Monday, 19 March 2012


Posted Monday 19th March 2012 09:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Re: ::rolls eyes:: ......... and who believes in random chaotic coincidence ...
..... as opposed to SMARTer PreTextual Planning?

Hi, jake,

There is not much, and some would even be brave and bold enough to share that there is nothing that anyone or anything* can do [*well, we are told that we do have machines now apparently programmed and supposedly able to make better strategic and tactical decisions for machine minders/humanised operators] to defeat Good Steganography. Anything and everything which may be bad though, is quite a different matter and will be full of luscious holes and exploitable zerodays and be an endless treasure trove of compounding riches.

Spookily enough, there is further parallel mention of such novel disruptive and constructive/irregular and unconventional views just shared this weekend here ...... Posted by amanfromMars, March 18, 2012 12:06 AM …….. on

Posted Monday 19th March 2012 14:02 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on

Oh that IT were so easy and everyone acted like everyone else ... and as predicted

"In the digital world, data is everywhere, as you all know well. Data is created constantly, often unknowingly and without permission. Every byte left behind reveals information about location, habits, and, by extrapolation, intent and probable behaviour," said Petraeus.

Yes, I would not think to disagree with that, but it is very simplistic and IT is easily exploited by anyone knowingly creating data to lead listeners/eavesdroppers/spooks to phorm any particular and peculiar view.

To imagine that a third party extrapolation to arrive at a specific future possible event is more valid and more likely than another outcome, with the addition of imagined data/metadata which is really only nothing more than a wild educated guess based upon the intelligence, or lack of intelligence in the other party, is always going to be an inexact science telling everything and more about the spooky third party listener than anyone knowingly creating data for phishing and phorming.

And one has to be aware that some data is deliberately shared to discover if there are any intelligence services capable of recognising intelligence services which are several degrees/levels more advanced than was ever thought possible.

You know, the sort of services which the likes of a David Petraeus type organisation would be ideally looking for to stay way out ahead in the Great Game and leading any opposition or competition.

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