Thursday, 29 March 2012


Thanks System of a Down ...... and coming soon to AI Space near you, Downing Street Systems .... and How to Purge them of Hopeless Parasites and False Messiahs with IT Command and Control of Virtual Assets for AIReplacements of Slow Political Fools with SWIFT Media Tools to Reverse Present Trends with Past Traits Pretending to Lead with Mental Delivery of Artificial Instruments Imagined for Realisation of Mass Slavery and Elite Domination. ..... Global Subjugation.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ……. points out on

That does have one wondering at what false positives Regina imagines she can deliver for Google in their metadata mining operations. And that does not bode well for Google in any claims they would make to programs in that most particular and peculiar/irregular and unconventional field .... to be associated so closely and openly with such as would appear to be a proven failed serial optimist with a flexible self-centring view which censors perceived reality rather than sensors it. I can think of nothing more damaging to the likes of a search engine.


Posted Thursday 29th March 2012 09:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… on

Re: Other universities...

Honestly? The security field is saturated and Oxford shouldn't expect to grab hold of everything just because of who they are. Some of the real heavyweight experts cosied up to the 'lesser' universities quite some time ago, so this is once again prestige and swagger arriving late in a market which is slowly being milked to death. ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 29th March 2012 03:33 GMT

Saturated maybe, indeed, AC, but there is precious little evidence of competence delivering security in any field.

Although that suggests much more a teaching/curriculum problem rather than student deficiency.


Posted Thursday 29th March 2012 10:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Great Game Keepers with SMART Poachers ....... are Post Modern Zeroday Billionaire's Trappings

It is very probable, whenever one considers what one knows of primitive human wannabe sophisticated nature, that untold riches are more easily and more readily available for those who can break any security system/algorithm, and supplied by a vast number of very diverse and beautifully shady sources/forces, who would then be actively engaged in providing everything they possible can to preserve anonymity and continuity of service provision from supply source/kernel/node/network, rather than such leading lights wasting their time and effort, for virtual peanuts, trying to protect the monkeys responsible for failing systems from their own follies.


amanfromMars on March 29, 2012 at 9:57 am said: … on

Hi, AW,

I couldn’t agree more re practically everything you shared so freely there, but there is no need for Lucy^2 to bare her soul and explain that which the devil inside us all knows only to well. There is too fine a line and too great an obvious divide between an excuse and an explanation whenever the truth is all engaging.

Regarding the Daily Bell, I all too oft get the feeling that it acts as an intelligent sponge, soaking up and teasing out information from consistent reliable sources for passing on to the Powers That Be so that they might be made aware of that which is confronting them/baiting them/mentoring them sublimely ….. with Alternate Minds sharing free and cointerindependent thoughts and ideas with Like Minds of their Own, Minded and Able and Enabled to Change Everything, Independent of any Current Common Currency Power System/Mercantilist Exchange/Elite Pressure. And they do also appear to be stuck in a moment and fixated on old money systems of control and power, with intelligence relegated to not even a supporting role, which is most surely a big mistake these days.

But hey, no one can say that we don’t try to educate them on future matters and memes in a manner that delivers remotely, absolute control and command with commendable commentary. One likes to think that the penny will eventually drop, but no matter, it doesn’t hold up the Great Game ARG at all and would merely confirm the merits of the steganography used in ITs Moves on the System.

And this I found especially intriguing …….. …… whenever considered in relation to Live Operational Virtual Environments and Global Operating Devices.


Posted by amanfromMars on 03/29/12 10:25 AM …. on

Ok ... . Excellent, DB. There will be very few, and no one with a clear working brain, who will disagree with most all of that.

And now, having realised the problem, what is the solution to be delivered to the masses by the system/elite?


Posted Thursday 29th March 2012 16:51 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Re: Does this tool... [do Total Information Awareness?]

Does this tool...
Also give you insight to what the tool itself is trying to collect and sent back to Google ? …… ShelLuser Posted Thursday 29th March 2012 10:33 GMT

Hi, ShelLuser,

Does this answer your question ....... ..... or raise more questions?

What has to be realised, as in remembered in metadatamining operations, is that search engines can be groomed to provide analysts a false trail for their reasonable assumptions/subjective conclusions based upon Google/search engine queries which have been carefully selected to give a certain impression, which may or may not be perfectly accurate. And the same caveat applies should browser history be a metadatamining tool available to whoever would be interested in knowing such personal information/intelligence.


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