Friday, 20 April 2012


"What kind of snow are they eating in Switzerland? Monopoly private/public central banking has been a failure wherever it has been tried.
The reason is very simple. Those who are in charge of printing money don't ever know how much to print. As a result they always over-print. And this inflation eventually generates price inflation and then ... ruin.
This is ineluctable. It will happen whether the power is held by private bankers or by "public" servants. The issue is monopoly money. If you have the power to print money and no one else does, you will inevitably abuse it." .... DB Staff Report.
Methinks the greater folly/crime/mistake/intelligence failing, and that which when resolved would solve virtually all of the many associated fiat currency problems, .... and that is a bold brave new orderly world claim, is it not, ...... is that the printed money, which nowadays is not even printed but is, and has been for some time, just a subjective, suck-it-and-see/arbitrarily agreed electronic sum transferred/flashed to an account to represent a brash stash of cash, is given to the wrong people, for it is surely proven beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt, that they, the past and present recipients of such fabulous largesse, have no idea about how to get it [and IT] to work its magic and bring peace and harmony and prosperity to all, settling instead for obscene paper riches for themselves.
Or would any like to disagree and suggest that everything is working well and as is expected? Don't be coy, now, we would like to hear what you have to say on the matter to explain were things have gone wrong, or right as may be the opposite view you would be proposing.
amanfromMars April 19, 2012, 21:43 ….. commenting on
Uncle Sam is turning somewhat cannibalistic as this video clip explains ..... even as the FBI fails to explain and has to run back to HQ for its instructions .....
The country appears to run by coke heads?

Posted Friday 20th April 2012 13:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. telling it like it is on Home Office 'technologically clueless' on web super-snoop law …..
Never, so long as pussy remains a cat.
A retired Special Branch officer sitting in the audience also chimed in to attack May's CCDP bill. He explained that the Home Office was interested in "pre-emption" to "get to the bomber" before an atrocity occurred.
Good luck with that, chiming retired Special Branch officer. Methinks pigs will have grown wings and flown before that is a practical reality.
Doesn't the system realise that discontent is caused by its failure to provide all that is needed by society to function as a constructive creative unit. Flash the cash around to those who are into providing just that selflessly and the situation will change dramatically and fundamentally.
It aint difficult, it is not as if it is nuclear rocket science or anything like that, it just needs some will and common sense to be shown and exercised.
The intelligence services are being made to look like incompetent fools, a AAA double whammy of ridicule, because they are not supplying what is needed to fix what is wrong and being reported every day in the news media as current and ongoing states of chaotic affairs. Peace and Order it certainly aint.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ..... musing on
Of course, the real trick is that there is a real enough person operating the Sim character ..... it is just like one of those sex chat lines morphed into the servicing of damaged military personnel rather than sexually frustrated humans?
Posted Friday 20th April 2012 14:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Ok, lets quit pussyfooting around and get right down to it. You know it makes sense
Might I suggest that GCHQ and other sundry snooping operations ensure that they have all MPs' and their SpAds' communications intercepted and routed through intelligence analysts. That should curtail a great deal of shenanigans for it does appear to be a case of their ilk, past and present, being responsible for all that the system is trying to monitor and prevent causing untold damage.
And what is holding up Chilcot's report on that which we know to be true?

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/20/12 11:56 AM …. on
Who in their right mind is even going to think about repaying crazily created debt ... ... ... ...
And check out the other graphic illustrations at the bottom of the web page too, to get a sense of the foolishness of pretending that the system is not just a means of perverse control of the ignorant.
The problem now though is, that the masses are being educated and are getting wise to the scams which have them as puppets to third party directed fates rather than masters of their own destinies. And boy oh boy, are they gonna have a field day when that reaches its tipping point/reaches critical mass.
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …….. has a moment on
Finally, a smart idea for smart agents. There is at least one major hurdle which might be a significant snag though, ..... the smart field operatives would have to know everything about what they talking about and know how to ensure that only that which is needed to be known and shared, is made known and shared.
And that does require a very particular and most peculiar mindset, based more firmly on Turing principles rather than Manchurian Candidate programming, and they don't grow on trees to be plucked and delivered at one's leisure, although find one and it sure is a pleasure to work with them, whatever side of the fence you would be sitting on.

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