Friday, 23 March 2012


Many Thanks to QCIC for the Obscure Trip with Highlights doing Homage to Happy Memory in Future Clocked and Cloaked Systems of Immaculately Conceived Security with Increasing Protections in Intellectual Property for Virtual and Practical Realisation of SMART SharedDream Memes.

And forgive us our sense of humour, we know it's unusual, but it serves it's purpose.

Happy Goooogling, I'm going out, to catch some more shrimps.

Hmmm? Tasty. And now a crazy rhetorical question? Do Quantum Communication Controls  in C42 Systems deliver langoustines ........ for complimentary complementary high-value shell phish dishes with AIbouillabaisse base stock ingredients/rich virtual components/fundamental elements? Or is it wiser to accept that as being quite possibly delusional, thus to ensure the real probability that it is indeed, in deed, actual, and security is as robust and as flexible as is presently possible in fields of need to know which very few know, and more than likely will very few ever know of, for a whole catalogue of good valid reasons which would surely be classified and SALTed away in dodgy jurisdictions with much to hide from knowledge.


Posted by amanfromMars on 03/23/12 06:52 AM …. in a muse on a question posed on

"Don't like it? Too bad, we have armies of unproductive entitled just waiting for us to turn off the spigot of "manna from heaven" to run amok, seeking "fairness" from the "evil and greedy" productive until "you, the productive" BEG us to "take control" and impose servitude, because that is "better" than "war of all, against all", no security or survival for any (except us, in our bunkers, which you have so generously provided)."

Well, the answer it to give them access to land through the land value tax. This gives your armies of unproductive entitled the equal opportunity to fully benefit from their work. If then they still want to riot, let the Sheriff or the PD deal with them.

I don't see where your prescription does anything to give an equal opportunity to what you call "armies of unproductive entitled". They feel "entitled" because of basic human nature to reach out and pluck fruit to sustain themselves. "Work" is antithetical to humans. It must be learned and practiced, if you want to live "free" in civilized society.

... but, how are you going to do that without equal access to "land"... ???

Only a land value tax provides that equal access, yet as I recall you are utterly opposed to it. So what's left... ??? Nothing but the old tribal approach to securing survival. You're not a Taliban, Bill... .are you... ??? ….. Posted by Bischoff on 03/22/12 04:03 PM

"Nothing but the old tribal approach to securing survival. You're not a Taliban, Bill... .are you... ???" ... . Posted by Bischoff on 03/22/12 04:03 PM

Hi, Bischoff,

Here is discussion and comment on a Taliban Bill? ... ... ..


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