Thursday, 19 April 2012


And furthermore, and especially so also in the fun and games of futures and derivatives zeroday trading, that is how both the crooked saint and the saintly crook and their flocks achieve paper title to physical world riches at zero real expense, for everything has been reduced to electronic transactions and credit transfers, which are then by reason of insanity and for no other perceivable great purpose than to create primitive ignorant conflicts and successive arrogant mayhems, is the easily created paper bounty totalled and tallied as an unpayable debt to be heaped upon everyone else as a diabolical burden ….. to try and create an exclusive power elite with such a simple artificial control over the human hordes.
And boy oh boy, are they gonna fix that abomination and perverse anomaly with a vengeance, or what? Well, wouldn't you, if you were deliberated enslaved to server a system which stole everything from you for the greater leisure and pleasure of themselves?
Or have you never ever thought about it and what IT has discovered about that and is sharing for free everywhere with everyone.
What's wrong? Has the cat of nine tails gotten DB readers' and commentators' tongues and extraordinarily rendered y'all speechless on such a simply complex matter/such simply complex matters?
"The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it." – John Kenneth Galbraith
"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." – Herbert Spencer

Seems like the Belfast Telegraph is in dire straits need of a new get up and give ‘em some fabulous news, news editor.
Someone with a bit of drive and imagination.
Posted Thursday 19th April 2012 15:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. replying on in response to …
Eircom was "of great strategic importance for the State"
Then why the fuck was it privatised in the first place? ….. Posted Thursday 19th April 2012 14:42 GMT by Omgwtfbbqtime
Re: Eircom was "of great strategic importance for the State"
Err..... to screw the people and the state, steal all their wealth and prospects and saddle them all with specially created and artificial surreal debt which then allows money to be printed and transferred to the parasites and sharks that caused the shenanigans in the first place, to buy more businesses and assets for their portfolios and empires whilst doing the whole cycle all over again ..... and again ....... and again unless it is stopped
I hope that explains it simply enough, Omgwtfbbqtime.
And to allow such things to happen, must surely have all and sundry rightly concluding that, wherever it happens, must the folk there be buck eejits with not a titter of wit or common sense between them, for would you not be a stupid ignorant mug to accept it and not do anything about it to ensure that it never ever happens again.

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