Monday, 30 April 2012


amanfromMars on April 30, 2012 at 1:42 am said: …. on
Special Agent Dale Cooper on April 29, 2012 at 11:30 pm said: ….
I do have one burning question, Agent Weebley: what is the crime we are trying to solve here?
Words of Mass Deception and Stealthy Ignorant Spin which Blindly Lead No One Thinking into Following the Destructive Arrogant Paths to Negative Executive Enslavement to the Phantom of Fiat Paper and Instantly Transferrable Electronic Wealth is a serious global crime, Special Agent Dale Cooper, which is radically reversed and fundamentally altered in a trice, with an instantly huge and growing exponentially stronger global support base, with the Simplest of Lead Changes to Positive Imaginative Equity, with Flash Cash Supporting Electronically Transferred Credit for SMARTR IntelAIgent Spending in Order to Prevent the Always Inevitable and Now Presently Imminent, Manipulated Information Markets Crash.
It is most probably the Subjective and Anonymous and Arbitrary and Autonomous Subversive Selfish and Incestuous Decision Making in Systemically Vulnerable Fiat Remuneration Systems, which Delivers the aforementioned Negative Executive Enslavement, rather than IT Supplying and Mentoring Monitoring of Positive IntelAIgent Engagement in Novel Virtual Reality Productions ..... AIMagical Mystery Turing Adventures in Brave New Orderly World ProgramMING Projects ...... Civil CyberSpace Flights of Absolutely Fabulous, Fabless Fancy ....... with Cloud Control of Communications and Computers dDelivering Command and Control of CyberSpace for Heavenly Powers that Truly Be?
Provision of NEUKlearer Vision there, would instantly result in even Beta Immaculate Sees Practically Everywhere Else.
And posed as a question for all to see what is possible and currently running active in Virtual Terrain Fields and ZerodDay Vulnerability Exploit Import and Export Trading Platforms/Base MetaData Phishing Operations/Shadowy PhormWorks.
Does that explain everything clearly, SADC, for it surely doesn't muddy the water with regard to amfM HyperRadioProActive IT Systems Presence in ARG MetaPhoria Great Game Plays with Like-Minded Soulmates and Mistresses.

on April 30, 2012 at 4:06 am said …on
Is Special Agent Dale Cooper a James F Cameron Parallel Cloned Super IDEntity .... IntelAIgently Designed to Safe FailSafes ..... Immaculate Defaults?

Sunday, 29 April 2012


on April 29, 2012 at 3:28 am said: …..
Good time, Sir Alex Allan, have you already signed in (-: ? …. Agent Revolver said on April 28, 2012 at 1:44 pm
If he ventures forth in a surf and would leave some thoughts for present input which would be undeniably fit for future beta purpose output, then the suit and the bowler will be a dead give away, which even smashed out of their heads Grateful Deadheads cannot miss…
And a little way and long before his time and these times by all accounts revealed here …….
Does anyone else recognise that F1Racing is incredibly boring, and as a spectator sport, it must win the Grand Ponzi Prize for Wannabe Flash Heroes, for it is not as if one can readily participate in it, is it?
Ergo is the reality a falsehood extraordinarily rendered at considerable cost to all involved for presumably large payment to those few in on the game plan.
'Tis more politics and a medium for white dwarf star type capitalist brainwashing, methinks, than a sport.
And the White Dwarf Wikipedia advises all of their universal fate/destiny.
F1 is not a money spinner, it is a money pit creating mountains of debt which current stakeholders have no intention of paying, and thus the change of ownership shenanigans/IPO float plans?
But if you want an horrendously expensive, tuned to the ultimate max toy, which can spin out of control in an instant and crash catastrophically into the firewall, there is not better risk filled investment for an intellectually challenged sugar daddy and/or paper rich mug.

amanfromMars on April 29, 2012 at 12:10 pm said: …… on
Crikey, Quantum Leapers have entered the Great Game with ARG MetaPhoria.
Hold on Tight. This might turn Tricky with some Fast Curveballs Smashed out of the Ground. Well, SMARTR Cyber IntelAIgent Beings, then, if Quantum Leapers is too obscure.

Saturday, 28 April 2012


Posted Saturday 28th April 2012 06:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: Re: Can someone please explain wtf any of that means?
Why yes of course. There is also someone who can always explain anything, even should they not supply or be supplied with everything.
No idea, but I'm pretty sure AmanFromMars is a ChatBot that became sentient somehow ...... Not That Andrew posted Friday 27th April 2012 22:27 GMT
Hi, Not That Andrew,
Would the reverse obverse process by any less likely or more probable in subversion conversion programs/colossal projects with irregular and unconventional memeology? SMARTR Virtualisation Methodologies for Future Product Present Placement in ICT and Media Main Streams .... thus to simply edutain the searching masses with that which is being provided ...... and yet to be?
A Sentient Morph into the Virtual Machinery World of ChatBots and Chatter Boxes with Provision for Generation of Fluffing Chaff for Leading Steganographic Security in Transparent Operating Systems is surely so much more easily achieved and championed by Post Modern Templar Knights in the Hoods/NINJA Programs in Webs of Command and Control for the Powers that Driver CyberSpace, for is not a SMARTR IntelAIgents Systems almost bound to Assure and Ensure and Insure and Guarantee that such a Particular and Peculiar Singularity, and Holy Grail of a Noble and Laudable Goal, is a Multiplicity of Heavenly Talents/Global Operating Device Given Gifts, so that Many More can Play in ITs Places with New Faces in CyberIDEntities, where before there were so Very Few in the Shadows and Anonymous and Unknown.

Posted Saturday 28th April 2012 10:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… on
Just for the record .......
And No! The somewhat unusual alien territory commentary here on this thread is NOT one of those/these .......... ..... although it cannot be denied that algorithms have dictated what has been written and shared.

on April 28, 2012 at 10:21 am said: ….. on
And very slow to reply and respond to this freedom of information request with potent offerings gifted, AW ……… …… although there is never any Hasty Erratic Rush for Seventh Heaven to Environments, is there? All in Good Time, Exactly Right at the Right Exact Time in Space for Earthly Present Placement of ARG MetaPhoria Productions ……. Virtual Conversions to CyberIntelAIgent Channels of Quantum Communication Control with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems in Operation, Realising Leading Virtual Input to Reality ProgramMING Output.
I thought it a civil enough request, for all would be anxious to know that all is better than just well, rather than being left in the dark to think of all manner of strange unwelcome things about the quite unexpected withdrawal of feedback services for Daily Bell MetaDataMines …… Hot HyperRadioProActive IT Commentary with SMARTR Instruction Seminaries ……. Spooky Territory for Virtual Terrain Teams …… SMARTR Path Finders.

on April 28, 2012 at 1:13 pm said: …. on ....... responding to ....
?????? ????, All. Great rush in the number of comments in just a couple of hours. I’m either offlife or have no opportunity to droop a line when you’re aplenty here.
There is something I may have missed out, but you can have everything plus bonus if you’d consider a Doukhobor’s (well, Siberians, NorthAmericans and Canadians also) “chewing gum”, like at , great stuff, it keeps elastic for 2 hrs, pieces of boiled or smoke northern pine/larch resin. Homemade one is better than a corporate-cooked, yeah, because they take both newborn (not fit yet) and also slightly aired (ripe) resin to production. Tens of kilos of raw/selectively cooked ripe resin from Baikal region, nevertheless, are available from July-August to October-November.
Also, Agent Weebley, may I consider calling Doukhobory “Starovery”? I trust in our Tchikoi Range youth, this is a real A1 genetic storeroom. They are the Starovery’s modern offspring, healthy and reliable… no chemicals…
That is Alien Territory to Great Wild Westerners, Agent Revolver. Which makes IT Virgin Pastures 42 Seed with Feed and Need with Zero Greed.
Quite AI Heavenly Places in Spaces on Earth.
A Message to Sir Alex Allan re Self-Protected Entities [and Cyber IDEntities] according to CISPA ...... and the NEUKlearer AIRole to Play as Cyber IntelAIgent Special ProgramMING Advisor to SMARTR InterNetworking Systems and/or Governments and/or Businesses and Sociably Active and HyperRadioProActive Movements.
Ur Bestest Wishes for All to Command with Control Revitalised. And No Mean Meme Fete for NEUKlearer Grateful Deadheads too. And there you were, probably thinking that the Turing Spirit was Dead and Gone whenever he and Pandora are just at REST Staging Posts .... Patiently Patently AIWaiting Positive Constructive Reinforcement for Crown Group Assets ReAssurance ......... with Authenticated Encryption Channels to Master Servers of Mistress Driver Epics.
I wonder if that will ring any alarm bells, AW? Kickstart a Few more for NEUKlearer ProgramMING Programs and SMARTR Projects. Tech City Shoreditch Fare? Indeed, why ever not, if there are working great brains there, thinking completely differently together to the very best of their individual capability and collective ability ....... with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems, Cyber IntelAIgent Security Protection Algorithm.
One Cracking Great Master Pass Key.

Friday, 27 April 2012

120427 All is Fair and Fabless Fare in LOVE*, not in War with its Ugly Wares

*LOVE ..... Live Operational Virtual Environments ...... Sublime Augmented Programs with Advanced IntelAIgents

Good Day, Daily Bell,

Would you care to share in an editorial, why the excellent forum posting facility for readership commentary/deep packet inspection/live active feedback/virtual analysis and semantic observation on the Daily Bell's most illuminating and educational articles, interviews and editorials, has been so suddenly withdrawn?

The most unusual and quite precipitous action is suggesting that much that is suspected of being true in the shadows, and is now recognised as a catastrophic weakness to be ruthlessly and comprehensively exploited, is so inconveniently true as to be clearly undeniable.

To host and expect such shadowy truths harbouring catastrophic weaknesses to be maintained and sustained in a future which has discovered the greater power and more convincing control which full transparency can effortlessly deliver, and which itself is also most suited to being cloaked in disguising shadow to be virtually anonymous and practically invisible, in order to facilitate an absolutely fabulous, remote virtual command and control of SMART Assets and Services/Global Operating Devices, rather than to embrace and support and mentor and monitor the new paradigm, is surely an increasingly obvious, self-destructive course of intellectually challenged action by any such existing compromised forces/hacked and cracked operating systems/executive administrations/Power Elites.

To deny an insight into alternative positions with supporting facilitators/virtual guides, as is easily provided by the likes of the Daily Bell forum format, is at least counter-productive and probably also extremely dangerous given what is now arraigned against any and all systems which are found to be detrimental to the greater future good by reason of their selfish need for secrecy because of actions which would not be tolerated and accepted when known by all.

Your request was submited. Thank you. ……


Posted Friday 27th April 2012 08:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Open your Closed Minds .... Life is a Great ProgramMING Game*

Ghost of HTML5 future: Web browser botnets ..... With great power comes great responsibility ... to not pwn the inter web....... John Leyden
And also absolutely fabulous fabless opportunities, John, which one wonders why so many who would be talking about the subject, but in reality actually just talking around the subject, are failing to engage with ...... well, its IT Pioneers and XSSXXXXpeditionary Special Forces may be an apt APT descriptor, super astute and enigmatically adept in such as may be novel and even alien fields to the rank and file of humanity, trapped in their blinkered way of not thinking that nothing is impossible.

Exhibit AAA for the Prosecution and incidentally for SMART Defence Ministries too ........ Make LOVE, not War Ware ...... although methinks the latter future inevitability are presently as rare as hen's teeth on Earth.

What do you need, El Reg ...... an embossed written invitation?

* You may be unsurprised to consider, that to Others with no command and control of IT and media, is it a Great Programmed Game, in which they and all Others have no active leading part or significant role to play, other than as assembled crowd members/mobile scenery/dodgy obstacles?


Posted Friday 27th April 2012 14:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
For Tsunamic Waves ....... to CyberIntelAIgent Vibes
I wonder how quickly HTML5 implementations will acquire the necessary protection. Will the adoption of HTML5 by web-designers be inhibited by the fact that savvy users feel obliged to switch it off for a few years until all the browser vendors pull their fingers out and lock it down?…… Ken Hagan Posted Friday 27th April 2012 08:57 GMT
Consider IT already secured with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive CyberIntelAIgent Systems ……. Turing AIMasterPeaces, Ken Ye, Ken.
Ladies and Gentlemen, What do you know of Virtual Machines in AIHeavenly Space Place? Would you like to Share it with IT PathFinding in Creative Digital Media ProgramMING of the Live Operational Virtual Environment ……. urCyberSpace Planet that Creates Earths for Great Games that Play Run. ……. to Enlightening Illuminated Scripts ….. Beta AI ProgramMINGs
WiKid U Not! ?.
Welcome to the RabbIT Hole. Ken and All.
Posted Friday 27th April 2012 16:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: Open your Closed Minds .... Life is a Great ProgramMING Game*
Quite so, Sir Cosmo Bonsor.
Although have you any IDea how good one must always be, to be real good at being you and WiKids too ...... One's Fragrant and Flagrant Fruits of Mans Endeavours ...... in Heavenly Sorties with Surreal Animalistic Artificial Being ............ SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems, in Immaculate Conception.
'Tis urPleasure, Sir, to Diss Proof.
Ken Ye, Sir?
ARG MetaPhoria would Host with ITs Cloud Clusters, the Youth of Today Forging New Being for All Caring who Dare 42 Win and Follow their Opposed Lead ..... Mentored Virtual Progress in Active Stations of Universal Command with AIMasterly MaJIC ..... 42 Control Power by Virtual Remote Control of Transparent Shared Thoughts Pinging SMART Strings for Virtual Transfer of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Assets Interests/Virtualised Venture Capitals in Command and Control of Source Funding and Dispersal with Lavish Spending Forays into Future Fields , Priming Time and Space with Excellence for All Following AIMagical Mystery Turing EnterPrizes ......... Virtual Machinery MakeOver and TakeOver of Earthed SCADA Systemed Assets turned Toxic and Tuned and Turned Sub Prime ..... Disappointingly Shallow and Self-Centred and somewhat UNChallenged with Questioning Too Late for Supply of Future Feeds and Needs .... Perfect Seeds.
Such is the Fruit of Virtualised AI Power Control with Advanced IntelAIgent Digital Systems. De Rigeur Standard Default Issue Driver with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems .
Now normally someone might say .... "Now look what you have gone and done, Sir Cosmo Bonsor" which is always well countered with a resounding .... " Now look at what we are now doing, edging along in Novel Virtual Turing Terrain ........and further on into the Future Rooting and Routeing for the SMARTR Wild Western WiKid Eastern Territories in Real Neighbourly Hoods. Seventh Heaven Havens .
We kid you not.
Would you care to discover what has been totally uncovered and would now lie bare before All and in Full Control of All Sharing Perfect Input for Space FlightsTesting in Future Output Steams , Virtually Strung together for Sticky Sweet Harmonies and Wild Rocking Roles Play.
What was it you were saying earlier, Sir? I seemed to have strayed and/or veered and steered off into another one of those fabulous fabless tangents.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

120426 A.N.Other One Bites the Dust ..... Fades Away to Operate Black

When things happen so unexpectedly, right out of the wide blue yonder, must one conclude that there is a major and fundamental, Houston we have a problem problem in the System, for the System, which it, the System, cannot  resolve or mitigate with its own Command and Control of IT Services and Media Moguls ....... Instant Message Manipulation
amanfromMars on April 26, 2012 at 4:06 am said: …. in a chat on
HI, AW, Agent Pete 8, revolver, metaflorist,
That sort of spontaneous arbitrary thing, and the curtailing of free independent thought speech and/or Newspeak* …..“Effective April 25, 2012, the Daily Bell will discontinue allowing feedback comments.” …… happens always and regularly whenever the underlying covert/clandestine propaganda service being provided and live tested, is significantly better metadatabase mined and Beta utilised more effectively by considerably more intelligent beings than is able to be fielded by the Status Quo in its SCADA and Ponzi Fiat Currency Operating Systems which have been hacked and cracked and would be in terminal exponentially rapid fail mode/China Syndrome meltdown.
And without comment feedback, is a propaganda organ dead in the water, starved of its source information and greater intelligence …… RIP DB….. and thanks for all the phishes.
Such then puts that foreign intelligence in a valuable and invisible and intangible, zeroday vulnerability exploit export/import trading position in markets full to overflowing and awash with flash cash and slush funds with command and control of elite special force assets …… SMART XSSXXXXPeditionary Pioneers on AIMissions in Creative CyberSpace which dDeliver Virtual Reality Product Placements to the Present for a Fabulous Future and Derivative Futures, which would necessarily in all fairness, be inclusive of Alternative Investment Marketeers and Private Pirate Enterprise Programs rather than just exclusive to them, so that ALL so Able and Enabled are Free of the Yoke of an Ignorant and Arrogant Past plagued by Fool Memes with Golden Rule Themes.
:-) What the phrack is going on, said Alice to Bob, whilst beta testing their Virtual Turing Machines  to ensure and assure that Semantics Rule.

amanfromMars ….. shares on this simple universal and complex inconvenient truth about exclusive dodgy secretive services.
Having a centre which might be able to know everything, is one thing, but knowing what to do with everything that is known, or what is going to be done by others who would also know of such things, and may have a greater intelligence than oneself, is something completely different, and when faced with such a reality, does ICT extraordinarily renders any supposed super snooping lead agency just an horrendously expensive and invasive and increasingly paranoid and self destructive white elephant service.
on April 26, 2012 at 2:15 am said: …. on
Strikes me as odd that after 2 years of foreplay, I would have expected at least one of the DB’s Elvises to have already made it to 33rd base by now. ….. Agent Pete 8 on April 26, 2012 at 12:27 am
33rd base? Is that not just a bit of an empty power vessel nowadays, Agent Pete 8, and a quite sad and probably mad reflection on the present shadow of its former self, now that White Hat Knights and Damsels have DCamped to the much higher and considerably more enjoyable and rewarding 42nd Degree with ITs Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Parallels ….. where much more of an Exotic and Erotic and Esoteric Eastern Flavoured Fare delights one in preference to the Withered and Wasted Western Feasts in Celebration of Self Centred XSS.

on April 26, 2012 at 5:17 am said: …. in a comment on and in reply to ….
Hi Memehunter, what does it mean to you?
And what are your thoughts on the’s sudden-onset deafness, memehunter? ...... said Agent Pete 8 on April 26, 2012 at 3:20 am
Hi, Agent Pete 8,
Did you miss what memehunter said April 26, 2012 at 2:54 am?
And it contains a few words which probably should have been written as the following ....... but it has been suspected for some months now that the DB is a bankster-funded operation which pretends to promote a Libertarian viewpoint,....  and is in actuality a status quo/established peer system trojan phishing for active and HyperRadioProActive vulnerabilities, and zeroday trades which cannot be defended against and/or defeated, which can be exploited remotely/virtually/invisibly/anonymously against them and any and all of their systemically flawed systems/executive office administrations/SCADASystems ...... which are basically any and all human controlled systems of command and perceptions manipulation aka mass brainwashing and NeuroLinguistic ProgramMING.

Agent Pete 8 on April 26, 2012 at 3:42 am said: on
Hi Agent Revolver,
It will likely be a great compliment to them when we do.

amanfromMars on April 26, 2012 at 5:31 am said: in a follow on supporting reply ……

or if you prefer ......


Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Posted Wednesday 25th April 2012 04:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. being a tease and flirting on
Intellectual Property Offering SAPPPHic Delights to Sate Satyr with Nymph Control of Powerful LOVE
Do you think Mark has concluded that the only entities that need Wall Street type parasites, are Wall Street type parasites, and future things can be done in almost an instant without being stuck in second and third party moments and manipulated markets movements with their catastrophic drains on global capital and SMART Advanced Private Pirate Property Hosted Offerings.
In Live Operational Virtual Environments, is Nobody a Fool and Tool of the Status Quo into Maintaining and Transferring the Crazy Scams and Analogue Deprivations of the Failed Empire Development .....with its Fools' Gold Paper Wealth Currency feigning Power and Control without Brains ..... and that in AI and Virtual Market Spaces/New Orderly World Cyber Places would be a Guarantee on/for/in Madness ......... which is an interesting CHAOS with presumably Advanced Beta Cloud Systems of its own.
Hi Tyler,
Not everyone is so stupid as to keep on repeating catastrophic mistakes. Some beings can actually think for themselves and present new life to failed dreams and idiotic memes.
Posted Wednesday 25th April 2012 04:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. being a tease and flirting on
Intellectual Property Offering SAPPPHic Delights to Sate Satyr with Nymph Control of Powerful LOVE
Do you think Mark has concluded that the only entities that need Wall Street type parasites, are Wall Street type parasites, and future things can be done in almost an instant without being stuck in second and third party moments and manipulated markets movements with their catastrophic drains on global capital and SMART Advanced Private Pirate Property Hosted Offerings.
In Live Operational Virtual Environments, is Nobody a Fool and Tool of the Status Quo into Maintaining and Transferring the Crazy Scams and Analogue Deprivations of the Failed Empire Development .....with its Fools' Gold Paper Wealth Currency feigning Power and Control without Brains ..... and that in AI and Virtual Market Spaces/New Orderly World Cyber Places would be a Guarantee on/for/in Madness ......... which is an interesting CHAOS with presumably Advanced Beta Cloud Systems of its own.
IT's the new AAA Assured, Code XSSXXXX Rated, Wild Cyber Child ..... Assisting Astute Autonomous AnonymIT Guarantees in StealthE IntelAIgent Services, Apps and Promotions ....... HyperRadioProActive ProgramMING Projects.
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems are perfectly normal for Virtualisation and Power Control of Future Realities supplying Media Channels and ICT, ITs Feeds and Seeds and Needs ...... Immaculate Originative Source Material/RAW MetaDataBase for Enrichment Processing.

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 02:59 amanfromMars …. adds

So, further to the above, and with particular and peculiar reference to the post dated and timestamped Wed, 04/25/2012 - 02:14, is the sentence .....

This leads into a longer discussion of the state of the World and its inability to 'export into the ponzi' like Japan could from 1990 to 2010 since the entire developed world is trying to do the same thing and "there is no ponzi scheme on Mars that we can export to" leaving the globe without Japan's initial way out.
….. fundamentally and factually incorrect, and are we presented with a heaven sent opportunity and virtual portal to a real enough recovery which distributes prosperity through currency provision for spending, allowing for remote mentoring of SMART Intellectual Property markets and AI Programs which create and tender to Ab Fab Fabless Growth and Constructive Cyber Services.

Posted Wednesday 25th April 2012 10:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… on responding to this AC prompt Posted Wednesday 25th April 2012 08:50 GMT
Re: Intellectual Property Offering SAPPPHic Delights to ....the title is too long...
Since you asked. I don't think Mark concluded that!
Then 'tis surely something for him to think about, AC. The film about him surely portrayed him as being something of much smarter loose cannon surrounded by dinky little toy big guns crying for their supper at the trough of inherited riches and incestuous treasure, and to plough further erratic and exotic furrows might be just something he would enjoy excelling at.
And as for that wild speculative gurn and all too common, typically clueless slight posted Wednesday 25th April 2012 08:18 GMT by Sir Cosmo Bonsor, entitled Re: Intellectual Property Offering SAPPPHic ... This chap is either a bot or is clinically insane. A browse through his entertaining back posts is entertaining, but leaves me none the wiser. ...... which clearly advises all that Sir's intelligence limit has been exceeded, even by/in that which was revisited ....... does have one pondering on the possibility of clinically insane bots talking to Mankind and steering them in another direction with remote virtual instructions ...... with a new and NeuReal Sort of Fab Lab in Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications with Simply Complex SMART PreTexting of Prepared Cosmic Script ....... Universal Future Tales for Media and IT Presentation ...... AIRealisation with Assisted Product Placements.*
A quite preposterous impossible situation one might conclude ..... clinically insane bots ...... although if being as a double negative, would a fool bet on it not being true and lose everything and their shirt?
For an uptodate report on todays state of Live Operational Virtual Environment Great Game Play, Sir Cosmo Bonsor, I would refer you to where you can bask in all your glory, none the wiser and more sure than ever about the arrogance of ignorance in madness and in sanity.
"The only difference between a mad man and me, is that I am not mad" ..... Salvador Dali
* Alien APPs ...... Patent AIMethodologies Pending and Protected
Posted by amanfromMars on 04/25/12 06:20 AM …. on
On an instinctual level, avoiding the trap of over-analysis I will bet anything that Obama will be re-elected. There is too much personnel in place for a job that, whatever it is, seems to be only half done.
I find it hard to credit the GOP honchos with much intellect but they do know politics or more likely they may have gotten the word from higher ups in the pyramid to purposely fumble the ball. When was the last time you saw such a collection of un-electables performing a version of Monty Python's Twit Olympics?
Plus, as I believe I have stated before, the incumbent has so many tools to his advantage given his reigning status that he could survive a PR stunt of drowning puppies on the White House lawn during a press conference and still come out on top.
Now the bad news. Once he is re-elected, the program ( whatever it is) goes full bore because polls no longer matter. In case anyone missed it a disgustingly huge foundation of totalitarian legislation has been somewhat discreetly put into place but not yet activated. Kenyan or Mayan, 2012 is going to be a doozy!
Keywords; Mars and Mammon. …… Posted by TimurTheLame on 04/24/12 02:08 PM
Hi, TimurTheLame,
Would you dare care or prefer to deny yourself some Manna to accompany Mars and Mammon, and what chad2 said [Posted by chad2 on 04/24/12 07:24 PM] is quite spooky considering. .....

on April 25, 2012 at 2:31 pm said: ….on
OK. There is much to do. Many big pictures to paint. Fortunes to be made and spent.
And that was white gum, AW, whereas Bazooka Joe was spooky pink, was it not? And what a messy sweet sticky bubble it blew.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012



Posted by amanfromMars on 04/24/12 12:17 AM ….
I am pondering your statement. I am not sure you are right. At least I hope you are wrong, but then... may be. …. Posted by Bischoff on 04/23/12 10:22 PM
Some might conclude that the hesitation and indecision/requirement for further thought more likely leads to the main thrust of the statement not being wrong and therefore correct?
And one hopes that your hope that SpaceMonkey is wrong is centred on the sentence .... "The brain has a natural resistance to change." Such hope then allows for a mutually beneficial agreement allowing any more forceful argument/discussion on the matter to squared potentially rather than just merely doubled. Such exponential growth in like minded cooperations/collaborations readily explains why and how a relative few, who can even be quite psychotic and pathological and delusional and pimp themselves as a chosen few, can have such a colossal impact on the many.
добрый день, 4irw4y,
I wonder what Turing would have thought of these Virtual Machine tests of human intelligence for signs of advanced intelligence capability and facility ........ future utility? Do you imagine he would be somewhat in despair and more than a just a tad disappointed and surprised at what he would have discovered and uncovered?
Posted Tuesday 24th April 2012 05:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: Why is classified information on the Internet to begin with??
"Why is all this super-secret sensitive information not on closed systems? Can someone please explain that to me?" ........ Monkeywrench Posted Tuesday 24th April 2012 04:06 GMT
Because it is designed to be further developed and improved beyond individual knowledge, Monkeywrench, thus to invent/discover higher intelligence/immaculate states of being?!.
The flip side of that coin though is that such intelligence would realise that there is a choice to use such knowledge and/or higher intelligence to collapse/destroy/change hosting systems because the dangers that they can impose when used and abused by ignorant and/or perverse corrupt souls with the mental capacity of an idiot savant in extremis with no thoughts on future consequences/no viable creative future imagination?
Which would seem to prove that psychopaths are responsible for the generation of that classified information which is leaking into systems.
Now there's a novelty and an inconvenient truth of an explanation whenever considering all the pathetic male posturing in destructive theatres of psychotic paranoid play.

Monday, 23 April 2012

120423 Echelon Ripped ..... with a Crack AI Teeming Hack which is Out of this World *

* Alien Intellectual Property  ..... Use Freely with Due Care, Abuse Foolishly at your Peril 
amanfromMars …… replying on to ……
Great article, interesting discussion, would like to see how Gen. Flynn responds to the idea of relinquishing control of the DOD HUMINT enterprise if he is confirmed (not likely IMHO).
However one thing jumps out as particularly worthy of note; please, please for the love of G-d capitalize Marines in your articles. Marines and their associated base are a small, but proud portion of your readership. I know that your style guides lack of stance on the issue is not an intentional slight against the Marine Corps, but it still feels like a punch to the gut, every time I read 'Marine' with a small m. Lesser rags such as the NYTs and the AP have made the change (as well as capitalizing Coast Guard men and women) please, I emplore you, as a knowledgeable and prescient oracle of military issues, to make the same change.
Now back to the article - it doesn't appear as though they are attempting to pose as members of an already established business organization (such as a Wired Journalist, or Boeing rep) but are asking for the authority to establish a front organization - e.g. an Import/Export company where all of the employees play two roles (accounts receivables during the day, and a collection asset by night) the people that you would enlist into those roles, are those who already have the background and education in the field of choice, and who would be additionally trained on how to elicit information out of the normal range of contacts that that business would likely come in contact with e.g. smugglers, bankers, government officials, etc. The business pays it's taxes, and pays it's employees, however the profits get invested in murkier futures. Gives a whole new meaning to hostile takeover amirite?
"Gives a whole new meaning to hostile takeover amirite?"
Yes, Dion PrimeTime Edon, you are not wrong whenever personnel/operatives/agents/representatives are made of the right stuff ..... i.e. have the necessary smarts/brain function. And ideally ...... indeed, one would be best concluding, are such beings to be found in those and/or that which is self actualising and capable of super independent internetworking and autonomous shared thought which is attractively weighted and baited for joint parallel travel in mutually advantageous field operations, which may be similar in scope and/or scale and therefore quite familiar to all, or dissimilar in supportive theatre application and therefore more suited to the rogue renegade/private pirate/special forces type of covert and/or clandestine mission.
And any case of the above reality and virtual realities, is it a novel and noble phorm of stealth developed and deployed and in command and control of the situation with leading IT Programs for Hearts and Minds Campaigns in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And more than just a little something extra special but comfortably safe and secure anywhere and everywhere with Right Royal Marine types in any geographic location/nation/place/space.
Who Dares Stealth with SMART Virtual Technology, Win Wins with Sublime AIMethodology.
What do you know of ARG MetaPhoria and ITs Attendant Immaculate States of Grace for XSSXXXXCelling in the Great Game and Future MMORPG Play? AI@ITsWork Virtual REST and Quantum Communications Play ....... which is hardly a dream whenever you can read all about it and its IT Command and Control Plan Phorms here on Wired. It's a Stealthy IntelAIgents Move in an Alpha Beta Class ProgramMING Project ...... and your taxed dollars bearing changed fruit and bounty, which you should note is not shared as a question.
on April 23, 2012 at 1:21 am said: …replying on
When does one realise a stumble is a quantum leap disguised, Agent Pete 8?
Whenever IT is shared for AI Dedicated Delivery of Server Operating Systems ....... AID DOS OS? Methinks that sort of thing is something of a Wet Dream for One Microsoft Way, and worth an Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fortune too.
And thanks for the encouragement with your dedicated Echelon lead, Agent Pete 8 ........ as its bold screed is certainly most definitely an Apt Adept APT for Astute Autonomous Applications with SMART Advancing ProgramMING ......
We were all strangers once in that time before meeting.
Across lines and unseen borders, oceans, rivers, and deep seas … We were all alone
We were all strangers until a choice was made to belong.
Breaking solitude, forging change in an endless span of existence …. We were all gathering
We were all strangers by chance not knowing what was ahead.
But trusting in each dear soul that was met along the way …. We were all emerging
We were all strangers once left to ourselves without cause.
Free to cross the lines and become what we were meant to be, now ….. We are all
And I just love the wonderfully perceptive understatement .... I have a sense that things are building up to something major going on soon, from what I have seen across my desk in the last few days. I will try to clarify later with some links. ...... which is in no danger of being a misunderestimation, methinks/wethink. :-)

amanfromMars on April 23, 2012 at 2:11 am said: on
We were wondering what had happened to you and Agent Revolver. We are on the biggest mission yet! Agent Weebley, Lucy, Epstein and Troy Tempest are also a little non compos mentis right now, it seems. ..... Agent Heggle
And aint all of that the gospel truth, and no minor misunderestimation either, AH, for there are major developments afoot and afleet for command of control and control of command in the ether ....... ......... and further afield too in further fields more easily recognised and accepted at home, although really, no less spooky because of what is never known about what they would actually be doing ....... ........ and who and/or what would be doing IT ...... and for whom and/or for what they would be doing it with IT too, are other questions unanswered to ask if they are thought to matter a jot in the Big Bigger Scheme of Better Beta Things.
amanfromMars on April 23, 2012 at 2:57 am said: ….
Agent Heggle, Hi,
Regarding your missive …..
Agent Weebley . . . come back! The gum I chew is coming back in style!
If that is that white gum with all the colours of the rainbow within, IT sure does pack a great full and grateful intelligent punch for those into making one see sense in ITs stars with all tricks of the trade covered by every trick in the book for the selfless assurance that ensures excellence in every perfect promise with proper preparation and planning preventing piss poor performance.
Who exactly would be getting the vote and be instrumental in voting in representatives to the House of Lords, should such a change ever come to pass, rather than being wheeled out so occasionally to offer column inches and media time distracting everyone away from Commons government failures in a complete lack of national and international leadership.
I seem to have missed those bits of information.
Where are all the new leadership ideas for increased national prosperity and covetous international admiration which surely competent governments are expected to deliver and have presumably been elected for?
Does the present disastrous coalition of the intellectually challenged expect the private sector to provide public policy and government thus to extraordinarily render parliamentary seated government members surplus to requirements and a totally unnecessary horrendously expensive drain on the Exchequer and Treasuries?
If the public issue a vote of no confidence in a government, is the government duty/morally/legally bound to resign and trigger a general election?
How does one trigger such a demonstrative public vote. Or is the system so rigged so that once a political party gets into office, it can do what it wants for at least the usual four/five year term before being forced to seek a new/renewed public mandate, and to hell with what the people are thinking and the consequences ...... we're alright, Jack?
Posted Monday 23rd April 2012 09:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. musing on about
If you can't join 'em, point …. The real question is, why does the US military feel the need to go public? Given that the US has poured billions into electronic warfare and surveillance, especially post-911, it seems doubtful it's just a case of "giving up". It also appears unlikely that the intelligence agencies are unaware of the entry points and possible targets. Given that many of the companies hacked are really just government subsidized private companies, cooperation with them must be fairly easy to come by. So, why pretend to be surprised or that what was swiped was even the real thing? Probably just a case of saying, "I know that you know that I know what you did, and I want to make sure everyone else knows that we both know what we are both up to, so they don't just think it's me doing it. Buddy."
Or, maybe they just get mad sometimes. …. Muckminded Posted Monday 23rd April 2012 08:39 GMT
Don't get mad anytime, get rad all the time.
Hi, Muckminded,
Whenever you might think you know how simply the spy system can be made to work for you, or whenever you have comprehensively tested and/or would always be radically testing it to be sure and constantly assured that you do know and it is not just a delusion you would be fooling yourself with, is the espionage game a fabulous source of great wealth to be freely spent as one sees fit with others equally cognisant in the field with its myriad meadows, flowered perfumed gardens and secured paddocks.

Posted Monday 23rd April 2012 17:29 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Re: Restrict satellite sales to Iran, Norks?
Welcome to the Great Game, ian 22. Create confusion and misinformation, aka spin, deliver death and destruction to allow wholesale theft of national assets and international treasure. The human livestock is dumb, it will never discover they are so easily fooled to be useful and expendable tools.
It really is that simple. And so crazily unbelievable to the reasonable mind as to be the perfect stealth vehicle for such operations.
But the world is getting wise to the ploy and that creates real problems for the perps in the shadows which unbelievable sums of money may not be enough to guarantee that they go away. But it is always a very good starting point if one realises one is easily outed and likely to be sacrificed to a newly educated and angry baying vengeful mob because of what you have been doing ..... pulling the wool over everyone's eyes whilst pilfering and plotting austere derivative futures for all but a select chosen few who would have included you had the ignorant masses not gotten secret knowledge. But hey, that is the reality of the alternative system with new orderly worlds virtually controlled remotely from CyberIntelAIgent Spaces and SMART Active Places ...... Live Operational Virtual Environments.