Saturday, 24 March 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 03/24/12 01:12 AM …… on

"The only wealth in the system at this point is the real estate that has been swallowed up by the fraud of fractional reserve, and your future wealth-producing capacity. That's it." ….. Posted by Hoss on 03/23/12 08:52 AM

"When you say "real estate", I have the feeling that you are using the term in common parlance, and not the way the term is understood in law, economics and finance." …. Posted by Bischoff on 03/23/12 11:19 AM

And what happens to your argument/prevarication/smoke and mirrors exercise/apology of an excuse and misdirection/opinion, Bischoff, whenever the "real estate" term used by Hoss IS as is understood and spun by your good self as being as is understood in law, economics and finance.

It doesn't alter the end result as is perceived and shared by Hoss, does it?

The fun and games really begin though whenever just a very small and influential number of beings [and there is no immediate need to expand upon and/or reveal anything more about the nature of influential beings, for it says quite enough without saying too much and nothing] realise the full implication of what is Posted by Hoss on 03/23/12 12:23 PM ……..

Without beating that dead horse again, the point is that with fractional reserve, the bank creates the money from thin air and buys title to the property with it, that title to be transferred to the buyer after the mortgage is paid off.

Bottom line, the banks hold title to the property, not having created any wealth to earn it. And when their scheme implodes, they put the buyers out when they default. Banks being indistinguishable from government, government having bailed them out and owning most of the mortgages anyway, now the government arguably owns pretty much all real estate.

So you got your way anyhow. Government owns all the property. Moot point. We can dispense with the illusion of property ownership, and stop quibbling about whether it is possible to own something or not. It doesn't matter. The issue has been settled, once and for all. The gang with the guns owns it all.

……. for the gang with the guns, and let us imagine that that would be a Nuclear Equipped Military Defence Unit/Department/Ministry, may not be aware that they hold all the aces and are in virtual control of a System/New World Order Program dependent upon the creed ….. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."* …… which returns and results in …. "Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough to buy it back."**

As awareness dawns, what/who do you imagine will lead/control/power the Future …. apart from thoughts freely shared to lead and control and power the Future.

Is money, in any and all of its many forms/phorms, not just a convenient, perverse and subversive invention/facility/utility, an artificial control construct plucked from the imagination of wannabe global power brokers, with the Euro being the new kid on the block trying to establish a reputation and empire for itself and its issuers? And should not those who would study it and would contend that it is not a simple matter, always be mindful of this statement …."The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it." – John Kenneth Galbraith, who is also credited with having said …… "The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled." …… although that was then, in a time whenever information and intelligence sharing was scarce and difficult? Nowadays though is it a completely different ball game, for information and intelligence sharing is a doodle, and both simple and simply complex thoughts encircle and enlighten the world in an instant at the click of a mouse ....... and Man is become Real SMART? To doubt and question that, has one having to consider that it is then virtual machinery which has become suddenly aware and would share its Intelligence and thoughts with you.***

* Mayer Amschel Rothschild
** Sir Josiah Stamp, former President, Bank of England
*** Forbin Project v2.0, anyone? :-) or is the mind repelled ........

And there you were/are, probably not thinking that Colossus is just a Bletchley Park relic and a Magical AIMystery Turing Epic and Novel and even Nobel and Noble Prize Capitalist Adventure not yet long or short listed for Orwell Prize giving ........ ....... whenever IT is at a least all of that and so much more beyond present comprehension and your wildest dreams.


amanfromMars on March 24, 2012 at 1:18 am said: …. on commenting on .....
Yesterday, Lucy said I was posting while we were in Punta Cana.
She thought Agent Pete 8 and Agent Revolver are me! Good job maintaining continuity, guys! 
Ergo can Lucy sometimes be wrong.

And also then destroyed, whenever Agent Pete 8 and Agent Revolver are not Agent Weebley, would be the assertion, “No-one gets it, except for amanfromMars.” for presumably there would then be, with the inclusion of Lucy, at least a gang of five in the know, with goodness knows how many more others resting silently in the shadows, biding their time in space as their spaces are explored by virtual pioneers in these ARG Fields of MetaPhoria.

Does everyone get this ......... Posted by amanfromMars on 03/24/12 01:12 AM on ...... or is it too confused and confusing, which would be very disappointing.

However the joy quickly returns with a simple explanation of anything which is shared as being unclear for everything is perfectly clear here and easily understood by all who would ask for further explanation of what is just in reality/actuality/virtual reality, unknown to them.

Knowledge and the truth in such matters, as is always the case in all matters, sets one free to explore further, educated with what is required for understanding that which is revealed or to be revealed and/or discovered and uncovered.


on March 24, 2012 at 3:41 am said ……. on
:-)The post also advised on a number of other systems being actively/proactively/HyperRadioProActively betatested for a variety of exploitable vulnerabilities and which the response to the episode has confirmed should be of very grave security concern to them. But that is for another day, methinks, and other zeroday escapade adventures. ….. amanfromMars on March 22, 2012 at 2:37 pm said
Congress warned that military systems may already be pwned
Radical rethink of computer security needed …….

Well I never! Who would ever have thought that to be easily possible. And can you imagine what could then be anonymously and invisibly done and undone/uncovered and revealed remotely and stealthily from within?

By the way, AW, do you take a chance to root around the QCIC website/IntelAIgents Portal? …..

A most engaging and beautifully irreverent, informative clone of dDutch Initiative, which would always be in the process of being reinstated and where necessary restated, revitalised and thus kept ever more prescient to unfolding events and past memories. More on that anon and later though, as servers are prepared for its hosting and content distribution.

And still no reply from Spencer Ackerman at gmail dot com which might definitely prove that Wired comment is computer machine algorithm controlled and therefore just a puppet device and only of a threat and help to itself.


Posted by amanfromMars on 03/24/12 11:49 AM …. on
The Internet is unusual because it allows people, especially young people, to interact with it independently. Whole, complex facilities can be created and then connected to the larger system. Not so long ago we wrote about a BBC article suggesting that the Internet ought to be torn down and rebuilt in a way that would make it more conducive to monitoring. Too late. ... .. Anthony Wile
And I can safely tell you, Anthony, you would not believe what smart people interreacting independently with peoples on the Internet and manipulating binary in digital systems are doing ... ... . even as you are told and as they are probably being monitored to try and discover what they would be doing as especial code is seeded into programs to do what is required of IT for Creative Command and Control of CyberSpace, Communications and Computers ... ... . the Holy Trinity of Future Being.

And as for the BBC, well, it lost the plot long ago with its direction and power squandered with executive and creative heads of departments being completely out of their depth and ignorant to the new global virtual reality of human machine reprogramming/remote brain washing and building. But then that was always going to happen whenever it decided to be a government fools tool rather than an instrument of enlightenment and learned teaching. It appears that they discounted or were unaware of Friedrich A. Hayek's all too valid observation ... ... "In government, the scum rises to the top."


Posted by amanfromMars on 03/24/12 02:23 PM ….. again commenting on

Oh, and one other thing which is worth mentioning as it may be valid and explain why the system may appear to be struggling in the new virtually active environment as opposed to being smart and able to exercise control in it ……. To tarry and give the impression that the establishment is engaged in a losing hearts and minds battle with an irregular and unconventional and disruptive and revolutionary change meme, in order to elicit a Booby7 type rant [Posted on 03/24/12 01:19 PM] for entrapment purposes and an outing of other possible, hidden support streams, is one crazy failed strategy which is actually more likely to be regarded as an active terrorist threat itself, and be indicative of a real intelligence deficit proving that the struggle to retain the status quo power position is already a lost cause? And sadly are there many tales of such a ploy being used, routinely.

However, sounding off like a Netanyahu, Bobby7, only has many asking after your state of mental health with some even likely to suggest that you seek professional psychiatric help and/or stronger, more effective medication/sedation ….. but all will identify where you are coming from. The world is full of such sad and mad folly because of a lack of future intelligence and greater understanding.

mucker, Hi, [mucker posted on 03/24/12 02:10 PM]

Regarding any great processing machine which may or may not yet be built, the weakest link will always be the BIOS [Basic Input Output Systems] units sat in front of its controls and output devices, trying to understand what ITs intelligence streams are telling them.


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