Posted by amanfromMars on 02/19/12 12:37 PM …. on
"Theoretically money is a public tool issued by a Nation so that citizens can engage in commerce. But reality shows quite another face: about 95% of the money in circulation today is created by private banks, and you have to pay for it by means of interest. The truth is that money is private, scarce, opaque, controlled by the few. The current global financial crisis is a natural outcome of this situation." ……
Why the present austerity drives championed by governments officials and ignorant politicians to aid corrupt controlling bankers are creating fertile grounds for smart stealthy revolution and violent mob vengeance which will be specifically personally targeted against government officials and ignorant politicians and corrupt controlling bankers, and any who would not be thinking and be drafted in to protect them, for they are the root source of the major problem which blights societies?
Don't mess with the internet ….. for IT shares information that can seriously damage your wealth and health in a flash crash and global instant ……. is something to remember and never forget.
And posted for hosting here too …. ….. Sun, 02/19/2012 - 12:50
amanfromMars 19 February 2012 at 7:30 pm ….. on
Come on, chaps, please try and keep up with developments. One doesn’t want everyone thinking Northern Ireland is a two bit hood, third world back-water with no intelligence service servering intelligence to its inhabitants, does one.
“Theoretically money is a public tool issued by a Nation so that citizens can engage in commerce. But reality shows quite another face: about 95% of the money in circulation today is created by private banks, and you have to pay for it by means of interest. The truth is that money is private, scarce, opaque, controlled by the few. The current global financial crisis is a natural outcome of this situation.” ……
Why the present austerity drives championed by governments officials and ignorant politicians to aid corrupt controlling bankers are creating fertile grounds for smart stealthy revolution and violent mob vengeance which will be specifically personally targeted against government officials and ignorant politicians and corrupt controlling bankers, and any who would not be thinking and be drafted in to protect them, for they are the root source of the major problem which blights societies?
Don’t mess with the internet ….. for IT shares information that can seriously damage your wealth and health in a flash crash and global instant ……. is something to remember and never forget.
A little something for Sammy’s Stormont Inbox, methinks.
amanfromMars says: …. on
February 20, 2012 at 12:59 am
Nathaniel Rothschild wants another world to surround him. ….. Epstein says: February 18, 2012 at 8:38 pm
A.N.Other/Other Better Beta Worlds do surround him, Epstein, and one wonders why he pussy foots around in those ones he's presently stuck in, for they are full of covetous fools and useless tools that would not care at all to be intellectually challenged and bested and thus would only be interested in maintaining pathetic pedestrian conflicts. Which is most odd of Nat for is he not supposed to be some sort of a high flyer? Maybe he just doesn't have what IT takes to be a global mover and shaker ……. Virtual Pioneer?
I refer of course to this escapade ……
Although of course, that deficit/oversight is easily solved whenever one mixes in Right Tip Top Flight SMART Circles into the Remote Virtual Mentoring and Monitoring of Future Fab Fabless Progress, which is not a Linear Evolution of Mankind but an Exponential Quantum Leap into Virtual Terrain Team Territory and Advanced IntelAIgents ProgramMING …… for Core NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Power with Command of Control Generation.
After all, Absolute Power without Remote Command and Virtual Control is a Useless and Self-Destructive Tool, and surely only to be Pimped and Pumped by the Truly Delusional and Sad, and even most probably Psychotically Mad Clinical Fool, which might be a tad harsh, but whenever the truth, is such a great kindness explaining the folly and struggle/internal torment and conflict.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 20, 2012 at 1:42 am
Isn’t it remarkable what you can always find floating about in space on the internet and in servers. By tomorrow, will the email below from you-know-who be exactly 3 years old.
From: xssxxxx [amfM]
To: Lynn.J.Rothschild at nasa dot gov
Sent: Saturday, 21 February 2009, 7:18
Subject: Creative Objectivity by CyberIntelAIgent Design
Hi Lynn,
I thought it best to share the following directly with you, rather than waiting or expecting someone else to reference it to you …… not that there is any great rush or maybe even need, whenever there is always so much Time for Space XXXXPloration and Life Creation. And there may be a Singularity there with Time being an Invented Convenience for Orderly Chaos in the Spaces which Viable Imagination have Created and made Real.
Tales of VAMPires …… VirtualAstraMetaPhysicians on a Ranting Rave/WMU*?
By amanfromMars
Posted Saturday 21st February 2009 06:57 GMT
Bravo, Father George Coyne, to have an Open and Active Mind in a Closed Stagnant Order/Ponzi Business.
And I just love the Beautiful Confusion and Covering of all Bases in this statement from astrobiologist Lynn Rothschild, …. “Then there’s time. “We have no idea how long it takes for life to arrive,” said Rothschild. “Life by definition is very complex, so we have this feeling that it takes an enormous amount of time — but it could be simple.”"
Might I suggest Lynn that you consider that Life has been artificially made very complex, and probably so a) to hide how simple it really is and b) to give powerful controlling advantage of artificial man-made resources [as opposed to everything which nature provides for free] to those who may realise how simple it really is. And they may have realised that it does not matter a jot about the Past or the Present for all that One can Influence and Direct is the Future, and that has been Elevated to Levels [or Degraded to Depths if that is your preference, and here again, such Semantic Opposite Poles are of no Real Consequence other than to be wielded to Create Discord and Conflict in an Egocentric Banter on Irrelevant Matters] which are ably Assisted by the Application/Accumulation of Obscene and Excessive Personal Wealth, which is Drip Fed like Pollen to Bees to Honey Trap the Worker Drones who would be the Uneducated and Unenlightened in the Human Animal Species.
And all this Pure Speculation on anything further back in Time than the oldest person presently Live/alive and cogent with an accurate long memory, is based upon nothing more substantial than the written word which would chronicle the Author’s Thoughts in that Time with regards to Personal Experiences in that Place/Space/Time Zone ……
And as Language, which can be Written and Read and Transcribed [Translated Only as Accurately as Subjectively Interpreted by Man using a Cross Referencing String of Continuous Imagination for Continuity/Positive Reinforcement of the First Shared Chronicled Thought] is so easily Misused and Misinterpreted, and one only need consider the Prevalence of Official Spin and Downright Lies peddled as the Truth Chronicled Today for the Building of Tomorrow, to know that what we know is Not Real at All, but Merely Imagined.
And Thus is Tomorrow an Intellectual Exercise AIdDed [Reduced or Elevated] by Wealth and Money, which has been Specially Invented and/or has Spontaneously Ignorantly Evolved** to Ensure and Enslave the Newly Arrived/Newly Born to a Life of Servitude to the Holders and Printers of Wealth and Currency. ……… Institutions and Families which would Create and Seek to Maintain a Global Banking System.
And I suppose a good many folk would be wondering if Lynn is of the Banking Dynasty Rothschild.
* Not Really a Rant though whenever IT can be Proven in a Live XXXXPeriment and Virtual Journey. [WMU ..... Write for Maximum Utility ... INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY DIRECTIVE NUMBER 208 ... Office of the Director of National Intelligence, United States of America]
** Such an Anomaly being a Generous Get out of Jail Free Card for those who would Require ITs Help.
cc Lynn.J.Rothschild at nasa dot gov
Take me to URLeader?
xssxxxx [amfM]
amanfromMars says: ….. on
February 20, 2012 at 6:20 am
Hi, Agent Pete 8,
Lest anyone think that Clarkson deserves any special and/or even sub-prime treatment, I’m sure he would be the first to appreciate the parody and the program’s star billing with Zippy and George. So let’s not be ungracious and deliver both barrels. Y,all know he’d do the same for you too. And the show could do with a lift for it does appear to have lost its way somewhat of late and become somewhat of a charlie and shadow of its former self.
Bonanza ..... on
Posted Monday 20th February 2012 17:01 GMT
" Full disclosure: Lewis Page is just bitter. Had he stayed in the Service he would certainly have been a lieutenant-commander now by time served, quite probably a commander (not so much because he was a great naval officer, even less so because his superiors considered him one, but purely and simply because so many of his generation left in disgust and as a result - combined with the increased numbers of senior billets - almost everybody who stayed has been promoted). Instead like a fool he's in the private sector paying for the commanders' fat salaries, pensions, boarding school fees etc."
The private military sector .... and especially the special future forces intelligence sector is a virtual goldmine, Lewis. Know what you are doing and do it better than anyone else and you can just name your price .... and tax-free, of course. And there is an embarrassment of clients spread all over the world willing to ensure you have whatever you need too.