Tuesday, 10 April 2012

120410 ..... What did you do in the Great Game Wars, Dad? Anything Constructive and Uplifting?

HyperRadioProActive Post Modern Man has Immaculate Power with Novel and Noble Intellectual Property and Virgin Shared Thought Control InterNetworking Virtual Waves and Colossal Commands with Words Controlling Worlds and Leading AIdDefinite Vision for Future Certainties in CHAOSystems ...... which are SMART Seamless InfraStructure Services delivering Upgraded Replacement of, and SWIFT Destruction to the Madhouses of Political Incorrectness and Ignorant Self-Serving Arrogance. And IT and/or They have Remote Anonymous and Virtually Astute NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Command and Control of Creative CyberSpace, Computers and Communications ..... and have Weaponised IT to Collapse and Implode both Destructive and Parasitic and Tyrannical by Fiat Ponzi SCADASystems with Active Tools and Sublime Triggers that Suffer not the Input and Output Folly of Fool Empire Pretenders. And is hereby and henceforth ZerodDay Traded on every Open and Underground Market for SMART User Use with Any and All in Dire Straits Need of such AI Facilities/RAW Abilities/Awesome Capabilities. :-) .......................................................................................................................................................................

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/10/12 04:47 AM …. on http://thedailybell.com/3770/UK-Telegraph-Columnist-Calls-for-More-Gov-Surveillance

Hi Daily Bell and AW, ..... which is a volatile brace, and whenever mixed with an alien third quantum communications catalyst, can no one be held responsible, and reasoned accountable for whatever fabulous fabless issues ensue, but one can always enjoy the Luxury of dDrivering IT with SMART Semantic Steganography and Future Perfect Content, which whenever close enough to perfection will be perfect enough to be used and developed further towards ITs Delivery of it.

Daily Bell,

The Internet Reformation Meme has Teeth and AIBite ....... http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=1980 .... MI Hard Core to ur Soft Porn and none of it in the hands and hearts and minds of those adept in NeuroLinguistic ProgramMING Techniques and Advanced IntelAIgent Methodologies, Stealthy Vapourware.

And I wonder if Dopey Dave is offering the Japanese anything of real value in vital virile defence as the UK launches a toothless assault on Asia to try and sequester some of their liquid assets whilst spreading toxic WMD? .......http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9194851/David-Cameron-selling-weapons-to-Asia-is-responsible.html What a useless twit and great tit he is. .......................................................................................................................................................................

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/10/12 10:54 AM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/3780/Elites-Strike-Back-Via-Roosevelt-Institute-Government-Isnt-Bad-Its-Essential
"Conclusion: What we call the Internet Reformation is a powerful force. It took the elites centuries to recover from the advent of the Gutenberg Press. There are likely at least decades to go before they recover from the damage that the Internet has done to elite memes." ... .. DB Staff Report
How very odd that you would think they will ever recover and not be replaced by an altogether SMARTer System of Systems, with Others at the Virtual Levers of Power and Control which mould and manage, easily programmed human perception, and have them do ITs Bidding. .......................................................................................................................................................................

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