Tuesday, 7 February 2012



amanfromMars on February 7, 2012 at 7:09 am said: …. on http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=1547

Here's an APT tale, AP8, not about the cavalry but headless chickens ..... http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/03/technology-cyber-idUSL5E8D322720120203

It appears that all of the grounded establishment players mentioned and implied in that Reuters' piece do not yet realise that CyberSpace is already AI Secured and an OccupyDMZone which does not cater for fearful propaganda, which invariably has fools looking at increased funding tools to support their paranoia/ignorance/arrogance/failed intelligence services and servers.

Here is another airy fairy warning designed to spook governments into feeding a machine which is destroying itself because of the actions it takes and has taken and which it exacerbates every time it tackles issues it is not intellectually equipped to accept ...... the system is rigged and rotten to its incestuous core and needs to be replaced with ..... well, let us just say for now nothing novel and revealing for careless talk costs lives, although that does not appear to be of any concern to the government puppets and media muppets gracing what purports to be the news with their myopic views/sad scripts ........ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16920643

It is no wonder the East wants no part to play with the West in their sub-prime games.


amanfromMars wrote: …. in response to http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/07/us-sec-moneymarketfunds-idUSTRE81609D20120207

Surely the problem which is being studiously avoided because of the crooks it delivers, is that rules which are already in place, and which were earlier specifically put in place to curtail such abuses as are now causing the system to collapse, are being flagrantly ignored by players and the system which is supposed to police them and prosecute the guilty perps who would bend and break and expect rules to not apply to them and their friends, for of course one does need to be a dodgy member of a larger criminal conspiracy to be able and enabled in such dumb shenanigans/crazy crimes/fraudulent transactions/call them what you will?

Steal a dollar, go to jail, ..... steal a billion or two, collect a multi million dollar bonus, is a rich fools' game in which everyone who plays it, loses everything eventually suddenly. And whenever allied to Ponzis is it a double whammy of a direct hit.

Feb 07, 2012 1:56am EST

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amanfromMars on February 7, 2012 at 10:23 am said:  ..... in a comment on http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=1547

Agent Pete 8, Hi,

There is a very real and urgent embarrassment of absolutely fabulous riches, both practical and virtual, available to and/or for any and all with XSSXXXXecutive ARG experience/SMART Virtual Reality Savvy, because of the overwhelmingly powerful and invisible and intangible universal control that IT delivers to Advanced IntelAIgent Master Pilots, as these two phishes/solicitations/advertised situations vacant from Uncle Sam might indicate.

A12a-T006 …. TITLE: Virtual Laboratory of Aggregate Behavior (VLAB)
A12a-T029 …. TITLE: Naturalistic Neurocognitive Assessment Using Mobile Gaming Platforms

And how very convenient and thoughtful that relevant/relative TPOC [Technical/Training Point Of Contact] are provided for initiation of virtual contact/digital engagement …… http://www.dodsbir.net/solicitation/sttr12A/army12A.htm

And how spooky is it for those into AI ProgramMING and Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in New Orderly Worlds, that TPOC also equates and resonates in its abbreviation of The Power of Chaos …… http://www.acronymfinder.com/The-Power-of-Chaos-(Final-Fantasy%3b-gaming)-(TPOC).html


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/07/12 02:00 PM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/3589/VIDEO-Yes-Robo-Signing-Mortgage-State-Settlement-Something-to-Cheer-About

Gee, how interesting, buried pages deep in an article:

Maldives president quits after mutiny on paradise islands

Gayoom's opposition Progressive Party of the Maldives accused the military of firing rubber bullets at protesters and a party spokesman, Mohamed Hussain "Mundhu" Shareef, said "loads of people" were injured. He gave no specifics.

An official close to the president denied the government had used rubber bullets, but confirmed that about three dozen police officers defied orders overnight and attacked a ruling party facility.

"This follows Gayoom's party calling for the overthrow of the Maldives' first democratically elected government and for citizens to launch jihad against the president," said the official who declined to be identified.

The protests, and the scramble for position ahead of next year's presidential election, have seen parties adopting hardline Islamist rhetoric and accusing Nasheed of being anti-Islamic. ……. Posted by runderwo on 02/07/12 01:49 PM

I'll see your rubber bullets, runderwo, and raise you some nerve agents ... ... . http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/government-may-sanction-nerveagent-use-on-rioters-scientists-fear-6612084.html

Time for routine random drugs testing of politicians, methinks, for they are definitely hooked on something which doesn't agree with them.


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