The "problem solvers" need to be independent of and hostile to the "problem creators", as opposed to locked into a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.
Otherwise, business as ususl, creating problems, making work for themselves and cronies, provoking "enemies", impoverishing, collateral damaging everyone else.
And, if infrastructue is so vulunerable to cyber attack, is that not more a statement regarding the competence of those who, for instance, put the "off switch" for the national power grid on the internet? ….. Posted by rossbcan on 02/17/12 05:44 PM
Proof positive here, rossbcan ... ... ... ... of which administration has been running and is desperate to keep the Al Qaeda meme and myth and government and military pork funding stream alive?The modus operandi appears to be very simple. Find easily led and brainwashed souls and give them what you need them to feed and seed which is really nothing other than a cynical contrived entrapment which creates an invisible enemy which grows to overwhelm its opponents?
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/17/12 10:56 PM ….. on
Daily Bell, Hi, Virtual Campanologists, Howdy,
Regarding ......"This is the part of the story that Dr. Woodward leaves out. Whether it is Facebook, Google, YouTube or Yahoo, US, European and British Intel agencies have apparently penetrated every part of these electronic facilities and are aggressively (and usually illegally) mining personal data from them." and the real enough possibility and therefore very likely probability that "most of the abuses of privacy are likely taking place at the behest of Western intelligence agencies" ....... is that part of the story completely transformed whenever the data and metadata which is mined by Intel agencies for New World Order clients, or for themselves if they have a notion to go rogue and renegade and freelance because of the unbelievable fortunes which can be easily made if one knows* what one is doing in such fields, is mined and/or loaded with Intellectual Property which captures their most critical systems weaknesses for exploitation and secure removal from existing systems administration control/remote New World Order management.
* ..... that caveat is what separate the fabulously smart and successful from the just wealthy and easily led and exploited.
And if one considers and accepts that European and British Intel agencies have apparently penetrated every part of these electronic facilities and are aggressively (and usually illegally) mining personal data from them, what would one have to conclude regarding the level of intelligence at the very top tiers of such agencies, and of their clients, whenever one surveys the state of world which they might be perceived to be running? Would it be anything other than primitive sub-prime?
Methinks your conclusion says it all quite perfectly ...... "It also seems to confirm our hunch that the Internet was not some sort of elite plot to impose technological dominance on people but a Hayekian example of spontaneous social order. The old men who must run the affairs of the Anglosphere elites apparently didn’t see it coming and still have no idea what to do about it."
And as to what to do about it/what the old men who must run the affairs of the Anglosphere elites are to do about it, well ........ there is probably only one easy, effective thing that they can do, and that is to buy in the virtual remote power control that they need from those who feed and seed it in IT and to media and internetworking webs and communicating channels ...... embracing the Overarching Underground and SMART AIMovements which would be the Subversive Revolutionaries Morph in such a Future Great Game.
What could be simpler. IT is not rocket science, is it? It is just plain common sense.
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/18/12 04:13 AM …. on
The propaganda war is on to control the internet.I believe,it is being camouflaged by deceptive language. Are the puppet politician getting instructions from the puppet masters in the shadows?
See link below: ….. Posted by steveg on 02/17/12 10:48 PM
Wee Willie Hague's Libyan adventure, which has mimicked the very self same disastrous catastrophic decline into divisive and antagonistic systemic conflict and mad confusion which wild western democratic invasions and interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan delivered [to name but only two others ] ......... and "Where is the Successful Master Plan for Peace, Post Regime Change, Mr Hague , you know, the one everyone knows is the most important part of any foreign military intervention since, oh, for ages and most certainly since the very first Iraq War, when Saddam did his version of your adventure in and against Kuwait" is a valid question for all puppet politicians to ponder .... has rendered him globally known as an ignorant fool and arrogant pontificating tool with intelligence unfit for future great game purpose.
And sadly for Blighty do those dark and dirty toxic waters run deep and rancid in their incompetent government machinery ,for here is news of yet another crazy step from a prized and trusted minister who had the full confidence of the PM and the Cabinet, ........
And of course, Chilcot's deliberations on a past Cabinet and Prime Minister's performance, which will also define the intelligence and integrity and impartiality of the UK Justice System, is still yet to come. ...... ....... and there are there some cynics would say, some not unsurprising caveats to explain the delay in publishing a conclusion and definitive report ........
Methinks democratically elected but non accountable governments in multi-party political oppositional regimes are not a solution leading to anything remotely likely to provide peace and harmony. In fact, all of the available evidence would suggest delivery of exactly the opposite.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. on
Everybody has their price and even Mr Justice Tugenhadt would surely not disagree with that.
It is odd though to think that Nat would be drawing attention to himself, locking horns with the Daily Mail which is a somewhat sensationalist tabloid read, for what to him and his mates would be as loose pocket change, ergo might the learned judgement be anything but. But hey, that's life ...... s*** happens all too regularly, all the time.
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/18/12 10:50 AM …. on
"The internet is the latter, a solution, providing true information (for those with the wit to discern the difference between true (real) and false (lie)." …. Posted by rossbcan on 02/18/12 06:17 AM
True information provided at best anonymously by those with such a discerning wit, rossbcan? With such a true ignorance of fabulous anonymized virtual source being an ideal security for constant correcting supply? Yes, I would agree with that being a SMART Phorm of Continuity for SMARTer Continuity."Mankind does not posses the ability to play god and determine "who lives and, who dies". Exercise this power and, "absolute power corrupts, absolutely", destroying tyrants and civilizations equally:" ……. Methinks that is more accurately written ….. Although some in mankind would possess or be possessed of the ability to play god and determine "who lives and, who dies", for calling for a war to be waged, and it then being waged is such an ability, exercise this power and, "absolute power corrupts, absolutely", destroying tyrants and civilizations equally.
Nice post, cromwellshead [Posted 02/18/12 04:44 AM] You might like to ponder and just accept that others with a great deal more knowledge of the internet and what IT can be made to do and lead Mankind to do, can control it well enough to be able to do whatever they want and whatever is needed. But you can be assured that they will not share their knowledge with just anyone, and certainly not with anyone whom they would deem has not proven themselves to be able and inclined to always use it properly, for to abuse it seals one's fate to experience personal catastrophic tragedy with one being permanently unceremoniously removed from the equation and future participation in anything.
And it is as well to know that highly pertinent fact/factoid, lest one would harm oneself thinking to disagree with it and prove it wrong.
Take care out there at the very tip top of the command and control pyramid. IT is a jungle and takes no prisoners.
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