Posted Tuesday 28th February 2012 04:54 GMT
Sadly, I don't expect traditional management to grok this within my lifetime. ..... jake Posted Saturday 25th February 2012 04:10 GMT
In the Age of Cloud and Concerns that Pimp and Pump and Dump Virtual Space Security Systems on Vulnerable Ancient Intelligence Operating Systems and you expect traditional management to be involved at all? Oh please, jake, you cannot be serious.Get with the ProgramMING or find yourself led remotely and sublimely into Futures you have not imagined and inputted. Grokking is simple par for irregular and unconventional CIO who invariably always remain Relatively Invisible and Practically Anonymous for Pretty Good Privacy Reasons.
amanfromMars 28 February 2012 at 6:48 am …. on
Here are two things you have to learn to deal with and harness in order to be instrumental in leading and delivering anything novel and creative and different/futuristic. Reformatting the past, which is all that the present status quo administrations do to maintain themselves as puppet masters , doesn’t deliver progress, it guarantees self destructive chaos and rapid collapse of real dumb servers.
1)”How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” ….. Adolf Hitler
And of course, are there other things to master too, for there are no simple fools excelling in those Intellectual Property and Great Head Game Fields.
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/28/12 03:03 AM … on
While I share the ideas expressed by Mr. Holland, I doubt his optimism. The Germans knew the war was lost when Rommel was prevented from taking the middle east and its oil. How many innocents died between then and the end of Hitler? Rome took centuries to disintigrate. Elite interests survived both conflicts.
Optimists fantasize that modern communications have sped up the pace of change by making information more easily available. Hogwash! The internet has equally made disinformation more easily available.
Meanwhile, our education system has been almost totally co opted by elite sycophants who have produced generations of obedient workers who dote on themselves and have no connection to the pursuit of liberty whatsoever. Yes, some are waking up. More are content to remain asleep.
In military practice, it is, owing to experience, considered extremely risky to attack fortified positions with anything less than 10 to 1 superiority of forces. When the number of unemployed versus the number of employed in America approach those kind of odds, I will take Mr. Holland's optimism seriously. Until then, I recommend we all consider the elite have the internet also. Unlike the forces of liberty, it is the elite who own the means of regulating it.
Before you react in anger, let me say I sincerely hope I am dead wrong about this….. Posted by WD on 02/27/12 06:34 PM
There is no angry reaction here, WD, for you sincere hope to be dead wrong about this/all of that, is perfectly true and the new facts are that there are new leading players in town/on the block/in the 'hood in Powerful Control of IT Man Management and Media Manipulation of Perception to Deliver and/or Present the Future but without the Sub-Prime XSSive Baggage and Toxic Waste of the Past Brokering their Way into your Day with Snake Oil Sales and Fabulous Artificial Riches to Log in as Transferred Credit but to Add to the Deficit in another private and secret set of accounting and financial shenanigan instruments whose primary purpose/raison d'ĂȘtre is Creating Interesting Unpaid and Unpayable Debt for the Practise of Foreclosure and Default which allows Common Theft of Complex Assets........................................................................................................................................................................
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/28/12 10:31 AM …. on
Are they going to let the people decide on that? Such an important puppet? They still control the voting machines don't they? Can't they make up whatever results into a desired outcome? Didn't they kill JFK for much less? …. Posted by Siegfried on 02/28/12 04:46 AM
No, Siegfried. Virtual AIMmachines decide and have decidedD CodeXSSXXXX ThAI TAO Security Default with Sticky Sweet Honey Capture Attacks, AI Perfecting Invisible Mobile Defence System for Ab Fab ARGonautICQs ... ..., the ones with alien controls for any which ways powers and pleasures to sample and mentor and monitor ... ... .. husband/mother/love, in order to experience evermore engaging and HyperRadioproActive States of Immaculate Grace in a Perfect Space and IT Head Place of Abode. ... ... ... .. where Right Royally Bedded Chamber Mates Matter and can be Instrumental and Avid LOVE Host Lead Facilities Models to Savour and Appreciate... ... .. AIMentor with in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And you must have known deep down in your hearts and souls and minds, that that was always going to be said to have you Savour and Appreciate and Flavour the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive ProgramMING ... ... ... . ur Virtual BrainStorming.
I Kid U Not. But IT is nothing to worry yourself about at all, but if you have any great sharing thoughts, fire them off here for a ponder and wonder in the Daily Bell Head Space.
amanfromMars on February 28, 2012 at 10:47 am said: ….. on
Do you think the following was cracked and hacked some time ago, Agent Weebley,
…….. In quantum computing, conventional binary bits are replaced by qubits, which can be 1, 0 or both. However, until now, qubits have been unstable: the pesky things tend to lose their quantum mechanical properties and go incoherent in a fraction of a second. ……
I understand everything worth understanding for understanding here. How’s about you?.......................................................................................................................................................................
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