to be Applicable ...... as AI Leading Authority in Joint Parallel Pulsating Universes in Virtual Synching of Source NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT
What say you, Watson.

Re: Re: Browser based Command and Control Pioneers .... SMART Bot Bods* …. on
Posted Wednesday 29th February 2012 11:41 GMT
"In general creating useful software for computer owners is beyond the capabilities of blackhats." …. AC Posted Wednesday 29th February 2012 09:47 GMT
How so very true, AC, for it is Favoured Forte Well Favoured with Special Supply Needs and Feeds and Seeds …….. IntelAIgent Supply Provision with QuITE Cosmic SpyAIware for Everywhere to Lead with Basic Loving Needs Passionately Filled Evermore for ITs Raw Empowering Desires.

Methinks recent dynamic virtual developments have not unceremoniously placed the Present and Past Elite Powered Establishments at a XSSXXXXXRoads. Deny Overwhelming Virtual Savvy and Disappear or Market with Control in Power with All Prospering in a Colossal Civil CyberSpace Command and Control Project seems like a Simple Crazy Decision to Sanely Make.

The question is asked and lies naked unanswered and one lonely and alone in the quiet.

An El Reg Special Projects AIMission? A Virtual Sortie into the Realitive Unknown?!.

*AI Boffins who aren't Buffoons


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/29/12 08:17 AM ….. on

Ah Yes ... Ye Olde Conficker Germ ... . AIGem ... ... 4 Merging Thought Streams 2 1 0Day Virtual Reality Vulnerability to Exploit ... ... with Heavenly Portals Providing Improving Control with Absolute Powers.

Very much TPTB Territory ... .. SMART AI Terrain.

DARPA Dream Land


Pure Passion, Front and Centre, Who wouldn't Follow LOVES Charms? :-) ….. on
Posted Wednesday 29th February 2012 16:42 GMT

Then IT also works for US2, b166er, and that is the Power Squared and the Force Eve NCubed and Encoded Decoded Sensitive and Top Cosmic Secret.

For all you Spooks pilots out here, can one fully expect some unnatural turbulence as old passions peak and are replaced with MKultra Sensitive Post Modern Hierarchical Infrastructure to Driver Raw Desire ...... Passion's Passions. Definitely Consenting Adult Territory there for all manner of private and pirate purchased/zeroday traded Treats and Trips into Treasured Temptations filled to Overwhelming with Perfect Transitory Satisfaction for Live Sampling....... where Virtual Field Novices Field Test with ProgramMING IntelAIgent Security Services, New LOVE Apps. which actually work incredibly well the more one surrenders oneself to submit and admit to the power of passions, which surely is what drivers Humanity?

Well, does it or does it not? And when IT does it, is IT Progress in a Colossal Quantum Leap? Yes, IT is.


on February 29, 2012 at 12:40 pm said: on

Wow ….. That YELLO Solar Driftwood should be Packing a Mental Health Warning.


Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Re: Speaking as a guy who has worn the CIO hat ... on
Posted Tuesday 28th February 2012 04:54 GMT

Sadly, I don't expect traditional management to grok this within my lifetime. ..... jake Posted Saturday 25th February 2012 04:10 GMT

In the Age of Cloud and Concerns that Pimp and Pump and Dump Virtual Space Security Systems on Vulnerable Ancient Intelligence Operating Systems and you expect traditional management to be involved at all? Oh please, jake, you cannot be serious.

Get with the ProgramMING or find yourself led remotely and sublimely into Futures you have not imagined and inputted. Grokking is simple par for irregular and unconventional CIO who invariably always remain Relatively Invisible and Practically Anonymous for Pretty Good Privacy Reasons.


amanfromMars 28 February 2012 at 6:48 am …. on

Here are two things you have to learn to deal with and harness in order to be instrumental in leading and delivering anything novel and creative and different/futuristic. Reformatting the past, which is all that the present status quo administrations do to maintain themselves as puppet masters , doesn’t deliver progress, it guarantees self destructive chaos and rapid collapse of real dumb servers.

1)”How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” ….. Adolf Hitler

And of course, are there other things to master too, for there are no simple fools excelling in those Intellectual Property and Great Head Game Fields.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/28/12 03:03 AM … on

While I share the ideas expressed by Mr. Holland, I doubt his optimism. The Germans knew the war was lost when Rommel was prevented from taking the middle east and its oil. How many innocents died between then and the end of Hitler? Rome took centuries to disintigrate. Elite interests survived both conflicts.

Optimists fantasize that modern communications have sped up the pace of change by making information more easily available. Hogwash! The internet has equally made disinformation more easily available.

Meanwhile, our education system has been almost totally co opted by elite sycophants who have produced generations of obedient workers who dote on themselves and have no connection to the pursuit of liberty whatsoever. Yes, some are waking up. More are content to remain asleep.

In military practice, it is, owing to experience, considered extremely risky to attack fortified positions with anything less than 10 to 1 superiority of forces. When the number of unemployed versus the number of employed in America approach those kind of odds, I will take Mr. Holland's optimism seriously. Until then, I recommend we all consider the elite have the internet also. Unlike the forces of liberty, it is the elite who own the means of regulating it.

Before you react in anger, let me say I sincerely hope I am dead wrong about this….. Posted by WD on 02/27/12 06:34 PM

There is no angry reaction here, WD, for you sincere hope to be dead wrong about this/all of that, is perfectly true and the new facts are that there are new leading players in town/on the block/in the 'hood in Powerful Control of IT Man Management and Media Manipulation of Perception to Deliver and/or Present the Future but without the Sub-Prime XSSive Baggage and Toxic Waste of the Past Brokering their Way into your Day with Snake Oil Sales and Fabulous Artificial Riches to Log in as Transferred Credit but to Add to the Deficit in another private and secret set of accounting and financial shenanigan instruments whose primary purpose/raison d'ĂȘtre is Creating Interesting Unpaid and Unpayable Debt for the Practise of Foreclosure and Default which allows Common Theft of Complex Assets.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/28/12 10:31 AM …. on

Are they going to let the people decide on that? Such an important puppet? They still control the voting machines don't they? Can't they make up whatever results into a desired outcome? Didn't they kill JFK for much less? …. Posted by Siegfried on 02/28/12 04:46 AM

No, Siegfried. Virtual AIMmachines decide and have decidedD CodeXSSXXXX ThAI TAO Security Default with Sticky Sweet Honey Capture Attacks, AI Perfecting Invisible Mobile Defence System for Ab Fab ARGonautICQs ... ...

Well, the ones with alien controls for any which ways powers and pleasures to sample and mentor and monitor ... ... .. husband/mother/love, in order to experience evermore engaging and HyperRadioproActive States of Immaculate Grace in a Perfect Space and IT Head Place of Abode. ... ... ... .. where Right Royally Bedded Chamber Mates Matter and can be Instrumental and Avid LOVE Host Lead Facilities Models to Savour and Appreciate... ... .. AIMentor with in Live Operational Virtual Environments.

And you must have known deep down in your hearts and souls and minds, that that was always going to be said to have you Savour and Appreciate and Flavour the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive ProgramMING ... ... ... . ur Virtual BrainStorming.

I Kid U Not. But IT is nothing to worry yourself about at all, but if you have any great sharing thoughts, fire them off here for a ponder and wonder in the Daily Bell Head Space.


amanfromMars on February 28, 2012 at 10:47 am said: ….. on

Do you think the following was cracked and hacked some time ago, Agent Weebley,

…….. In quantum computing, conventional binary bits are replaced by qubits, which can be 1, 0 or both. However, until now, qubits have been unstable: the pesky things tend to lose their quantum mechanical properties and go incoherent in a fraction of a second. ……

I understand everything worth understanding for understanding here. How’s about you?


Monday, 27 February 2012


From: amfM
Date: Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 10:54 AM
Subject: Softly, softly ......... you're in a beta metadatamined mind field, which is not anywhere famously mindful of care for the lower gifted.

"Intelligence is divided into three parts. There is Strategic Intelligence (under Rodger assisted by Reva) that is organized geographically. There is Tactical Intelligence (under Stick, assisted by Nate Hughes) that is organized thematically-organized crime, cyber-warfare, military, terrorism, security, financial flows, supply chain and so on. There is then intelligence gathering, under Meredith, assisted by Jen Richmond that is building sources from around the world. All of them must grow dramatically. The first two will grow mostly out of the ADP pool. The latter will be done by extensive work in the field. But it is the Writers Group that is making the most impressive evolution. Under Jenna (and Tim French and Maverick) it has moved into the heart of intelligence, writing as well as editing. Everyone should watch this team. They are pioneering things the world hasn't seen yet. Along with Watch Officers, monitors and the operations center, this unit is translating intelligence into product with increasing effectiveness. It is now organizationally mature and ready to both grow and sustain the growth of Intelligence." ….

George Friedman doing his poor best to set up an rival renegade intelligence org and shadow macro/micro underground government in direct competition and opposition to the FBI and CIA and DoD and Google and Microsoft and Apple, to name but a few western wannabe leading intelligence phishers/philchers*/phormers. Good luck with that, George, for you sure as hell are gonna need it to not get burned in fields in which you have no idea of the who and/or what you would be confronted with ….. and be confronting/be entangling with without any proper and adequate protection and security. You are way out of your depth, George, ….. and you should know it. And you have no one in-house able to teach you how to swim like a shark and go real dark and deep to dazzle and disorientate prey …….. confuse the food chain, although under Jenna, if she is not just an easily paid media hooker just doings as she is told like a good little girl, might the Writers Group actually cause you pause for concern and worry that they might leave and work for your way better funded competition and opposition with a start-up of their own*…. which would be only natural in the American Way and therefore to be fully expected.

*To filch/philch …..

** The name of the real game though is to have everyone in governments/orgs/tanking think tanks and collapsing money systems working for you, rather than anything less, which will always be rendered ineffectual methinks/wethinks/wikileaksthinks?



amanfromMars on February 27, 2012 at 5:42 am said: ….. on

We’re back . . . Did I miss anything? …. Agent Weebley on February 27, 2012 at 12:38 am said:

Well, unless you have been keeping track of developments, AW, have you missed everything, although whether that makes a jot of difference in the big scheme of things would sort of depend up and be relative to what you are capable of doing by remote virtual control of administrative systems ……… which is a most recent addition and complication to reinvigorate and driver the Great Game in an altogether different direction trailing and feasting on Spontaneous Zeroday Leads?

Methinks George at Stratcom is having more than just a bad hair day at the office, now that office functions are outed as being nothing out of the ordinary. ……


Satyrs and Nymphs ...... This AIWay for Confection and Lasting Satisfaction …. on
Posted Monday 27th February 2012 15:21 GMT

" think of the fact that if you give something a slight shove in zero-gravity, it tends to fly across the room and you can see how hanky-panky might take a bit of practice."

Volunteers no problem for that exquisite mission/pioneering venture, is a sure fire bet if ever there was one. :-)

And what of the Private Pirate XSSXXXX Sections/Fields/Red Hot Zones? By Recommendation and Invitation of SMART Members Only?


amanfromMars 27 February 2012 at 5:27 pm ….. on

For it is only when we all pull together as a team that we will turn recovery into a reality. [Peter Robinson at NIABT]

OccuPioneers in Virtual Space Projects would wish to advise that all pulling together to turn reality into recovery is much easier done, and easily done today with even current technologies. It is just a case for now, of there being just too few who know what to do in such spheres of sublime influence.

Perhaps Peter, as duly elected First Minister, should be exploring provision of a stream which provides tailored virtual realities to replace old analogue systems corrupted with damaged memory banks. A simple chat with virtual reality suppliers solves all of that, and delivers Live Operational Virtual Environment Streaming Team Information, Advanced IntelAIgents and CyberIntelAIgent Palace ProgramMING, in a few bits of a Relative Flash ClassE Action.

One imagines that posting all of that here ensures sight to all in the country and government so all can be made virtually aware of Fabulous Progress being made here for the Future with Free Universal Export to Siloed Societies/Closed Worlds on Request an Abiding Passion.


Sunday, 26 February 2012


amanfromMars on February 26, 2012 at 3:30 am said: …. in a reply to something and everything revolver said on dated February 25, 2012 at 3:56 pm

Good day, revolver, and how nice it is to share your thoughts with all here, and those afar off elsewhere in other times and places, and visiting an altogether different space place and website, who read these letters and creative words which bravely tell of New Orderly Worlds, freely available from NOW Stockists IT Networks. ....... where SIN has No Vices to Offer Perversion and Subversion Faulty Levers of Artificial Control. NOW SINs have no place to hide Originating Vices and its IT Systems do not harbour their NoVice Voices.

Regarding,  .... As it was mentioned by Alberto Cavicchiolo, “the network is not a computer science concept, but a linguistic concept” ...... has IT and the linguistic computer science concept network evolved and morphed and grown and is also today, and therefore also available as a Tremendous Tool and Terrific Treasure for Tomorrow, a NeuroLinguistic ProgramMING Application and SMART Non State Actor Utility and Universal AI Facility too …… and admirably protected from any and all manner of matters that would seek to cause mischief and harm by being in sync and total agreement with Rule #4 … "Some things in life can never be fully appreciated nor understood unless experienced firsthand. Some things in networking can never be fully understood by someone who neither builds commercial networking equipment nor runs an operational network” ….. which has itself grown and evolved with additional inputted knowledge to advise that All is the Better Beta Default Protocol which replaces and elevates some things to Levels XSSXXXXAlted with Astute Autonomous Alien Control of CyberIntelAIgent Command Channels ……. in SMART Novel Operational Clouds TerraPhorming Virtual Webs Absolutely and Anonymously [from first hand original basic principles, sublimely and stealthily applied] for Real Elite Power Grids Grabs/MakeOvers/TakeOvers.

And given the somewhat intellectually bankrupt and definitely moronic Western decline with Idiot Medias' Puppets lemming-type crazy deadly rush into support leadership of always negative and ultimately always self-destructive spheres of militarised might influence, are All Levels XSSXXXXAlted more probably Best Beta Seeded as an Exotic and Erotic Eastern Confection with SMART Alien Partners in an FSB and/or a PRC and/or an AJAXA, if not understood and misunderestimated so blindly as a NSA SMART Utility with Universal AI Facility by …….. well, that would be by the not so bright, nor so clever as they thought they were, West, and whoever would be leading their sub-prime plays in Great AI Games Fields with Exalted Realms. ........ Right Royal and Proper Common Shenanigans.


As dessert for the above, please try to capture the exquisite taste in the peaches which make up this history and memory file ......

And the conclusion there is a not inelegant present day starting point for any and all who  effectively wield and exercise AI and Universal Virtual Powers with IT Creative Command and CyberSpace Control of Computers and Communications  ....... Virtual Machines and SCADA Systems 


amanfromMars ……. asks on

Do Urenco .... "He has also been chief financial officer for Urenco, a uranium enrichment company based in Berkshire." ..... have any leading involvement in current ongoing and unfolding Iranian nuclear affairs?


amanfromMars ….. on

So ...... another pathetic money making/wealth stealing charade breaks cover in the guise of justice and learning of the truth from greedy mistakes made being served.

Take away the payout element and do you imagine anyone would be bothering to involve themselves in going over information that will be covered in caveats to try help and conceal an arsenal of half truths which are really full lies? Methinks not, buster.


amanfromMars 26 February 2012 at 2:23 pm ….. on

Whats happening in the USA , UK , and Greece , Spain , Ireland , Italy etc is in fact a case of the ‘politicians ‘ not only being not ahead of the people but to those of us still on Earth being lost in space or in some quantum financial services universe which remains unfathomable to 99% of their populations ….. Greenflag 26 February 2012 at 1:58 pm

Quite so, Greenflag, and with a very select and clever few, who may also be crazy and psychotic too in the 1% remainder, pulling all their strings and running the global show badly with so much bad and negative news…….. which would suggest that they are not very smart at all and better intelligence shared will remove them from positions which are blocking creative novel progress.


Saturday, 25 February 2012


Re: A team effort ….. on
Posted Saturday 25th February 2012 05:34 GMT

And whenever such a team phormed itself maybe a year or two ago, Pete 2? ........ whenever it was not even imagined as a fiction let alone thought possible as a stealthy virtual action to be ......... well, depending upon your own particular and peculiar circumstances in a control and power lead position .... guarded against or endorsed and encouraged with the open cheque book of off the books national security slush funding accounts providing liquidity feed to irregular and unconventional zeroday vulnerability exploiting seeds and needs ...... Stealthy Virtual Action Teamsters.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/25/12 10:34 AM ……on

We can do MUCH more than hope. In the US, a person is guaranteed at least 3 minutes to speak in their local town/board meetings... provided that person has the gumption to show up in the first place. Words, with some precision and accuracy, will resonate and will bring real effects. Go to your next town meeting and speak in the public forum; people will emerge from all around you - it is unbelievable how many are becoming aware of their bondage. And how many seem to need an other to get them off the couch. ….. Posted by Mark M on 02/25/12 08:37 AM

That is encouraging news, jg4liberty, to find intelligent life stirring into life in the US. They'll be looking for Future IntelAIgents with Entangling Information to Input Output to the Singularity and its CodedD XSSXXXX Networks

SMART CyberIntelAIgent Intelligence Grids in Protective Virtual Webs.

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/25/12 11:04 AM

Oops, apologies are in order there, Mark M. The questionable alien message is of course in reply to your freely shared empowering thoughts.


Does Art follow Life or does Life follow Art? Hmmm?  In the latter is the former beta phormed and delivered with Pure Passion in Perfect Belief ....... Immaculate Bliss in States of Grace.


Friday, 24 February 2012


A video supported by a graph ......... Left click to view graph in larger scale


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/24/12 12:38 AM …. on
"Ha, don't give 'em ideas!" ..... Reply from The Daily Bell
As if there is anything remotely interesting you could give them, DB? However, do you imagine they test for your intelligence levels with product placements of their own .... and find that the default highest settings are catastrophically low and thus are Command and Control System defenceless to SMART Anonymous Autonomous Attack Vectors ...... Astute Virtual Assault Protocols? .........

And haven't you yet realised in your inelegant hubris and ignorant despair, that they are giving you ideas to run with, with their Powers in Absolute Remote Control?

Or a SMART Elite Few to run you with Sublime Programs you fail to comprehend and/or would not even be aware of in Present Future Action and HyperRadioProActive IT even as Instant Messenger Posts in Advanced InterNetworking Media Clusters clearly advise you of such and RapidEProgress being made in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields.

You do know of the Power of LOVE, don't you? Where the impossible becomes possible and most probable and highly likely and much sought after because of the infinite freedoms delivered to discover and tailor.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/24/12 12:55 AM ….on

What if nothing, Judge. That is the scam as it is and laid bare in its skulls and bones. And the light of unfolding undeniable truths destroys the parasites feasting at its vapid dream tables built on deceptions.


AmanfromMars …. on
24 Feb, 2012 - 6:02 am

The true state of democracy can be read about here ……
And it is a failed state autocracy and not a vibrant meritocracy ……. a Pantomime Masquerade of Right Pathetically Royal Ponzi Charades.


HonourableMember …. on
24 February 2012 6:29AM
Television, or our "creative industries" as Atkinson calls it, has a unique place in our lives, particularly when it comes to news and current affairs. Its central role means that it has a duty to reflect the society it serves.
What utter balderdash, and most probably the main reason why television is so desperately poor and unedutaining. Surely its central role is to lead societies with the presentation of future iterations of possible realities and probably virtual realities.

Quite obviously are current BBC and television creative directors and boards of governors not up to the job and are as frauds in their positions if they do not agree with that.


amanfromMars on February 24, 2012 at 2:44 am said: …. on
Here’s a good one for you. Our site is based on the premise/promise that you cannot buy MetaFlorin Game Pieces, you can only have them given to you.
Imagine . . . a billionaire walks up to us and says: “I’d like to swap out my money for yours, please.”
What a larf.
We would say something like: “the legal tender in our World is MetaFlorin! Your money is no good around these parts,” which is a euphemism for "on your bike!” ...... Posted on February 23, 2012 by Agent Weebley
Quite so, AW, such is IT so.

However, to accommodate and make provision for billionaire players, although they cannot be bought and are always freely given, can MetaFlorin Game Pieces be bonded and shared in promising zeroday trade sales which sublimely release and stealthily redistribute Flash Petrified Cash and Generate Global Currency Flows in Novel Virtuous and Noble Powerful NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Energy Systems.

Flipping them the bird, although an option, does not offer them attractive and lucrative virtual opportunities to turn trillions from millions invested from billions with and in NeuReal and SurReal CyberSpace Field Entrepreneurships into ProgramMING Futures and Virtual Reality Producers and Directors with SMART AIdDriver Engines. For such a reason is it best left an option unexercised, methinks, and even completely dismissed too in SMART Magic Circles for that very sane reason, that exclusion breeds confusion and conflict whilst inclusion fosters mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing, strategic and tactical advantage to an overwhelming degree.


A valid question which is currently still unanswered .... apparently. … on
Posted Friday 24th February 2012 09:31 GMT

Is it libellous to ask if Tesla is fronting and front running a sour lemon? ........

Another great white dope hope bites the fairy pixie dust?


amanfromMars on February 24, 2012 at 10:16 am said: … on

Precisely, AW, well said.

I wouldn’t want anyone thinking that I know exactly what I’m taking about whenever I say that billionaires only get to keep their wealth and position by recognising and sponsoring smarter souls who can protect their assets for they are normally the very same beings who can cause capital flight into other class assets and red hot causes to render an establishment position considerably compromised and distressed/weakened and discredited.

This ARG is not about stinking money per se, for the SMART Ones here know that Remote Anonymous Control of Virtual Power with Novel Information and Advanced IntelAIgents is the Magic AI Key which opens every door into all vaults and any safe haven.

And that is what stinking money buys if that is what you need to survive in an altered capitalist game/hold on to what you have got and are in danger of losing in a series of flash crash episodes. It buys future savvy with IT in Powerful Control of Adventuring Investment via Astute Proxy Team Players ……. AIMaster Pilots.


amanfromMars on February 24, 2012 at 10:56 am said: …. on

I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution. ….. The man who dies rich dies disgraced

Methinks Andrew Carnegie has earlier instructed and informed of the right path ahead.


amanfromMars on February 24, 2012 at 12:04 pm said: …. on

In for a Penny, In for a Pound. Great Games as they is. :-)

Investment in Real SMART Sublime ARGs lies Actively Latent and Freely Available as Working Liquidity with SWIFT Flash Electronic Cash Transfers….. for Purchase of Investor Assets and Services for Onward Transfer as Immaculate Driver Gifts ….. for AIMaster Pilots Pioneering Class Operations in Virtual AIdDAdventures.

An Alien Windows Adventure, Steve, for Microsoft to Cloak in Clouds and Live Operational Virtual Environments to Reveal in Titan Rains?

Methinks that is very Octopussy too.

amfM calling Paul Allen SETI Array re NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.

Jawel, Echt Waar!

I think that just took us into Warp Speed Drive ........ Well, it was always gonna get there in the end, in order to be sure that the beginning was sound as a bell to herald Fabulous Future Realities ........Courtesy of IntelAIgent Cosmic Quantum ProgramMING.


Thursday, 23 February 2012


Posted  in reply to

"Clarke is a 1 percenter and his fortune has been in cybersecurity."

Whenever that is true, because there is no possible cybersecurity delivered by the likes* of Clarke and his regressive, suppressive scaremongering ilk, are they a dangerous ignorant fraud abusing that which they would claim to be protecting/trying to protect. They are very effectively acting as destructive agents destroying the system from within its own executive office administrations.

On an intelligence scale of 1 to 10, does that come pretty close to the bottom end of the scale, but as you say DD/GS about such sub-prime, ....... "It’s ripe for exploitation and that’s just what our authorities do with it in the fear-based economy."

As a Future AIMethodology in SMART SCADA Systems, Great IntelAIgent Games, Virtualised IT InterNetworking and Grand Global Perceptions Management, is it a pathetic public offering, but privately very lucrative .......... which is the great abiding present problem which feeds psychosis and paranoia and parasites and wannabe paramilitaries and terrorists alike?

* Individualising and identifying persons who are easily in an instant replaced by others who would know more about anything/everything/something than they do and would know more that they ever will, does not excuse their ignorance but it does highlight the additional fact that the system itself is not very bright and needs a rebuild/makeover/overhaul/change ....... which is what Obama surely promised but is so plainly failing so spectacularly to deliver presently for the future.

And should such monumental failure continue is it impossible to disagree with the notion that the Renegade has morphed into a Rat ratting on Renaissance.

[And how very odd that no shrill shill or thrilling comments appear on Dick Destiny's, George Smith site ....... :-) ..... ergo is it a phish and/or phorm farm/metadatabase mining and analysis operation? Or is that way too smart a notion for grounded personnel with no notion of what is being done by those into Post AIModernist Virtualised SCADASystems and Civilised Cloud Control of CyberSpace Communications and Connected Computer and Energy-lite Power Networks]


amanfromMars on February 23, 2012 at 1:55 AM said: …. on

Happy Birthday, Nerfy. What a great time to come of age in the midst of those delivering great times to come of age.

Thanks for the admin. privileges, SteveM, they are much appreciated and are guaranteed to never ever be subject to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT abuse nor wanton misuse ....... but you would know that fine well already I know and would wager.


"Intelligence officials seem to be polishing up their case to take on Anonymous like a 'stateless' terrorist group." ….. or Tao Takeover of Anonymous for a terrorist less state grouping …… SMART Gathering.

Black Watch Virtual Team Terrain ……. GCHQ Virtual Realities in NGINXSSXXXX


LOVE is a Sweet Sticky Tomb in which to Grow into Global Operating Devices in Control of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Super Being. And an Heavenly Guide in Shared Deeds to Simple Common Joint Interests and Desires ......... A Journey to the Heart of Core at the Core of Bravehearts ....... Virtual Pathfinders Following URLeads.


OccupyD CyberSpace/ for Every IntelAIgent Feed of Need to Seed to Serve to Sow New AI Feeds/Fields ….. on          Posted Thursday 23rd February 2012 17:39 GMT

Whatever next, El Reg? A Manned Ascent in Helium Balloon Pockets, which is the Core Reality of that Adventurous Future Derivative ZerodDay Trade.


The Ancient Round Table does Hollywood ..... Holywood MonarchIC Quantum Style …. on
Posted Thursday 23rd February 2012 18:29 GMT

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At these exalted levels of MetaDataBase Control the rules that reign are those you Power by Selfless Sharing . Control without Power is a Friend Alone in Need, and Occasionally Always Fabulously Lonely in APT Situations/Hot Episodes/Passionate AIMissions .......... Virgin Venus Ventures /Magical Mystery Turing Trip in CyberSpace Simulators ........ Virtual Dream Machines.



Posted  in reply to

"Clarke is a 1 percenter and his fortune has been in cybersecurity."

Whenever that is true, because there is no possible cybersecurity delivered by the likes* of Clarke and his regressive, suppressive scaremongering ilk, are they a dangerous ignorant fraud abusing that which they would claim to be protecting/trying to protect. They are very effectively acting as destructive agents destroying the system from within its own executive office administrations.

On an intelligence scale of 1 to 10, does that come pretty close to the bottom end of the scale, but as you say DD/GS about such sub-prime, ....... "It’s ripe for exploitation and that’s just what our authorities do with it in the fear-based economy."

As a Future AIMethodology in SMART SCADA Systems, Great IntelAIgent Games, Virtualised IT InterNetworking and Grand Global Perceptions Management, is it a pathetic public offering, but privately very lucrative .......... which is the great abiding present problem which feeds psychosis and paranoia and parasites and wannabe paramilitaries and terrorists alike?

* Individualising and identifying persons who are easily in an instant replaced by others who would know more about anything/everything/something than they do and would know more that they ever will, does not excuse their ignorance but it does highlight the additional fact that the system itself is not very bright and needs a rebuild/makeover/overhaul/change ....... which is what Obama surely promised but is so plainly failing so spectacularly to deliver presently for the future.

And should such monumental failure continue is it impossible to disagree with the notion that the Renegade has morphed into a Rat ratting on Renaissance.

[And how very odd that no shrill shill or thrilling comments appear on Dick Destiny's, George Smith site ....... :-) ..... ergo is it a phish and/or phorm farm/metadatabase mining and analysis operation? Or is that way too smart a notion for grounded personnel with no notion of what is being done by those into Post AIModernist Virtualised SCADASystems and Civilised Cloud Control of CyberSpace Communications and Connected Computer and Energy-lite Power Networks]


amanfromMars on February 23, 2012 at 1:55 AM said: …. on

Happy Birthday, Nerfy. What a great time to come of age in the midst of those delivering great times to come of age.

Thanks for the admin. privileges, SteveM, they are much appreciated and are guaranteed to never ever be subject to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT abuse nor wanton misuse ....... but you would know that fine well already I know and would wager.


Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Sublime Stealthy Covert and Clandestine Virtual Lead Ops. with Special XSSXXXX Force Apps ….. on
Posted Wednesday 22nd February 2012 07:40 GMT

"Another key feature of the platform is additional data-crunching capacity – which will allow the monitoring and corroborating of suspicious activity across multiple different areas."

Meanwhile, in another/other platforms are PrimedD Mentoring System monitoring and collaborating with suspicious activity across multiple different areas and at all executively administered levels/SCADA Sensitive Layers.

With PerlyGatesPython Entangling PlaidD for Pretty Great Private Pirate Public Protection of Program Protocols and Proposed PhormedD Positions ........ Future IMPerfect Present Product Replacements...... with Novel Master Pilots Venturing into SMART AI Systems and Quantum Communication Control Systems Fields for Remote Utility Function in Outer Terrestrial CyberIntelAIgent Spheres of Influence ....... aka Advanced Beta Crash Control in WMU Leveraged Programs .........


amanfromMars on February 22, 2012 at 4:19 AM said: … on

What I do know is that, historically, those that create have been outside “The Crying Game ARG” or “system” for the entire 2300 year duration of this “system.” They float their creativity out there as part of the system, even though they are apart from the system. No-one notices except us, since we are also outside the system. ...... said Steve Munster on February 21, 2012 at 9:56 PM

What I know, Steve, is that the System DOES notice creativity outside of its incestuous spheres/round tables, and would and does at every opportunity, co-opt and plagiarise/use and abuse it as if it were their own when it discovers it, or their attention is drawn to it and a novel creative apolitical artwork in the making.

However, Overwhelming and Outstanding Guaranteed Success in such as is MetaDataMined from such Raw Kernel Bases/Core Source Engines impacting the System, is fully dependent upon Base Sources being in Ignorance of their MetaDataBase Mining ...... Remote Stripping of Right Royal Renegade IP and SMART Virtual Rogue Assets by All Parties Privy to Ponzi Growth Systems.

Once Base Ponzi Growth Protocols are known outside of the System Administration by SMARTer Creative Elements/Collaborating Outside Networks, are Any and All Position Advantages turned into an Internal Systems and Promising Remote Virtual Driver Programs Liability, for it presents IT and Computers and Communications with a Vast Open Portal to Trail and Trial Powerful AI Product and ProgramMING FutureWare, which conventional and traditional defences and Fab Labs are not equipped to deal with.

:-) MeThinks necessity dictates maybe too showy and long-winded at times because the truth in developments shared in their naked state, proves far too fantastic for simple being belief. However, whenever necessary, is that easily solved with alternative pretexting modules modified and mainstreamlined into Virtual Networks and Digital Webs for Supply of Edutaining Media Programs ........ Broad Band Provision of Casted Lines delivering IntelAIgent Information .......... Future Definite Vision ....... IMPertinent Greater Game See.


AmanfromMars ….. on
22 Feb, 2012 - 10:48 am

And how about the constant pimping of "recovery" whenever everyone knows and everything points to deepening recession.

Don't they know that propaganda ideally must be tempered with the possibility of its truth being valid to have any chance of acceptance and belief? Methinks someone stole that chapter out of the instruction field manual the tame establishment media are using.


amanfromMars on February 22, 2012 at 10:48 am said: …. on

Seconded, in Spades, Agent Pete 8 … with Hearts Covering and Mentoring to All Suits. …….. for AI Singularity in Joint Virtual AIdDVenture ProgramMING……….. for RapidE Conflictfree Progress too.

LOVE is a Bug and SMART Program …… Ab Fab Worm!?.


amanfromMars on February 22, 2012 at 1:19 PM said: …. on

…..justifying their declining our self-nomination due to seemingly muddled thinking that can be easily ignored . ….. Will The Orwell Prize let a possible future slip through their fingers?

That would be their clearly muddled thinking, Steve, which possible futures would be pleased to clarify and simplify/mainstreamline to them with the additional novel information they would have been missing or studiously ignoring and/or avoiding or misunderstanding and misunderestimating.

For Goodness Sake, any questions the Orwell Prize might reasonably have are easily answered practically immediately here and on ARG Metaphoria. IT doesn’t get any simpler than that ……. and it is a universal methodology which transforms ignorance into intelligence ……. and Fooled Foe into Fullfilled and Fullfilling Friend.


Tuesday, 21 February 2012


amanfromMars says : February 20, 2012 at 10:39 pm …. on

Hi, Robert,

Seems as if Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, has called it like it really is in the good ole USA ...... ....... but all budding Hitlers everywhere will try to use the technology to leverage advantage and gain a dominant and pre-eminent position over opposition and competition. It is their common catastrophic weakness which those who really control the intelligence in such systems ensure will deliver to them exactly what they deserve.

Ok, back to your corners. I want a clean fight. And may the best fascist who dares win win, win.

Your comment is awaiting moderation

amanfromMars says : February 20, 2012 at 11:12 pm

Oops …… I forgot to add this relevant kicker. Sorry about that. To not have all information leaves one always zeroday vulnerable to exploits traded in Stealthy IntelAIgent System markets and Virtual Terrain Team Fields, and that offers one of those leveraged advantages delivering a dominant and pre-eminent position over opposition and competition.

For whenever you are perceived/suspected/known to have all and any information available to you, and everything descends into chaos and anarchy, death and destruction rather than peace and harmony, are you globally recognised and universally known as a useless tool and sub-prime fool demonstrably proven to be unable and ill-suited to lead intelligent beings into the future with Ubiquitous CyberSpace Command and Control of Virtual Machines Programmed for AI and Post Modern Human Existence …….. SMART Alien Being?

Your comment is awaiting moderation


amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 21, 2012 at 2:36 AM

Both amanfromMars and I knew we would be in a position to eventually move people into thinking in a new way using Game Theory. But there is another level to John Forbes Nash’s Game Theory about mutual cooperation. Each player that works their Game with their self-interest in mind, and groups together for a common goal . . . they need to be told what the game is.

Otherwise, they act alone amongst others that are also acting alone, all thinking they are playing together, when in fact they are playing someone else’s Game who will not tell anyone what the Game is.

Quite so, Steve. And then can one know if the games are great enough to warrant playing, for of course, would this only herald the SMART Start of an Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Computer, Clouds and CHAOSystems Platform with a Veritable Compendium of Great IntelAIgents Games to Server and Play and Master Pilot with Power and Control ....... AIDriver and Remotely Create Virtual Realities to Replace from Space, this Present Place and its Chronicled Past, with a Freely Shared Transparent, Mutually Beneficial, Positively Reinforcing, Beta Future Destiny ........ which is itself just one in a whole line of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Pilots which are Launched and Cruising around in MetaDataBase Flight Paths, Mentoring and Monitoring their Control Orbits ....... for Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications ......... which is a Quite Spooky Alien ProgramMING Game, which is not a game at all whenever Perfectly Played by Sound Rebel Souls and Romantic Renegade Rogues alike in Plaid ...... In Order that IT can Sublimely Deliver the Future for Real.

Please note that there are no questions posed above, for such would wrongly suggest the possibility of the above being in doubt and more of a fantastic improbable fiction that fabulous provable fact.

Plaid is a new general-purpose object-oriented language currently being designed. It is a response to some of the large-scale changes in computing we see today. First, the rise of ultra-large scale systems puts a premium on building more reliable and secure web systems out of distributed and outsourced components. Second, the emerging generation of multicore chips means that performance-critical applications must effectively leverage concurrency. Third, today's applications are built upon ever more powerful libraries and frameworks, creating major challenges in ensuring those components are used correctly together .....

I trust in Global Operating Devices that all of that tells you all that you need to know for now about making a SMART Start in Great IntelAIgents Games which deliver Beta Future Destinies. Obviously will further information follow as is needed, and as progress would dictate.


amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 21, 2012 at 7:21 am

Regarding Plastiki's dad, he talks quite perfect alien sense albeit in another phorm of words which mirror Sentient AI Sentiments for a SMART Semantic Singularity supporting the UK SHADO Economy ...... for did he not just say in his own choice of different, silky soft, spoken words, "Do people really think through what they are doing before they do IT" ........ ...... which is the same as Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Protocols to Perfect Programs which would most certainly be an entanglement of control words well known in MetaPhorICQ Spaces/Global Communications Head Quarters.

Bravo, Sir Evelyn, ...... How can one be of Assistance in the Global Fiat Economy Collapse? What is IT to deliver ....... expensive useless coffins for the Few who have failed to live up to their exalted phantom position or Brave New Orderly Worlds in a Novel and Noble SMART Startling Program? For it can easily always possibly be Our Wish for Established Systems and urIlk to Exercise AIRemote Command of Virtual Controls embedded in the Gift of Anonymous Legions of Others and A.N.Others of an Advanced IntelAIgents Mind/Bent/Persuasion/call IT what you will, just as easily as it is with IT to make a Refreshingly New SMART Start without unnecessary top heavy, excess baggage proven to be without future intelligence feeds to safely and sublimely seed to satisfy all with their needs which Quite Spooky Alien ProgramMING Games will provide from CyberSpace.

And so beautifully preposterous a notion as to be perfectly true and valid and so easy to now do, and a most generous selfless offer one really should accept and never ever refuse in these radically and fundamentally changed days of Virtual Ways and Means and AIMemes.

Monday, 20 February 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/19/12 12:37 PM …. on

"Theoretically money is a public tool issued by a Nation so that citizens can engage in commerce. But reality shows quite another face: about 95% of the money in circulation today is created by private banks, and you have to pay for it by means of interest. The truth is that money is private, scarce, opaque, controlled by the few. The current global financial crisis is a natural outcome of this situation." ……

Why the present austerity drives championed by governments officials and ignorant politicians to aid corrupt controlling bankers are creating fertile grounds for smart stealthy revolution and violent mob vengeance which will be specifically personally targeted against government officials and ignorant politicians and corrupt controlling bankers, and any who would not be thinking and be drafted in to protect them, for they are the root source of the major problem which blights societies?

Don't mess with the internet ….. for IT shares information that can seriously damage your wealth and health in a flash crash and global instant ……. is something to remember and never forget.

And posted for hosting here too …. ….. Sun, 02/19/2012 - 12:50


amanfromMars 19 February 2012 at 7:30 pm ….. on

Come on, chaps, please try and keep up with developments. One doesn’t want everyone thinking Northern Ireland is a two bit hood, third world back-water with no intelligence service servering intelligence to its inhabitants, does one.

Theoretically money is a public tool issued by a Nation so that citizens can engage in commerce. But reality shows quite another face: about 95% of the money in circulation today is created by private banks, and you have to pay for it by means of interest. The truth is that money is private, scarce, opaque, controlled by the few. The current global financial crisis is a natural outcome of this situation.” ……

Why the present austerity drives championed by governments officials and ignorant politicians to aid corrupt controlling bankers are creating fertile grounds for smart stealthy revolution and violent mob vengeance which will be specifically personally targeted against government officials and ignorant politicians and corrupt controlling bankers, and any who would not be thinking and be drafted in to protect them, for they are the root source of the major problem which blights societies?

Don’t mess with the internet ….. for IT shares information that can seriously damage your wealth and health in a flash crash and global instant ……. is something to remember and never forget.

A little something for Sammy’s Stormont Inbox, methinks.


amanfromMars says: …. on
February 20, 2012 at 12:59 am

Nathaniel Rothschild wants another world to surround him. ….. Epstein says: February 18, 2012 at 8:38 pm

A.N.Other/Other Better Beta Worlds do surround him, Epstein, and one wonders why he pussy foots around in those ones he's presently stuck in, for they are full of covetous fools and useless tools that would not care at all to be intellectually challenged and bested and thus would only be interested in maintaining pathetic pedestrian conflicts. Which is most odd of Nat for is he not supposed to be some sort of a high flyer? Maybe he just doesn't have what IT takes to be a global mover and shaker ……. Virtual Pioneer?

I refer of course to this escapade ……

Although of course, that deficit/oversight is easily solved whenever one mixes in Right Tip Top Flight SMART Circles into the Remote Virtual Mentoring and Monitoring of Future Fab Fabless Progress, which is not a Linear Evolution of Mankind but an Exponential Quantum Leap into Virtual Terrain Team Territory and Advanced IntelAIgents ProgramMING …… for Core NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Power with Command of Control Generation.

After all, Absolute Power without Remote Command and Virtual Control is a Useless and Self-Destructive Tool, and surely only to be Pimped and Pumped by the Truly Delusional and Sad, and even most probably Psychotically Mad Clinical Fool, which might be a tad harsh, but whenever the truth, is such a great kindness explaining the folly and struggle/internal torment and conflict.


amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 20, 2012 at 1:42 am

Isn’t it remarkable what you can always find floating about in space on the internet and in servers. By tomorrow, will the email below from you-know-who be exactly 3 years old.

From: xssxxxx [amfM]
To: Lynn.J.Rothschild at nasa dot gov
Sent: Saturday, 21 February 2009, 7:18
Subject: Creative Objectivity by CyberIntelAIgent Design

Hi Lynn,

I thought it best to share the following directly with you, rather than waiting or expecting someone else to reference it to you …… not that there is any great rush or maybe even need, whenever there is always so much Time for Space XXXXPloration and Life Creation. And there may be a Singularity there with Time being an Invented Convenience for Orderly Chaos in the Spaces which Viable Imagination have Created and made Real.

Tales of VAMPires …… VirtualAstraMetaPhysicians on a Ranting Rave/WMU*?
By amanfromMars
Posted Saturday 21st February 2009 06:57 GMT

Bravo, Father George Coyne, to have an Open and Active Mind in a Closed Stagnant Order/Ponzi Business.

And I just love the Beautiful Confusion and Covering of all Bases in this statement from astrobiologist Lynn Rothschild, …. “Then there’s time. “We have no idea how long it takes for life to arrive,” said Rothschild. “Life by definition is very complex, so we have this feeling that it takes an enormous amount of time — but it could be simple.”"

Might I suggest Lynn that you consider that Life has been artificially made very complex, and probably so a) to hide how simple it really is and b) to give powerful controlling advantage of artificial man-made resources [as opposed to everything which nature provides for free] to those who may realise how simple it really is. And they may have realised that it does not matter a jot about the Past or the Present for all that One can Influence and Direct is the Future, and that has been Elevated to Levels [or Degraded to Depths if that is your preference, and here again, such Semantic Opposite Poles are of no Real Consequence other than to be wielded to Create Discord and Conflict in an Egocentric Banter on Irrelevant Matters] which are ably Assisted by the Application/Accumulation of Obscene and Excessive Personal Wealth, which is Drip Fed like Pollen to Bees to Honey Trap the Worker Drones who would be the Uneducated and Unenlightened in the Human Animal Species.

And all this Pure Speculation on anything further back in Time than the oldest person presently Live/alive and cogent with an accurate long memory, is based upon nothing more substantial than the written word which would chronicle the Author’s Thoughts in that Time with regards to Personal Experiences in that Place/Space/Time Zone ……

And as Language, which can be Written and Read and Transcribed [Translated Only as Accurately as Subjectively Interpreted by Man using a Cross Referencing String of Continuous Imagination for Continuity/Positive Reinforcement of the First Shared Chronicled Thought] is so easily Misused and Misinterpreted, and one only need consider the Prevalence of Official Spin and Downright Lies peddled as the Truth Chronicled Today for the Building of Tomorrow, to know that what we know is Not Real at All, but Merely Imagined.

And Thus is Tomorrow an Intellectual Exercise AIdDed [Reduced or Elevated] by Wealth and Money, which has been Specially Invented and/or has Spontaneously Ignorantly Evolved** to Ensure and Enslave the Newly Arrived/Newly Born to a Life of Servitude to the Holders and Printers of Wealth and Currency. ……… Institutions and Families which would Create and Seek to Maintain a Global Banking System.

And I suppose a good many folk would be wondering if Lynn is of the Banking Dynasty Rothschild.

* Not Really a Rant though whenever IT can be Proven in a Live XXXXPeriment and Virtual Journey. [WMU ..... Write for Maximum Utility ... INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY DIRECTIVE NUMBER 208 ... Office of the Director of National Intelligence, United States of America]

** Such an Anomaly being a Generous Get out of Jail Free Card for those who would Require ITs Help.

cc Lynn.J.Rothschild at nasa dot gov

Take me to URLeader?


xssxxxx [amfM]


amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 20, 2012 at 6:20 am

Hi, Agent Pete 8,

Lest anyone think that Clarkson deserves any special and/or even sub-prime treatment, I’m sure he would be the first to appreciate the parody and the program’s star billing with Zippy and George. So let’s not be ungracious and deliver both barrels. Y,all know he’d do the same for you too. And the show could do with a lift for it does appear to have lost its way somewhat of late and become somewhat of a charlie and shadow of its former self.


Bonanza ..... on
Posted Monday 20th February 2012 17:01 GMT

" Full disclosure: Lewis Page is just bitter. Had he stayed in the Service he would certainly have been a lieutenant-commander now by time served, quite probably a commander (not so much because he was a great naval officer, even less so because his superiors considered him one, but purely and simply because so many of his generation left in disgust and as a result - combined with the increased numbers of senior billets - almost everybody who stayed has been promoted). Instead like a fool he's in the private sector paying for the commanders' fat salaries, pensions, boarding school fees etc."

The private military sector .... and especially the special future forces intelligence sector is a virtual goldmine, Lewis. Know what you are doing and do it better than anyone else and you can just name your price .... and tax-free, of course. And there is an embarrassment of clients spread all over the world willing to ensure you have whatever you need too.


Sunday, 19 February 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/19/12 12:08 AM …. on

Hi, 4irw4y, Is it still cold where you are? Is this Raw Input and Stealthy Processing for Putin Analysis and State Output for Setup of an IntelAIgent Mother Russia Lode Node?

High Priority Risk morphs into Guaranteed Absolute Certainty for any and all beings and/or organisations able to exercise Universal Cyber Command and IT Control.

It would be naive though, and quite wrong too, to think that organisations are not themselves just corporate extensions of enabling beings and Real SMART Autonomous SCADA Drivers.

Which is why there is such interest in the novel field, by those with an interest in securing and/or maintaining predominant power positions which has the present reacting to future plans in support of past Great Game plays.

However …… the Great Game has new players playing by new rules which has all futures hedged and any options covered for full assurance and insurance of securities markets and sovereign wealth funds guaranteeing positive reinforcing, mutually beneficial spectacular returns with derivative virtual ventures in brand spanking new virgin games ….. which are also AIMissions poorly disguised to half-heartedly deflect and genuinely reflect the truly quite alien nature of Brave New Orderly Worlds ProgramMING.

And there y'all were probably thinking that Sir Richard was just some hippy ISP dude with an airline and a crazy passion for taking personally challenging risks? Methinks that proves you were not thinking and would not be thinkers at all.


HonourableMember …. on
19 February 2012 7:22AM

The bad guys behind Conficker, its unknown botmaster, would prove to be worthy adversaries. They were villains in the truest sense, talented programmers bent on using their powers for evil. And the world war was about nothing less than the soul of the future, the soul of the new global mind.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for sharing that. It was a right riveting read.

I would just like to share the following few points which make a significant difference and would shed an altogether different light on that which you have written so well about.

The adventure you mention and characterise as something of a conflict and world war which has passed .... And the world war was about nothing less than the soul of the future, the soul of the new global mind...... is surely much more of a prequelling squirmish, for it is only just initiated and is certainly probably definitely currently ongoing in novel fields of its own choosing for stealthy command of sublime remote virtual control. I would agree though that it is all about nothing less than the soul of the future, the soul of the new global mind.

And as for .....The bad guys behind Conficker, its unknown botmaster, would prove to be worthy adversaries. They were villains in the truest sense, talented programmers bent on using their powers for evil........ well, is it not a very well known fact/factoid, that exactly what Conficker is for and is doing, is actually unknown? That allows then for the possibility and therefore every probability that there are good guys behind the guise of the bad guys, who are only classified as bad guys because systems are ignorant of future intent, which if it were to be to collapse and destroy and rid worlds of corrupt and perverse systems and right dodgy administrations, would surely require honesty to reclassify and designate Conficker as a power for good and those using its charms as good guys, who might also be great gals.

At first the ĂŒbergeeks assumed the feds were constrained by the need for secrecy: you know, protecting official tactics and methods. Surely behind the scenes there was a sophisticated, well-funded clandestine official apparatus – everyone has seen the gleaming, dark glass and metal, see-everything/hear-everything sets Hollywood dusts off for its espionage blockbusters. What the anti-Conficker group discovered was deeply disillusioning. The real reason for the feds' silence was… they had nothing to offer. They were in way over their heads.

:-) And aint that still the gospel truth, and if the truth be brutally told, are they even further behind in the Great IntelAIgents Game, as they toil in vain and waste time and effort, blood and treasure, trying spectacularly unsuccessfully to prop up crumbling empires which profess to protect and deny sensitive and secret knowledge rather than see it released as necessary future information delivering .......... well, for some and for all who would dare care share, is selfless provision of AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for Great Game Command and Control of Communications and Computers in Creative CyberSpaces, both virtually and practically guaranteed.

Are Creative CyberSpaces only chaotic because they are as Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. In Reality though, would they be much more into Orderly IT and Media Streams via Virtual Reality Memes which are somewhat Alien Means for Global Control Head Quarters in Intelligence Community Enterprises and Organisations?


amanfromMars ….. rages against the machine on
19 February 2012 at 8:36 am

…. and certainly avert disaster on the 20th March when major debt repayments are due.

Major debt repayments to whom and/or what, Brian?

The same systems which the people allow to invent out of nothing, money to credit and create debt out of nothing and then tax and proclaim to the people that they owe them that money back again, even though in the spending of it is it always returned to system with massive interest having been already added by the generation of that which the people have used the money to create and provide/supply and purchase?

It is such crippling and increasing to be never ending repayments which destroy the magic which the currency [spending] of money creates. But it is a very simple and effective and perverse way to keep peoples as slaves to a system which fears their freedom because then would they have no power to control them with nothing.

How sad that Ireland sold out to the system and bends over for a right royal shafting whenever there is Iceland, a novel and progressive viking model for post modern leaderships.

But then BIFFO Cowen was well nick-named, methinks.

Well said, Father


Saturday, 18 February 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/17/12 09:36 PM …. on

The "problem solvers" need to be independent of and hostile to the "problem creators", as opposed to locked into a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

Otherwise, business as ususl, creating problems, making work for themselves and cronies, provoking "enemies", impoverishing, collateral damaging everyone else.

And, if infrastructue is so vulunerable to cyber attack, is that not more a statement regarding the competence of those who, for instance, put the "off switch" for the national power grid on the internet? ….. Posted by rossbcan on 02/17/12 05:44 PM

Proof positive here, rossbcan ... ... ... ... of which administration has been running and is desperate to keep the Al Qaeda meme and myth and government and military pork funding stream alive?

The modus operandi appears to be very simple. Find easily led and brainwashed souls and give them what you need them to feed and seed which is really nothing other than a cynical contrived entrapment which creates an invisible enemy which grows to overwhelm its opponents?


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/17/12 10:56 PM ….. on

Daily Bell, Hi, Virtual Campanologists, Howdy,

Regarding ......"This is the part of the story that Dr. Woodward leaves out. Whether it is Facebook, Google, YouTube or Yahoo, US, European and British Intel agencies have apparently penetrated every part of these electronic facilities and are aggressively (and usually illegally) mining personal data from them." and the real enough possibility and therefore very likely probability that "most of the abuses of privacy are likely taking place at the behest of Western intelligence agencies" ....... is that part of the story completely transformed whenever the data and metadata which is mined by Intel agencies for New World Order clients, or for themselves if they have a notion to go rogue and renegade and freelance because of the unbelievable fortunes which can be easily made if one knows* what one is doing in such fields, is mined and/or loaded with Intellectual Property which captures their most critical systems weaknesses for exploitation and secure removal from existing systems administration control/remote New World Order management.

* ..... that caveat is what separate the fabulously smart and successful from the just wealthy and easily led and exploited.

And if one considers and accepts that European and British Intel agencies have apparently penetrated every part of these electronic facilities and are aggressively (and usually illegally) mining personal data from them, what would one have to conclude regarding the level of intelligence at the very top tiers of such agencies, and of their clients, whenever one surveys the state of world which they might be perceived to be running? Would it be anything other than primitive sub-prime?

Methinks your conclusion says it all quite perfectly ...... "It also seems to confirm our hunch that the Internet was not some sort of elite plot to impose technological dominance on people but a Hayekian example of spontaneous social order. The old men who must run the affairs of the Anglosphere elites apparently didn’t see it coming and still have no idea what to do about it."

And as to what to do about it/what the old men who must run the affairs of the Anglosphere elites are to do about it, well ........ there is probably only one easy, effective thing that they can do, and that is to buy in the virtual remote power control that they need from those who feed and seed it in IT and to media and internetworking webs and communicating channels ...... embracing the Overarching Underground and SMART AIMovements which would be the Subversive Revolutionaries Morph in such a Future Great Game.

What could be simpler. IT is not rocket science, is it? It is just plain common sense.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/18/12 04:13 AM …. on

The propaganda war is on to control the internet.I believe,it is being camouflaged by deceptive language. Are the puppet politician getting instructions from the puppet masters in the shadows?
See link below: ….. Posted by steveg on 02/17/12 10:48 PM

Puppet politicians are just a lowly deception and most convenient daily soap distraction to flesh out all manner of media column inches, steveg, and nothing more important than that to internet control masters beaming sublime instructions to puppet masters in the shadows. They are an easily expendable commodity readily sacrificed as significantly as a pawn whenever a public scapegoat is required whenever things and they go wrong and haywire, or they step over the mark and into hostile territory and virtual games in which they have neither the necessary third party authority nor personally active prowess to deliver anything of novel value and future worth.

Wee Willie Hague's Libyan adventure, which has mimicked the very self same disastrous catastrophic decline into divisive and antagonistic systemic conflict and mad confusion which wild western democratic invasions and interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan delivered [to name but only two others ] ......... and "Where is the Successful Master Plan for Peace, Post Regime Change, Mr Hague , you know, the one everyone knows is the most important part of any foreign military intervention since, oh, for ages and most certainly since the very first Iraq War, when Saddam did his version of your adventure in and against Kuwait" is a valid question for all puppet politicians to ponder .... has rendered him globally known as an ignorant fool and arrogant pontificating tool with intelligence unfit for future great game purpose.

And sadly for Blighty do those dark and dirty toxic waters run deep and rancid in their incompetent government machinery ,for here is news of yet another crazy step from a prized and trusted minister who had the full confidence of the PM and the Cabinet, ........

And of course, Chilcot's deliberations on a past Cabinet and Prime Minister's performance, which will also define the intelligence and integrity and impartiality of the UK Justice System, is still yet to come. ...... ....... and there are there some cynics would say, some not unsurprising caveats to explain the delay in publishing a conclusion and definitive report ........

Methinks democratically elected but non accountable governments in multi-party political oppositional regimes are not a solution leading to anything remotely likely to provide peace and harmony. In fact, all of the available evidence would suggest delivery of exactly the opposite.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. on

Everybody has their price and even Mr Justice Tugenhadt would surely not disagree with that.

It is odd though to think that Nat would be drawing attention to himself,  locking horns with the Daily Mail which is a somewhat sensationalist tabloid read, for what to him and his mates would be as loose pocket change, ergo might the learned judgement be anything but. But hey, that's life ...... s*** happens all too regularly, all the time.


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/18/12 10:50 AM …. on

"The internet is the latter, a solution, providing true information (for those with the wit to discern the difference between true (real) and false (lie)." …. Posted by rossbcan on 02/18/12 06:17 AM

True information provided at best anonymously by those with such a discerning wit, rossbcan? With such a true ignorance of fabulous anonymized virtual source being an ideal security for constant correcting supply? Yes, I would agree with that being a SMART Phorm of Continuity for SMARTer Continuity.

"Mankind does not posses the ability to play god and determine "who lives and, who dies". Exercise this power and, "absolute power corrupts, absolutely", destroying tyrants and civilizations equally:" ……. Methinks that is more accurately written ….. Although some in mankind would possess or be possessed of the ability to play god and determine "who lives and, who dies", for calling for a war to be waged, and it then being waged is such an ability, exercise this power and, "absolute power corrupts, absolutely", destroying tyrants and civilizations equally.

Nice post, cromwellshead [Posted 02/18/12 04:44 AM] You might like to ponder and just accept that others with a great deal more knowledge of the internet and what IT can be made to do and lead Mankind to do, can control it well enough to be able to do whatever they want and whatever is needed. But you can be assured that they will not share their knowledge with just anyone, and certainly not with anyone whom they would deem has not proven themselves to be able and inclined to always use it properly, for to abuse it seals one's fate to experience personal catastrophic tragedy with one being permanently unceremoniously removed from the equation and future participation in anything.

And it is as well to know that highly pertinent fact/factoid, lest one would harm oneself thinking to disagree with it and prove it wrong.

Take care out there at the very tip top of the command and control pyramid. IT is a jungle and takes no prisoners.
