Sunday, 5 February 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/04/12 03:55 PM …. on

"Well, thank G-d such as this tripe from the martian man is not the writing style of The Daily Bell! Basically boiled down to non-run-on-at-the-mouth blather, I gather he is trying to imitate the pressitute media style of obfusecating the truth. I get it, but sure would appreciate DB literary style, thank you." ….. Posted by IndyLyn on 02/04/12 03:08 PM

Here's something simpler for you, IndyLyn ... ... with the strange message is pictures ... ... . "Bank of America DOES NOT accept AMERICAN DOLLARS as payment on mortgages in AMERICA!" ... ... .. ... Crazy, eh? It is almost as if the bank knows the currency is worthless for they can print as much of it as they need themselves.


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